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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 1200x675, nintendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003853 No.11003853 [Reply] [Original]

How come they built up such an obsessive fanbase? Was it a stroke of marketing genius?

>> No.11003857

They make polished, accessible games for kids.

>> No.11003862

Not to mention having high standards of quality.

>> No.11003865

Gamers generally have good will towards console manufacturers that were exclusively video game companies (Nintendo, Sega, Atari).

By comparison, the console manufacturers which were outsiders (Sony and Microsoft) have always been viewed with suspicion. It doesn't help that they can't resist fucking up the industry with their terrible, evil business practices.

It just so happens that Nintendo is the one and only games-only console manufacturer still standing.

>> No.11003871

Interesting self-contradiction.

>> No.11003875


>> No.11003876

Was it deliberate or accidental?

>> No.11003884

Nintendo started out in the business of playing cards and fuckshacks

>> No.11003892

Doesn't matter. Once they started producing video game products they became exclusively a games company. Whereas PS and Xbox have always been merely side-hustles at best for Sony and MS respectively.

>> No.11003896

Early brainwashing

>> No.11003897

Vertical integration. You can buy a Nintendo console, only ever buy Nintendo-published (or even just Nintendo-developed) games for it, and get a fairly well-rounded library (in terms of genre selection) with no need to ever expand your horizons if you're a kid, autist or casual who isn't interested in playing anything outside of the Nintendo brand.

>> No.11003906

And this

As much as it kills people to admit Nintendo makes solid games and mostly solid consoles. They have an autistically devoted fanbase because of this. That's not to say Nintendo is perfect, far from it. But if you look at them purely for their software and hardware they're great.

>> No.11003913

They made good games for decades

>> No.11003918

I see lots of nintendo fans complain like "ugh we haven't had a new ____ game in so long!!!" and I just wonder, do they ever play non-nintendo titles? People constantly talk about f-zero but I don't see anyone discussing the old wipeout games even though they're just as good. There are some fantastic zelda clones too which nobody plays. I think many people won't play shit unless it has a nintendo logo on the front

>> No.11003921

It's a valid argument nowadays with the death of AA development, if you want something like a new F-Zero or 2D Zelda your options are either waiting for Nintendo to make one and praying to god they don't do something stupid like making it a FOMO online game, or relying on 1-to-5-man indie teams who tend to fall into their own design pitfalls and won't match the quality of a commercial release from the heyday of AA.

>> No.11003925

>People constantly talk about f-zero but I don't see anyone discussing the old wipeout games even though they're just as good.
Wipeout simply doesn't have any of the charm, style, or beloved characters like F-Zero does.

It's like telling someone who misses Banjo to play Yooka Laylee or some shit.

>> No.11003928

>There are some fantastic zelda clones too which nobody plays
Most of those are either not very good, or miss the mark to some degree. Crusader of Centy's animal companions are a novel idea on paper but generally you want to stick with one or two combos, slashing the sword is ultimately useless too, so you'll be throwing it all the time.
Alundra is gorgeous and has a great soundtrack, but it doesn't make the most of its items and shits the bed at the final dungeon. Golden Axe warrior suffers from only having one button for items/weapons so you're gonna be fucking about with menus a lot.

Gunparu is good though, I like that one. Neutopia 1 is excellent too, though the second one has fucked up knockback behavior for enemies and really killed the combat for me. Beyond Oasis is great, that one's the real standout for me.

>> No.11003938

Wipeout is fucking great you dork

>> No.11003940

Nintendo's quality control is insane, and I say this as a massive Segafag. Even if you don't like a particular game, they're all spit-shined, and it's been that way since the 80s and never stopped. If you were a parent you could buy comfortably without ever reading reviews. Is the new Mario good? Maybe, maybe not, but I can guarantee it isn't bad.

>> No.11003959

>It doesn't help that they (Sony and Microsoft) can't resist fucking up the industry with their terrible, evil business practices
Yes, these days Sony and Microsoft are run by actual retards, but if anything, Nintendo's track record shows that they have been the most detrimental entity in the video game industry.
>threatening lawsuits to cease and desist fan projects
>actively lobbying governments to make it so that the products you buy can't be used in a way they deem is unfit
>making publishers sign exclusivity agreements in the NES and SNES days to punish multi-platform releases
>selling you ROMs they downloaded off romsites they shut down
>the Mario 3D all-stars release was a goddamn travesty
>no measures at all to fight against/discourage scalping

At the end of the day, Nintendo fans are fucking cult members.

>> No.11003967

Not one of these things you listed is as bad as Microsoft who:
>introduced paid online
>pushed the industry away from soulful games and towards dudebro, brown-and-bloom, multiplayer shooter bullshit
>tried to force an always-online console when the xbone was unveiled
>tried to sell the xbone as a "multimedia device" that sidelined games
>launched gamepass to try and fuck up gaming in the same way spotify/netflix ruined music/TV respectively
>invested heavily in GAAS shit
>blatantly want to force digital-only consoles

>> No.11003989

They make safe games, rarely take risks and appeal to kids and manchildren who are easy to please

>> No.11003995

>motion controls and cartridge based games arent risks
>the virtual boy wasnt a risk

>> No.11004001

Nintendo is evil as hell they just make games that kids love to play.

>> No.11004049

Nintendo is the Apple of video games.

>> No.11004119

They marketed heavily to boomers, who ended up calling every video game console a "nintendo"

>> No.11004120

My brain is completely nintendo wired. Everything I do, everything I feel has a nintendo soundtrack. Thats what you get when your brothers play gameboy next to your crib, when youve been bombarded since your early childhood with the branch. The soundtrack even helps me to settle in at new places/appartments and stuff like that.

>> No.11004140

What song do you hear when you're taking a shit?

>> No.11004152

>rarely means never

>> No.11004159

Im summing the adventures of bayou billie.

>> No.11004167


>> No.11004174


>ass liquid alert

>> No.11004464
File: 41 KB, 783x203, nintardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>target kids when very young
>turn those kids autistic through playing too many video games
>kids grow up into autistic adults, still play nintendo

its child abuse and its a brilliant strategy.
if only nintendies could see that Nintendo actually destroyed their adult lives.

>> No.11004493
File: 15 KB, 342x245, Sad Bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>selling you ROMs they downloaded off romsites they shut down
To this day, I'm surprised this rumor STILL gets spewed around despite the explanation on their NES ROMs being known for 16 years.
Kawase Tomohiro, one of the developers of one of the earliest NES emulators, named iNES, including its dumping tools, got hired by Nintendo. The iNES developer software he created back in the 90s creates a header on the NES ROM header. Thus the "iNES" string on the CoolROM and Nintendo versions, however the CoolROM and Virtual Console ROMs are not 100% the same with some strings different, as well as a different dump date.
Kawase created the NES emulators that run on Animal Crossing, Wii and Wii U virtual consoles based on his iNES work.

>> No.11004502
File: 100 KB, 700x1000, casshern-tvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some people too autistically attached to the characters.
I can't, for the life of mine, get anyone in the Mega Man fandom to check out Astroboy, Casshern (OG or Sins) or Hakkaider despite being key inspirations behind Classic Mega Man, Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero respectively, purely because its not Rock, X or Zero. The lack of the actual characters becomes a no-sell.

>> No.11004509

Casshern may have interesting visuals but it's pretentious and a slog to actually watch.

>> No.11004513
File: 16 KB, 280x278, Sakamotosan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I really enjoyed it but it might also be because its script was meant to be a Saint Seiya movie and I also love Saint Seiya.
What about the original? Is that more your speed? More boss of the week and travelling seeking Braiking Boss' lair.

>> No.11004514

Is this the salty auster thread?

>> No.11004616

All games are for kids. You fucking retard faggot.

>> No.11004654

Yeah, I sure love to play some of that PC-98 kidcore with my 5yo brother

>> No.11004680
File: 195 KB, 1188x800, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, super high standards....

>> No.11004685

>cashing into VR hype and making cheap easy to market gimmicks

>> No.11004757

it is really dreadful I love nintendo, I love nintendo games, but their fans are worse than harrypotter fans.

I even miss when nintendo fans talked about nintendo games not made by nintendo. It will be enough for them to talk about castlevania, megaman, streetfigther II on supernes.
Hell, I even miss when they talked about nes and supernes.

When was the last time they talked about donkey kong country saga, but about it levels, it music , its design (no about comparing DK games)?

I just wish for BETTER nintendo fans, step up you game.

>> No.11004762

Looking back, they're fucking overrated. Games are good and even great, but they're kind of there

>> No.11004765

gamecube was peak nintendo

>> No.11004769

>There are some fantastic zelda clones too which nobody plays.

I'm sorry, but they absolutely aren't as good. I've played so many of the "DUDE this is actually as good as Zelda" games to know they're mostly trash. BG&E is the ONLY one to honestly compare, and even that is obviously horribly cut down compared to what it was supposed to be.

Hardline Nintendo fans are right. They have standards. Nintendo really are the best and people who don't get this are basically idiots. I say this, not because I'm ignorant, but because I grew up with Sega and Playstation as my main consoles and it was always like "finally coming up for air" to play the best Nintendo games and experience how refined they were in comparison to even the best put together Sony/Sega/PC games.

>> No.11004786

Most nintendo games are mediocre isn't it funny that like all nintendo fans started criticizing every zelda game after BOTW ? It's almost as if they didn't like those games that much after all.

>> No.11004794

They kept making kiddie games with fun gameplay that an adult can enjoy. Hence, the permachild LGBT freaks spend the entirety of their welfare and “disability” money on Nintendo products. It’s genius, really.

>> No.11004801

Have you ever played NES, supernes, gameboy and gba games ever?

>> No.11004804

Nintendo did not design or manufacture the Power Glove.

>> No.11004836

Always amusing how anything Nintendo can make so many fanboys seethe like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.11004843

Most games are for teens and up.

>> No.11004849 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 1250x1250, 40_ronald_reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaccine injuries

>> No.11004861

It's been making games for a decade, it's obvious it would get a fanbase. What, you're telling me the PS has NO fanbase?
If that's the case, now *that's* the real mystery. We must ask, how tf did PS make games for a decade without getting any fans?

>> No.11004881

And they put their name on it since it fulfilled their "high standards of quality"

>> No.11004882

nintendo bad
sony good
how can we save the saturn
give me likes

>> No.11004886

That's how they're rated because of legal requirements, but 90% of their players are still kids.

>> No.11004919

Yeah, like 10+ year olds.
Mario games entrance to any kid old enough to hold a controller, while still appealing to the preteen snd early teen audiences reasonably well.
I have a 4 year old and a 7 year old. The 4 loves cars, he'd have fun with Gran Turismo, but the older one would be bored. Both of them love Mario Kart though.

>> No.11004924

1983 US vidya crash made people really hate American videogame hardware companies.

>> No.11004939 [DELETED] 

>(s)he never read VirtualConsole ROMs to find unremoved decades-old fan translation credits in them

>> No.11004952

What I want to know is why they have such obsessive haters?

>> No.11004990

>Nintendo started out with FuckShacks.
Tell me more. I knew about the cards

>> No.11004998

>It's like telling someone who misses Banjo to play Yooka Laylee or some shit.
Its already getting an HD re release called Yooka Replayee.

>> No.11005001

I need a redpill on how spotify/netflix ruined music/TV respectively

>> No.11005008

Wipeout plays nothing like F-Zero
Have you even played either of them?

>> No.11005009

True, at this point it's just hating video games. It's literally adopting the "/v/ hates video games" meme and changing it to "/vr/ hates retro games". At best for half the replies they might pretend they're hating the games by this company specifically, but if people suck for merely playing games (by this company), what does that say for people who play others? Why is someone who hates video game players on /vr/? It's asinine.

>> No.11005015

Manchildren that think they are the Sony Playstation or the Sega Genesis. When Nintendo does well they see it as an affront to themselves because they are their favorite game consoles and they are embedded in an endless marketing war. Its a developmental problem.

>> No.11005016

>Nintendo is the Apple of video games.
Its funny because growing up, I considered them the Windows and Sega the Apple.

Simple utilitarian box.
Simple utilitarian rectangle controller.
Countless great games for it.

"Sexy" console shape
"Sexy" controller that has the pause/rightclick button is needlessly difficult to access. (Master system had pause button ON THE CONSOLE, rather than the controller. You CAN right click with 3rd party mouse or "commandclick" on apple but its stupid.
The 16bit Sonic trilogy is much more beautiful than the 8bit Mario trilogy, but not actually much more fun to play, especially on a second playthrough.
OSX is much more beautiful than WinXP, but why can't I maximize a window?

I could probably think up other comparisons but that's all I got for now.

>> No.11005020

>if only nintendies could see that Nintendo actually destroyed their adult lives.
I do, but the blame really belongs on our parents.

>> No.11005023
File: 98 KB, 500x500, triforce (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make good games.

>> No.11005026

>nintendo bad
>sony good
>how can we save the saturn
>give me likes

>> No.11005030

sounds a lot like the bass from Just Dance


>> No.11005040

Most kids handle it fine. The blame belongs on your genetics. So your parents are to blame, but not the parenting.

>> No.11005047

Chess, poker, football, d&d?

>> No.11005049

>tendies are the obsessed fanbase
>so obsessed that every other Nintendo console is a sales disaster
>meanwhile Sony can release consoles without games and still break sales records
I’ll never understand how snyggers can be so mind fucked in their projections.
T originally a Sega queer

>> No.11005135

Microsoft is still paying for the Xbone reveal. They massively miscalculated peoples' willingness and ability to welcome an always-online console doubled as a home theater PC, at a time when affordable high speed internet wasn't as available.
>launched gamepass to try and fuck up gaming in the same way spotify/netflix ruined music/TV respectively
it's probably the single good thing they've done to get people playing their games. Way more consumers are trying out gamepass before buying a SeX/SeS
it's ok for consumers, as long as they offer shit people actually want, not so good for creators. They pay a flat rate, offer fuck all for residuals, and can dump content when it's time to repay for the licenses.

>> No.11005160

>I even miss when nintendo fans talked about nintendo games not made by nintendo. It will be enough for them to talk about castlevania, megaman, streetfigther II on supernes.
>Hell, I even miss when they talked about nes and supernes.
Userbase displacement, the old fans you speak of moved on with their lives and probably don't even play videogames anymore.
So now we're stuck with zoomers who grew up with the Wii.

>> No.11005283
File: 801 KB, 500x508, Screanibg skeleton chair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old wipeout games even though they're just as good. There are some fantastic zelda clones too which nobody plays. I think many people won't play shit unless it has a nintendo logo on the front
people always equate F-zero with wipeout when they couldn't be more different.
Wipeout is slow and clunky as shit.
F-zero is fast and responsive.
they are not in the same ballpark, it just happens that nintendo made the better game, if sony had F-zero instead I'd still play it regardless.

>> No.11005301

What does the reaction image mean?

>> No.11005765

You dropped your dilator, miss