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File: 6 KB, 320x224, Sonic2_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003008 No.11003008 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sonic 2 too long for a game that was intended to be beaten in one sitting(no save system and all), or am I just being a dumb zoomer?

>> No.11003017


>> No.11003020

yes but it was like the caveman era of vidya, they didnt know it yet

>> No.11003023

It's not too long. Mario 1, 2, and 3 are a lot longer if you don't use skips. And Sonic 3 & Knuckles, of course, but even then you can play those in a single sitting.
Back in 2020 I beat this + 3&K every day for like 3 weeks.

>> No.11003027

it takes what, 2 hours?

>> No.11003042

Use the level select anon

Maybe 40 minutes

>> No.11003051

its a hard game. I only got to the level with the spike ball things

>> No.11003052

Around an hour if you get all the chaos emeralds, including failing at the special stage once or twice and maybe a death here and there.

>> No.11003057

Even less if you know the reset glitch (you can play all 7 special stages on just Emerald Hill Zone Act 1)

>> No.11003062

I don't think a first time player is supposed to know that

>> No.11003071

Oh yeah I remember doing that a lot. Super Sonic is very fun, especially in Wing Fortress where the level 100% feels like it's designed for Super Sonic's enhanced momentum and his invincibility against the boss.

>> No.11003078

You were supposed to keep the console on (with TV off) for longer no-save games when you wanted to take a break.

>> No.11003092

Nah, you are fine. The reason why like 95% of old 16bit era games lacked a save system isn't due to the games being too short, it's because a cartridge with a battery is slightly more expensive and they are cheap bastards. That is basically the entire reason those annoying passwords saves exist and also why your high score resets even in arcade ports where high scores are important.
The NeoGeo AES is literally an at home arcade machine that only plays very short games and it has a memory card system. Not only do they save high scores but almost every game saves progress too so if you game over you can come back another day and continue. The Sega CD had internal memory and Sonic CD surprise, surprise, saved it's progress despite being just as short.
The reason why so many Nintendo 1st party games saved is just because Nintendo were slightly less cheap than Sega.

>> No.11003094

The very first time you play it takes way more than 2 hours to learn every zone lol.
If you already know every zone yeah. It’s like an hour.
It’s probably a 10 hour trial and error process the first time though. Having to start on stage one constantly inflates the time quickly.

>> No.11003101

Sonic 2 is not that long once you get a handle on it.

>> No.11003116

>It’s probably a 10 hour trial and error process the first time though. Having to start on stage one constantly inflates the time quickly.
Welcome to old games

>> No.11003251

The first time through is pretty long.

>> No.11003293

The definitive way to play this on original consoles is to play Sonic Classic Heroes. It includes SRAM, so you don't have to worry about losing any progress.

>> No.11003539

Garbage that totally fucks up how Sonic plays
Flamewing never got around to adding more teams or Sonic 3, alas.

>> No.11003554
File: 50 KB, 500x309, mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's too long. Saves were implemented in the next Sonic game after that one. Personally back when I played it I looked up how to do the debug menu code from a video game magazine and then used it to play and beat the last level. I didn't do a full playthrough until I was older.

>> No.11003654

Nothing stops you from leaving the game on pause and coming back to it later. You don't have to literally beat it in one sitting.

>> No.11003661

The 3 act Metropolis Zone drags on too long and it fucking sucks compared to the kino of Scrap Brain Zone

>> No.11003691

>Nothing stops you
Other people in your family wanting to use the TV or you wanted to use the TV in the meantime would stop you.

>> No.11003716

Just leave the console on while using the TV for other things?

>> No.11003734

Yeah and the final boss is complete bullshit. Hurr hit my one weak point that's hidden in the hitbox of my moving spikes and just get lucky 8 times.

>> No.11003934
File: 65 KB, 500x281, 4jfgj8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it takes what, 2 hours?

>> No.11004352

>or am I just being a dumb zoomer?
Somewhat. Sonic 2 still lives in the era of gaming where players were not expected to "complete " a "playthrough" on their first time booting up the game, indeed we never really used such terminology. Instead, the player would begin to play the game knowing that it was full-well impossible to beat the game on their first time playing. This is why games of this era have lives, continues, and scores. One would play the game, as well as they could, for as long as they could, until they inevitably lost all their lives and continues. Score was there as a rough measure of your performance. You would take what you learned from your previous attempts and apply those lessons to future attempts. Essentially, "getting gud". Eventually, if the game is well designed and your persistent enough, you will have practiced your way past a threshold where your skill of the game allows you to "beat" it. Many of these concepts are lost in future gaming, and I don't blame you for not understanding the concept outright.

>> No.11004426

8-bit sonic 2 is a way better game for short periods of time

>> No.11004473

>the first time
If it's the first time, you might fail on the first stages. Let's say you fail twice on the first stages. That takes what, 1-2 hour? When you fail the game is over.
That means you can STOP SITTING. Any trial or joke run, you can do that.
Then, if you have more time (even then idk 2-3 hours) and know the game, it takes one sitting, if you dedicate the time to the game, BUT you can pause, so to say accurately it could two sittings. it only isn't supposed to be 10mins like some phone game wtf

>> No.11005241

Hit him when he ducks

>> No.11005391

I thought the power brick would explode if I left it plugged in for longer than necessary. The Wii was the first system I left plugged in 24/7.

>> No.11006202

You mean


or, at a minimum


Meanwhile a single dim incandescent bulb used more watts. Pisses me off so much that I had to lose all of my progress whenever it was dinner time because Boomers don't fucking know shit about electricity usage or fire hazards.

>> No.11006582

Mario 1 is just 45 minutes. Mario 2 and 3 have unlimited continues (unless you're talking about the localised Doki Doki Panic which added limited continues for no reason)

>> No.11006652
File: 2.34 MB, 320x240, s2 final boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah and the final boss is complete bullshit. Hurr hit my one weak point that's hidden in the hitbox of my moving spikes and just get lucky 8 times.

skill issue, see webm.

You can open up the console, cut out the power light, and then no one will be able to tell if you left it going.

>> No.11006748

imagine actually getting good

>> No.11006781

No. The reason the game takes a long time to beat is that you get to some ridiculous stages near the end. It's intended that you die during them, if you run out of lives you go back to the start if you don't know the secret level select. The way the game made sense to me when I was young is that you play it and each time you get a little bit farther. Barring some kind of bullshit or mistake eventually you can get through aquatic ruins, casino nights, hill tops and mystic cave without dying. You can probably do that in 30-40 minutes after you're familiar with them, maybe more if you're going for super sonic go get stuck bouncing around in casino nights. You're over half way through the game at that point and honestly sometimes I'll play the game up until oil ocean and turn it off because that's the point like 90% of what's left is more tedious than fun.

It's not a long game though, if it weren't for the death traps most people could beat it in one sitting.

>> No.11006817

I mean, if you started it right after your homework, paused it during dinner, and stayed up til midnight you could finish it easily.

>> No.11006838

It's only slightly longer than the first game since the zones now have two acts instead of three.

>> No.11006841

>zones don't have 3 acts
you never beat the game

>> No.11006880

>1 zone out of 11

>> No.11006932
File: 362 KB, 701x960, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 2 can easily be beaten in under an hour. Movies are an hour and a half so that's what I would consider the top range of "one sitting".
Kid Chameleon is a game known for being too fucking long with no save system.

>> No.11007036

Oh wow, I never noticed you can get enough height to clear his spikes. I always though you were supposed to try for the frame perfect moment between arm swings which felt ludicrous so I always opted for the punch and run technique instead.

>> No.11007037

That's true, but it also has a deeply interconnected level warp system. You can jump straight to the end by crouching on top of the final floating block at the end of the first stage.

>> No.11007204

Admittedly, it felt too long for one sitting even back in 1992.

>> No.11007208

Just run faster.

>> No.11008694
File: 1008 KB, 1280x1162, 2d7c87b83933625221c2c112d323073c31cdc1f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's SEGA's mascot, and SEGA was all about that 80's arcade direction, even in their home titles. I think it's part of the appeal, the whole point was for you to play for days, weeks, with every single session ending in a Game Over, but with you still going a little further each time and learning too, as you get more motivated and confident, until eventually you'll just naturally beat it with ease.

It was an amazing feeling, of conquering a video game, and at that point they often last an hour, I believe that's Sonic 2's case, which is reasonable for a sitting, it just takes a while getting there.

This. I also love the simplicity, it's not only much shorter, but the Chaos Emeralds don't require a different set of stages with their own learning curves to conquer, they're hidden, and it's fun to find them and getting them, since some are very tough even if you know where they are. I mostly play the Master System version since it has this much better resolution, it's a fun playthrough.

>> No.11008728

If you use the reset trick to try for all the Emeralds it's like a 3 hour game, so yes. After finishing it a few times I just fucked around in debug mode.

>> No.11008732

zoomers who play on emulators with save states and shit will never understand. I was only able to understand this after playing Ninja Gaiden (NES) on real hardware and slowly getting further and further every session

>> No.11008817

holy ADD batman
the game takes like 45mins to an hr if youre playing casually. MAYBE twice that if you suck and die a lot

>> No.11008880

retards brainlets treating sonic as if has any difficulty LMAO

>> No.11009065

I also thought that's how it worked. You don't get much opportunity for trial and error, especially considering you have to fight robot sonic first, so I just assumed it was an insanely hard fight on purpose.
Then standing behind him was revealed to me in a dream, and I've only ever killed him by hitting his back to this day.

>> No.11009287
File: 998 KB, 250x251, what are birds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic 1
>Can play through the whole thing fine.
>Sonic CD
>Can play through the whole thing fine.
>Can play through the whole thing fine.
>Sonic 2
>All desire to continue playing just fucking dies whenever I reach Hilltop for some reason.

>> No.11009803

>caveman era of vidya
There really should be an age limit of at least 25 on this board

>> No.11010671
File: 415 KB, 768x576, Sonic 2 Game Gear Boss 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're struggling with Sonic 2 on the Genesis, try out the Game Gear version... it's shorter and more forgiving, simpler too, you'll have a blast!

...trust me, OP.

>> No.11010914

You're able to push through in spite of the double shitty gimmick whammy of Marble Garden and Carnival Night, but can't bother to beat one of the easier levels in Hilltop?

>> No.11010938

>say that something is absolute
>it actually isn't
You didn't know about it til I said something and you looked it up because you never beat the game, didn't even get close to beating it.

>> No.11010956

>>Sonic 1
Labyrinth Zone
>>Sonic CD
The second level
IceCap Zone
>Sonic 2
Oil ocean

>> No.11010961

hilltop is an incredibly chill level 2me, but oil ocean saps my will to play, prbly since I got lost once there

>> No.11012424


>> No.11012453

back then, games were not meant to be finished by most players

>> No.11012516

i remember being so proud of finding a strategy to beat this thing as a kid without any guides or internet
only to get gatekept so hard by hang gliding because child me couldn't figure it out

i seriously love the aspect sonics
this, chaos, and triple trouble are so comfy

>> No.11012531
File: 118 KB, 733x476, 1519748811568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are winners and losers, some people never lose and some people never win. It's a dose of medicine that losers don't like to swallow, but many a great losers went on to be one great winners after they contemplated their loserness. Others kept losing as if fate itself needed a statistical amount of pure losers to balance out the ether. I beat every game I owned as a kid, except Star Trek on Gameboy.

>> No.11012539

sonic 2 is objectively the easiest out of the quadrilogy. i cant imagine how youd get filtered by it. even when i was 2 i could make it all the way to wing fortress in 1 sitting. you cant use being a zoomer as an excuse because im 18 so probably younger than you.

>> No.11012546

having something better to go do and shutting off the game didn't make anyone a loser

>> No.11012552

I used to beat sonic 1 all day as a kid but struggled in 2&3

>> No.11012557

I had it easier with 3. 2 still sort of kicks my ass at times.

>> No.11012559

This is true, it probably made them more likely to win at life. On the flip side, they will never win that game. In my instance( Star Trek on gb), I will never play that game again, so I will never beat it....and that's actually me winning by not wasting my time playing a gane i dont enjoy.

>> No.11012623

3&K is way easier than 2, it showers you in lives and has a save system despite being longer. Oil Ocean and Metropolis are huge filters in 2 and they're both near the end. 2 also has the hardest final boss by far if you're playing blind.

>> No.11012638

>has a save system despite being longer

>> No.11012792

Reading comprehension dumbass, the discussion is how easy the game is.

The game is longer thus you would think it would be "harder" to finish easily but it has a save system so even if you were to somehow piss away the 30+ lives and all the continues a normal playthrough will give you without trying, you can start right back where you died.

>> No.11012825

The save system giving you practically infinite continues makes Sonic 3 the easiest of the 16-bit games by far.

>> No.11012835

That's like my life motto: "do her with intention".

>> No.11013039

Don't care. This final boss completely ruins the game for me. Fuck this shitty game.

>> No.11013040

Cut out Sky Chase and Metropolis act 3 and now it's the perfect length.

>> No.11013047

Nicely done. I can get through it but it isn't that pretty. I still get filtered by the Yellow Devil from Megaman. :(

>> No.11013061

I just put black electrical tape over the light. They didn't notice but it would still get unplugged at times because we were cheap bastards with no power strips to plug shit into so RIP if the old man wanted to occasionally rev up his turn table.

>> No.11013151

the save system is so real people with real lives could turn off the console and finish it later, chud

>> No.11013185

god you fucking suck

>> No.11013239

I play that shit on my phone and I regularly get to Sky Chase in one sitting. I stop playing when I reach Sky Chase cuz fuck that level

>> No.11013264

>sanicbabbies are retarded casuals
Why am I not surprised

>> No.11013273

>he says "sanic" in 2024

>> No.11013296

pausing turns off music for a reason. you are supposed to pause it, keep the game running, turn off the tv, and resume when you are home from school

>> No.11013319

you're supposed to play the first few zones repeatedly and rarely see the crappy later ones

>> No.11013338

I don't have two hours of uninterrupted free time anymore. I get home, eat, shower, and then I'm lucky if I can relax for at least one hour. I used to revel in the night and stay up until 2-3 AM playing games but the sleep deprivation made me retarded and I still haven't really recovered.

>> No.11013356

>real people with real lives
You forgot where you are...

>> No.11013397

git gud faggot

>> No.11014186

You have enough free time to post here, stop lying to yourself.

Everyone has plenty of free time, they just want to waste it on social media, messaging, and imageboards instead of having fun with hobbies or working on personal projects. Not that I'm not guilty of this myself, that's exactly why I know it's bullshit to claim otherwise.

Let's say you work a 9-5 job. Even if your commute is an entire hour, that means you need to be out the door by 8 and you'll be back home at 6. So let's take off a gratuitous two hours for getting home, showering, and eating, to be generous. So it's 8:00 PM. Humans need 7 hours of sleep. So you have 5 hours of free time to spare on a weekday even with a garbage commute. You're on /vr/ and didn't mention otherwise so I'm going to rightfully assume you don't have a son/daughter or anything that demands your attention. And then you almost certainly have weekends off to do whatever. A far cry from "one hour, period".

Go play some video games.

By the way, the effects of sleep deprivation aren't permanent. A single night of good sleep will get you back in action. Take some Vitamin D daily and stop relying on caffeine for everything, it will change your life.

>> No.11014213

so you can sit and spend all your money on arcade games like metal slug 3, simpsons, etc that last longer than an hour, but you somehow cant beat some HOME CONSOLES 1h or more games IN YOUR OWN BED AT HOME?!?! holy fucking shit

>> No.11014231

I'm still at work anon. I'm not going to get home until 8 PM. It will be 10 by the time I can do any free stuff, by which point I usually just go to bed these days. I wake up at 6 AM and leave the house by 8 AM. I only have Saturday off, which is date night with my girlfriend. Although I appreciate your help trying to schedule my time wasters.

>> No.11014245

whats the deal with games HAVING to fit your shitty adult life??? dude you're not a kid anymore grow the fuck up, face it, you don't have time, and that's not the game fault, that's just life. fucking face it

the question is: who were videogames made for? adult with responsabilities, jobs and shit? or children?
legit question, why did they game these games? what for? and remember the context, the 90s

but it's retarded to even pretend 90s videogames are for you. I learnt this ages ago, hence why I'm not a gamer. i have a fucking life you know, i'm not a kid, haven't been one since 15 years ago, and I accepted it just fine and went on with my life, only play some games here and there when I can, KNOWING I have to find the time

videogame are for kids dumbass

>> No.11014292

I'm not OP. I'm not pretending that games have to fit my schedule. I rarely play games anymore, as I said.

>> No.11014310

don't care, it's the same, and this goes for everybody who bitches about it
I had a sega genesis 3, and as I learnt years later, turns out it was a nerfed sega, so no lock-on tech and no saving system. I didn't give a fuck, I played sonic 3 just fine and thought its saving system worked when I resetted the game, then I turned it off and logically it was deleted, BUT I GAVE NO FUCK BECAUSE I NEVER HAD TO SAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE
but then I read here months, ages ago about retards being unable to play the game without saving system, that the system was very needed and that they couldn't accept the game without its saving system. holy fucking shit retards

actual long games are the ones that use the password systems. from old news games like bomberman or the megamans, but they are complex and long so they rightfully require password system. people bitching about sonic 2 not having saving system of any sorts tho??? holy retards, seen it before multiples times so I know damm well how retarded /vr/ is

>> No.11014326

Are you really implying you work 6 days a week in a way that takes 12 hours out of your day, every single one of those days?

You're going to have to forgive me for heavily doubting that, unless you have the absolute worst commute in history or are working some kind of nightmare double schedule with two jobs that winds up being worse than just doing full time.

If you're telling the truth, good lord am I sorry for you. You really don't have any time for games. I hope you have fun on your Saturdays off anon.

>> No.11014387

Yes. I work a church job and a retail job.
Didn't read

>> No.11014462

Sonic 2 is not that long

>> No.11015660

Absolutely seething

>> No.11015706

>Humans need 7 hours of sleep.
they need 8 and it takes an hour to fall asleep so it's more like 9
>So you have 5 hours of free time to spare on a weekday even with a garbage commute.
at least 2 hours of those is spent on daily chores. and then another hour for mental relaxation

>> No.11015721

No. I had this on the phone and was beating it in under an hour. I am not good at these games either.

>> No.11016541

Modern versions are easy moden takes away some of your freedom of movement so you can't screw up as easily.

>> No.11016686

Sonic 2 is just as long if not longer than every NES Mega Man bar 3. Sonic 3&K is two hours long. You don't know what you're talking about gramps

>> No.11016789

what are you talking about?

>> No.11016836
File: 256 KB, 600x352, 1656499720119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a shorter Sonic title, just play Sonic Chaos, if you don't go for 100% completion it's genuinely a 20min to 30min playthrough, and I know that by the end of it you'll either be quite happy, or you'll understand why Sonic 2's a bit longer. Sonic Chaos is fun, but shallow at times.

>> No.11016895


Sonic 2 isn't that long. Takes like 30 minutes to beat, assuming you don't die a bunch.

>> No.11016935

But the Youtubers told me that it's literally unplayable and bootleg tier?

>> No.11016972

Ironically the Wii was a console which would eventually develop faults due to being left on too long. I know my launch Wii has graphical artifacts.

>> No.11017068
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I wouldn't go that far... it's definitely mediocre, it tried a few things, some worked, some didn't. I'll give it credit for letting you play as Tails and also letting you fly with him for the 1st time... it's still clunky, they wouldn't get him right until Sonic 3 I think, but it works. Also, it had loops that you can run both ways, Sonic 2 was one way only, and it's got both the spin dash and the peel out, it's nice.

It's a shame that, despite being so close to Sonic on the Mega Drive, something the previous titles had trouble doing, they made it too easy if you're just getting to the end, it's all about 100% here...

How do you get the Chaos Emeralds here? It's by getting to the Special Stages... how? Oh, get 100 Rings! It's why there's so many rings, and why it's all so short, it's all about exploring for the Rings.

I sort of get what they were going for... it's quite similar to Sonic CD's focus on exploration, which also came out in 1993... but in that case there's a time travel mechanic to it, and you explore in the past to find the Generators and destroy them. In here you just get Rings and try to hold onto them until you get 100, to beat all the 5 unique Special Stages... it's not bad, but not that great either.

>> No.11017119

megaman requires strategy and these are not easy games. it requires thinking
dipshit you didn't even comprehend. megaman has passwords because it has a lot of variables. it lods a campaigns where you cleared stage 1, then 3 > 6 > 2, then it loads another one where you beat 7 > 1 > 3, etc. they have 8 stages, and that's not counting the castles, AND the power ups and items you might have grabbed or missed. all these are multiple variables. IT IS A COMPLEX GAME, it's rock and papers, trial and error, YOU'RE GOING TO LOSE AND SPEND TIME ON IT
sonic 2?? just hold right and jump a little, done, easy af. you beat it in one sitting, no previous strategy, no nothing. it's a very simple game. it is a game where you just breeze through. megaman?? nobody would clear a megaman game in his 1, 2, 3 or even 6th time of sitting and playing it

retards like you deserved to be specified of every tiny details, otherwise you won't learn

>> No.11017223
File: 172 KB, 842x519, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok please - how do these games fucking work? Are the dynamics actually deterministic of the inputs or not? I am trying to play Sonic 1 I can't get any feel for what the mechanics are so I'm trying to break it down into little tiny cause and effect tests.

So at the bottom of this S I want to go back in so I jump into the little quarterpipe thing, trying to land near the lip and press down to be a ball. This usually (!) makes me get speed that shoots me most of the way back up in the S. But inside the S without even pressing anything I can hear sonic go PSJJ PSJJ at random(?)(!) intervals. So I come out with a chance of having enough speed to launch from the quarter pipe, and a chance of not. I can see the S has some kind of pusher inside but it's just random?
That's one obvious source of randomness but also when rolling on the flat coming out of the S (again pressing nothing) sometimes sonic kind of jostles on the ground and gets a bit of air before the quarterpipe which kills the transition to it and you get no air.

So is it random or there's a timing aspect that you can get a feel for, or what?

>> No.11017227

btw yes i'm emulating in and that could be a factor but i'd like to know if it's the only factor, before going and investing in systems or accurate emu

>> No.11017234

Hit the nail on the head. If you don't cheat and look up the boss orders in Megaman games they take way longer to beat, you'll be trying multiple stages in different orders and attempting new strategies in ones you couldn't clear before as you take breaks from the ones you can't surpass right now. There's a lot more to those games than what >>11016686 did where he looks up longplay lengths on Youtube (Go check, the top two results are almost exactly 2 hours long. I sure do wonder where he got that number from.)

>> No.11019268

zoom zoom!

>> No.11019274

It's not random, it's just a scripted event. Same applies to some loops in the 3D games

>> No.11019298

git gud

>> No.11019580

The longplay length is always the most accurate measure for how long a game takes to finish 1cc. If you know the weaknesses, Mega Man games are actually easier than Sonic as Mega Man has so much health and so many weapons whereas Sonic must always make direct contact and if he loses his rings he dies in one hit

>> No.11019871

You can beat it in one sitting easily. Git good, n00b.

>> No.11019878

>waaahhhhh i hate games i suck at wahhhhh


>> No.11020086

Zoomer but it is a fairly long game if you aren’t familiar with it

>> No.11020402
File: 261 KB, 1024x1024, Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2-Sega-Genesis-Game-Screenshot-4_1024x1024-1376837404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played through Sonic 2 for the first time in a while. The "hardest" parts were the Casino Night boss, Metropolis Zone act 3 and its boss, a Sky Fortress boss. None of it was too challenging, honestly. Not even Death Egg's boss was too bad.

>> No.11020437

the s tube is not a scripted event. you're thinking of things in sonic 2. the s bend has pushers in it, which you can push against. you don't just get attached to a pre-animated path. Thanks for wrong advice right off the bat

>> No.11020449

If your best jump can't get you all the way up and through, you should try jumping off a higher point towards the bottom quarterpipe.

There's no pusher, that's just programmed into the game so you can't get stuck in the tube.

>> No.11020454


>> No.11020535
File: 921 KB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2024-06-11 01.03.45 - A vintage arcade game screen displaying the message 'Winners use drugs'. The screen is colorful with pixelated graphics, featuring a retro 80s or 90s .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game becomes fun if you enter the codes for Super Sonic and also play with emulator rewind

>> No.11020539

>he can't get all seven chaos emeralds before leaving chemical plant zone

>> No.11020545
File: 222 KB, 640x506, happy-pride-month-v0-emvlcjypz15d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) can't get them all in Emerald Hill Zone?

>> No.11020665

>Metropolis Zone act 3 and its boss
That boss is just a huge time sink right? Attack once, wait a minute for him to do his weird gimmick and repeat.

>> No.11021674

post one with knuckles. He can't do that

>> No.11021806

The stages are half as long as the ones in Sonic 1. You can zoom through Aquatic Ruin in like 30 seconds. It's only Metropolis Zone that's too long.

>> No.11021820

No, and it is shorter than it should be, as it is missing two zones

>> No.11022839

I wish super sonic didn't override the stage music

>> No.11023057

The timing is tough, especially at first, but yeah, it forces you to be patient.

>> No.11023539
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If Sonic 2 had the missing zones that were cut, a save system like Sonic 3's and having to press the jump button twice to activate or turn of Super Sonic at will... it would've been 10x better, as it is it's just a superb video game, but not without its few shortcomings, unfortunately...

>> No.11023971


>sonic SMS remake 1 and 2
>SMS 3 timelines unfinished but promising concept
>chaos remake (not finished yet)
>triple trouble 16 bit


>> No.11024089

He's right, though. Anything pre-2.5D is caveman era. DOOM and Wolfenstein 3D changed everything.

>> No.11024159

You're wrong though, zoomie. Caveman era is speccy and c64

>> No.11024287

Leaps and bounds of difference between the jump from pixel counts and the jump from 2D to 3D. Be a pretentious 15 year old all you want, you're not smarter than me or fooling anyone into thinking you blend in.

>> No.11024292

Saturn = caveman console confirmed

>> No.11024780

>play these shitty fangames
Lol no, how many end with Super Sonic fights against Metal Sonic?

>> No.11025909

I knew 3 codes for this. One enters a spawner mode that lets you place anything in the level and spawn as many as you wish. Cool but since you rarely want to spawn in a bunch of enemies is mainly just used for powerups after cycling through every enemy type.
One made supersonic. Oh and one was level select.

As someone mentioned, games were not intended to be played through and won on the first several attempts.
Internet walkthroughs or videos to copy didn't exist and you had to figure out everything yourself. Nobody explained every weakness so you knew it before even trying.
Many retro games were never beaten by a large portion of owners because they took hours to master, then hours in a playthrough to beat. Consoles had to be left on, they froze (nintendos froze up requiring reboot from minor bumps), got turned off, and many kids rarely had or spent the hours in a row per attempt.
The one reason you eventualy did beat them was you only had so many games and could keep trying. Kids also rode bikes, and did tons of outdoor stuff in the time period of those games.
It wasn't like modern times when a significant portion of the population plays games most moments out of school. Videos games were more for those brief times when you couldn't go outside for some reason.

>> No.11026229

Mario 3 is very long for a game with no save feature. There's unlimited continues, but a game over forces you to replay an entire world, and even if you don't get a game over it's significantly longer than Sonic 2.

>> No.11026469

Didn't read either, why are you blogging about u're life wtf? this is not your personal blog. I browsed here to read about video games, not the routine of some narcissist fag who sucks at them.

>> No.11027059
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Soft resetting the game keeps all your chaos emeralds, at least on the original Genesis version.
You probably can't get away with that on the Android / Origins versions, and also might not be possible on the Jam / DS Classic Collection / 3D Classics / SEGA AGES versions.
As for releases that use emulation, it depends on how they implement resetting if at all.

There's been an absolute shitload of Sonic 1/2/CD re-releases over the years (and a smaller number of Sonic 3 & Knuckles re-releases), and it would be interesting to see which releases of Sonic 2 let you do the soft reset trick.
Many of the releases have some form of modification or tampering that prevents you from using cheat codes, like outright removing the Sound Test menu, or in the absurd case of the DS Classic Collection; they didn't map the fucking Start button. You can only pause the emulation, not the emulated game.
It was a commercial release of a homebrew emulator called jEnesisDS by the way.

>> No.11027482

I remember buying a copy of this game in Barcelona as a kid and spending probably dozens of hours playing it, and beating Sonic 1 and 2 were such proud moments. But most of the time was sent dicking around with Hyper Sonic lol

>> No.11027487

Alphas playing these games on NSO or Origins with rewind and infinite lives will genuinely grow up with the wrong idea of what these games are. I dread the retro games discourse in the 2030s, people will treat these games as unplayable garbage.

>> No.11027534

But with arcade games you're supposed to see how the older/more experienced players were beating the game and learning from that. Banning people from looking at longplays to get tips for tough sections goes against the philosophy of the time