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File: 131 KB, 800x600, supergun_consolized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11001021 No.11001021 [Reply] [Original]

What superguns do you own? Have you made your own? Which do you recommend?
There seems to be a lot of choice on the market these days, but it seems the most popular are the HAS (constantly out of stock), the Axunworks offerings, and custom built Miniguns here and there.
I can't decide if I want a HAS or an Axunworks Cbox. HAS is much cheaper and more modular, and overall high quality and relatively idiot proof. But again availability is an issue and RGB won't open his storefront until next month. I'm not even sure how backordered they are or if there is a preorder page. The JJ-Cbox supports JVS and controller options that suit me, even without in built USB support, and is also very high quality, but a fair bit more expensive. And apparently there is also a waitlist and the machines are made to order.
Also, is it me or have candy cabs gotten way more expensive in the last ~5 years?

>> No.11001026

>look it up
>you use it to run arcade pcbs on consumer televisions
How many people on this board actually own this?

>> No.11001227


>> No.11001262

I have one for my NeoGeo MVS. It is a timeharvest one from hong kong that does the job in my opinion.

>> No.11001268

>What superguns do you own?
No idea. A buttload.
>Have you made your own?
>Which do you recommend?
None. If you actually care about using arcade boards you should be learning enough that you don't need recommendations. Especially from neets and weebs. If you just want to impress people on reddit then buy the same things they do.

>> No.11001280

I was looking at them last night on AliExpress, always been curious. Some arcade boards are pretty cheap.

>> No.11002781


>> No.11002864

have to be at least a dozen of them
its the only trusted way to run retro tournaments unless the mister core is mature like for cps1 and cps2 games

>> No.11003256

HAS more like HAS been sold out forever

>> No.11003261

bet you wish there was a post count here huh? die boomer

>> No.11003580
File: 212 KB, 678x902, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what guns
H.A.S. (recommended)
i also have a handful of the miniguns
the chinese cbox i grabbed on amazon sucks
>analog output is laggy, no s-video or composite
>rgb is ok but screen tears on some games
chinese garbage your mileage may vary
also had issues with the saturn controller ports
neither worked and it destroyed one of my controllers

>pic related

>> No.11003584
File: 146 KB, 497x847, kitchenBST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded kek
they are made in small batches
you get in the queue and then enjoy
i think im getting another one just to have a backup
but what is the literal point of this post?
not down
not falling for that aliexpress trick again

>> No.11003594

This was back when arcade emulation was shitty and people could actually afford to buy the arcade boards.

>> No.11003607
File: 148 KB, 1231x701, vintage-supergun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have been making "superguns" for decades
i think they were more popular in japan at first
but MAS systems gained notoriety in the street fighter 2 hype-era

>> No.11003609
File: 50 KB, 400x300, MAS-homearcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some boards are still cheap
if you are patient and bidwar\snipe
if you are ok with rolling the dice on untested
my copy of strikers 1945 worked perfectly and was "untested"

>> No.11003881

they were never really that popular in japan, the series production ones in japan maybe amount to a couple thousand devices across all manufacturers going by serial numbers

they were much more popular in the rest of asia where roms were bootlegged too, essentially half the cabs in asia were superguns in locally produced cabinets running copied ROMs

>> No.11003943

This doesn't make any sense. Why would an arcade cabinet need a supergun
I'm also all but sure that there are way more than a thousand Sigmas. Gonna need a source for all these wacky claims sir

A+ post

I have one

AliExpress garbage, doesn't attenuate video correctly and shitty encoder. Just buy HAS

>> No.11003951

>be chinese arcade runner
>your arcade crt chassis breaks one day
>don't have the ability to repair it/don't have a replacement tube on hand
>decide to just shove a TV in the arcade cab, maybe cut out the window a bit
>use a supergun so you can connect the actual arcade hardware to the new display
This sounds believable to me

>> No.11004083

Nah. Just wish the 18+ rule could be strictly enforced.
More like:
>be chinese arcade runner
>your arcade crt chassis breaks one day
>you easily repair it because it's a simple job, you have the skill, tools, and parts, and you know the difference between a chassis and a tube
Don't even need to get into how arcades kept spare parts, the shortage of tubes is a relatively recent thing, and a video converter isn't a supergun.
The sad reality is that by the time CRTs started to become uncommon in China it was much easier to just use an LCD, and most people did.

>> No.11005463

I owned one years ago but sold it and only emulate now.

>> No.11005467

I was watching Combo Breaker this year and chuckled every time the commentary referred to the "mister emulation setups" they were using.

>> No.11005472

>they were never really that popular in japan, the series production ones in japan maybe amount to a couple thousand devices across all manufacturers going by serial numbers
That's not true. You are a shitposter.

>> No.11006134

>I disappointed my parents
Many such cases

>> No.11006193

>implying they said anything wrong

>> No.11007703
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, I_can_save_Lt._Linn_Kurosawa_no_stomach_cutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was seriously considering getting one of those Chinese-made superguns since the form factor has gotten small. They are costly and I will need time to save up for one, but the problem is that it will be money going to China, are there better ones at a good price you'd recommend from more friendly countries?

>> No.11008454

>Why would an arcade cabinet need a supergun
It was a plywood box with the relevant bits screwed into it made in the back of a van. It didn't come with any 'guts' but the TV (not monitor) and controls.

>> No.11008465

You can look at the highest serial numbers recorded on the various ones actually made by manufacturers openly, and estimate from there. One-offs and prototypes and low production units are rare so we know most of the ones in Japan were made by a few outfits, and not in large volumes.

Much harder to track are the ones from the rest of Asia because many have been recycled (nobody has room to collect cabs in their basement or garage in HK or S'p're). But the whole region was plagued with piracy to the point that the Japanese started being tricky with their ROMs from an early date, and not for the Japan or US markets either. They also complained as did Bally-Midway and the other US companies of the day.

>> No.11008468

seems like the kind of thing that will appear in FPGA form sooner or later

>> No.11008474

I was disappointed when I first found out about superguns because they're a lot less interesting than the name implies.

>> No.11008484

>More like:
More like:
>be chinese / hk / s'pore / taiwan arcade runner
>price out japanese or american cabs, $5000+tip minimum
>call cousin
>his cousin's friend's company makes the board and can get joysticks and buttons and coin hopper easy
>you supply the tv and plywood
Half of Asia did this, if not more.

>> No.11008517


I have a Behar Bros Hayabusa and an Axunworks CBOX. They're both great, but I would recommend the Hayabusa as it's cheap and readily available. Superguns are basically a solved problem at this point and I feel like you can't really go wrong with any of them. Obviously the CBOX is good if you want to use a JVS system, but you can just get a USB-JVS interface and power it with an ATX power supply and call it a day.

>> No.11008524

I was considering getting one in the early 2000s, but candy cabs were still cheap enough then that I just got a full cab instead.

>> No.11009037

dont get a chinese one
they use cheap encoders which add hella lag to the output signal
visit arcade project forums or atleast ebay search for "HAS" or "supergun minigun"

>> No.11009379

This still doesn't make any sense. And I know very well how these things work. What I'm saying is if you're going to build an arcade cabinet you're going to use a tube and chassis suited for it, not a consumer television. You also need it to accept coins. A supergun is pretty useless for that application.

Where is "openly"? A handful of westerners self reporting serials doesn't prove anything

This makes no sense, super guns are analog to analog, why would the video encoder add lag. They might not attenuate video correctly but they're not adding lag.

>> No.11009462
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, I_gave_you_my_heart_but_the_very_next_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jotego already released the core for AVP on Mister. It is pretty accurate from what I can tell, but I do not have the setup to run both the arcade board and the Mister side-by-side.

Much appreciated for the leads. I was seriously considering the Supergun by Axunworks since I did get a JP21 switch from them, but it is costly and if you 're right about the lag, may not be fitting for the price.

>> No.11009486

i usually get my miniguns prebuilt for around $80usd

>> No.11009754

>It was a plywood box with the relevant bits screwed into it made in the back of a van.
Arcade cabinets were not just mere boxes, and were made in good sized factories by skilled professionals.

>> No.11009762


>> No.11011901


>> No.11011940

this one

>> No.11012450

This fan fiction just gets more ridiculous with each post. It started off with a tard not knowing the difference between a super gun and a video converter, or a chassis and a tube. Now it's "Half of Asia" did this reddit tier shit. In reality, Half of Asia was barely literate and making less than a dollar as day, and still weren't as retarded as the tards spinning these tales.

>> No.11012532
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, Hell_naw_to_the_naw_naw_naw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I knew someone who can do that technical work for that price, all the ones I've explored are much higher.

Nice, this one goes with a SNES to NeoGeo. Whereas the Axun one has USB to NeoGeo, then there's Behar Bros.' PS2 ports. I just wish they'd consider one for Sega Saturn controllers. After shipping, the price of that one matches the two Chinese ones with more common controller ports to the controllers I have the most of.

>> No.11012692

arthrimus has saturn to neo adapters

>> No.11012694

arcade project forums often has users doing small batches of miniguns
i got two from there & one from ebay for slightly more $

if u dont mind the waitlist the HAS is the nicest & has some extra features

>> No.11013158

>they were never really that popular in japan, the series production ones in japan maybe amount to a couple thousand devices across all manufacturers going by serial numbers
Bullshit. There were 20+ ads for them in every issue of Gamest for ten years.

>> No.11013167

I ordered my supergun from TimeHarvest's website.

>> No.11013172

>essentially half the cabs in asia were superguns in locally produced cabinets running copied ROMs
Also this is very stupid.
This anon has it right.
You really shortchange Chinese arcade techs.

>> No.11013320

Do you visit /toy/ often?

>> No.11013365

>they were much more popular in the rest of asia where roms were bootlegged too, essentially half the cabs in asia were superguns in locally produced cabinets running copied ROMs
What do you mean by bootlegged ROMs? Like bootleg PCBs? Then OK, sure, a lot of arcades in Asia might've used cheaper bootleg boards. But if they were running them in an actual cab, why would they bother with a supergun? It would be costlier and redundant to have an unused video converter and fancy housing, when the cab wouldn't need a converter and that cab would also already have a control panel. Once you have the monitor, coin mech, and controls, old arcade cabs are basically a PSU ans a wiring harness.
If you mean there were arcades in Asia with superguns hooked up to consumer TVs, running bootleg PCBs, then... maybe? I guess? But without proper housing for their boards, you can bet that shit would regularly get broken in an "arcade" environment.

>> No.11013862

Bootleg PCB with bootleg ROMS and everything. As in, not original. In a bootleg cab with bootleg everything.

This was the reality of HK, Singapore, Taiwan, etc.

>> No.11013898

Whats the cheapest arcade pcb and super gun I can buy

>> No.11014264

Yeah, but that's not a supergun.

>> No.11014269

>cheapest arcade pcb
A bootleg pcb of the game that you want. They run for under $100 in most cases.

>super gun
the aliexpress stuff. But those are not recommended for anyone honestly. The cheapest would be to just get a minigun.

>> No.11014354

I would recommend that you play about 300 hours or more of Final Burn Neo games before ever considering getting into real PCBs.

>> No.11014395
File: 304 KB, 1600x1200, 442554028_2874384666742376_2562238655561235190_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine gave me 7 arcade PCB's for fixing, I know 3 of them are NEO-MVH but the other 4 I literally have no idea what they are.

I want to attempt to fix them but I have no means to test them, this is the first time I ever get my hands on an arcade PCB so I have no idea how should I approach this, apparently I need a supergun but I've seen so many different types and clones, some of them very expensive, some of them always out of stock, some of them even dangerous?

I literally just need a way to test that they turn on and send a proper video signal, nothing fancy unless I am able to fix at least one of those Neo Geo to keep for myself I guess.

Which Supergun would you guys recommend just for testing purposes?

Pic related, one of the mysterious PCB's I got.

>> No.11014686

Before you bother with testing it, check those caps.

>> No.11014912

>You really shortchange Chinese arcade techs.
No, my little ESL, I don't "shortchange" them. I'm actually giving them a lot of credit for not being as retarded as the tards making up stories ITT. You weren't even alive when they started to switch to LCDs so your hot takes are irrelevant.
>I literally just need a way to test that they turn on and send a proper video signal
You literally just need to hand them off to someone who has a clue.

>> No.11014931

I don't think there's anyone in my little town who has a clue, the best I can do is figure it out before attempting anything, which is what I'm trying to do.

>> No.11014947

Is this theoretically possible? Sure. While I hate to sound like a muh proofs poster, but seriously, are you basing this on anything? Or is it just "well this conjecture makes sense to me, so I'll just state it as fact and keep insisting is so."

>> No.11014981

My uncle's friend operated an arcade after he got out of the navy and moved bootlegs.

>> No.11015326
File: 14 KB, 302x298, larp-helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate worked for nintnedo
yeah, no one totally saw that one coming. lmfao

>> No.11015374

no. sounds expensive

>> No.11015379

anon the entire board needs to be cleaned first
go to auto part store
tell the clerk you need "contact cleaner for car computer boards"
douse the whole thing (use extra)
drip the excess off outside in the trash

then gently wipe down the edge connector

always check owner operators manual for pinout\voltages before "testing"
buy >>11011940
and a happ power supply ($30)
they make bluetooth neogeo adapters no need for an expensive stick just use your existing controllers

>> No.11015380

>This makes no sense, super guns are analog to analog, why would the video encoder add lag.
analog to digital then back to analog
chinese pcb = jank

>> No.11015396

>caps are just genetically modified corn so they can work as caps

No wonder it doesn't work. Better give it to someone who has a clue and uses organic corn for his caps.

>> No.11015568

>I don't think there's anyone in my little town who has a clue
From the limited sample I've seen I'd have to agree 110%
>the best I can do is figure it out before attempting anything
It's not. Because that's not going to happen. If no one in your town has a clue, and your mommy won't drive you to the next town where they have a guy who knows which end to hold a soldering iron by, how do you imagine you are going to learn? Youtube? That's not going to end well. For the boards or your fingers/eyes/etc.

>> No.11016432

Thanks Anon! Will do this but will also replace the caps before testing it.

>> No.11016484

You're an idiot.

>> No.11016608

Always wondered why they're called superguns

>> No.11016671

Sorry, i see a similair posting style there. Its really no more expensive as any other hobby.

>> No.11016715

Is it bad to plug the audio out of a supergun into a flat screen TV(I use the flat screen for quick test for my Neo Geo MVS). The last time I used my MVS and Supergun to test out games, the audio would be different levels of quiet that I would need to adjust the volume pot on the board itself per game to normalize the sound to a normal level.

>> No.11017708

Yes. Clearly I'm too stupid to use words incorrectly and make up retarded stories.
It's a bad idea to plug "a supergun" into anything if you think "a supergun" means anything other than some dude slapped a label on something. Many "a supergun" are garbage designed/produced by tards.

>> No.11020235
File: 3.65 MB, 360x192, video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the movie "rebels of the neon god" if you want to see Taiwanese arcades in the 90s.
They were not ghetto at all. Very impressive.

>> No.11020283

The Taiwanese are more like Japanese than Chinese

>> No.11021726

Man there must have been some monster SF2 players in Taiwan back then.