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10998583 No.10998583 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a filthy casual? Serious question

>> No.10998586
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Lurk moar and don't make threadsliding spoonfeed threads

>> No.10998593

pattern recognition

>> No.10998596

Play games.
Don't quit just because you lost.
Aim to do a little better than you did on your last go.

>> No.10998602

just don't be a little bitch, and git gud

>> No.10998603


>> No.10998626

why the fuck would you not want to be a casual
embrace savestates, rewinding, cheats, play the popular shit, etc., stop giving a fuck about any difficulty/obscurity dick-swinging contest, and get real hobbies with the time you save
>fighting games
go to tournaments, do what works and not what's "optimal"

>> No.10998635
File: 2 KB, 210x161, fukken saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a great image

>> No.10998651

Good enough to beat my friends.

Pretty good at it, but I don't play online anymore.

Aways sucked at it. Only played the casual stuff.

>action games
That's my CV. I only play 4 fun

>> No.10998932 [DELETED] 

Called out

>> No.10999035

Play games. Find one you really like with a high skill ceiling. Play it a bunch more until you start recognizing patterns and are able to do well. After you've learned how to learn the game through experience, look up strategy guides and speed run tutorials to see what you missed. Ignore tips that encourage glitch abuse.
For example, the Ninja Gaiden games secretly are about playing defensively until you have an opening to kill a dude. If you can kill one dude and generate some space while holding the block button, you won't absorb essence that the enemy dropped. Charge your weapon and you can get an improved attack quickly. If you kill two guys in short order you can get an even more powerful attack off that likely will kill another enemy or two. It's not super intuitive at first and requires you to track multiple enemies at one time. Once you git gud at this you can beat bosses more quickly on difficulties higher than normal because they always have mooks for you to use as ultimate technique food.

>> No.10999070

Caring about whether people view you as casual or hardcore is the most casual thing you can do.

>> No.10999076
File: 40 KB, 600x374, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting good is a mentality.

1) Discipline
2) Endurance
3) The ability to rethink yourself

You shouldn't make the same mistake more than once. If something doesn't work you should be able to find another strategy right away rather than butting your head against a wall insisting on doing something that doesn't work. Then you need to be able to think of all the tools the game offers you.
Getting good isn't just about the execution, a player who just looks up strategies from TAS or guides only to execute them is just a monkey and will never be as good as someone who is able to do it on his own (and sometimes even find better strategies than the established ones everyone mimics).

Once you have this above mentality, the rest is just playing games. Anyone who gets angry or blames the game or whatever else shitty excuse like "it was the pad or input lag" lacks the mentality and will never get good until he changes that.
Whatever you do, never succumb to savestates, even for "training" or "create checkpoints". If you do that it means you'll never have the discipline and endurance and level of gameplay assessment required to get good, I genuinely believe savestates are counter productive too because you need to learn not to repeat the mistake twice and even not to make the mistake the first time, with a savestate safety net you'll just do whatever under the idea that you can just repeat it quickly and you're bound to forget what you learn right away rather than learning skills that will be useful in the next games you play. Besides if the idea of repeating a couple of mins of gameplay is so insuferrable to you than you should find another hobby. I don't care about the level of cope "1CC collectors that train with savestates" have, they'll never be good in my eyes.

>> No.10999079
File: 228 KB, 595x402, 1714619342747180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not gonna read that

>> No.10999080

If you're an adult, you'd only want to "git gud" at gaymes if you have given up on life and chosen to remain an autistic hermit till you die. Still, you'll never be happy unless you're an actual autist who is obsessed over a single thing and cares for nothing else. Once your parents die, however, you must be prepared to sell your shit unless you want to end up homeless.

>> No.10999094

You do it because challenge is fun, not for 'tismo points

>> No.10999098

projecting too much, any obsession is bad

>> No.10999278

Play Dig Dug and try to dig out the entire level without beating any enemy. If you can accomplish that then you are no longer a casual

>> No.10999282

Step 2. Play Virtua Fighter 2/4/5
Step 3. Play all Ninja Gaiden games with no deaths

>> No.10999284
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Play video games. Don't be afraid to fail. Learn from mistakes.

>> No.10999374

Realize videogames from AAA to shovelware are a total waste of time and get a productive hobby like woodworking or real estate speculation, etc.

>> No.10999901
File: 2 KB, 564x544, I can dig it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP (obviously, we all know he's all talk no show), but on my first try I was able to dig out all the "main" dirt but not the "in between" dirt before getting a game over. Played with 3 lives since that's the default where I'm playing it, Namco Museum on PSP.
Am I allowed to use the pump on the enemies just a little to stall them (but not pop them)? I forgot about that trick and didn't use the pump at all in this try.

>> No.10999917
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x673, vito fallout new vegas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely stealing this lmfao

>> No.11000346

Has he fixed his face yet?r]

>> No.11000349

Cream and surgery are for casuals.

>> No.11000357

So did he became casual yet?

>> No.11000434

Fake it til you make it. Literally. Just start playing “like a sweat”. Depending on the genre that means something different, but you should be able to picture it mentally.
For example if you’re playing a FPS, just start doing all the retarded movement shit and tweaking. You’ll look like a retard who has no idea what he’s doing (you are), but you’ll slowly figure it out.
Trial and error.

>> No.11000449

>embrace savestates
taking the time to go back and save is part of being casual
too far imo. just play the game. casuals shouldn’t be bothered by low efficiency.
sure, for fun. don’t use them to beat the game. you don’t need to beat it right this second. you’re a casual, right?
>play the popular shit
of course. but then play the less popular stuff
>do ‘X’ with the time you save
anon, it’s a hobby, not an obligation.

>> No.11000580

Pick a hard game in a genre you like, don't let yourself play other games until you beat that one or at least make significant progress.

>> No.11000720

This guy was unbelievably based and he even deserved a pass for his cocky, cringe, nerdy but also humorous persona simply because he made the most legendary action hack n slash game of all time.