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1099828 No.1099828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Parts in vidya that just fucked you over out of nowhere

>> No.1099853

That section was hilarious. The flowers can't hurt you when you've invincibility on - except the last one.

Apparently the devs were fine with making the final boss a cakewalk with invincibility/ unwinnable without it scenario, but GOD FORBID thinking outside the box and using invincibility to get past this room instead of switching the lights off.

>> No.1099874


You still can take distance and shoot them with the bazooka. But yeah, there's no real point in fighting them, just switch off the lights.

But oh boy I think most people died the first time coming into the room, because you turned the fucking lights on for the storage room. Cue reloading a save that's about half an hour away from your death.

>> No.1100210

wat? I used the dog with superfast charged shots to beat the last boss with ease. Whats this whole unwinnable crap without invincibility?

>> No.1100220

>playing super metroid
>enter a room, oh look an energy tank
>run towards it, fall down invisible hole
>oh look, a save room. Better save.
>learn to wall jump to get out or start the game over.

It took me like two hours to walljump out of there. No manual, eventually googled it. Even then, it was so tricky to learn that my hands were cramping like crazy.

>> No.1100231

Weren't you supposed to fall down that hole though? I remember that being the next spot of progress.

>> No.1100278

It's not. Neither is the hole you fall down to find the creature what teaches you how to Shinespark.

>> No.1100281

I loved the Black Widow fuckers that would come out if you killed the clean-up bots.

>> No.1100303
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>Megaman X6
>Reaching High Max as Zero without Blaze Heatnix' weapon

>> No.1100312
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>> No.1100316

because of all the sorcerors or the 1% chance of fighting warmech?

>> No.1100323


FF1 was awesome for RNG-assfuckery.

Have fun with 9 Wizards in Marsh Cave faggot.

>> No.1100329

i never got 9 wizards protecting the crown in marsh cave, and i've played a lot of ff1. usually 3 or 4, 5 at most, sometimes only 2

>> No.1100330

Accidentally finding the wolfenstein level in doom 2. Has no notable pickups and the SS soldiers are fucking evil. Came out of it much worse than how I started.

>> No.1101078

I think he might be talking about using the alchemy spells Barrier and Energise, which makes the entire game a god-mode you walk through and kill everything.

Fighting your way through the final boss area is tricky if you don't keep your distance with a range weapon and heal up whenever you get hit. The golem is a freaking pest if you don't prevent him from healing and bash into him constantly.

>> No.1101083

I believe it's capped at 5 wizards max there, minimum 2, average 3.

>> No.1101086
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speaks for itself.

>> No.1101098
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Sure you might stand a chance if you had energy bombs and an escape capsule, but if you were near the start of a game, these bastards were a death sentence.

>> No.1101165

And those damn crabs.

>> No.1101171
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Hello, my friend. Do you have any rings on you?

>> No.1101403

this motherfucker

>> No.1101409

Vanilla Super Metroid is cakewalk.

>> No.1101430
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The bastardry of that level was insane.

>> No.1101481

finished the training on Darklight (Saturn), you are send directly to your first mission. NEVER PASSED THE 1st FUCKING MISSION WTF!

>> No.1101483

These and those crabs were pretty much unavoidable unless you knew the level layouts extremely well and had the reflexes of a cat.

>> No.1101487

All the people in this thread talking about metropolis zone, fuck that shit, death egg zone is what gets me. I never don't make it to death egg zone, but most of the time I do the pressure gets to me and I just die a million times, lose all my continues, and game over.

>> No.1101492
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This mother fucker on Perfect Agent.

>> No.1101493
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Again, on Perfect Agent. You have no cover when you're outside, unless you intentionally backtrack to the area you start at on Special Agent.

>> No.1101803

>eventually googled it
nigga please what did you think those aliens was for
we didn't even have google back then