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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10978670 No.10978670 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of Pac-Man's other games, /vr/ denizens? Besides Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man

>> No.10978675

Pac man world is very, very good. Really enjoyable platformer.

>> No.10978676

Namco = based

>> No.10978709

I really enjoy World 1 and 2. Haven't played 3, but I think that's the black sheep, due to being made by a different dev and having a different tone. Pac-Mania and Pac-Man Arrangement are great, too. I also played some other ones in a plug-n-play a long time ago.
Namco used to pump out nonstop hits in the PS1 era. What the fuck happened?

>> No.10978720

>What the fuck happened?
The Devil (Bandai)

>> No.10978724


1 is solid but too simple for my tastes, 2 is where the concept gets fully realized. Not to say I don't go back to 1 every so often for the purity

>> No.10979090
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Okay I'm a complete Pac-Man autist and I've got a fucking a lot to say so prepare yourselves

>Pac-Man & Ms. Pac-Man
Classics, not much else to say.
>Super, Baby, Pal, Jr.
They're alright for what they are. Flawed but fun alternate takes on Pac-Man's classic gameplay. Miru is cute.
>Plus & Professor
Bad games but interesting oddities in Pac’s early history.
Pretty dang fun and deserves a lot more credit than it gets. Not perfect but people just need to get good. Mother Fairy is cute.
Fascinating how a change as simple as adding a jump ability completely changes how you play the game, going from strategy-based to reflex-based. Very fun time. Sue is cute.
A puzzle game that is incredibly satisfying when you get good at it and fully understand how it works. This video has made me obsessed with it https://youtu.be/7Y8DvISvMyo?si=HGZt8PliflWQZiyx
The multiplayer in the PS1/World 2 version specifically is a lot of fun
>Pac-Man 2
A very strange game that I understand why most people don't like, but I can't help but love how weird and wacky it all is
Fun mechanics undermined by annoying level design, a real shame. I've heard the DOS/GB version (the reskin of Fury of the Furries) is better.
>Arrangement '96
This is objectively where the maze formula peaked. It adds so much while keeping the original's core gameplay fully intact and not deviating too much. I cannot understand anyone saying OG or Ms. is better.
>World 1
Great game, though pretty rough in quite a few ways, mostly controls. The remake doesn't have nearly as strong of an art direction and has a few changes I'm not a fan of (Mega Pac and the new Toc-Man boss), but from a gameplay perspective is an objectively much better game that is a lot more fun to play. The original still is worth playing in its own right, though.

>> No.10979093
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>Maze Madness
A really fun puzzle-adventure take on the maze formula that they really should've done more. Oh well, their one attempt was at least good. Ms. Pac is cute.
>Adventures in Time
Would be up there with Arrangement but the constant reuse of the original maze layout holds it back. Still good tho.
>Quest for the Golden Maze, All-Stars, Fever, the GBA games
Low-effort, forgettable shovelware. Don’t care.
>World 2
I LOVE this game. It might not be groundbreaking, but to me that doesn’t matter; what matters is whether or not the game is fun, and this is easily the most fun I’ve ever had in a 3D platformer. I think its 100% quest is particularly a very fun time, mastering each level to the point of getting a perfect run. I feel it gets a bad rep by people who never even attempted it in the first place. The only major flaws I can really think of are the water world (and even then, I like all but the submarine level) and the bosses aren’t very interesting. I am both excited for a remake that seems pretty likely… as well as terrified of one happening. Mostly because of all the ways they could fuck it up, whether it be using the neutered Japanese level design or changing how 100% works. That said, I am excited to see how they reimagine the bosses like they did with World 1.
The best take on multiplayer Pac-Man, enough said.
>Arrangement ‘05
The 1996 game that this shares its name with was the peak of the series. This, on the other hand, is the definition of “mid”
>Pix & Roll
Fun little DS games that deserve more attention. Roll Remix is fine but heavily stripped down. I hope someone can mod it to add back the missing DS content. Krystal is cute.

>> No.10979095
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>World 3
I don’t like this game. Not just because it’s a boring game with tedious combat and uninteresting platforming in levels that go on for way too long, but nothing about it feels like Pac-Man. Not gameplay-wise, not tonally, not aesthetically, nothing. I dislike this portrayal of Pac-Man as a snarky action hero, as opposed to a naive little man full of pure wholesome joy. Pac-Man and the ghosts teaming up is interesting but they really don’t do much with it, Erwin is a lame villain, and the plot feels generic and some elements contradict the prior games. The one highlight was Orson, who I’m pretty sure is the only Pac-Man character to actually have development across games. I love him and I really wish he were a mainstay.
>World Rally
It’s very derivative of Mario Kart but it’s too fun for me to care. It has enough of its own Pac-Man elements anyway.
>Championship Edition
A fun time-attack take on OG Pac-Man. It’s good but nothing too amazing.
Same sentiment as Rally but Party is definitely more unique and different from Mario Party. In fact, dare I say, I think I might like it more than Party. Patra is cute.
>Championship DX
While not the best game in the franchise like so many claim, this game is a pretty fun time, even if it’s quite a departure from the traditional maze gameplay.
>Battle Royale
Feels more like a proof of concept than an actual game. Fun for one or two rounds with 4 players, boring any other way.
Aight little gyro game.
>Ghostly Adventures 1 & 2
Despite being tied to a shitty reboot and giving off the vibe of cheap licensed games based on a cartoon (since that’s what they are), these are surprisingly good games, especially GA2, which I’d argue is the most overlooked game in the whole series. The 3DS game sucks though, unsurprising coming from the Mighty no.9 developers.

>> No.10979098
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>256, Championship 2, 99
These games suck. Poorly thought-out games that fundamentally misunderstand what made Pac-Man fun in the first place, but on the surface they look just enough like Pac-Man for people not to notice or care before they inevitably get bored and move on to something else. These games actually piss me off.
>Party Royale & Chomp Champs
Fun conceptually but have issues with the way they were released (Party Royale being Apple Arcade exclusive, Chomp Champs original being Stadia exclusive and costing $20, etc.) Chomp Champs has quite a few issues with its design, like how there’s not enough to motivate players to interact in this multiplayer game (I personally would’ve made it so that only other players can eliminate other players, not ghosts, as well as making mazes eliminate faster.) Can’t speak on Party Royale since I’ve never played it.
>Mobile games, web browser games, whatever else I missed.
Don’t know. Don’t care. Most of it looks like shit.

>> No.10979126

>Sue is cute.
I appreciate Mania retaining Sue's eyeshadow and general hooded eye expression from the Pac-Man cartoon.

>> No.10979128
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This game made me feel like I was on meth

>> No.10979138
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I love her
Bamco please bring her back

>> No.10979145

It's kind of a weird thing that Ms Pac-man has to get memory holed but Sue seems to just show up any time they want a fifth ghost in some sub-contracted mobile slop.

>> No.10979617
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Picrel best villain. It's a shame that his only major appearence was in one game.
He could've been the perfect "Bowser" to Pac-Man's "Mario".

>> No.10979660

Wow it's just like what happened to square enix

>> No.10979695

Just the kind of post I wanted when I made this thread

>> No.10979738

Anyone know if any particular version is better than others? Considering playing this on impulse

>> No.10979854

I imagine that since Sue is a generic, real-world name and that her color in later games isn't even the same as in Ms. Pac-Man, the purple Sue can legally pass as a separate character from her orange Ms. Pac-Man counterpart.

>> No.10979856

Pac in time is like a fever dream, take that for what you will.

>> No.10979874

Dreamcast version is best. It has the highest resolution, the highest framerate, the music is uncompressed, and has songs not in the other versions.
If you can't get the Dreamcast version, you can't go wrong with the PS1 version, which even has a small advantage over the Dreamcast version; a widescreen mode.
The N64 version not only is missing at least 5 levels, but the music is just butchered. Not only is it even more compressed than the PS1 version, but the songs are heavily cut down. 2-3 minute songs are now about 30 seconds. Stay away from this version.
The GBA version is an interesting port, but not one you'd want to play over any other version, N64 included.

>> No.10979951
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I love Spooky, but I disagree.
To me, what made Spooky so interesting and cool to me is how different he was from other villains Pac-Man had faced. While the others tended to be goofy to some extent, Spooky was always intimidating and serious. The stakes also feel much higher, saving Pac-Land and the entire race of pac-people as opposed to just rescuing the Pac-Family or stopping a gum monster.
To make him the "Bowser" to Pac-Man's "Mario", to bring him back constantly only to be beaten constantly, would make him lose his impact and what made him so cool in the first place.
In my opinion, Pac-Man shouldn't have a Bowser-like nemesis. Not only because I enjoy the new villains each game has to offer, but because it would take away from Pac-Man's true nemesis's: The Ghost Gang.
While these four aren't really evil and don't fit a straight-up villains, they are ALWAYS around to give Pac-Man trouble, whether they're helping a villain or not. I feel giving Pac-Man a main villain would take away from the Ghost Gang's significance, making them more like Koopaling-like goons than Pac-Man's primary rivals. To me, the Ghost Gang are the "King Dedede/Meta Knight" to Pac-Man's "Kirby"
(I'm not super knowledgable on Kirby so I'm not sure how accurate this is.)

>> No.10980087
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All quite fair points, actually. In fact, I kinda love the way the Red Ghost (calling him that to avoid the nameswap confusion) is handled in Pac-Man World 2.
His dialogue almost certainly confirms that his fight was deliberately made to be harder than Spooky's.
>"I knew the other ghosts couldn't take you. I don't even think Spooky can take you. But we'll never know that, see... 'Cause you won't make it past me. I've always liked my Pac-Man... extra crispy!"
And then in the ending cutscene, he rubs in this line:
>"I knew he (Spooky) couldn't take Pac-Man."
It's like no matter what new threat pops up, the Red ghost will always be the OG at killing Pac-Man.

>> No.10980132

Thank you anon, I will try the dreamcast version. Was the dreamcast more powerful than ps1 or something? Never thought about it cause I never played a dreamcast

>> No.10980605

Dreamcast was 1998 while PS1 was 1994, it was a lot more powerful.

>> No.10981646

World 2 on gamecube is actually pretty challenging

>> No.10982242


>> No.10982745
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>Miru and Yum-Yum (Blinky's daughter), the first two friendly ghosts in the Pac-Man series from the arcade games
Why did you forget the two best girls, /vr/?

Copyright issues aside, how would (You) portray them in a modern game?

>> No.10982753

I keep trying to play World cause I love platformers but the levels are so fucking long. I think I'm accidentally approaching it with a modern mindset (desiring 100% completion on the first playthrough). It doesn't seem feasible based on the first handful of levels.

>> No.10982762

>desiring 100% completion on the first playthrough
If you try doing this on ANY of the Pac-Man World games you'll go fucking nuts. Don't.

>> No.10982772

holy crap I have shit for pac man games in my collection. didnt realize there were so many out there. I might have to go down this rabbit hole and check out some of this stuff ive never heard of before. very cool write up anon thanks.

>> No.10983269

I doubt Miru is actually a ghost. She doesn't look like one.
Also I like to think of Miru to be a criminal at large who uses her cute appearance to take advantage of people and steal their stuff, considering that's what she does in the game she's from.

>> No.10983276

I love the idea of pacman being an older protagonist with a marriage and mortgage you don't really see that as much in cartoony platformers as they're always depicted as a solo or a little kid. I love Pacman World 2 with all my might. The forest world was my favorite designed level for the 6th gen era.

>> No.10983292

Here's my recommendations for starting to get into the series:
>Pac-Man World 2
Pretty cheap second-hand IIRC and one of the easiest games to emulate in Dolphin. A perfect introduction to the platformer side of Pac-Man, but also has older games like Pac-Mania and Pac-Attack unlockable. You could also wait for a remake that seems pretty likely at this point, considering Re-Pac's success and last year's survey gauging interest for a remake of 2.
>Pac-Man World Re-Pac
A good remake of a great game, on modern platforms, only $30, pretty good deal.
>Pac-Man Museum+
14 games including the greats like Arrangement, on modern platforms, only $20, pretty good deal.
That said I've heard some versions have input lag, especially the Xbox One version. I have it on Switch and Steam and I personally never noticed any issues with that, but do be aware of it. Steam version also has some noticable screen tearing, but also has some mods made for it if you're into that stuff.

>> No.10983296

Oh yeah forgot to mention!
If you get Re-Pac on Switch, be sure to go into the options and set the game from resolution mode to performance mode. It will run a LOT smoother in exchange for a barely noticeable resolution dip.

>> No.10983338

Just played of Pac-Man World 1 and it has the most liberal usage of the rumble feature I've ever seen in a game. Almost rumbling as often as I'm not rumbling

>> No.10983345

I like to think that Miru would look like a ghost without her shoes on, and that her body only looks like a round ball because the "tips" of her "ghost sheet body" are tucked into her shoes.
Either way, if Spooky and Golvis are any indication, not all ghosts necessarily have to look like the 4 original ones.

Curiously, I just noticed that Spooky and Golvis both have the same "humanoid" body type (it's just that Golvis is a fat fuck, while Spooky isn't). Maybe "high tier" ghosts look more humanoid. Not like it was an intentional design choice, it's most likely a coincidence, but I still found it interesting

>> No.10983353
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I've been hungry for stylus heavy games to emulate on my phone with some phone styluses I picked up and this game has been really solid for what it is. I was surprised the gimmick wasn't frustrating and it felt like a realized game

>> No.10983379
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Krystal my beloved

>> No.10983382

Hell yeah, I agree with almost everything you said regarding the games I've played. I think the only ones I haven't dived into are
>Baby, Professor, Pac-in-Time, Adventures in Time, Golden Maze, All-Stars, Fever, the GBA games, and anything after Party
I like the idea that the Ghost Gang hire tougher and tougher baddies in order to take on Pac-Man, in a weird way it gives the Ghost Gang more agency than whatever monster of the week they're following.

>> No.10983385

I want to pac her

>> No.10983390

You've played Pac Pix, right?

>> No.10983393

Oh nah, hadn't heard of that one

>> No.10983587

That idea is interesting, but in canoe the bigger villains usually are the ones controlling the ghost gang through fear and bullying (Ghost Witch, Toc-Man)
I suppose there's Spooky and Golvis, though Spooky was summoned by accident.
The Ghost Gang aren't really meant to be "evil", moreso just mischievous troublemakers. I personally prefer the idea of villains being a bad influence on the ghost gang, rather than them pulling the strings.

>> No.10983592


>> No.10983712

>>Pac-Man Museum+
any reason I should get this if I already own the original Pac-Man Museum? I already own CE which I think is one of the new games added. I know it censores out Ms Pacman but are the games perhaps emulated better?
The original collection also has the awful redesign as the mascot.

>> No.10983884

CE was in the original Museum.
Museum+ adds Pac-in-Time (which sucks), Arrangement '96 (which is peak), Pac-Motos (which just kinda exists I guess), Pac 'n Roll Remix (which is pretty good), and Pac-Man 256 (which I really don't like but most people do so you might too.)
The emulation and screen scaling is also a lot better, and the SNES version of Pac-Attack is used instead of the Genesis version, which I think is an improvement.
It also features an evolution of the original's Pac-Room with a customizable arcade hub that's pretty fun to mess around with, and of course there's no Ghostly Adventures branding.
Overall I'd definitely recommend getting Museum+, even if you already got 2014 Museum. At least get it on sale.

>> No.10983936

Of the /vr/ Pac-Man spinoffs, my absolute favorite is probably Pac-Man 2 for being such a unique and humorous game to play with some of my favorite sprite art from that era to boot. I also really like Adventures in Time and wish there was an easier way to play it on modern hardware.

Other than that, I’ve only had experience with the World games. World 1 has a good foundation, but is super janky (Never played the remake, so idk if it fixes it), World 2’s an improvement and is a fairly solid game if not the most remarkable, World 3 is genuinely one of the few games out there I outright hated, and World Rally was surprisingly fun as hell.

>> No.10984234

I miss her.

>> No.10984417

Dreamcast was a 6th gen console like the PS2 and GameCube

>> No.10984426
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I wonder, am I missing something or is Pac-Land a massively important game? Isn't it the first sidescrolling platformer, something normally attributed to SMB1?

>> No.10984832


>> No.10985460

It is, in fact Miyamoto has said SMB was directly inspired by Pac-Land.

>> No.10985535
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>> No.10985552

>something normally attributed to SMB1?
I have never seen anyone claim SMB1 was the first side scrolling 2D platformer

>> No.10986159

Plenty of people think that lol.

>> No.10986326

I love Ms.Pac-Mwn and want her to be my wife and the mother of my children

>> No.10986330

Second post best post anon...

>> No.10986337

why do we have 2 pac man threads up? can you subhumans check the catalog before you just make a thread? god damn

>> No.10986376

>why do we have 2 pac man threads up?
Why do we have 2 Yoshi threads up?
Why do we have 3 Mario threads up?
Why do we have 5 Zelda threads up?
Why do we have 10 Sonic threads up every week?
Dumbass monkey negroid.

>> No.10987234

The other one was made after this one. Also who tf cares make the threads you want to see hide the ones you don't >>10986376

>> No.10987235

I might be retarded

>> No.10987238

and every single subhuman retard that makes a thread past 1 of them needs to be permabanned from the site.
spoken like a true subhuman retard with low impulse control. just make a thread who gives a fuck im so edgy and rebel at 12yrs old. grow up child and drop the faggot rebel act you arent cool and you arent gonna be successful in life acting like a low impulse control subhuman retard

>> No.10987240


>> No.10987243

This is the most TryHard reply I've ever gotten on 4chan. Even by the standards of somewhere like /v/.

>> No.10987939


>> No.10987956
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>Sue's eyes
pure sexo

>> No.10988690

Huh, they made this many games after the early arcade ones? Who was playing them? I mean, you obviously but I've never actually known anyone who did.

>> No.10988703

>Who was playing them?
Pac-Man World sold extremely well in its time from what I've heard, but 3D platformers in general sold like crazy in that time so I'm not sure it counts

>> No.10988708

Pac-Man 2 New Adventures was/is a relatively popular game. And anecdotically I managed to stumble upon Pac-Attack and Pac-Mania as a little kid.

>> No.10989243
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I love Ms.Pac-Man so much. I love her sexy legs and bedroom eyes.

>> No.10989286

You wankers will fuck anything that has the right eyes

>> No.10989835
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i prefer her cute teehee face

>> No.10991531
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What did they mean by putting this creature in a Pac-Man game?

>> No.10991665
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Blue eye Pac-Man is horrifying

>> No.10991672

They gave the fucker teeth, what were they thinking

>> No.10991891

It's not retro but there's a long dead Pac-Man mobile Gacha game that has a cool art style

>> No.10993076

Hot take: going for 100 percent in World 2 is pure cancer

>> No.10993142
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Fairies had been in the series since 1984, so them putting one in a 2005 game doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me.

>> No.10993143
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Party Pac-Man didn't have teeth, Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man did.
Party is like an odd mix of the classic and GA designs. Not as good as the classic design, but better than the GA design.

>> No.10993146

If MM Powered Up didn't exist, would GA Pac-Man be the worst redesign of any game character?

>> No.10993150

I always wondered why they gave him blue eyes when brown eyes would've worked much better in matching his warm color palette.
...then I realized they probably just did it to reference the blue maze, like how Sonic has green eyes to reference Green Hill.

>> No.10993160
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I always headcanoned Yum-Yum to be Blinky's niece, not daughter. Considering she doesn't show up much whereas Blinky shows up constantly, Blinky spends most his time chasing Pac-Man rather than raising a kid, and that we've never seen any wife or romantic interest for Blinky, him having a daughter just never made sense. I'm not sure how I'd bring her back beyond the clarification of her being Blinky's niece. Utilizing her more kinda requires utilizing Pac-Jr. more.

>> No.10993164
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I'd argue Nuts & Bolts Banjo is worse than both of them.
one ugly motherfucker

>> No.10993998

That's not a hot take at all, most people seem to think World 2's 100% is bad.
MY hot take is that World 2's 100% really isn't bad at all and is actually my preferred way to play. I honestly doubt most of the people that complain about World 2's 100% ever even attempted it in the first place.

>> No.10994109

Nah, I'm going for 100 and it's definitely ass cancer. Let me check through the stages.

>Paradise Meadows: The Time Trials and the collection of items are both very easy, obviously. I'm glad it doesn't do the Crash Bandicoot thing where the first level has a weirdly hard time trial.
>Tree Tops: No issues here either, fun moderate level of challenge
>Snow Mountain: Still okay. Blade Mountain is the best level in the game and perfecting it is the perfect level of challenge, strict but never frustrating. The Time Trials are getting to be a little much for me here.
>Volcano: Despite the volcano levels having such a bad reputation I don't find them too terrible. I don't like the time trials here, 100 percenting is fine otherwise.
>Ocean: I don't like the time trials for Shark Attack or Yellow Pac-Marine. Shark Attack has too much going on with having to dodge 50 projectiles at once, and Yellow Pac-Marine is an absurdly long level with a time trial goal of 7 minutes and 14 seconds.
>Ghost Island: For Haunted Boardwalk, the Pac-Dot arcs completely and utterly kill any kind of fun the level might have otherwise possessed when it comes to 100 percenting the level. Ghost Bayou is confusing and obnoxious and I don't like it even for a 'casual' run, never mind doing the extras.

So yeah, for me 100 percent is fun for the first two worlds, tolerable for 3-4, and shit for 5-6.

>> No.10994163

Forgot to mention that checkpoints start becoming very few and far between during the last two worlds. In the final world in particular there's about 50 years between each checkpoint.

>> No.10994642

Not retro but did y'all hear Ms. Pac-Man is being retired mostly because the rights to her license is owned by @games which is a shit company? They're making new alternative female characters and none are as iconic. I'm not sure if things changed or if namco bandai got the rights back since the lawsuit that was settled in 2020 https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/09/the-rights-to-ms-pac-man-are-caught-in-a-messy-legal-battle/


>> No.10994653

I assume not since she was replaced in the Pac-Man World Remake, they probably don't wanna open the can of worms. I know its stupid and doesn't matter but it unironically makes me kinda sad. Ms Pac-Man has little going on as a character but shes so iconic. It's just not the same

>> No.10996739

I hate how they force the orange gloves on everyone.

>> No.10996752

That's a fan made mod.

>> No.10997081
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Would you the Ghost Witch from Pac-Man 2?