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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 11 KB, 351x223, Pocket_sonar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10975951 No.10975951 [Reply] [Original]

>The Game Boy Pocket Sonar is a peripheral for the Nintendo Game Boy made by Bandai that used sonar to locate fish up to 20 meters (65 feet) underwater for the sport of fishing and contained a fishing mini-game.[1][2] It was released in Japan in 1998, but never released internationally.[3] It was the first sonar-enabled gaming accessory.[4]

Any other weird retro hardware that made no sense but still was pretty cool?

>> No.10976395

>Wikiposting is a type of post where a user starts a thread by greentexting some bland descriptive information in the style of a wikipedia article excerpt. Wikiposting contributes nothing and is a form of low effort shitposting[6]. Wikiposting is rarely done by users who have been here for more than one summer. Such users are aware it rarely produces quality discourse and is universally despised. Wikiposting is done almost exclusively by newfags and underage[2] who lack the knowledge and communications skills to communicate with adults.

>> No.10977246

i love when people complain about people posting about video games on the video game board. it's so weird.

>> No.10977258

I was genuinely surprised such a peripheral existed for a fucking game boy of all things. I'm going to go on YouTube to check it out now.

>> No.10977982

I love when children copepost something they think is deep and wise but it's actually really embarrassing.
I love when children do this because they can't into reading comprehension.
I had one. It was actually pretty good at the time for the price. Quite a few of these "weird" things are

>> No.10978953

Yeah like the standards in this smoldering shithole are that high lol. hay guise is big rigs actually a secret masterpiece?

>> No.10978960
File: 36 KB, 356x374, 1491228729884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoldering shithole
>complains about "muh rules" until xbox posting is allowed
>entire board dies, oldfags leave, quality of discussion is gone, basically only shitposts and retard questions now
HAY GUISE!!!!!!!

what a faggot
you cant have it both ways
no point in discussions pc engine cd deepcuts if the thread just gets slid off the board for the millionth time (aka ever 10 hours)

>> No.10978965

I was actually agreeing with you and not the anon you replied to. See? This cunt of a board is unbrowsable, everyone's an idiot on edge or trying to get a rise from each other.
but seriously give Big Rigs Over the Road Racing a try, it's actually a competent racing game for professionals.

>> No.10978972

Stuff like this kind of makes sense in retrospect
Like you could easily see something like this being a phone accessory today
PDAs were around back then, but they weren't ubiquitous and mostly limited to stuff you'd do for office work
Why not make a utility for what amounts to an affordable pocket computer?
I miss the times before smartphones

>> No.10978973

>I miss the times before smartphones
me too, but not for the faggy reason you mentioned

>> No.10978978

It's not even a video game though.
It's a fish finder.

>> No.10978981

a fish-finder, FOR A VIDEOGAME system anon

>> No.10978984

Then why

>> No.10978986

Doesn't make it a video game.

>> No.10978989
File: 93 KB, 670x673, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da ladies anon
easymode = not having to compete with thousands of males giving her attention 24\7 on her "phone" "apps"

in the united states atleast, the culture war has ended, and everything is in literal ruin.
1990s were the last of the good

>> No.10978992

It was one of the first personal general computing devices that didnt cost the price of a house. Iirc there also included in garage kids for car diagnogtics and such

>> No.10978993
File: 73 KB, 800x792, 1710043107283425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice logic
that means psx music creation software cannot be discussed
chiptune freeware software cannot be discussed
synth software for all the various consoles that is still being developed and manufactured to this very day cannot be discussed

this is what you sound like
i hate to seem like devils advocate
but your smuggie-posting is unfounded, as you are dead wrong kid

>> No.10979002

I like consumer electronics
You just seem like some middle aged jaded cunt upset the college girls at the bar won't talk to him

>> No.10979003

>that means psx music creation software cannot be discussed
Unless it's clearly meant to play around like Mario Paint's composer for example, it's not video games.
Contrast that with GIMP. It's included in Sony's official PS2 Linux but clearly not a video game.

>> No.10979005
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, instead of refuting my argument you attack me
as in a literal stranger, on the internet, literally just making up a LARP about what type of fag i am or whatever

i still have all my 90s era shitty devices and will never part with them because they have soul; i will not recant my original statement as the only trade off is dating women 1\3 of my age and swipeapp\hookup culture. real connection was lost in the early 20s

>> No.10979084

Game Gear pocket TV

>> No.10980370

>Like you could easily see something like this being a phone accessory today
Indeed. All you have to do is go on amazon and you can see exactly that.
At the time a GB was a pretty good option for a cheap consumer market controller with and LCD. It shouldn't be surprising that a number of products were developed to take advantage of this.
>what i actually meant
Many such zoomies
>nice logic
>proceeds to cope with ridiculous strawman zoomlogic
Just embarrassing. You were in such a rush to pseudpost that you completely missed the part where none of your shitpost was actually relevant to anything ITT. Now you're booty blasted and coping like a mofo. If you want to keep digging that hole you're free to do that. Copeium is a powerful drug. But it's not going to end well for you.