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File: 211 KB, 243x409, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD_North_American_cover_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10966795 No.10966795 [Reply] [Original]

The level design is a total mess and I'm not having much fun

>> No.10966826
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the test does not lie.

>> No.10966842

You like the "good" Sonic games because it means you can goon to one of the anthropomorphic hedgehog characters. Got it

>> No.10966863

how does not liking an annoying, terrible character that ruined the series have anything to do with that? i really don't get your reasoning here.

>> No.10966876

It's a Sonic game, what'd you expect?

>> No.10966909

Counterpoint, Amy is referenced in Mania.

>> No.10966916
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Understandable. It gets better after the first time around. Its worst offender is easily Wacky Workbench, but aside from that you'll eventually get used to the flow of the game. In the end I find most peopler are either a 1+CD person or a 2+3K person.

I will say definitely try other SEGA CD games, though. There's plenty of solid titles such as Popful Mail, Snatcher, the Lunar titles, The Terminator, and a nice selection of shmups as well.

>> No.10966923

then it's bad. the test does not lie

>> No.10966963

Weird cuz Amy Rose made Sonic Advance games awesome as fuck and fun again.

>> No.10967004

you read it backwards idiot

>> No.10967014
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Can you explain a bit in what way the level design is a mess? I've never gotten this criticism.

>5 times in two days
Stupid fag, stop trying to force this to be a thing

>> No.10967420
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I get that feeling so much, OP... I recall when my parents got me Sonic Gems Collection instead, I had asked for Sonic Mega Collection, but still, it was Sonic and I could play all of his stuff on new hardware, eventually I got both compilations so it was a matter of time before I played all of it. I didn't really like Sonic CD back then... I then gave it another shot years later and... disliked it again.

It was only a couple of years ago... that I tried it again! If I wasn't a Sonic fan, I wouldl've given up on it... I'm glad I didn't! What did I do different? Well, I stopped playing it as if it was Sonic 2 or 3.

Its level design is less... rudimentary, I guess, it's more blocky than what you'd expect from Sonic, but once you stop fighting it... and start looking for the generators in the past, that's a lot of fun!

I disagree.

>> No.10967465

you don't even have to look for the cages and projectors, y'know.
you can play it like Sonic 2, collect the Time Stones, and get the good ending.

>> No.10967473

I've come around on it quite a bit. Once things clicked with me and I realized how I should be playing it instead of treating it like I did 2 or 3 (since playing it that way makes the levels feel too short and I don't care for the special stages), I enjoyed it a lot more.
Going slower than you'd like and exploring a huge area isn't what most people want out of a Sonic game, but I can appreciate the different approach in level design (or rather, the continuation of 1's design). Actually, I find you have to utilize Sonic's speed in ways you never really could in 2 or 3 to get to certain areas, which can be fun to pull off.
Wacky Workbench can eat a dick regardless, though. Also, over the years I've become quite the US OST enjoyer; I like it as much as the JP OST if not moreso in some areas

>> No.10967586
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I know, what I'm saying is that, while you can go and play it like Sonic 2, which is what I did in my playthroughs... it never really clicks like Sonic 2 did, and it just feels lesser... but when you play going for the generators and exploring... going back in time and and then to the future to see the good future you've created, the feeling of wonder and immersion makes it all come alive.

I do give Sonic CD credit for even allowing the players to choose how they want to go about it, 100% completion and all, or even just a regular playthrough... but exploring just works better.

>> No.10968135
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oh my

>> No.10968392

It's more akin to Sonic 1 in that not every stage will let you go absolutely fast. Based on dev comments, it's split into 'speed' and 'technical' levels, which you can kinda see as you play it (SS is definitely a speed level, QQ probably is due to how flat it is, WW and MM are definitely technical levels).
That said, the nature of CD's Time Attack encourages you to master the levels if you want to unlock all the goodies, which is an interesting route to take.

>> No.10968532

My first Sonic CD experience was full of me saying "At least I don't have to do THAT part again." It was easy to fall for the hype in 2005 when fewer people had access to CD.

>> No.10968710

my first Sonic CD experience was full of me saying "I'm gonna go play Sonic CD again!" it was easy to enjoy the animated intro and platforming-exploration gameplay in 1994.

>> No.10968715

People can play your game now. It's easier than ever to call you out on your bullshit.

>> No.10968724

by the time Sonic 3 came out, the formula was played. Sonic CD was enough of a true progression from 2 that it satisfied.
i bought Sonic CD. i rented Sonic 3.

>> No.10968741

well the devs shouldnt have been raging homosexuals and put in technical levels. nobody wanted to be technical and slow down we wanted to go fast and run fast and beat the stages fast. so their dumb homosexual design hindered any game they did that faggy speed than technical retard choice. people wanna go fast not jump around slow and janky cuz the devs didnt get it.

>> No.10968760

Just another example of the nips ruining sonic. Every time a sonic game is made outside America, or without a few Americans on the team, it is dogshit.

>> No.10968761

>we wanted
you were not alive when this game released. there is no "we."

>> No.10968768 [DELETED] 
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so then it's settled. Sonic CD is good!

>> No.10968770
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so then it's settled. Sonic CD is good!

>> No.10968785
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you keep posting this. Stop trying to force this 6/10 opinion

Milhouse is not a meme

I fixed it for you.

>> No.10968791

you are making bad assumptions and running with them as fact. stop doing that and stop assuming what you think is how it is. we as in fans wanted to go fast not jump around janky cuz muh technical. stop argueing and shit posting because you're a dumb retard that doesnt remember or wasnt around for it and thinks he's gonna shitpost as some authority on it. run along now troll.

>> No.10968821

>says stop assuming
>immediately makes assumptions about other peoples' perspectives

>> No.10969006

I remember talking to a Sonic fan for years and he recalled how the community was overall disappointed when it finally came out on that collection including himself. I'm noticing that a lot with games in big franchises stuck on old consoles with no re-releases yet.

>> No.10969035

I'm sure I'm not alone in the childhood experience off just playing what you get, so people stuck with a Sega CD only had so many options. Even if it's mediocre, you don't have as wide a frame of reference. And due to that addon selling so poorly you didn't have too many people actually play the game at launch.

>> No.10969047

>so people stuck with a Sega CD only had so many options.
i had Lunar, a bunch of Digital Pictures games, Rise of the Dragon, Willy Beamish, the best home port of Mortal Kombat, Panic!, Time Gal, Dragon's Lair & Space Ace, Chuck Rock 2, Dungeon Explorer, Dark Wizard, and more.
Sega CD was great. it selling poorly, and the subsequent price drop, was how i was even able to get one in the early-mid '90s.

>> No.10969257
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why do people act like sonic 2 lets you go fast all the time? aquatic ruin sucks dick if you dont stay on the top path the whole time, casino night just isnt fast unless youre a professional bumper user, oil ocean has a lot of waiting for elevators to move and yeah i guess you can get through metropolis fast if youre willing to memorise all enemy locations and can manage to jump over those fucking crabs every time theyre in those tiny 2 minecraft block high spaces. dont need to clarify why sky chase is slow, yeah sonic 2 has more speed than sonic 1 but it has as much technical platforming, it just benefits from better pacing (you can complete green hill in a minute thirty and then you get marble zone) and not having anything as slow as labyrinth or scrap brain act 3.

you can get through cd fast if youre not a stupid faggot and actually know how to use the peel out, the special stages arent even unfairly hard like 2 or even the super emerald stages in 3. every stage in cd is designed with a fast route that gets you through in less than a minute, you just prefer running sonic through a boost pad and pretending youre playing a game. sonic has always been one half speed one half exploration which is the biggest misconception between the dev teams and the audience, problem is the audience is mainly made up of spastics like you that just wanna gofast!1!11!!! but if you could just slow down and absorb the atmosphere you would realise that cd is at least top 3 sonic and that if you cant perform technical platforming made for children then the entire sonic franchise isnt for you

>> No.10969360
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Sonic 2 is deceptively slower than people think. It's just that when most people think Sonic 2 they immediately think of Chemical Plant Zone even though everything after that is closer to Emerald Hill if not slower. When people think of Sonic 1 they instantly think of Marble Zone and maybe Labyrinth Zone but forget that Star Light Zone is actually pretty fast. As you said, Sonic CD is also pretty fast, but a lot of people get stuck in early stages before reaching Stardust Speedway. I honestly prefer when the faster stages come later, it gives you an impetus to keep playing

>> No.10969387

I enjoyed it well wnough just going from start to goal. I can't imagine trying to play it for 100%/good ending, seems like it would be a fucking chore.

>> No.10969413

>sonic has always been one half speed one half exploration
It's one thing to explore a different route in a level when you go back to play it again, which is fun and unobtrusive and adds replay value and which you're never forced to do but still gravitate towards if you enjoy the basic gameplay.
It's an entirely different thing to make it so that exploratoin is the only way to get anything of value from the game beacuse playing the levels normally feels like dogshit when compared to the other Sonic games.

>> No.10969421

>The level design is a total mess and I'm not having much fun
yep its a sonic game

>> No.10969430

anon, there were only two other Sonic games.

>> No.10969492

And they're both miles "tails" better than CD

>> No.10969535
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Cope gennybab

>> No.10969536

>aquatic ruin sucks dick if you dont stay on the top path the whole time
That's the point of Sonic games. Low routes are supposed to be slow.

>> No.10969538
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He's clearly gay, like the lead creator of Sonic.

>> No.10969541

>Reason Tails should have been female

>> No.10969542

Ok, incel.

>> No.10969546 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10969749
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Oh... this is just going to turn into another "Sonic CD was never good and people only praised it at the time because no one played it" thread... and after that it'll turn into another "Sonic was never good" and "Sonic is fundamentally flawed" sort of thread... again... isn't it? I love how /vr/ is such an unique place where threads and topic never repeat endlessly with the same retarded takes.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.10969897

All Sonic games are about finding routes. CD just makes them less obvious and you have to put in the work to discover how all the seemingly random stage elements chain together. But it's also the most satisfying once you figure it out.

>> No.10969904

The problem isn't that Sonic 2 is inherently faster but that it has a much lower skill floor to remain on the top easy path, and a lower skill ceiling of stuff to do once you're up there.

>> No.10969913
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>> No.10969923
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youre never forced to explore in cd ( >>10967465 ), and there is really no meaningful difference in level design quality between 2 and CD considering every level in each game. collision chaos is way more fun and involved than casino night, wacky workbench is a bit wacky but its not even that hard, play through metropolis zone right now and tell me it isnt complete dogshit. play a genesis rom, with the fucky slicer hitboxes and 4;3 ratio on a crt and try to distinguish the starfish robot projectiles coming at you from the screen edge. one thing CD doesnt have; a fucking autoscrolling level, again with melee puff level disjointed hitboxes. 2 is the least "exploratoin" focused of all the classic games but it still has the same kind of optional exploration as CD, only for super sonic instead of nicer looking and slightly easier act 3s. some checkpoints are placed like the giant rings from 3 are placed, you have to go and look for them if you want to use super sonic and you have to do it in 1 run because saves didnt exist until 3. CD instead uses the superior S1 system of having 50 rings at the end of a level to get the good ending, so no matter how you look at it CD is more open in how much you want to explore and for what. and what other games are you comparing CD to? 3 obviously has better level design but even then it gets really fucking shoddy in sandopolis, you need to get your head checked if you think CD isnt an improvement on S1, the advance games have typical dimpshit level design, you are objectively wrong. please play cd with an open mind and you will enjoy peak sonic, just remember youre allowed to form your own opinions on things instead of parroting retarded youtubers that are shit at sonic

>> No.10969925
File: 82 KB, 636x445, 1647796693423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low routes arent supposed to have enemies literally popping out of walls faster than you can react. objectively terrible design that CD doesnt have, but lets say that low routes should be as slow as sonic team decides, punishing the player however much as they want, there is then absolutely zero argument to be made for 2 having better level design than CD because suboptimal routes being too slow is the only perceivable fault in CDs design

exactly; the game is just easier. manchildren get mad at CD because it doesnt just hand you the top route on a silver platter

>> No.10969928

>please play cd with an open mind and you will enjoy peak sonic
I did. I still hated it.

>> No.10969945
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if you played with the japanese soundtrack, are not shit at sonic and have genuine hate for CD after playing you need to either take a class on how to appreciate art or sort out your own self hatred and your rampant projection of it

>> No.10969951

>japanese soundtrack
Overproduced garbage, same as the US soundtrack. The Genesis soundchip is what makes Sonic music memorable.

>> No.10969963
File: 222 KB, 566x798, 52ba48f5-262d-468e-8a0a-806e7782d97d_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Popful Mail. Uses Genesis soundchip and there's no time travel gimmick

>> No.10969972

so not a single song from adventure 2 is memorable? stop trying to troll me about sonic CD i do not play about sonic CD you sound like a retard, all of the past themes are basically just beefed up genesis soundchip songs with more samples and youre listening to the past themes for a decent chunk of the game so just accept that you got filtered before you make yourself sound like a double retard

>> No.10970005

>2 is the least "exploratoin" focused of all the classic games but it still has the same kind of optional exploration as CD, only for super sonic instead of nicer looking and slightly easier act 3s.
Yes, I'm aware. I explored 2's early levels exhaustively to maximize the potential number of bonus stage chances and I actually had fun doing so because its levels weren't a total mess. That's also a better system than having to chase down this one transporter in every single stage and if you ever miss even one of them then your time getting all those previous ones was wasted.
I'm not averse to exploration, I'm averse to shitty levels.
Everything else you wrote is just butthurt ranting without anything meaningful to say and I'm not going to bother responding.

>> No.10970016

>so not a single song from adventure 2 is memorable?
Not a one.

>> No.10970042
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>Everything else you wrote is just butthurt ranting without anything meaningful to say and I'm not going to bother responding
i dont think you actually bothered reading, i made some effort to explain why you cant treat the CD in-level exploration as an analogue to 2's because CD lets you go through every level as fast as you want with special stages at the end. i also explained some of the shortfalls in 2's level design that everyone seems to conveniently leave out when comparing it with CD. personally, i enjoy CD about as much as 2 but i dont enjoy the exploration from 2 as much because you put all the work in on the halfpipe just to get super sonic and make the rest of the game too easy. it makes sense that you would enjoy playing 2 that way because i can tell youre actually just averse to difficult levels

you dont find any song from the whole adventure series memorable? what about knuckles chaotix, is that soundtrack lo-fi enough for you to find memorable?

>> No.10970090

>you put all the work in on the halfpipe just to get super sonic and make the rest of the game too easy. it makes sense that you would enjoy playing 2 that way because i can tell youre actually just averse to difficult levels
No you utter retard, I played 2 that way because I needed every attempt I could get to beat those halfpipe levels, and I only got the last chaos emerald at the very end of the game.
Why do you CD fags always resort to making baseless assumptions about your opponents when defending your game?
>Oh, you don't like CD? It must be because you hate exploration
>You just don't get how it's suposed to be played
>You don't like it because you want your games to be piss easy
That's how literally every single conversation with you dipshits goes. None of the other classic Sonic games gets half as many strawmen deployed in their defense. Probably because they're actually good games and their fans aren't insecure about people criticizing them.

>> No.10970218

Not him but I just think you're a fucking retard lol

>> No.10970219
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i was just going off my experience of 2 which is every time i get super sonic, whenever i do, the game stops being fun. and i dont care if you dont like CD, my only issue is that since its become more accessible, i think due to the previous hype as the secret lost best classic sonic game, people write CD off as the weird alt. universe 2 because of the past decade of shitty online video criticism that often presents itself as fact, so now the common opinion of CD is that its bad. even in my opinion it is debatably as good as 2 and definitely not as good as 3 but its my personal favourite because of the more subjective elements which more directly build on S1 than 2 like the abstract, more colourful environments and environmentalist themes. CD just has more personality, partially because every sonic game since builds on 2, and in all honesty i am sucking CD's dick a bit too hard here. i just feel obligated to increase the chance that more people might go into CD without the preconceived notions that have become so common because if you can get into the music, art and general atmosphere its a very unique, interesting and cool game that polarises opinion for a number of good reasons. its not so much you dont get how its supposed to be played, im saying you dont like the way its supposed to be played and i have to defend and offer my opinion of the CD on the off chance that someone plays it with an open mind, likes it more as a result, and makes something inspired by CD, because i really badly want to more of CD, executed better. like tell me pic related isnt the coolest shit ever

>> No.10970235

It's wierd how she's good and fast in 2 but in 1 she turns the game into a fucking platformer

>> No.10970293

CD has too much normal faggot bias behind it.
Every time someone says Sonic was never good, they'll turn around and suck its dick because it had 90s FMV.

>> No.10970295

Oh, I'm playing with Popful Mail alright....

>> No.10970301

Because 2 finally gave her a proper spinball.

>> No.10970316

She couldn't even run fast in 1. Her speed cap was horrifically low.

>> No.10970321

It's sorta overrated. But a must play for the sonic fan. The Christian whitehead version is the most pleasant to play. Of course if you have a sega cd then play that.

>> No.10970325

Thinking about it, maybe they were referencing how fucking dogshit she was in DX adventure.


Sega has always been retarded which is why any studio that matters is not branded as sega outright.

>> No.10970339

Sonic Advance 1 was quite literally Sonic Adventure 2D, so this could be true.
Even then, she's still the most technical character in the game, despite the low speed cap.

>> No.10970448

The Metal Sonic race and boss fights are good.
The rest of the game is walking slow like a fag until you can find a spot to run at 88 mph so you don't lose your time travel sign.

>> No.10970496

She can push directions and her moves matter sure. Slide bouncing across half the map in some stages was fun at least.

>> No.10971420

It's crazy how Sonic's the one franchise where this sort of criticism is just accepted as the norm and not seen as the lazy "criticism" it really is, I'm tired of getting a "Sonic was never good" thread every other week, that often comes down to the OP being upset that he doesn't win right away and gets hit by things when going right on their 1st attempt, it's ridiculous how common this is.

>> No.10971545

damn, that goblin and that dwarf are up to no good

>> No.10971569
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It is not a mess you pea brained midwit. You're supposed to use the springs and the half-pipes to reach higher places for rings and to find spots to time travel. If you don't time travel or try getting the time stones, you're NOT playing as intended, you're just making a quick tour through the zones.

The only crappy thing about this game really is Wacky Workbench 1's generator, which you should just look up on the internet to save time.

>> No.10971592

Just replayed the game, and also the first two zones of Sonic 1 and 2 for comparison.
Let's take it for granted that the game is supposed to be played as an exploration game, which is how 99% of the game's fans defend its level design. If that is the case, then the game does a piss poor job of communicating it. That there are so many people who miss "the point" of the game should be proof enough of this, but to elaborate, the game doesn't give you any reason to explore its levels.

Want to get the good ending? You can get the time stones instead for far less investment in time.
Need extra lives? No you don't, because the game is piss easy. I had played the game only once, years ago, but I made it to the final boss on my first attempt today, and in that time most of my deaths were from getting "crushed" between a wall and an object that was moving away from it. You don't even have to try, it's the most braindead Sonic game on the genesis. By contrast, playing careless on Sonic 1, got me a game over an Marble Zone Act 3, even though I've played it way more than CD.
Want good spots for time travel? There's almost no reason to engage with that mechanic, especially if you're not going for the good ending or if you're using the time stones method.

You know what would actually encourage and reward exploration? Having multiple level exits like in Mario World. That would actually justify such fuckhuge levels, especially if you gate the special exits behind destroying the robot generator or whatever it's called. Have branching paths and secret levels to discover. Learning about something like that would actually make me want to explore. Fucking Shadow the Hedgehog of all games managed to get this right.

>> No.10971605

> You can get the time stones instead for far less investment in time.
I wouldn't say getting 50 rings to the goal post is the quick way, you still need to search for rings and not take a single hit. The special stages are also pretty difficult. I feel it's actually a bit more frustrating than just getting all the generators.

>Need extra lives? No you don't, because the game is piss easy.
>Want good spots for time travel? There's almost no reason to engage with that mechanic
No fun allowed.

>> No.10971610

This is what happens when you have a game made by an art guy, and not a proper game guy. CD was headed by Oshima, while Sonic 2 was headed by Naka. Big difference there.

>> No.10971615

Sonic runs away from this?

>> No.10971617

>Sonic CD was enough of a true progression from 2 that it satisfied.
CD is just Sonic 1 with better art direction. It's nothing like 2.

>> No.10971637

How is CD anything like Sonic 1?

>> No.10971652

6/8 levels (including Dubious Depths) are overt redos of Sonic 1 levels
>Palmtree Panic is Green Hill
>Dubious Depths was Marble
>Collision Chaos is Spring Yard
>Tidal Tempest is Labyrinth
>Stardust Speedway is Star Light
>Metallic Madness is Scrap Brain

>> No.10971659

>especially if you're not going for the good ending
did you, on that 'first attempt'?

>> No.10971662

the biggest difference is lack of multiplayer

>> No.10971668

I'm asking in terms of gameplay, not aesthetics.
Spindash and super peel alone make the game play more like 2 than like 1. Its level design is also way lighter on actual platforming than 1 is, much closer to 2 in that regard.

>> No.10971687

You explore the levels in order to see new zones, obstacles, graphics and songs. Even the bad futures have a purpose on the sense of having their own style, and you'll probably want to replay the game in order to see them.
You also explore the levels in order to see the good ending. The game has been designed with the idea of players having this goal on mind. You can get the good ending just by winning the bonus levels (although it's not that easy on your first try), just like you can finish Mario 3 by using the flutes. But then you're just skipping levels and content. Your choice, but the content is still there and it's a good content.

>> No.10971732

>I wouldn't say getting 50 rings to the goal post is the quick way, you still need to search for rings and not take a single hit. The special stages are also pretty difficult. I feel it's actually a bit more frustrating than just getting all the generators.
Fair enough, I suppose it's a matter of preference.
>No fun allowed.
Non-sequitur. Play however you want. All I'm saying is that the game does very little to encourage you to play how you're "supposed" to play it.
>You explore the levels in order to see new zones, obstacles, graphics and songs.
All of which is superfluous if you're here to beat the game. If you like to explore for the sake of exploring, why, that's all hunky-dory, but again, the game itself does not give you a reason to do so. If you go into the game without the idea that you're "supposed" to explore, there is almost nothing in the game itself which would teach it to you, and at least one element—the timer—which actively dicourages that type of gameplay.
>You also explore the levels in order to see the good ending. The game has been designed with the idea of players having this goal on mind.
If that were the case they shouldn't have let you get the good ending without engaging in exploration.
>just like you can finish Mario 3 by using the flutes. But then you're just skipping levels and content. Your choice, but the content is still there and it's a good content.
Bad comparison. In Mario 3 it's immediately obvious that you're skipping meaningfully novel content. In Sonic CD the content you're skipping is just a slightly remixed version of the exact level you're already playing.

>> No.10971772

>how you're "supposed" to play it.
but if both choices are equally valid, what makes one the way you're 'supposed' to play it over the other?

>> No.10971778 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10971779

>they shouldn't have let you get the good ending without engaging in exploration.
also, they said that originally they had planned to have something special happen if you both collected the Time Stones and destroyed the cages/projectors but it was cut due to time.

>> No.10971782 [DELETED] 

ah yes, the coveted 'people who argue about Sonic CD on the internet and are in the market for car insurance' demographic

>> No.10971807

>All of which is superfluous if you're here to beat the game. If you like to explore for the sake of exploring, why, that's all hunky-dory, but again, the game itself does not give you a reason to do so.
You explore it in order to see new content, new obstacles, new graphics, new songs, and obtain the good ending. Those are very valid reasons to explore.
>If that were the case they shouldn't have let you get the good ending without engaging in exploration.
The game gives you more than one option. More. Than. One. If you're deliberately ignoring the option the game was designed around in order to justify your attitude, it's your problem, not mine.
>In Sonic CD the content you're skipping is just a slightly remixed version of the exact level you're already playing.
If you're not properly exploring the levels you're certainly missing loads of contents, aside from the exclusive graphics, songs and obstacles from the different timelines. You also don't understand how the levels work, as looking for places where you can reach high speed without being interrupted is part of the challenge, aside from finding paths to reach the machines in the past.
And in the case of SM3, in only a few worlds you have already seen most enemies, most obstacles, most songs and most graphics. Maybe someone could conclude we're not talking about valuable content, but when Nintendo is involved, people become far less demanding.

>> No.10971836

>but if both choices are equally valid, what makes one the way you're 'supposed' to play it over the other?
If you look closely you'll notice I put that word in quotation marks. That's because the people who argue that you're supposed to play Sonic CD a certain way are the people who defend the game. I don't care one way or another. I'm only taking their claim for granted so I can argue that, even if it's true, it still doesn't absolve the game of its design flaws.
>If you're not properly exploring the levels you're certainly missing loads of contents,
Remixed content, sure. It's like saying that you're "missing out on content" in Super Mario Bros 1 if you don't play the second quest after beating the game once.
>You also don't understand how the levels work, as looking for places where you can reach high speed without being interrupted is part of the challenge, aside from finding paths to reach the machines in the past.
That's besides the point. I'm not saying that exploring isn't the better way to play. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. My point is that if it was indeed intended for players to approach the game like that, they did a poor job of designing the game to encourage it because you have to actively go out of your way to engage with the exploration in this game and you receive minimal reward for it.
>And in the case of SM3, in only a few worlds you have already seen most enemies, most obstacles, most songs and most graphics.
Wow, this is the least chairtable interpretation you could possibly have of Mario 3's content. And I'm saying that as someone who barely likes the game. If you

>> No.10971840

>If you
If you want people to give your game a fair shot instead of shitting on it you could try extending the same courtesy to other games instead of belittling them to make Sonic CD seem better by comparison.

>> No.10971845

>Wow, this is the least chairtable interpretation you could possibly have
yes, how disingenuous of him.

>> No.10972268

Are you fucking kidding me? The only threads where retards defend a game by vapidly shouting "Git Gud' are these Sonic threads. If you're only defense is "get accustomed to its shitty gameplay" I'm sorry you've already lost the argument.

>> No.10972291

The gameplay isn't shitty just because you don't understand it.

>> No.10972315

And the Gameplay isn't good just because you got used to it.

>> No.10972321

But it is good because it's fun.

>> No.10972331

Lmao bullshit, when I make a thread saying Super Mario Bros. 2 is terribly designed bullshit, “git gud” will be every reply.

>> No.10972341

it was a throwaway game made for a technology festival

>> No.10972352

As it should be, it’s fuckin trash, yet “git gud” is literally the only defense anybody could give it