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10964527 No.10964527 [Reply] [Original]

This shit was so forward thinking wtf.

>> No.10964531

Who actually used this though???
There's no benefit to browsing the internet on your fucking dreamcast
most websites were probably illegible on your average CRT using composhit

>> No.10964534

>le make my heckin gamerino a computerino!!!
Consoles in the 80s were already doing this. You’re worse than Nintendo fags that think Miyamoto invented everything

>> No.10964536

I did. Me and the boys played quake 3 arena on this shit

>> No.10964543

Okay the Famicom let you bet on horse races. But personal computers also had Microsoft excel which the Famicom certainly did not

>> No.10964557

Yes, SEGA was always ahead of their time. That is why their consoles were forward compatible (add-ons, expanded RAM carts, etc.) rather than backwards compatible.

Sort of. NES had Family Basic, Genesis had the Mega PC. And obviously the Commodore computers were actual computers. Idk if it's quite the same though since this was before the internet was really huge

>> No.10964748
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This shit was so forward thinking wtf.

>> No.10964751

>forward thinking
You're just turning your console into a shittier C64 which came out in 1982

>> No.10964786

SEGA also had SEGA Channel, which was like Game Pass, but 30 years ago, and it just worked.

>> No.10964790
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That network channel actually expanded national bandwidth which contributed to the internet boom, eternal september and all that

>> No.10964791

I used to get on Something Awful using my dreamcast.

>> No.10964806

>SEGA Channel
A shockingly good idea, especially given that it's Sega we're talking about, unfortunately smothered by the greed of cable providers.

>> No.10964810

this is so true. I remeber telling kids at school about Wily wars and them thinking I was bullshitting because desu it does sound pretty bullshit.

"Yeah I have a special version of mega man 1, 2, and 3 for genesis. What? Nah you've seen it at the store you can only get it if you hook your sega up to your phone line"

>> No.10964816

god damn I had no idea the word filter was still running.


>> No.10964817

I was playing multiplayer games on my Amiga over dial-up in 1992.

>> No.10964829

Totally this, tons of computers were sold as gaming machines, msx, pc98, cpc, spectrum, c64, ti80, etc... its really only dos and apple that were widely usesd for more than gaming, but now even dos is only relevant because of its games, not office software, though it's fun to poke around with old dos stuffs once in a blue moon.

>> No.10965705 [DELETED] 

What is the amiga
What was the speccy

>> No.10965846

so? The Famicom was released just a few months after the C64.

>> No.10965856

>There's no benefit to browsing the internet on your fucking dreamcast
there was when you could download key files for bonus content

>> No.10966029

I knew a lot of people who used it for surfing the Internet.

>> No.10967757

NES has better games than the c64

>> No.10968598

never owned a Dreamcast but this looks very comfy and soul with its 90s vibes.

>> No.10968758

I did, but I used a VGA box to connect it to a monitor

>> No.10969106

>Who actually used this though???
Although I have no numbers at all for this claim my gut says the Dreamcast had a much higher than average number of users utilizing the modem than the ps2 or gamecube.

t. bought a DC on 9/9/99 and was deeply entrenched in the sixth generation as a teenager.

>> No.10969113

dreamcast had 480p VGA output nigga

>> No.10969117

>There's no benefit to browsing the internet on your fucking dreamcast
The benefit for me was I didn't have a PC with a 56k modem.
Also porn on the bigger CRT screen.

>> No.10969125

>most websites were probably illegible on your average CRT using composhit
Completely false. It worked very well.

>> No.10969148

As a teenager this was how I got online initially to browse the web and game online. I didnt get a pc for another 3?yrs and it was decent but my dreamcast carried me for years online. I will always love this system and all the things it did before its time. I still have a couple of units in storage and one hooked up I play time stalkers and power stone 2 and project justice on. Love this system and think its a great system that just was ahead of its time and had shitheads in charge of it.

>> No.10969379

>Browsing porn on dial-up
Just use the Sears catalogue.

>> No.10969625

You're pretty dumb.

>> No.10970021


>> No.10970412

There's one old one that still works, roodypoo candyass.

>> No.10970479

phone line? I thought my Sega Channel was hooked up by the cable company