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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10958839 No.10958839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I find Mother 3's themes of social alienation amidst an increasingly evil and immoral society to be the most poignant thing I've ever seen in a video game. The experience of Lucas seeing his world go through radical changes after the time skip from chapter 3 to 4 seems to directly mirror what my own experience has been like living in the real world post 2020. I could get into specifics, but I think you can probably infer the kinds of things I'm referring to by that. I actually had to put the game down shortly after I got to chapter 4 during my last attempted playthrough in 2022, because this aspect was just too depressing for me. I always knew Mother 3 had a reputation for being a "sad" game because of what happens in chapter 1, but it turns out that doesn't even scratch the surface of how fucked up this game gets. I'm trying to give it another go, and I just got to chapter 4. I intend to see it through all the way this time. Can anyone here relate to my feelings about this? I think it's worth discussing and acknowledging, because this game clearly has something very poignant and relevant to say about society and our willingness to completely drop our previously held "moral values" and ostracize people when they don't go along with whatever hip new flavor-of-the-month social pressures that de-facto authority figures impose on everyone.

>> No.10958870

says a lot that he stopped making video games after this

>> No.10959252

Yes. At the same time though, I'm not sure I'd want to see what an Itoi game would look like in the modern day. Some things are better left in the past, before the entire world lost their collective minds.

>> No.10959268

I need a lot more from a video game narrative to impress me with its themes, since I read, but it was enjoyable slowly coming to understand that this was in fact the same world as Earthbound and that Porky took it over. Even if that kind of happens all at once.

>> No.10959345
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>> No.10959364

I'm convinced that due to the time shenanigans involved in 3 that the whole series is a time loop, and that gigue/giygas is porky after millennia of being stuck in the perfectly safe capsule tumbling through time and space and being mutated as the device slowly stops working

>> No.10959501

But how would you explain the other members of Gyigas' race? He's not an lone organism according to Mother 1.

>> No.10959510

Where's you belly warmer?

>> No.10959550

Its very likely the presence of Giygas was intended to play a roll in the final battle as based on the cut content in the game files. Probably using the sadness, pain, suffering and anger that Claus was feeling being abused so much as a conduit for its psychic presence to manifest.(since if this was the bad future of EB, Giygas is still alive in the ancient past influencing the future)

>> No.10959759

>I could get into specifics, but I think you can probably infer the kinds of things I'm referring to by that.

Either you're saying you're one of those /pol/-type grievance junkies or I have no idea what you're saying. Gesturing darkly toward something vague that the silent majority allegedly already knows all about is definitely something one of those people would do... but surely you wouldn't be mad about trannies and "plandemics" AND fond of Mother 3?? Ehh whatever, I'll just hide the thread since it's 98% certain to go nowhere good anyway (OP in love with being oppressed, Mother 3 being the topic at all - two recipes for disaster on /vr/)

>> No.10959875
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Human behavior has always been this way, just now it's far easier to manufacture consensus with the rectangle in your pocket telling you what to think.

>> No.10959878

Retarded hipster garbage.

And I don't use that word lightly, the only thing I ever used it for was for this game.

>> No.10959891

OP could mean any number of things. Corporate greed, pointless wars, consumerism, loss of social cohesion, environmental damage... The game is clearly critical of "progress" at all costs. Sort of a grimmer version of the urban shift in some other Japanese games.

>> No.10959893

how is it hipster when it's a well known sequel to an infamous childhood RPG
the translation itself is old as shit too, this is not some recent discovery
do you think radiohead is hipster? they both have cultlike fanbases but they're well known among people that are tapped in
even my little brother has played mother 3 and he only really plays pokemon and platformers.

>> No.10960226

>/pol/-type grievance junkies
I really don't know what you mean by that, but I don't use /pol/ if that's what you're saying. I am mad about trannies (groomers) and government mandated vaccines, like all sane people should be. As well as the things mentioned by >>10959891. Why would those things be mutually exclusive with being fond of Mother 3 as you imply? Because it has Magypsies? You're being reductive.

>> No.10960250

>I actually had to put the game down shortly after I got to chapter 4 during my last attempted playthrough in 2022, because this aspect was just too depressing for me
strongest tendie

>> No.10960254

At least I have a sense of pathos, faggot

>> No.10960334

Didn't read lol, father is pretentious midwit slop series shat out by a crybaby nepobaby

>> No.10960556
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>> No.10960667

It's not a good RPG and the story is way too focused on the leftist idea that systems are what define a society (protip: it's race that matters).

>> No.10960671

Look he said it guys

>> No.10960680

The story is life affirming and compassionate, which is inherently anti-leftist. I don't want this to devolve into a left vs right thing though, because I think the themes I mentioned in the OP can be appreciated regardless of how you see the politics of the game's story.
Yeah you're edgy and also probably a troon :^)

>> No.10960691

>The story is life affirming and compassionate, which is inherently anti-leftist. I don't want this to devolve into a left vs right thing though, because I think the themes I mentioned in the OP can be appreciated regardless of how you see the politics of the game's story.
Yeah it's poignant like Itoi's other games, but unlike Mother 1/2, not without a perspective, especially around economic systems.

>> No.10960695

I guess you are right about that. Even if its message about economic systems seems a bit misguided though, I still think the way its delivered is masterful and makes me feel. I can relate to the game's scenario because what it ultimately boils down to, beyond the economic system set dressing, is a tyranny of the masses. That's something I see more and more in the real world, and so Mother 3's story really speaks to me on that level even if I don't necessarily agree with the entirety of Itoi's conclusions about economics. Being able to engage with a piece of media in this way is a skill that I rarely see on this site outside of /lit/, so maybe I won't find the kind of discussion I was hoping for here.

>> No.10960732

Hahaha What an absolute bitch

>> No.10960751

Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchet-man in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I’ll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely: revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you, anon.

>> No.10960867
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Best thing to do is train your spiritual immune system and do what you can to not let the demons destroy you. Don't fight the demons, laugh at them and remove them from yourself.
This world is dark so remember this is just an incarnation. I won't pretend I know where we are but remember to love and take good care of yourself mentally and physically. Be aware of what you put your attention on.

>> No.10960894

Thanks anon, you're a real one

>> No.10960960


>> No.10960980

I like any "artist" who refuses to lay their themes out completely bare and instead wants other people to somehow "interpret" them is a pussy faggot not worth listening to.
>this game clearly has something very poignant and relevant to say about society and our willingness to completely drop our previously held "moral values" and ostracize people when they don't go along with whatever hip new flavor-of-the-month social pressures that de-facto authority figures impose on everyone
morality literally doesn't exist and you cannot argue anything is objectively right or wrong, it's retarded to even try, all that matters is force

>> No.10960986

>morality literally doesn't exist and you cannot argue anything is objectively right or wrong, it's retarded to even try, all that matters is force
Ok Nietzsche, if you say so.

>> No.10960992

Not an argument, I wish it wasn't this way because I'd love to be able to go forth in life knowing my preferences are righteous but it is fundamentally impossible to quantify value beyond subjective feelings imposed by life experiences.

>> No.10961010 [DELETED] 

How can you not see the irony of making a statement like "objective morality doesn't exist"? That statement is a paradox, because it is invalidated by its own claim. You just have to realize that objective morality necessarily follows if objective truth exists. The statement "objective truth doesn't exist" is obviously a paradox, because as soon as we establish the one objective truth of "objective truth doesn't exist", the original premise is invalidated. So to say that objective morality doesn't exist essentially the same as saying that objective truth doesn't exist, and therefore can't be true because it is a paradox. You can argue from there about what exactly is objectively true and moral, but the position that objective truth and morality don't exist just doesn't hold any water from a logical point of view. All you have to do is think about it a bit.

>> No.10961014

>blah blah blah paradox
doesn't matter, the fact that I can still say it shows it isn't a paradox, I didn't vanish from existence by saying it
>You can argue from there about what exactly is objectively true and moral
That's obviously what I'm saying you fucking nigger, now go ahead and try to claim anything is right or wrong.

>> No.10961018

Whatever dude. The tone of your response makes it clear that you're obviously not arguing in good faith and aren't willing to change your position no matter what I say. Get out of my thread and go infect someone else with your misery please.

>> No.10961025

It's just a shonen plot anon

>> No.10961026

Not an argument, try to claim anything is right or wrong. Go ahead, you won't because you know it's impossible.
>muh good faith
Irrelevant, I could respond to anything you say by jamming my fingers in my ears and shrieking, doesn't mean you made a point.

>> No.10961031

>I could respond to anything you say by jamming my fingers in my ears and shrieking
I know you could because that's exactly what you're doing right now. Please prove your Nihilism by eating a shotgun, faggot.

>> No.10961042

Not an argument. See what I mean? Nobody can counter Nihilism because this "objective truth" seems to be completely impossible for anyone to quantify.

I don't mean "nothing matters" by the way, I mean everything matters the exact same amount and there is no possible way to argue morality about anything, it's all purely subjective and the only thing that actually matters at all is your ability to mold reality to what you want it to be. Life is will to power, absolutely nothing more. Every organism that lived and died had absolutely no part of it's existence influenced by morality, only by it's ability to survive and thrive.

>> No.10961051

How about the objective truth that your mother sucks cocks in hell, faggot?

>> No.10961064

Prove it.

>> No.10961070

Anon I apologize. Although I disagree with you and think you're annoying as fuck, it wasn't right for me to lash out at you and say >>10961031 and >>10961051. Even though you don't believe there's such thing as right and wrong, I still have enough empathy for you to admit that you don't deserve to be spoken to like that, and I feel bad about it.

>> No.10961072 [DELETED] 

Don't, I AM being a giant edgy faggot, but I'm doing that to prove the point of how fucking difficult it is to debate morality in this day and age. Subjectivism kills human thought.

>> No.10961078

I love you anon, no homo

>> No.10961092

I never saw the Giygas manifestation thing. I always saw it as Claus’ eternal strife of being locked behind the Masked Man warping his psyche into a breakdown similar to Giygas, thus becoming something like Giygas, but still his own entity.

>> No.10961328

NEVER use that word again, not here, not anywhere. Are you Mark McGrath, the lead vocalist of the american band Sugar Ray?

lmao just kidding, I know you're not him. Use the word all you want, Mark wouldn't mind.

>> No.10961365 [DELETED] 

>Subjectivism kills human thought
I wouldn't even go that far saying humans, in general, adopt subjectivism as a philosophy. It's usually the shallow thought of "me right they wrong", for people seem too attached to validation, even if it means stepping on others. Why does that happen? I don't know. Perhaps many feel lonely, unloved, unaccepted, and they need to grasp on something. Not all families give proper affection to their children, so they grow up feeling lost. As society goes on, that cycle tends to repeat itself.