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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10958080 No.10958080 [Reply] [Original]

>let's make a game console that can play nes, snes, genesis and it's own games
>it can also play CD's
>this using early 90's tech
>it's also a handheld

>> No.10958086

Isn't that the guy from Cheetahmen?

>> No.10958139

Typical "ideas guy" nonsense.
>dude what if we like... make something which can do everything, and manufacture it for cheaper than everything else, with 80% profit margin, and total market dominance within two years
>well I already did the heavy lifting by coming up with the idea, can't be that hard to make it just buy some components from China and slap them in a shell
>now just let me just hire some dudes fresh out of community college, pay them in exposure and promise of future salaried jobs, and I'll have a product on the market by end of quarter

>> No.10958543

wtf is the "CD-ROM player" for

>> No.10958973

>now just let me just hire some dudes fresh out of community college
Call me old fashioned, but I feel that OP using they/thems mommies' credit card to hire fivers twice they/thems age to "make a game console" on they/thems race card bed is inappropriate.

>> No.10959112

>I have the BEST idea for a videogame ever
>Massive MMORPG using a never-ending procedural-generated persistent world with fully destructible terrain where users can build things, with realistic life-like sword combat where the game accounts for the direction and force of the swing and the exact location impacted, along with fully simulated fishing, crop and animal farming, and economic systems, filled with unique NPCs with unique conversation trees backed by AI chatbots who all live out fully simulated lives, and it all looks 100% seamless to the players
>I'll found a new studio and hire you on to program it, I can't pay you until the game launches of course but you'll get $15 an hour plus health insurance and 0.01% royalties on sales when it does launch
Just IdeaGuy things.

>> No.10959413

To play CD-ROMs, duh

>> No.10959483

>I know that AI can already do like 95% of all that for you with just a few clicks, so you should be happy that I'm willing to pay you at all, I just don't have the time to do it myself

>> No.10960206

this was never going to be produced.
just like the amico

>> No.10960253

>Also the screen is smaller than your penis lmao

>> No.10960337

When "that kid's" dad really worked at videogames

>> No.10960470

I also watched POJR's new video, OP.