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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 130 KB, 803x800, 5793553-the-legend-of-zelda-links-awakening-game-boy-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10951852 No.10951852 [Reply] [Original]

Can we finally admit that this is the superior 8-bit Zelda?

>> No.10951903

Lest not forget that Mark Frost helped the LA dev team giving them ideas for the game directly, making it the closest to an official Twin Peaks video game

>> No.10951987

It's the best Zelda game of all time and arguably one of the top five games ever made.

>> No.10952020

Why is it the best Zelda ever made?

>> No.10952028

It cuts a quick pace.

>> No.10952563

it being so fucking short is its biggest flaw, though. it was still quite good, but the oracle games were better.

>> No.10952605

>golden brushed metal aesthetics

>> No.10952607

The oracle games are unironically superior and also the best Zelda games.

>> No.10952617

There's a shitty Twin Peaks VR game

>> No.10952629

Source on this fabricated bullshit?

>> No.10952642

Reddit tier “””””fact”””””.

>> No.10952668

It's short if you're an adult, but it was a 50h+ adventure when I played it as a kid.

>> No.10952690

and when i was a kid i spent hundreds of hours trying to beat fester's quest. kids don't appreciate the quality of games, they just like being able to move the pixels on the screen

>> No.10952858

Why do you continue to bring this shit up, for over a year?
It's not even an interesting fact, regardless if it's true or not. It's not the reason why I enjoyed playing LA as a child.

>> No.10952860

Low iq.

>> No.10952928

It was short as a kid too and long as adult. Really depends on what you're doing. The big time sink is digging every fucking patch of dirt in the game with a shovel for fucking seashells.

>> No.10952950

Finally I see some love for the Oracle games. I never understood why they are so underappreciated, everyone ranks them so low and even choose the mediocre ds title over them. I guess they need a LA remake treatment in order to gain some respect from zelda fans.

>> No.10953097

Not him but it's true. Mark Frost casually mentioned it on his twitter.

>> No.10953119

That's 4 bit, not 8 bit.

>> No.10953361

game boy has the same specs as nes,it's fucking 8-bit

>> No.10953501
File: 2.25 MB, 1550x1050, legend_of_zelda__spirit_tracks_by_tellielz_d6y943r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your whore mouth, Spirit Tracks is kino.

>> No.10953541

it's not as powerful as the nes so it's 4 bits get it together.

>> No.10953569

Honestly I never liked it until the PC port that came out recently. It was such a sluggish game even for gameboy. The slow text boxes, having to swap items out almost every single screen transition sometimes multiple times, the movement speed, everything was just slower than what I was used to. Also just shit like a slow unskippable text box showing up every fucking time you so much as touched a rock. I appreciated its weirdness and eccentricities but I really just couldn't handle everything else about the actual gameplay. PC port fixes just about everything and makes it so much more enjoyable to me, plus being able to see more of the game world is super cool and something I wish all 2D Zelda games could do. Hopefully the Oracle games get ported the exact same way soon because they have all of the same issues but even worse somehow.

>> No.10953590
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might not have color but if anything it's more powerful than the nes but less powerful than the snes, so it's 12 bit.

>> No.10953881

>Anybody ever play this?

>> No.10953883

Is this how down syndrome people talk about computer hardware?

>> No.10953885

No better than NES. Just better art quality in this period.

>> No.10953891

I don't believe it for a second

>> No.10953938

Why not?

>> No.10954045

>so it's 12 bit.
nah, it's closed to the NES than it is to the SNES.
I'd say it's 9bit or 10bit tops.

>> No.10954053

But they aren't, not Seasons anyway. It's brought up a lot fondly. Only Oracle of Ages is unappreciated despite being the best game in the entire series, LA B/W being the second best.

>> No.10954216

this is not the hot take you think it is

>> No.10955726

And yet, I don’t give a shit. You fuckers keep bringing up Mark Frost and Twin Peaks in these threads, like it’s some amazing fact, when it’s not – I’ve never watched Twin Peaks and bringing it up here is making me less interested in checking it out because I’ve associated it with you annoying pieces of shit!

>> No.10955774

You clearly do give a shit if it gets to you that much.
Also it's fine if you're just learning about the Twin Peaks influence on LA now but it's not new information and anons on /vr/ have nothing to do with it; the actual LA devs talked about enjoying the series and consciously getting influenced by it for the LA world and its inhabitants. The fact Frost came out and suddenly said he was actually involved in it somehow is new, but TP being an influence on LA is not.

>> No.10955993 [DELETED] 

Twin Peaks is honestly garbage. Wow evil overcomes a podunk town. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. What a genius.

>> No.10956015 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x250, Zdx_art_linktree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody asked for your opinion, but ok.

>> No.10956016 [DELETED] 

Nobody asked you to rape children in the name of justice, but you're still a glownigger.

>> No.10956023 [DELETED] 

Lynch’d? Lynch’d.

>> No.10956028 [DELETED] 

Lynch is a fraud. Eraserhead sucks. Twin Peaks sucks. You're an exposed brick good goy.

>> No.10956038

Its technically superior to the nes in a lot of ways and its 6 years newer

>> No.10956039

NES ones are also pretty good though.
LA is superior but it was on more capable hardware (sans the monochrome), and was released after the 16bit Zelda, so of course it was going to be technically superior. Everything else is subjective, all grrat masterpieces

>> No.10956119 [DELETED] 

Haven’t seen a lynch’ing like this since the early aughts.

>> No.10956120

Get a life

>> No.10956126

I think most people prefer it over og Zelda. Question is whether it's better than the Oracle games

>> No.10956280

The only thing I give a shit about is you fuckers bringing /tv/-related content in these threads, that has nothing to do with retro video games. What’s worse is it’s mentioned in EVERY… FUCKING… THREAD… to the same 5 retards who are baited to come here to bitch over which version of LA is better.
Just because it makes references to your favorite spooky show doesn’t justify any discussions about that series. Either say the original or DX is better, or fuck off!

>> No.10956294 [DELETED] 

>schizoposting on /vr/
For shame, anon.

>> No.10956390
File: 662 KB, 2179x1440, la-new-1200dpi-scans-of-the-official-links-awakening-german-v0-4tyw4fyl7fka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing to do
Except it does when the game developers themselves mention it.

>> No.10956580

i wish we had a game in this style in some way

>> No.10957049
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We have the CDi games.

>> No.10957075
File: 364 KB, 1400x1400, IMG_4704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys prefer the Switch version? And if not do you still appreciate it?

>> No.10957093
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>> No.10957097

It's vastly superior, if only for the better control scheme so you don't have to open and close the inventory every 10 goddamn seconds

>> No.10957635

I know that they are virtually the same game but does the color dungeon warrant DX being played over this one?

>> No.10957639


>> No.10957647

Depends. The original monochrome version has text cancel with the B button, for text boxes you've already read, DX one removed this so a lot of people get annoyed by waiting when bumping into certain objects.
Monochrome also has the original dungeon stone slabs which were a bit less obvious than the hints given by the owl beaks on DX, so if you enjoy a slight better challenge, that's a thing.
I would say, play the original first, and save DX for a replay, so you can see what things are new and what has changed. The extra dungeon is a nice incentive but not a total necessity.

>> No.10957762

that doesnt make any sense

>> No.10957826

It the closest you’ll ever get to getting that art style, in a Zelda game.

>> No.10960297

holy shit based

>> No.10961751

Best dungeon and why is it Eagle Tower?

>> No.10961801 [DELETED] 

>tranny redddit lore

>> No.10961804

>nooooo stop knowing about the development of this game! If you care it's reddit!

>> No.10961821

Did you know that Nintendo developed Ljnks Awakening after consulting with Mark Frost? Well…. Did you know that?
Twin Peaks.

>> No.10961824

i fucking hate the plastic diorama art style but still begrudgingly play it because the qol improvements are just that good

>> No.10961842

Yes, fucker.
I knew that.

>> No.10962080 [DELETED] 

Is that what they told you on r/trans?

>> No.10962131 [DELETED] 

Based redditspammer.

>> No.10963218

Of course you wouldn't give a shit if you didn't watch it, like the uncultured swine you praise yourself to be. And no one gives a single shit wether you're "interested" in "checking it out" or not. Keep living like a pig for all I care.

>> No.10963282

The best 2D Zelda, yes. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though.

>> No.10963304

Is there a reason you necrobumped both Zelder threads?

>> No.10963383

It's an 8-bit system through and through. It uses a 4MHz Z80 derivative as its main CPU. Since the the NES used a 1.79MHz 6502 derivative, which btw delivers roughly twice as much performance per MHz as a Z80, the Gameboy's CPU might be slightly faster than what's in the NES, but not enough to put it in a whole separate category. FWIW, the Gameboy has stereo sound, as well as 4x as much RAM as the NES.

>> No.10963463

My family never watched it – I would have been too young to remember it, if they had, when it aired – and no one in my life has ever mentioned it. The only reason why I know of it is because you wouldn't shut the fuck up about it for over a year.
Hell, I've heard about the X-Files all my life and I still haven't seen it. It sounds interesting, but I just don't care enough to check it out.

>> No.10963484

Twin peaks and x-files are both good shows but I think its hard to go watch them now. I barely remember twin peaks and most of it is just flashes of maybe memories. xfiles I remember better since I watched it more consistantly. you're not missing out on a ton by not checking both out but they are decent for their time. put them in your queue for later.

>> No.10963493

Anon, there's a ton of shit I'd like to watch, but I lack the motivation to watch any of them.
I'm still working on watching Star Trek DS9 because I've finally finished watching all of TNG 10 years ago. I haven't watched an episode in a year.

>> No.10963519

ahh so you're like me in that aspect. its been 9months and xena is still about to go rescue gabbie in the next episode of xena im on. I have that same problem with getting around to watching things. I'll never finish the OG Star trek or probably start adromeda or hercules. tons of shows to watch from the 80s/90s

>> No.10963585

Fuck, I haven't watched Xena or Hercules since the 90s...

>> No.10963607

xena is great and I would marry gabbie she was so pretty in that show. Joxter the mighty was another great thing about the series and he showed up in hercules also. Dont forget to track down brisco county junior also to watch since that was actually a pretty damn decent show and most have forgot it exists

>> No.10963785

Did you? Nintendo seems to have developed this game with Twin Peaks as an inspiration

>> No.10963797 [DELETED] 

Rent free.

>> No.10963805

Zoom zoom

>> No.10963850
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>> No.10963854

People on this board never shut the fuck up about how much they like LA, what are you talking about

>> No.10963890

I don't think anyone ever considered any other 8 bit Zelda to be superior to Awakening
This is the coldest hot take ever

>> No.10964118

I can assure you that I am very much aware of your trivia reminders ad nauseam.

>> No.10964179
File: 49 KB, 700x435, 3023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite song from the game?


>> No.10964214

best retro zelda, period. bits unrelated

>> No.10964247

How can I "finally admit" something I've believed for 30 years?

>> No.10964271
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>neuron activation

>> No.10964327

The remaining shrine themes after you discover the truth about Koholint Island and the Wind Fish, in the ruins. They all sound similar, so I couldn’t just say “Face Shrine.”

>> No.10964383

I wouldn't put it in my top 5, but I'd agree that it's "arguably" a top 5, so you're right.
Looks more like bronze or something. Gold is brighter than that. But soul nonetheless.
He said he gave them ideas, they might have thrown them out. He's so ignorant about the game that he's not even sure if anyone played it or not. That's far from "he was involved".

>> No.10966045
File: 17 KB, 240x210, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to beat the ballad.

>> No.10966381

>looking up her skirt
He just blew his big chance

>> No.10966423

I'd blow my "big chance" if Marin so much as held my hand.

>> No.10966474

Looks AI generated

>> No.10966536

I prefer the GB version, but the switch one is fine. There's just something special about the atmosphere and charm they were able to squeeze out of the GB hardware.

>> No.10966546

The oracle games are bloated and soulless.

>> No.10966946
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>A bunch of Japanese people took Mark Frost out for dinner once
>Asked him a few questions about Twin Peaks
>Gave advice on how to make a story mysterious
>Went home and never though about it for years
>fast forward two decades
>idiots on the west twist this into Mark Frost co-produced the game and wrote the story

>> No.10967036

I just wanted to remind you about the connection that exists between Link’s Awakening and Twin Peaks. Great stuff

>> No.10967076

Thank you for the reminder that David Lynch and Mark Frost literally coded the entirety of Link's Awakening simultaneously on a single shared keyboard as a sequel to the events of Twin Peaks.

>> No.10967178

Links Awakening is fucking shit
>everytime you touch a pot or a rock without the power glove equipped you get the "THIS IS TOO HEAVY TO LIFT" message which is like 3 dialog boxes long. Every. Fucking. Time
>same when you pick up things like that glowing sword that gives. The message "THIS THING DOES THIS" is seen a thousand times in the game
>constantly switching items. For some reason LA devs tried to duplicated LTTP, but that was on the SNES which had 6 buttons and start/select. Gameboy only had 2 buttons and start/select so it was essentially an NES controller. Constantly switching between your shield, power glove, feather, bombs, boomerang was fucking exhausting
>le wacky storyline where it's all a dream shit

>> No.10967228

>"THIS IS TOO HEAVY TO LIFT" message which is like 3 dialog boxes long
DX shitter detected. In the original you can press B to skip those text boxes.

>> No.10967232

Stop running into shit you fucking retard

>> No.10967240

If you know all those things happen then stop doing it. Sounds like you’re a bit dumb

>> No.10967246

the worst thing about LA is the theme
>muh seashells and beaches, surf's up dooood!
literally Zelda: Rocket Power edition

>> No.10967252

>Constantly switching between your shield, power glove, feather, bombs, boomerang was fucking exhausting
It's no one's fault but your own that you refuse to remove the sword, or that you feel the need to use the shield all the time. Two buttons is a bit of a limitation, but it encourages actually using all your items rather than relying so heavily on the sword and shield. I never use the shield (except where the mirror shield is required) and half the time I'm not using the sword. It's actually quite novel and fun to have a Zelda game where you spend so much time with two non-sword/shield items equipped.

>> No.10967258

32 bit? Moar liek 32 SHIT!

>> No.10967272

The NES games have a superior sense of challenge and adventure.
The real weak entry is ALTTP, but no one wants to have that conversation.
The GB games are at least filled with personality.

>> No.10967305

>DX shitter detected. In the original you can press B to skip those text boxes.
But they still exist and it's fucking retarded.

>> No.10967310

So I should stop picking up power ups? And I should stop accidentally touching rocks and pots in very cramped dungeons while fighting enemies? kys faggot

>> No.10967314

>It's actually quite novel and fun to have a Zelda game where you spend so much time with two non-sword/shield items equipped.
Pure faggot tranny autism right here.

>> No.10967325

You should stop being a braindead fucking retard. Learn cause and effect you stupid mongrel. Kys faggot

>> No.10967335

You didn't answer the question. To pick up that glowing powerup you have to get that message as well. Everytime. And there is no way you can go through the game without getting the "this is too heavy" message. You will walk into a rock by accident without the power glove equipped, or just think you have the glove equipped but you don't and then get that message. kys you retarded faggot

>> No.10967340

>The real weak entry is ALTTP, but no one wants to have that conversation.
Literally the best Zelda game ever made, retard.
Like what? zomg it's a dream of an owl! how fucking quirky xd xd

>> No.10967347

>not a problem in og
>not a problem in og
>it's charming you edgy faggot
petition to permaban subhumans who can't appreciate LA

>> No.10967348

Play the original, or a romhack. In current year, this is your own fault.

>> No.10967351

>just ignore a shitty game and let the fans fix it
Again, kys retard.

>> No.10967352

>knowingly and repeatedly walking into rocks like a fucking spastic retard
Kys faggot holy shit you’re dumb

>> No.10967353

>>not a problem in og
>>not a problem in og
Yes it is. The message still pops up, you can just breeze through it faster.
>>it's charming you edgy faggot
What's charming about it? Be specific. You just like it because it doesn't have Zelda and the triforce. Which is fine, but that doesn't make it good by default.

>> No.10967359

>Literally the best Zelda game ever made, retard
It's boring as fuck. It's the original game remade for kids who were too dumb to play the original game.
All of the later games in the series at least went harder on the storytelling, and filled the world with fun characters and humour.

>> No.10967360

>cramped dungeons and overworld map
>fighting enemies and dodging attacks
>sometimes forgetting to equip power glove
If all of these things never happened to you while playing, you are a lying faggot.

>> No.10967363

Sounds like you have a skill issue. It’s cause you’re retarded

>> No.10967365

>All of the later games in the series at least went harder on the storytelling,
And they were shit. OOT is just a remake of LTTP. Majora's Mask is hot garbage with a meme timer. Twlight Princess and Skyward Sword are universally considered weak entries. And the Switch games are just open world garbage.

>> No.10967367

>The real weak entry is ALTTP
I agree. It's the only Zelda game I've beaten once and never had the inclination to beat a second time.
>the fugly graphics with thick outlines, awful color palette, chibi characters, pee and poop colored dark world, the dumb 8 rocks and buck-toothed skulls
>the boring Zelda rescue sequence at the beginning
>bouncy house combat where every sword strike makes the enemy fly back 10 feet for no fucking reason
>small, cramped overworld
>nearly every room of every dungeon is just a square with bouncy house enemies and blocks or buttons in it
It's not a terrible game but it's one of the weaker 2D titles. OoT made it irrelevant.

>> No.10967370

Ok retard.
>I like endless messages for the same shit over and over again, even power ups.

>> No.10967372

don't argue with LA fags. they got it for christmas in the early 90s because they didn't own a home console and spent all day masturbating to marin

>> No.10967374

>OoT made it irrelevant.
OOT is shit
>endless walking around in fields
>it got so bad they had to introduce a horse later on
>z targeting a nightmare of baby's first vidya
>more endless text boxes. Open a chest to get a bomb? Have to read 4 boxes about what a bomb does.

>> No.10967381

>endless walking around in fields
Stopped reading there. You can beat OoT by walking through Hyrule Field about 5 times total. Get good at video games.

>> No.10967385

>What's charming about it?
The soundtrack, characters, story, artstyle, everything. You have to rescue a bow-wow from kidnappers to eat the swamp plants to open up a dungeon. You can steal from the shopkeeper but he'll kill you with lightning and you'll be called THIEF for the rest of the game. You can go on a little date with Maron and then pick her up like an item at the end. LA is full of fun moments like that. It's not good because it's different, it's just good.

>> No.10967389

>You can beat OoT by walking through Hyrule Field about 5 times total. Get good at video games.
Yeah, just keep playing the game over and over again to avoid all it's shitty game design. The devs introduced the horse for a reason. Because they knew the game was a fucking walking simulator slog.

>> No.10967387

>he constantly runs into rocks cause he’s a braindead drooling fucking idiot
Kys faggot

>> No.10967394

>OOT is just a remake of LTTP
It's a remake that has it's own charms, while ALLTP is flat and boring.

If you want NES hard adventures filled with mystery and a real sense of satisfying progression, you play the first two.
If you want more involved storytelling, memorable locations, memorable characters, or off-beat Japanese humour, you play LA, OOT or any of the other later games in the series.
If you want a game that literally does nothing great apart from being on the SNES and having some decent production values for the time, play ALTTP, I guess.

The fact that Zelda is a series most people get into as kids, and ALTTP is either the first one a lot of people played, or the first one they were able to beat, clearly colours a lot of the favourable perception people have of that game. I played it after LA, and it just never really did much for me. I had to force myself to beat it.

>> No.10967396

>The soundtrack,
It was good. But it was filled with LoZ and LTTP remixes.
Eh. The owl was annoying and I didn't care much for anyone else.
Muh dream shit
literally look like LTTP gameboy edition
> LA is full of fun moments like that.
A few moments don't make a bad game good.

>> No.10967401

>The devs introduced the horse for a reason
You mean the completely optional mount you don't need to beat the game in any capacity? I repeat: get good.

>> No.10967403

>It's a remake that has it's own charms, while ALLTP is flat and boring.
LTTP > OOT. OOT is walking simulator garbage.
> two.
Ok retard.
>If you want more involved storytelling, memorable locations, memorable characters, or off-beat Japanese humour, you play LA, OOT or any of the other later games in the series.
They are all shit. LoZ and LTTP are the only good Zelda games.

>> No.10967409

>You mean the completely optional mount you don't need to beat the game in any capacity? I repeat: get good.
Yeah "OPTIONAL" in that they knew retards like you would slog through the game because of autism. They put the horse in because they knew there was way too much walking. A horse in LoZ, LTTP and LA? Nope, not needed.

>> No.10967412

"Walking simulator" literally means nothing anymore.
>doesn't even like Zelda 2
So you just have bad taste? Okay.

>> No.10967415

It wasn't a problem....that's why it's the first thing modders take remove and even Nintendo didn't include the messages in the remake. You lose, faggot.

>> No.10967416

Bro, you can unlock all of the warp points immediately, and as soon as you're old enough to use the horse, they start giving you the warp songs.
Epona is basically a gimmick. She doesn't really do much. The idea of being able to ride a horse was just a selling point they could put in ads.

>> No.10967418

>slog through the game
Why are you calling yourself retarded? Where is the "slog" that you need Epona to overcome? You literally truck it from one dungeon to the next, spending a grand total of less than 10 minutes in Hyrule Field to get to these dungeons unless you want to explore for the grottos and optional content. You haven't actually played the game, have you?

>> No.10967419

>"Walking simulator" literally means nothing anymore.
Yes it does. It means a game that fills time by walking endlessly for no other reason than to fill time and show off how "vast" their world is. Most games are like this now and that's why they are shit.
>So you just have bad taste? Okay.
Great. Another 2D sidescroller.

>> No.10967421

>The idea of being able to ride a horse was just a selling point they could put in ads.
Holy fuck kys.
>Why are you calling yourself retarded? Where is the "slog" that you need Epona to overcome?
They put the horse in because the game became a walking simulator. The devs realized this and course corrected.

>> No.10967426

>They put the horse in because the game became a walking simulator. The devs realized this and course corrected.
>the devs included an optional mount you can only get halfway through the game and never meed once because uhh uhh
You didn't play the game.

>> No.10967429

>It means a game that fills time by walking endlessly for no other reason than to fill time and show off how "vast" their world is
So, not Ocarina of Time.
ALLTP has more pointless meandering, if anything, since a lot of that map is designed to be maze-like.
In OOT you just walk to the castle, which is right in front of you, and takes about a minute.
And then you can unlock the shortcut that takes you from Goron City to the Forest, and you barely have to set foot on Hyrule Field again.

>> No.10967432

>>the devs included an optional mount you can only get halfway through the game and never meed once because uhh uhh
You don't NEED it, but it helps with the monotony of the fucking walking. The devs knew this. You are too stupid to realize why they put it in.

>> No.10967437

You can literally warp around the map. The main reason to go back to Hyrule field is to hunt for treasure and Poe spirits.

>> No.10967440

>ALLTP has more pointless meandering, if anything, since a lot of that map is designed to be maze-like.
LTTP didn't have one second of pointless walking. OOT is filled with it. Hyrule field being the most obvious example, but dungeons as well. Lots of walking where nothing really happens. In LTTP you would walk to the edge, the screen would scroll and in that new screen would be enemies, treasure chests, something to do. OOT had lots of....well, nothing.

>> No.10967446

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that's so fucking nothing.
I fucking love twin peaks, S3 was amazing, that 18 hour movie from lynch as a goodbye with all those dead actors was truly astounding and I think it will stay with me for a good long time.

I like a bit of Zelda, LA is a bit shit.
Anyway who cares if frost worked on it, he's the hack, he's the one without the raw talent, he's JJ, he's lindeloff and he's dangerously close to benioff and weiss, he's a fuckin' nobody. What'd frost come up with ohhh a spook tree a major tom kettle alright, good one mate haha very vogue.
What did Lynch come up with? Monica fucking belluci. The fly swatting scene. The conga line. Dougie motherfucking jackpots Jones. The squeaky window cleaning scene, the broom scene, that awkward fucking smoking scene, the amazing...you know what I need to stop listing because so much of what made that work was directorial. You throw some tosspot wanker director at it, the fukunaga or whatever the polish battlemans name is and nah, you're not getting what S3 was.
The return was an 18 hour departure movie, a love letter.

Link's Awakening and Mark Frost is a shite trivia fact, both items are a fucking bore, snore snore fucking bore! Bust out the Oracle of Ages & Salman Rushdie collab comments and then we'll fucking party.

>> No.10967447

You didn't play the game.

>> No.10967449

>having fun in a game is "faggot tranny autism"
Go back to /v/ if you're going to be a no-fun-allowed retard.

>> No.10967450

>You don't NEED it, but it helps with the monotony of the fucking walking
What monotony? You're acting like Hyrule Field is some Oblivion tier overworld. It takes 60 fucking seconds or less to walk from one place in the field to another. You leave Kokiri, walk to the castle, then walk to Kakariko which is 20 seconds from the castle, then from Kakariko to Zora's River which is another 20 seconds, and then you only ever need to walk through it two more times in the entire game for a combined 2 minutes max. Are you seriously this retarded bro?

>> No.10967451

>You can literally warp around the map. The main reason to go back to Hyrule field is to hunt for treasure and Poe spirits.
Games are designed for the first time playthrough. Knowing all the ins and outs of the game comes after multiple playthroughs or getting tips from online or magazines (back in the day). The horse was put in because they knew first time players might not pick up on everything and the walking was too fucking boring.

>> No.10967456

The Warp in Goron City is very clearly signposted. They want you to find it.

>> No.10967457

reminder that you guys are being baited and arguing with the resident anti-zelda autist. he does this in every thread and he has literally not played the games.

>> No.10967459

Yeah, there’s other literal retards like yourself. You lose, faggot. Try not to run into any rocks today

>> No.10967460

LA has a far superior ost to Zelda 1 or LTTP. Even the overworld mix which is reused is my favourite version. The second verse changes it completely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTrumdi55tA&list=PLDF2556A8C45BF850&index=7
It also has unique tracks specific to parts of the game and then never used again like the sword search theme at the start, and a unique theme for each dungeon compared to lttp which reuses the same theme again for the light and dark dungeons.

Tarin, Marin, the shopkeeper, ghost, the goat who catfishes that guy. Again, compared to zelda 1 or lttp it's not close.

Story is more than just generic, save the world against evil guy, and the characters and world actually give you a reason to give a shit about the quest you're on and to feel a bit bad about destroying it.

IMO, the simple almost cutesy GB graphics are charming and more appealing than Lttp's artstyle.

I could list more, but it'd never be enough so I won't bother.

>> No.10967462

>What monotony? You're acting like Hyrule Field is some Oblivion tier overworld. It takes 60 fucking seconds or less to walk from one place in the field to another. You leave Kokiri, walk to the castle, then walk to Kakariko which is 20 seconds from the castle, then from Kakariko to Zora's River which is another 20 seconds, and then you only ever need to walk through it two more times in the entire game for a combined 2 minutes max. Are you seriously this retarded bro?
Ok retard. The walking was so bad they literally introduced a fucking horse. And you never played the game
>walk from village to castle
>have to go through hyrule field
>from castle go to other place
>have to go through hyrule field
>repeat for numerous tasks
It's a slog.

>> No.10967468

And yet they still introduced a horse....

>> No.10967470


>> No.10967472

>"Nintendo fixed a problem that wasnt' a problem, because uh, they just did ok!"

>> No.10967478

Which you can't get until after you should have found that particular warp.

>> No.10967483

>LA has a far superior ost to Zelda 1 or LTTP. Even the overworld mix which is reused is my favourite version.
I love remix slop! And LA is shit. Loz and LTTP are the only true Zelda games.
>Tarin, Marin, the shopkeeper, ghost, the goat who catfishes that guy.
I notice you didn't mention the main villain. Forgettable.
>Story is more than just generic, save the world against evil guy, and the characters and world actually give you a reason to give a shit about the quest you're on and to feel a bit bad about destroying it.
It's all a le dream. Still garbage.
>IMO, the simple almost cutesy GB graphics are charming and more appealing than Lttp's artstyle.
It looks like LTTP, GB edition. Not much difference.

>> No.10967490


>> No.10967493

You have to be 18 or older to use this website.

>> No.10967497

Lttp remixed the overworld theme too? It's the main zelda theme dumbass. If you can't even acknowledge that LA has a more varied/better soundtrack than zelda 1/3 you're just being disingenuous.

>> No.10967508

ebin meme dude, this will surely distract from the fact that you haven't played the games you're shitting on and regularly dilate your anus with cucumbers

>> No.10967509

I haven't shat on a single thing in this thread. Anonymous is not a name.

>> No.10967510

>Lttp remixed the overworld theme too?
I'm not claiming the LTTP soundtrack is great. LoZ had a great soundtrack and every game afterward has leeched off of it.

>> No.10967523

>I haven't shat on a single thing in this thread.
could you at least stop shitting on the cucumbers?

>> No.10967572

Come back when you're older.

>> No.10967637

come back when every cucumber in your refridgerator isn't coated in diarrhea

>> No.10967721

These games were rated K-A.

>> No.10967890
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It's unbelievable, but it happened.

>> No.10967918

He's right, you just like LTTP because you played it as a kid. My first Zeldas were LA and OOT (not because I'm a zillennial but because we had Master System and Genesis at home), like that other anon I also have to force myself to play LTTP, it's trash.

>> No.10967973

LA and OOT are superior, but I still like LTTP. It laid out the basic template for all zeldas up until BotW.

>> No.10967980

LA and OOT are trash. Read this thread. LoZ and LTTP are the only worthwhile Zelda games.

>> No.10968023

Just because you have that wrong opinion won't make it a fact.

>> No.10968046

Effeminate male response.

>> No.10968065

Ironic response considering you're the one that's bitching like you're on your period.

>> No.10968069

Angelo Badalamenti was there, too. A little known fact is that he composed the entire soundtrack for LA.
>I was together with David and Mark when they were sketching out the story of the game
>David turned to me, and with his eyes closed, he said:
>"Angelo, I am hearing this song in my mind"
>"I just don't know the notes yet"
>"I am at the beach, and a faint wind is going through the palm trees"
>"There's a crab somewhere at the other end of the island"
>"A coconut is watching"
>"It's all so beautiful and mysterious"
>I started playing some notes, like this:
>(starts playing The Ballad Of The Wind Fish)
>David turned to me
>"Angelo...... It's beautiful......!!!!"
>We brought in Jocelyn
(That's Jocelyn Montgomery, you uncultured imbeciles)
>She had been practicing singing perfect square waves for the past 9 weeks
>We got in the studio and Jocelyn sang the ballad in one take
>She hit the duty cycles perfectly
>We sampled the recording for the game
>What you hear in the game isn't synthesized, she sang that ballad and we put it straight in the game
>Mark Frost was in the next room, writing the story for Majora's Mask

>> No.10968230

Those yaoi hands...

>> No.10968247


>> No.10968249

It's all a dream so in the end it's not real and doesn't matter. Worst ending possible.

>> No.10968268

what matters is the fun we had along the way :^)

>> No.10968289
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>> No.10968471

>It's the best Zelda game of all time
Retard detected. The game isn't even canon to the franchise which automatically disqualifies it. It's a goofy side quest stealing heavily from Mario.

It's slow paced and clunky. LA retards are such hipster contrarian pieces of shit.

>> No.10968475

>t being so fucking short is its biggest flaw
Item switching and shitty story and characters disagree

>> No.10968484
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>The game isn't even canon to the franchise

>> No.10968492

In my headcanon, all the other NPCs were people and animals trapped in the Wind Fish's dream just like Link. Link didn't just save himself, he saved everyone else, too. All the messages that imply the people in the dream will disappear/die when the Wind Fish wakes were just the Nightmare trying to scare Link into not waking the Wind Fish. Marin was actually a seagull that entered the Wind Fish's dream as a human girl and that's why she has that wish to fly over the sea like a bird, some part of her remembers her true form and wishes to wake up and return to her real life.

>> No.10968495

>Link didn't just save himself, he saved everyone else, too.
That just makes the ending more harrowing – there’s only so much debris from Link’s boat that it’s very likely the trapped inhabitants drowned.

>> No.10968501

in a somewhat related note, I've long been personally convinced that phantom hourglass is a quasi-reboot/ spiritual sequel to link's awaking. the ocean king *is* the wind fish, and bellum is the physical form of the nightmare, who was psychically attacking the ocean king as well as physically attacking him.

>> No.10968828

It is objectively the most reddit.

>> No.10968861

Because that was worth the bump.

>> No.10968989

Calling things “reddit” is the most Reddit thing you can do.
Making ironic posts is pretty Reddit, as well.

>> No.10968995

see >>10968861

>> No.10969248


>> No.10969321

>What's your favorite song from the game?
End Credits with the End Theme coming up right behind it.


>> No.10969440


official art like that is why it took me 10 years to realize that he was Mario all along.

>> No.10969461

So epic that it got me excited when it started playing right after the Owl told me the going would get harder for the last 2 dungeons, even though I had already heard it play dozens of times by then.

>> No.10969616

In my headcanon, the entire thing is Link's dream and the wind fish isn't real.

>> No.10971149

Nobody said Mark Frost co-produced the game, anon.
Why does this particular bit of information brothers you?
It's not even a secret that Twin Peaks was a main inspiration on Link's Awakening, Frost confirming he actually talked to the game devs just adds to it.

>> No.10971212

He's goofing on the people who exaggerate and claim it's connected to Twin Peaks in a lore way. It's Buzzfeed-level dishonesty. It would be like if someone claimed that Robin Williams was a main creative force behind Kingdom Hearts, but what that REALLY means is that Nomura really liked the movie Hook and though about how his characters would need to dress like the natives in the worlds they go to to fit in.
Like he said, Nick Frost was probably asked how to hide a mystery in a very unusual world and that's it.

>> No.10971225

Nobody said LA is connected to TP in a canon way though.
"Closest to an official TP game" doesn't mean "actual official TP game"

>> No.10971319

That's still a ridiculous claim, though. That's like saying that Deltarune is "the closest thing to an official Mother 4" because Toby Fox met and spoke with Shigesato Itoi about game design stuff.

>> No.10971380

Oracles of Ages can go die in a fucking corner.

The fucking Goron dancing minigame that requires both memorization and perfect rythm.

I have always been 100% rythm deaf, useless at both bemanis and actual musical instruments. I had to ask for help to get through this crap. Using savestates or a gameshark has never been justified so much.

>> No.10971835

it was a problem for low skill retards. This isn't hard to understand oh wait it is for a retard.

>> No.10971889

Obviously it's a bit exaggerated but it's at the same time poking at the fact there isn't an official Twin Peaks game (that was actually released), Mother does have official games.
It's just a nice curiosity, don't see how it can cause even any drama. At worst you can just ignore it, this thread also has the usual game discussion anyway (og vs dx, item management, etc)

>> No.10972825

9 ¾ bit

>> No.10972894 [DELETED] 
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>twin peaks

>> No.10972923

Mostly true until you mentioned Rushdie, he's fucking trash

>> No.10972937 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 640x591, 22f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin peaks

>> No.10972938 [DELETED] 

I say and look this

>> No.10972946 [DELETED] 
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>twin peaks

>> No.10972973 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 640x591, 22f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin peaks

>> No.10972976 [DELETED] 

based anon trying to post his wojak meme in an attempt to let others know that he's angry about twin peaks

>> No.10972978 [DELETED] 

trannyjanny is purposely policing the thread cause he doesn't want anyone making fun of his heckin ludokino

>> No.10973186

as-salaam alaykum

>> No.10973267 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 640x591, 22f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin peaks

>> No.10973270 [DELETED] 
File: 778 KB, 1080x2222, Screenshot_20240529-045725-331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based LA and its connection to Twin Peaks breaking this guy's psyche

>> No.10973284 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 640x591, 22f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twin peaks

>> No.10973294
File: 208 KB, 400x461, ePVyLa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely some clear parallels.
Link being an outsider whho finds himself in a place with strange inhabitants (as opposed to most other Zeldas, where Link is already an inhabitant of Hyrule).
The owls, they're not what they seem!
Ancient prophetic wall paintings.
A weird old person who gives you clues, mostly on the phone (old man Ulrira is clearly inspired by Log Lady to me)
A final destination that's in a weird dimensional-warp like place with no clear directions (Red Room - the inside of the giant egg).
There's definitely a clear inspiration from TP in LA and it's not even speculation, Nintendo themselves outright said it, and Frost confirmed he even gave them ideas.

>> No.10973297

who fucking cares?

>> No.10973302

Heterosexuals who get laid.

>> No.10973307

I dunno kinda sounds like the opposite of what you just said

>> No.10973376

Love the art style. I just wish the dungeon maker was better. Other than that, it is a perfect version.

>> No.10973812

the art style is atrocious and the only thing actually bad about the switch version

>> No.10973842

>no u
uh... based?

>> No.10974029


>> No.10974154
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>no one has said sword hunt yet
putting the best song at the start of the game only heard then is genius for getting me to replay this game.

>> No.10974920

>if you don't like x you must be y
Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.10975172


>> No.10975707

I can't believe what an underrated post this is. This board strays closer to /v/ every day

>> No.10975727

Replies are not upvotes. Posts can be appreciated without a bunch of empty replies of "lol" or "kek" shitting up the thread. Go back where you came from.

>> No.10975757

I'm from here, asswipe. Don't teach me to suck eggs. I'm not even going to explain why you're wrong, because it would be self-evident if you lurk3ed m0ar before posting again.

>> No.10976420

"Yous" are the biggest cancer ever introduced to 4chan because of retards like you.

>> No.10976804

Are you retarded?
I despise it. What a disgrace. This game will never see another remake and they blew it hard.

>> No.10976987

Making the sword and shield always equipped removes some of what made the original special and does less to encourage you to use other items. In most Zelda games, the sword and shield are relied on heavily, often to the point of discouraging the creative use of items because it's easier just to whack everything with your sword unless you're forced to use an item for an enemy weakness or something. Link's Awakening treating the sword and shield no differently from any other items is very unique in the series and encourages using all the tools at your disposal. It's very telling when people complain about how often you have to switch items because it usually means they bring out an item to do something specific and then put the sword and shield back on immediately. The game flows much better and feels more fun once you let go of that mentality and just walk around with 2 presently-useful items up at any given time.