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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 378x263, Super_Mario_64_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10944274 No.10944274 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone on this board who actually played this game during release period?

>> No.10944285

yes. it's not THAT old, you know.

>> No.10944290

1996 was nearly 30 years ago, Anon.

>> No.10944295

I was 4 years old when it released. My older brother convinced my parents to buy an N64, and I watched him play it all the time. I have a vivid memory of watching him play it while listening to We Are the Champions on a boombox. I would play it too, but I was too young and retarded to get any further than the first ~10 stars so I would just ride the koopa shell around Bob-omb Battlefield for hours like a shitty skateboarding game. I probably racked up several hundred hours total by the time I was 8-9 but almost entirely through just exploring on his profile. I went back later in my 20s, got about 50 stars in and moved on. It's a good game and a perfect launch title to demonstrate the hardware, but actually trying to beat it bores the living fuck out of me and I can't motivate myself to continue.

>> No.10944297

please dont remind me about it. anyway most of the board is 30+, there's actually lot of anons being 40+ and always complaining about the "new" rules.

>> No.10944298

Most of us. I was 11. Thought it was overrated at the time (shitty N64 can't handle full environments so half the levels are just floating geometric shapes), don't think so anymore. Second greatest controls of all time behind melee

>> No.10944306

average age here is like 19, so not a lot I assume

>> No.10944307

I was 12 when the N64 came out, so I did.

>> No.10944308

I played it on a kiosk at a Sears. The camera cloud was annoying.
Then I emulated it on UltraHLE and I didn’t really care for it.

>> No.10944315

>average age here is like 19
on a retro games board?

>> No.10944319

yes. i was blessed to get it and an n64 on release. my parents didnt even make us wait until one of our birthdays/christmas/etc they just got it on release for me and my two sisters(but mainly me).

we got mario 64 and i believe pilot wings and wave race. mario 64 was the clear winner that we spent 90% of our time playing. pilot wings was janky and short, wave race was fun but repetitive. we had a lot of fun with mario 64.

other memorable games we got early on were:

the mortal kombat trilogy(i was 11 and had to convince my dad by showing him the movie went it came out later in the year)

crus'n usa - both my sisters' second favorite game after mario 64.

then star wars shadows of the empire for christmas at the end of the first year in 1996.

in 1997 i remember getting mario kart 64, blast corps, doom 64, tetrisphere(amazing), turok, and extreme g

then last game i have vivid memories of was zelda ocarina of time. i remember it came out a month or so before christmas, and i had begged my dad to preorder it for me so i could get teh special cartridge. i remember sneaking into our attic and finding the game with other wrapped presents and swapping out pilowings in the box and rewrapping it with teh spare paper. i played it late at night with headphones on and beat it before christmas but acted very grateful on christmas morning.

n64 was my main console for all of 1996-2000

>> No.10944321

This is a board for people who learn about retro games from streamers and YouTubers

>> No.10944327

it is now, thanks to rulechange and tranny moderation that support bait threads

>> No.10944328

had it at launch
played it in the kiosk in toyrus
was blown the fuck away-
only other similar experience i had (non-boomer tier) is seeing nights into dreams at kmart

>> No.10944342

i didnt get my n64 until 1997 when my stepdad brought it back from bosnia after winning it in a poker game with his army buddies. it was fun but i wasnt super crazy about it compared to starfox.

>> No.10944357

I was 11 buddy

>> No.10944363

This is by far one of the more normal boards but some the absolute spastics from v and b or wherever really annoy the fuck out of me.

>> No.10944367

That was probably the average age of 4chan users 15 years ago but Anons age and you're here forever. There are tons of 30+ Anons now. I'm 32 and turning 33 at the end of the month

>> No.10944370

Bro I'm turning 38 at the end of the month

>> No.10944398
File: 853 KB, 957x708, mcd n64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Briefly on one of these things, does that count?

>> No.10944413

I kept seeing screenshots of it on magazines and was very intrigued on how it would play. I was familiar with other games that utilized 3D like doom, star fox, virtua fighter, alone in the dark, magic carpet... So I was curious about this new game that promised freedom and a new camera system.
Then one day, around July or august of 96, I was shopping with my aunt and there it was, a TV on a store had the Super Mario 64 attract/demo screen playing. I remember literally dropping my jaw and glueing my face to the glass. Other kids were also around to see.
My aunt asked and they were asking for a ridiculous price for it, I remember the box being on display too and it was the japanese one.
I remember specifically being amazed at how quick and nimbly Mario ran and changed directions while running, you could tell it was very responsive even without playing it, the freedom of movememt magazines talked about were there.
I also specifically being amazed at the way the bridge on that one room om the boo mansio falls off as Mario runs through it, I dunno it just looked fantastic and impressive.

>> No.10944421

My family got an N64 for Christmas in 1996, Mario 64 was the first game we got. I even remember what I had difficulty with as a kid: jumping off of the poles in lethal lava land. These days if I play Mario 64 I get bored in about 10 minutes.

>> No.10944434

I agree. At the time I was a PC gamer. When you see the Mario 64 marketing, it looked like a vibrant 3d world. I played many 2.5d games, tons of 3d sims and fiddled with VRML. So I was hoping for the next step, something more like the games Rare made. I was entertained with the challenges, which were mostly ascend to this point and get the star.

I doubt that. Old people have been fucking around on BBSes and Usenet well before chans existed. Chans are like a gimped version of what old farts, like me had, in the 80s, 90s

>> No.10944435

Yes, I had the console bundle that came with the game. This and Paper Mario were the only two games I owned for the system. I borrowed Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye from a friend.

Ironically at the time I hated Ocarina of Time because the low framerate was making me sick and I didn't realize it until years later.

>> No.10944440

unfortunately yes, the quality of discussion has gone to the shitter mostly thanks to youboobers popularizing retro games, not a bad thing per se as modern gaming totally fucking sucks.
then there is the rule change that has sent the average age down but not as bad as 19 average
I did, contrarian opinion, even as low poly as it was it looked ahead and above the rest but it got old real fast but in hindsight they did marvels to get around the stupid cart size constraints.

>> No.10944470

only real reply in the thread

>> No.10944478

Sort of. I played it in the stores till I got it a year later after saving up my money and calling in all my favors. So I was a little late but not by much.

>> No.10944481

I played the demo in stores as soon as the n64 dropped

>> No.10944563

>This is by far one of the more normal boards
What the fuck? This one of the most shitpost laden boards I've seen on the entire site.

>> No.10944571

Maybe not in 1996, but yeah, I did it a couple of years later. Dunno, what's the point of the question?

>> No.10944572

>Is there anyone on this board who actually played this game during release period?
i dont remember precisely when we get our n64 but it was definitely close enough to consider it around "release period". this game was pure joy unlike anything i had ever played. i remember putting the thermometer to a light bulb to fake sick to stay home and play it. i greatly preferred the ps1 overall and i kind of started to fall out of love with nintendo overall around this time but theres no denying that mario 64 was one of the funnest times of my gaming life

>> No.10944594

>just ride the koopa shell around Bob-omb Battlefield for hours like a shitty skateboarding game
>not Lethal Lava Land

>> No.10944597

Only because of the zoomer refugees. All in all other boards are way worse, I just ignore the terrible zoomer opinions.

>> No.10944606 [DELETED] 

We already had this thread. >>10932431

>> No.10944615

True, lets have a more interesting one next.

>> No.10944626

Then tell the Zoomers to stop spamming the shame shit threads.

>> No.10944640

Mass replying should be punishable by death

>> No.10944705

At the time I thought it was extremely impressive gameplay-wise. Sure the final product was a little bit of a letdown considering all the ultra-64 renders they showed before hand. Of course we knew those were renders, but it was nintendo, surely they wouldn't LIE so brazenly about their projects? Well, lie is a strong term. But still.
Anyway, at the time I had a PC and so I had plenty of experience with software 3D and it was obviously leaps and bounds ahead of that. Don't let the revisionists lie to you, PC gaming in '95 was more pixelly and more texture warped than a PS1 game and with worse colors since the only way to get ANY decent framerates was to use 8-bit VGA. Anons complain the N64 couldn't do additive blending? Well shit, neither could the PC until 3D accelerators brought us out of 8-bit hell.
Yes, I did have a 3D card before the N64, no it wasn't even remotely comparable. The voodoo 1 was, but that was late to the party.
So yes, it was damned impressive and the simple visuals of Mario64 contrasted with the long draw distance terrain of Pilotwings and later the water physics of Waverace. Early N64 was like a showcase of all the things people had wanted to do for years and suddenly now had working examples. Meanwhile PC users coped claiming their fixed perspective voxel terrains were somehow comparable.

>> No.10944720

Not only did I play it in 96 but it is the only time Mario ever had a great game

>> No.10944726

Not when it was released, but I was a toddler and so my earliest video game memories are around 2000-2001 when the family still played N64 games, and super mario 64 was the earliest game I have memories of. Actually, we still played N64 until around 2005 or so. We also had an SNES and Genesis until then. I inherited all my siblings and cousins games and swore off the newer generations even back then because I was always a contrarian, and my parents got divorced, so I suppose I was always trying to return to the glory days.

>> No.10944727

Me. Who cares?

>> No.10945141

Yup. I got my snes with smw & alltp at release too. What would you like to know? I'm gonna say one thing, controversial perhaps, but oot wasn't very impressive when it was released. I still don't know why it is so popular now.

>> No.10945147

I played it at a demo unit at a toy store called toyworld in australia probably at the start of 1997 I guess, it was released in australia early 1997, a bit later than some other countries. I would have been 14. I didn't actually get a 64 myself until about a year later though

>> No.10945158

>oot wasn't very impressive when it was released.
i remember playing it at my cousins and thought the deku tree part looked like shit. had no interest in getting it myself, but picked it up years later out of curiosity and enjoyed it.
first impression was pretty terrible

>> No.10945364

I did. I was 12. I can't possibly explain how huge this game was at release.

It truly felt like a new era had dawned. No game before it let you play in a 3d space as fluidly.

>> No.10945372


Having grown up with SNES games a real proper 3D adventure was utterly mindblowing. They put all that effort into the movement for a reason, I spent countless hours just moving around and outside the castle. Little did I know no other 3D game, Mario or otherwise, would top it in all the years afterwards. Shit's weird.

>> No.10945376

>most of the board is 30+
sources: deep inside anons ass

>> No.10945509

>4chan became popular in the late 00s especially with teens and young adults
>15 years later they are now roughly 15 years older

>> No.10945527

Yeah. I was a huge Mario fan and going from 2d to 3d was the coolest thing ever. I feel gaming has stagnated a lot these days, but back then looking at new games was exciting as fuck, seeing how technology evolved so rapidly.

>> No.10945615

Hated it then and I still hate it now. Was definitely interested by how the game looked but the second I got my hands on it I was immediately put off by how Mario felt to control. Its slow, heavy and unresponsive. And I don't give a single fuck about your stupid fucking speedruns, just because people can beat it fast and do faggot tricks doesn't mean its good. Mario genuinely feels like a modern day Rockstar character as he moves, he even does that shit when you turn around where he has to fully move forward and then slowly turn. I also just got bored of the level design really quickly. Get to the top of the level, get to the box with the star, get red coins, get 100 coins it gets old quick theres not nearly enough unique missions for how few levels there are. It also just didn't feel like the Mario I knew. Outside of the Bowser boss levels there really wasn't much in the way of actual platforming. The power ups were lame and rarely utilized. The enemies were few and far between and completely inconsequential. I also hate the fucking music its obnoxious as hell and theres only like 5 songs in the entire game.

Genuinely baffling to me that this game is still held with such high regard, its one of the worst aging 3D platformers. Hell Id say its the worst one period if crap like Bubsy 3D didn't exist. Literally everything else on the N64 is better than it. I personally much preferred Crash Bandicoot, the levels weren't as big but it played a lot better even on a d-pad and had way more levels and better graphics.

>> No.10945621

It was certainly true 5+ years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the older anon have left.

>> No.10945629

Have you even been on any board that's been plagued by the /v/ and /pol/ contagion? It's literally unusable. Even /g/ is basically a /v/ colony now. The only boards that are absolutely unsuable are the ones with no mods, which happen to be those colonized by the channels by which newfaggots enter this site.

Put it into perspective, /diy/ is better than /a/, which is better than /vr/, which is alright by all metrics. /g/,/v/,/int/,/fit/ and /pol/ are all unmoderated dumpsterfires.

>> No.10945759
File: 62 KB, 172x237, nyarku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it in 1997. I was almost literally that N64-kid in the video. I had to get all the stars, and I was surprised to know there were so many more than 70. The last star I got was the <20 seconds star in the Princess' Secreting Slit, I think sometime in 1998 right before Half-Life came out.

>> No.10945774

>the anons complaining about the new rules are just old
retarded logic

>> No.10946112

I remember when big shopping mall in my area had a stand with it. It was magic back then, true magic. To be fair, when I seen psx with some dark as shit game or gran turismo it was magic all the same.

It's so crazy that today I have stuff beyond my imagination back then, PS5 and switch just being right there and I cannot even dream about reaching that feeling.

>> No.10946132

Yes, you could actually rent an n64 from our blockbuster and I played this and Pilot Wings. Got my own n64 for Christmas that year with Shadows of the Empire. I remember Christmas season they would set up mario in department stores for kids the play while the parents shopped and the line to play was almost as long as the line to see Santa. Kinda gay that I can't get my kids an experience quite like that

>> No.10946529
File: 51 KB, 373x373, 17131161494600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10946576

1998, maybe. I liked Banjo and DK64 more, back in the day, but Mario probably holds up better in terms of it's gameplay.

>> No.10946693

>exaggerating this hard.

>> No.10946696

I was 9 years old, my dad got me my Nintendo 64, my mom got me Mario 64.

I 120 starred the game 4 times because I loved it that much.

>> No.10946715

Anon, I've been here since 2008, the chans are objectively garbage tier now, you have no idea.

/vr/ is the only place that can, AT TIMES, be normal. Here is a game to play, pick a board at random and see how long you go before seeing a post with someone screaming about trans people.

>> No.10947150

/vr/ can be normal "that guy" isn't here, making bait threads every five minutes.

>> No.10947179
File: 47 KB, 400x184, 1694698839532949.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site is full of newfags on every single board now. Some of the newfags have been here for years and rules & customs are not respected by users or mods. It's not really a zoomer problem. It's a result of social media making this place readily available to every retard. We're under constant raids by every normalfag group of friends under the sun. Even the #1 point of the site, anonymity, is barely respected.
As for age, /vr/ is a bit of a mixed bag. Weirdly, the porn boards are full of 50+ year old porn addicts/enthusiasts, it's impressive some of them can even use the site.

>> No.10947197

I remember a day on /v/ when someone pointed out the game was 15 years old and I always think of that when people point out its actual age now

>> No.10947212

Its so annoying the way they spam the same garage tier threads aroud Nintendo or Sega.

>> No.10947231


>> No.10947405

I didn't have an N64 but I played it at store kiosks and my friend's house, why?

>> No.10947496

i did. i could never figure out wall jumping and would always ask my dad to do it

>> No.10947532

Not sure if this is data collecting or shitposting but there's no reason it can't be both.

>> No.10947542

I'm 44, I remember playing SMB when it was released.

>> No.10947616

I was born in 92, was playing it as I first bagan to make memories and we'll into the 00s. Absolutely love that game.

>> No.10947626

Turning 32, been here since 2004, want to die.

All I ever wanted was to play video games and watch fan-subbed esoteric anime. I'm tired. I'm so tired all the time.

>> No.10947632

You should take vitamin D3

>> No.10947643

Once you hit your mid thirties things become better anon, you just think "fuck it" and do whatever. I remember 30 - 33 being tough years desu for some reason, think it's the realisation of life and the loss of your 20s. I've not stopped playing games though, I probably enjoy it more now.

>> No.10947653

With hilariously shit taste too. Did you see the FF7 thread with all the anons lapping up Remake's meta-sequel fuckery like fanboys? This board's a wash, overtaken by larpering Zoomers and Redditors, among other cancer.

>> No.10947659

This is the only board with enough adults to just make a fool of him though, I think he's either a sperg or a genuine 14 year old. He'll just enter a thread an argue about something totally unrelated or make a "don't care who asked?" comment. It's retarded.

>> No.10949593


>> No.10949612

>meta-sequel fuckery like fanboys
But its a sequel? I didn't even play it and ai know that.

>> No.10950238

Does Christmas of 1997 count? If so then yes.

>> No.10950247

>you now realize that the 50 year old porn addicts probably first came here back in 2004 for the porn

>> No.10950257

I'm 19 kek

>> No.10950365

/vr/ is somehow one of the least shitty boards on this site. I legitimately wasn't into retro games until I came here once and was brought in by the good posters.
Outside of your daily coomlecting vs emulation or whatever /vr/ has a remake or relrelease on modern consoles, the rest of the posts are generally good and you can have a thread last for a few days rather than 10 minutes tops on other places.

Mods can be incredibly autistic about what counts as retro but I do sneak in a non-retro thread here and there and honestly I just wish we could post about modern games here so we don't have to deal with /v/'s idiocy

>> No.10950372

I remember seeing it at a sears kiosk when it was new and being blown away.

>> No.10950373

it does not.

>> No.10950390

Literally anyone alive in the late 90s played this game

>> No.10951561

Yeah, I played it back then. It hasn’t changed much.

>> No.10951719

Wait I was born in 1996 kek. Anyways I played this around 2000

>> No.10951725

This and this, op is a double nigger

>> No.10951818
File: 213 KB, 1024x590, ActionSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone here is a zoomer you know, I started on the NES. The N64 was my third console, got it close to release.

>> No.10951842

Yes. Parents got me and my brothers an N64 the moment they started popping up in stores and we played it to death over the course of the next half-decade or so.

Daily reminder that anyone born after 1996 isn't people and we don't want you here. This was always a place that belongs to Millennials and the few technologically-inclined Gen X'ers.

>> No.10951893

Sorry brev. I was born in 96 and I'm here to stay

>> No.10951919

I’m literally too dumb to beat this game. I don’t know how to get the stars in the later parts of the game and I feel like looking it up would be cheating. How did kids beat this game when it came out?

>> No.10951932

If you can't get enough stars to make it to the end credits, you probably are stupid, yeah.
It's a game geared for children and people who have never played a 3D game before.

>> No.10951943

Frankly, I don't know if I want anyone born after the 80's, and I was born after the 80's.
Things drop off pretty rapidly after that point. If you're too young to even remember a world before the Millennium, and you never got to play Gameboy, or any of the 8 or 16 bit systems as a kid, you have no place in a retro gaming community. Saying that in the nicest possible way.
We're just not the same.

>> No.10951970

No, we had about 15 N64 games growing up and this wasn't one of them. Hardly anyone talked about it and it wasn't until decades later that zoomer history revisionism made it to be some huge deal and acted like it was one of the most influential games ever.

>> No.10952034

You're blaming the wrong group of people. The reason the Internet went to shit is because of normies and thirdies. Back in the 90s, the overwhelming majority of people online were first world nerds. Of that group, most of them were from the US.

>> No.10952059

I think the internet went downhill when social media usage became ubiquitous internationally, so sometime in the late 2000s/2010s I imagine.

>> No.10952259

I'm talking about newfags exclusively.

>> No.10952435

You don't get it. Retro gaming as a thing ended with the turn of the millennium, if not somewhere in the mid-90's.
I don't care if people think the PS2 or the Xbox 360 are retro now. They aren't.
The early, wild west era of game development was over by that point. Arcades were out, 2D was out. PC gaming as it's own ecosystem was more or less out. Sega was out. Completely different world.

>> No.10952635

Yes. Why?

Half this board is over 30 and nearly everyone here is over 20. This might be the only board on 4chan where the majority of users are actual adults.

>> No.10952649

Me, I was 8. AMA anything.

>> No.10952673

>t. born in 1995

>> No.10953690

>I started on the NES. The N64 was my third console, got it close to release.
Same for me, I got the NES in 88 or something.
The cool part about this is that we went from SMB to Mario64 in less than 10 years. Such big jumps in tech are no longer possible these days