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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10943875 No.10943875 [Reply] [Original]

First time playing this gem and I’ve unironically been on the edge of my seat most of the game.
Post any other pre-2000 horror games worth playing.

>> No.10943889

older graphics can be unnerving in a way that modern graphics cant. theres nothing scary about 8k unreal slop

>> No.10943904

horror games were never scary. fiction isn't scary,

>> No.10943909

This, the fact that monster designs have become completely generic (even more so than in the past when they had technical limitations barring them for doing anything too crazy) and the fact every horror game now is an action horror game. It was novel when RE4 came out, but even then they still had game mechanics that kept the suspense of death alive.

>> No.10943951

The fear of the unknown. Letting your mind fill in the gaps. With modern games, there is no gaps left to fill in.
I've also found older games put pressure on the player, which really adds to the mental stress to enhance the scariness. Limited saves, a neigh-undefeatable monster following you around, NPC friends you have to really work to save, that kind of stuff constantly weighing on your mind. Modern horror games the biggest thing you have to keep in mind is wondering when the next jump scare will come up.

>> No.10944302

hell yea, best CT. the castle level is kinda bullshit, though.

>> No.10944358

The original Stalker pulled off creepy better than any other game I've ever played. The dark places are so dark you can barely see. You'll be exploring some lonely, abandoned tunnel or building where it's dead quiet and suddenly some critter will jump out at you.

>> No.10944378

The last game I played that I found genuinely spooky was Dead Space 1. I played it at night with surround sound speakers and sometimes I was so spooked by it that I would only play for 10 or 15 minutes at a time. Haven't played the remake yet. Dead Space 2 was good but you are already familiar with the game mechanics and atmosphere by then and your character feels more powerful. I really liked in DS1 that the main character never spoke a single word.

>> No.10944379

they never were

>> No.10944393

there's plenty modern horror games that are scary

as for pre 2000's horror, try Echo Night

>> No.10944406

People are overly desensitized to horror. One of the defining things about something being horrific is it is something you don't really experience all the time. Like this anon said, it's fear of the unknown>>10943951, but when it's something you have experienced dozens upon dozens of times it is no longer unknown and just another routine. There's literally nothing you can do to make games horrifiying again expect to stop playing them for a few decades and maybe try again later.

>> No.10944407

There's a balance. The original Alone in the Dark's graphics are more laughable than scary.

>> No.10944794

Uninvited (original b&w mac version)
AMBER Journeys Beyond

>> No.10944818

They weren't old at the time though.

>> No.10944852

Care to name some? Genuine question

>> No.10944858

Game developers don't know shit anymore, everything is just ripping off popular games like PT or Amnesia these days.

>> No.10944878

newer games are scarier, old games of this era have a higher aesthetic quality to them but they're generally more mild experiences.

>> No.10944886

halloween by pigfarmer games.

>> No.10944895

fatal frame II scared the shit out of me

>> No.10944981

this, op is a pissbaby

>> No.10944990
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I personally wish horror games delved a lot more into surreal horror. Yume Nikki is one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm still chasing the feeling to this day. None of the fangames captured the original magic for me.

>> No.10945000

>None of the fangames captured the original magic for me.
That's because Yume was (presumably) based on a real person's dreams, while the fangames are just rehashes of the source content with no similar dream input from the developer.

>> No.10945008

You aren't wrong, its easy to be desensitized. But there's still plenty of aspects I feel like modern horror games just don't get right, Alien Isolation and ZombiU not withstanding
>Unless the reason is a zombie infection or something, there's too many basic humanoid types, probably because its easier to mocap
>Hard to feel like there's a fear of losing progress due to mandatory checkpoint saves instead of the choice of continuing onward for a better end game rank/reward
>Some of them go on for too goddamn long
>Combat has so much effort put into the melee animations...and yet it doesn't feel like there's any more depth than something like Silent Hill 1, some modern horror games like Callisto Protocol feel more like Punch Out with space zombies than anything
>Too many scripted sequences of just letting the player play through the game at their own pace, or saving the cinematic moments for cutscenes
But those are more knitpicks on my end

>> No.10945014

nah there's a jumpscare in the castle and I immediately wrote the game off when it happened

>> No.10945050

Silent Hill 4 is kinda similar to Yume Nikki but it's not as bright and visually diverse
Iblard on PS1, it's not a horror game though

>> No.10945059 [DELETED] 

>fiction isn't scary
Genuine question, people who say this, are they autistic or have 100% NPC brain?

>> No.10945061 [DELETED] 

just retarded.

>> No.10945069

Alot of them are quite predictable. It's always MUH TRAUMA MUH ANXIETY. Ironically a game with a great haunting atmosphere was Gone Home and there was a great chance to have it be a horror game instead of just finding out why your family isn't home, and that your sister is Lebanese. Travesty that it ranks higher than games like Doom2016.

>> No.10945070 [DELETED] 

they think it makes them cool. like gorefags, yeah we get it your a demon or a witch or whatever go brood in the back of the classroom again.

>> No.10945124
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not him
as goofy as it looks, i think crow country does a decent job at being a short but solid survival horror that has sections that can make you feel pretty uneasy.
there was also a demo on the steam next fest for a game called hollowbody that you unfortunately can't play anymore.
despite being a more futuristic game, it did a good job of capturing the feeling of exploring the apartments in SH2, kind of has the look down too.
the problem is that it's a demo, so it could turn out to be a big pile once the game comes out and you get past that point.
the trailers for the game are a bit terrible, and the video on the steam page has a person who is already way too familiar with the game making everything look way less scary.

>> No.10945170

I like some of pig farmer/puppet combo crap but halloween/babysitter bloodbath ain't it.

>> No.10945437

Games were never scary. For something to be scary you have to believe the danger is real.

>> No.10945445

I never found them scary but I still enjoy them for some reason...

>> No.10945613 [DELETED] 

i know i'm not cool, i'm just fucking autistic when i say that fiction isn't scary, i'm not bragging, im legit just fucking confused. like, seriously, what scares you about it? it's not real

>> No.10945719 [DELETED] 

There's two possibilities here.

The first is that they cannot envision themselves in a terrifying scenario, because they can't really envision things period.
It's a current meme, but these are the kinds of people who have difficulties with hypotheticals, it hasn't to happened before, and it's not happening now, so it's not a position they can imagine.

The second, and much more likely possibility, is that they aren't actually cognitively impaired like that at all (because the vast majority of people are not), but rather that they think they project themselves as tough and secure by claiming it. They actually can envision themselves in terrifying scenarios, but a lack of maturity and experience with such media makes them uncomfortable doing so, and they want to try to reject it altogether.

I'll work from the angle that you're not trolling.

Can you picture YOURSELF being stuck in a strange and difficult to fully understand situation which is frequently a direct threat to you or/and people you care about? You may never be in a Silent Hill kind of situation in real life, but a lonely and detached parallel world full of hateful and bizarre horrors looking to hurt you and your loved ones, you would not be afraid and disturbed if that was you who was stuck there?
How about the empathy angle? You would not grow to care about a fictional character, get attached to them, then worry for them if they are stuck in horrible situations?

Set aside "This could never happen." for the moment, or if you cannot suspend your disbelief for the supernatural, then picture the possibilities of realistic and true to life horrors.

>> No.10945727

you're retarded

>> No.10945731

The fact that its so expensive to make and animate a monster nowadays you HAVE to have it go SCRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the moment it sees the player or else its wasted money in the order of 100Ks

>> No.10945770

anyone else who can only be scared by first-person horror?
I find it much easier to immerse myelf from that perspective, within a few minutes i can forget about my surroundings and immerse myself in the world in front of me.
Whilst third-person horror (which I still enjoy greatly and can immerse me to some degree) never actually scare me because the camera makes it feel like I'm not the one whose in danger, but rather just the character on screen, if that makes any sense...
There's another layer of abstraction there

>> No.10945776 [DELETED] 

honestly, i a autistic enough that it legit took till my mid 20s to establish a healthy level of empathy for *real* people, and looking back i often feel shame over what a self-centered cunt i was as a teenager

but this empathy really only does extend to real living beings.caring enough about a fictional character enough to worry about them in a fictional story is still a really bizarre idea to me. fiction is fiction. it's entertainment. it's thought-provoking. but it's not real.

>> No.10945919 [DELETED] 

I was the same as a kid. Not outright sociopathic or evil, but clearly uncaring of others and strongly self-centered.

Just the other day I was reminded of something I said as a teen, something I felt was 'badass' at the time, and which my peers had very strong revulsion to, and at the time I didn't fully understand people's objections, I had figured it maybe very slightly mean spirited, and my first gut feeling was that they overreacted, but what I did understand was that people took great personal offense to it, that it was serious to the point that I was threatened with beatings by friends.
Even though the humiliation and fear at the moment was unpleasant, it was very important for me to both out that kind of thinking to expose it, and then learning that it was vile. This forced me to reflect on what I said and how it would actually affect other people, learning empathy which I had been pretty ignorant of.

I didn't become a good guy overnight, I was a real little shit still, but things like that forced me to introspect and to try to understand other people more. I would probably be a lesser person for not having had that experience.

I actually still need to grow on that, I've had to learn that I'm actually still fairly selfish in some ways, and that I need to work on it. But that's our lot, we didn't get all the right firmware and we need to try to build it ourself by hand.

Anyway, the point isn't so much to view fictional character as equivalent to people, because they are not, but rather to put yourself in the headspace of IF they were, with the full knowledge that they're not, or to imagine yourself in their shoes. For instance, I will never be someone like Kratos, but the idea of me losing my wife and child like he did is still unspeakably terrifying, even though I don't actually have a child. Having lost cats and dogs, the feeling would not be unfamiliar.

>> No.10945965

>Hard to feel like there's a fear of losing progress due to mandatory checkpoint saves instead of the choice of continuing onward for a better end game rank/reward
That is the real crux of the pervasive tension all good horror games have - they limit your ability to save progress so any progression inherently carries the risk of losing what the player has invested (primarily time but also aspects such as favourable outcomes of enemy encounters, good RNG on item drops and the like) and that is a commodity that cannot be acquired through other means. Who gives a shit about cthulu coming to remodel your shithole if all it costs you is 10 minutes and 2 loading screens if he grabs you?

>> No.10946181

What are some good first person horror games besides Outlast and RE:VII.

>> No.10946192

Cry of Fear

>> No.10946202

I never played horror games because they're scary, I played them for the atmosphere.

>> No.10946226 [DELETED] 

Seconding this, it stands with VtMB as 00's-core melodrama atmoslop and I love it

>> No.10946245

it jumps the shark towards the end but into the vivo

>> No.10946251 [DELETED] 

kinospheric you mean

>> No.10946268

I like Remorse: The List. Them and Us has a FPS option.

>> No.10946496

Its a cheat since its in VR and its not really a horror game, but Half Life Alyx genuinely had more scary moments than most regular horror games do. It makes the Resident Evil remakes look like childs play.
I'd also shill Alien Isolation any day of the week. It does feel a bit too long though, there's tons of moments where it feels like you're about to reach the climax, but then it keeps on going and going.

>> No.10946541 [DELETED] 

I know some IRL people who unironically think like this. Cringe af

>> No.10946586

>Why aren’t horror games scary anymore
because you're not 5 anymore

>> No.10946712 [DELETED] 
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>you don't understand, the evil scientist in the video game made the genetically modified zombie monsters
>this is really scary guys and if you don't think it is then you have autism

>> No.10946723 [DELETED] 

Back to /v/

>> No.10946803 [DELETED] 

Alien Isolation is the most terrifying piece of media I've ever consumed

>> No.10946819

Play .flow as it's the only fangame that feels as organic.
>T. Fellow ああああ enjoyer

>> No.10946856
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I would highly advise not using 3W TV speakers that rattle when consuming media meant to be scary. Some good speakers/headphones go a long way as audio is very important and can do a lot of heavy lifting for setting and maintaining the mood. Sure when the alien/monster/whatever jumps out at you can be scary but good background audio (and in this context, being able to hear it) can - and will - keep you on edge which is important. I feel this is an area where silent hill is particularly good at.

>> No.10946983

>Why aren't horror games scary anymore?
Because it's either cheap ass first person engine demo or third person over shoulder slop, and the attempt at "Horror" is actually just the devs trying to cause anxiety.

>> No.10947020

I even wish games made me feel anxiety again. No games are punishing anymore and horror/survival games should be the most punishing of them all

>> No.10947408

I honestly think we lost some of the magic of imagination when we got crisp clear graphics. The same can be said for fallout. The difference in atmosphere between the 2d and 3d games is jarring

>> No.10947454

I have played a metric ton of horror games and they still unnerve me, try doing what I do:
>play only in the dark late at night
>no social contact with others at all, even on here
>back to a window without the blinds open if possible
>no background noise at all beyond the game
>take care of any other tasks you wanted to do that night before you play, so you won't be mentally distracted

>> No.10947525

This. To elaborate, the best scary moments in STALKER were emergent - nights can be terrifying in the Zone - while the scripted ones sucked nearly as much as any RE game.

>> No.10948297

The Thief series is essentially a horror game half of the time.
And it has tons of horror related fan missions

>> No.10948378

Yes and no, I don't believe for a second that a teenager or adult would get legitimately scared by a video game or movie; only children would, for obvious reasons, and only if said media is contemporary to them. Otherwise, they tend to find older horror more funny than scary most of the time

>> No.10948387

because you're a hipster

>> No.10949674

poor Doggo gets a load of washing powder into its mouth

>> No.10949723

since we're on the retro board, hellnight

>> No.10949725

Enemy Zero

>> No.10950738

Echo Night 1 & 2
Shadow Tower (basically)

>> No.10950758
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I was exposed to this game when I was a child and it legit fucked me up for many years
D (1995) on 3DO

>> No.10950802

depends on what you mean by legitimately scared but if you have somebody in the dark with headphones and they're playing one of those dropped in a silent dark maze with a stalking killer games, plenty of people are going to get spooked.

>> No.10950809

i dont know if you are right,playing the classic resident evil i dont really ever get scared where as i was very stressed out playing RE2 remake and even the 4 remake.
on the other hand i can get uncomfortable playing silent hill so it depends on the games both for retro and non-retro.

>> No.10951203
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>> No.10951498
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>> No.10951528

Alien: Isolation is genuinely scary as shit. Okay, shit, that released 10 years ago, but still. For me it's modern enough.

>> No.10952540

Idk OP, I played Fatal Frame 1 and that was the only game that made me scared beyond jumpscares as an adult. Once I bear it, I literally couldn't stop hearing that birth blind ghost saying "is someone there?" for 2 fucking years. I got spooked into a state of schizophrenia.

>> No.10952541

Forgot to post a picture of her

I am once again asking you to make a thread with all of these you made, because they tickle my autism in the most tantalizing way.

>> No.10952546
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, fatal-frame-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard

>> No.10952565

the scariest game ive ever played was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC so idk about that. im not sure if it has anything to do with gfx at all tbph
its more about presentation and atmosphere
older games had comparatively tiny dev teams, so it was much easier to concisely establish a games atmosphere between a team of 4 people, compared to a team of 40 or 400 people

>> No.10952575

I only remember
Yeah that game is scary as fuck, Fatal Frame 3 is too

>> No.10952590

Horror requires good writing. There are no good writers anymore.

>> No.10952612

since im apparently not the only one saying it: play the stalker trilogy

idk if it was intentional or accidental, or wtf, but they made pretty much the scariest game ever, in addition to it being a really fun shooter.
the whole gameloop is centered around this constant pingponging in between heavy action, then suddenly shifting to terrifyingly quiet exploration. youll be chilling by the fire listening to your buddy play guitar, feeling safe as milk. then youll walk a few feet out of camp and get an overwhelming sense of dread, navigating in between mutants and anomalies that can rip you apart in seconds

imo its that contrast that does it. its what gets you "on edge", and if done right, its what keeps you there the whole game.
silent hill is another great ex of this idea with its realworld/otherworld dichotomy

>> No.10953340

P.T was scary

>> No.10953906
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>PT was scary
>PT scary
>PreTty scary

>> No.10953957

I have made about 170 of those throughout the years (almost half of which being NES/FC RPGs), so a thread with them all would take me 3 hours. If I didn't have to be here to do the captcha every min i'd consider it

>> No.10954021

The final section that's an end-to-end blocked corridor is a great set piece.

>> No.10954245

Clock Tower on PS1 is not fucking scary. It's the video game equivalent of a cheap slasher flick. That's fine, it can be exciting, but it's not scary.

>> No.10954276

I dunno. I played RE1 a short while ago and I heard everyone call that the scary one, but instead the zombies are all just goobers I'm waiting to randomly shuffle the wall so I can finally get past, and the Hunters just feel like bad game design instead of something that actually puts me on edge. As for Clock Tower 2, it's more just kinda thrilling than scary, I'd say. If it was a TV show, it'd be fantastic. If they made a 4-6 episode OVA out of it, I'd buy those blu-rays.

I'd say the 2000-2006 is the sweet spot, with games like Siren 2 or Condemned. Those are actually spooky.

>> No.10956242

Echo Night was definitely not scary.

Honestly, it was a pretty mediocre experience overall.

>> No.10956560

It can have its moments but the series really improved with each title. In 2 ghosts can appear in your face with no warning by going through walls and Beyond is scary as fuck.

>> No.10956569

because EVERY FUCKING MODERN HORROR GAME is just a reskin of RE4

>> No.10956570

If you turn off the cheesy music, those wonky low poly models are creepy as hell.

>> No.10956709

I've never been actually frightened by a movie, but horror videogames scare the shit out of me. Something about being in control fucks me up.

>> No.10956754

The first half of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

>> No.10956934

>because EVERY FUCKING MODERN HORROR GAME is just a reskin of amnesia

>> No.10956946

what game is this?

>> No.10956986

>fiction isn't scary,
actual genuine autism

>> No.10956989

Clock Tower 2

>> No.10957405

You have to turn off sound too because they make silly noises

>> No.10957450

>Why aren’t horror games scary anymore?

>> No.10957474

fpbp, also older graphics tend to be more abstract by design or coincidence, this lends more to the imagination, amplifying horror effect

>> No.10957489

They still are, when they're made by indies. The Mortuary Assistant is one everyone should play. There's also tons of weird liminal space (:^o!!!!) games

>> No.10957502

>There's also tons of weird liminal space (:^o!!!!) games
Can you suggest a few? Naturally occurring liminal spaces can feel haunting, but the majority of the “liminal space” genre feels too forced imo.

>> No.10957525

>horror game without combat
Most of them boil down to a game of hiding in the closet until the monsters go away
>horror game with combat
No matter how resource-starved you are, 90% of them are a shooting gallery by the end.

There has to be a good middle ground without making the game feel needlessly tedious.

>> No.10957532

>Most of them boil down to a game of hiding in the closet until the monsters go away
I would argue that was mostly a 4-5 year period after Amnesia came out, specifically because Amnesia did it. I don't think hiding in the closet was really a long term trend in retro or modern times.

>> No.10957565

Clock Tower, ...Iru!, Silent Hill Shattered Memories

>> No.10957574

None of them are really what I'm describing. You're running away from the monster yes, but it's more about puzzle-solving than playing hide-and-seek

>> No.10957656

>Why aren’t horror games scary anymore
Because at some point the lore became more important then the game.

>> No.10957837

>Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Damn this game was such a disappointment for me. I was craving for more Silent Hill and expected it to be somewhat enjoyable because it's by the same devs as Origins but it turned out to be David Cage type shit

>> No.10957848
File: 3.51 MB, 640x360, alone in the dark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yakety Sax.ogg

>> No.10957875

one thing I've noticed is that tank controls can be leveraged for a somewhat involved chase mechanic, with standard mouselook/analog chasing gameplay is so perfunctory that it's pointless, with the unwieldiness of tank controls there's some tension in not running into a corner and not being able to instantly correct your direction.

>> No.10957881

it's because you're a big boy now

>> No.10958223

The zombie turning his head cutscene and the cerberus reveal were the actual scary parts, and the cerberus reveal was a jump scare anyway. Other than that, I think I was a little too old by the time I played RE, maybe 11 or so, so it wasn't scary at all for me either.

>> No.10958312

>Why aren’t horror games scary anymore?
because horrorfags don't understand the concept of "less is more" and completely miss the point of what makes something scary in the first place (see 99.9% of modern/indie horror).

and in the context of /vr/, 9000+ hours in your favorite horror game is going to do that.

>> No.10958372

false question. modern games are scarier.

>> No.10958397

Some do feature sexy white women which I agree is the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.10958424

Zombie turning his head was chilling, but I think the only one that was actually scary was the Hunter reveal. All of a sudden, this intelligent foe is deliberately chasing you down, and he can open doors too! OoooooOOoooOOoo
...then you find out he can't actually open doors and he's not that much smarter. It only really changes how you bait their movement, as sometimes you gotta get them to leap, and IIRC you can only dodge then on one side due to how they swipe (but you're also always safe if you're on that side as a result)

>> No.10959482

Kek. Reminds me of the homing briefcase glitch in Hitman 2

>> No.10959503

For me it's because my life is already objectively horrifying, at least compared to what I thought it would be 25+ years ago.

Some of the things in these horror games would be a vacation or permanent improvement to my life.

>> No.10959541

there are really scary shit on steam but the gameplay is really poor.
the best modern horror games are Resident Evil 7 and Alien Isolation. both are scary and good. the problem is, once you've played these you can't go back to corridor walking simulations.

>> No.10959589

I have never been spooked by any game except Silent Hill 1, playing it alone in the dark. Silent Hill 2, sure okay, but I was older and played it more in the daytime because of logistical circumstances.

>> No.10959604

I played re1 alone in the dark when I was 6 and it scared the fucking shit out of me. Still to this day I get spooked like a nigger at a klan rally if I play it in the dark alone, just from nostalgia.

>> No.10959621

Understandable, it's too tense and they goad you with the camera angles. When the dogs first appear it's not just a nuisance, it's an existential threat if you don't have the shotgun and running past them I'd say pretty successfully recreates the feeling of a movie hero running from a monster.

>> No.10959734

>it's an existential threat if you don't have the shotgun
wat,they get stunlock easily with the pistol.

>> No.10959735

What these bratans said. Stalker SoC has the most incredible atmosphere, and the zone is a strangely beautiful place. It's such a weird blend, and it's perfect. If it was all labs and all horror, it wouldn't be half as good, and the dread would wear off quickly. But going back and forth between being a genuinely fun shooter with cool AI and a horror game with nerve-wracking and claustrophobic underground sections makes this a 10/10. Unwinding at the bar after a night in a lab is genuinely, incredibly relaxing. Also has an absolute killer soundtrack.

>> No.10959776

Pls don't piss measure with me, I played it for the first time last year. The dogs start off-camera so it's very tense is all I'm saying. Until you have knowledge, you might fight them with the pistol, and it's so easy to miss and get lunged on. Yes the shotgun is basically mandatory, and I think if the player doesn't have it they learn to observe their movement and run.

>> No.10960593

Amnesia: The Bunker is better than RE7

>> No.10961069

As a horror game? Yes.
As an FPS with a haunted house theme? Fuck no.