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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10939418 No.10939418 [Reply] [Original]

Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods than anyone else?
>reliable hardware without moving parts, early 90s models were actual clones of the Famicom and had FC style pads with rounder edges instead of the more angular NES ones
>Big library of games, maybe not the big games that required saving, like The Legend of Zelda, but on turn famiclones got a lot of japanese-only games
>Cheap as fuck and also multicarts
Basically famiclone kids got both, quality Japanese games, but at a very cheap cost, getting the best of both worlds of console gaming (good games) and british micros (cheap price).
You could argue modchipped PS1 or PS2 is better but
1) moving parts means less reliable hardware, especially if you weren't aware of putting the console upside-down technique in order for it to read discs
And 2) 100% ludo, no modern style games with movie stuff or urban simulators, just straight up games.

>> No.10939443

>gets shot by the missing link in Brazil
>best childhood

>> No.10939447

Allah u akbhar, my "first world" friend.

>> No.10939456

That wasn't a factor back then when the NES was in stores. Feel old yet?

>> No.10939461

Yeah, kinda...
To be fair, third world also wasn't as bad back then, at least where I lived, it got worse in the 2000s.

>> No.10939462

was the dendy really all that good tho (I know 2nd world not 3rd world)

>> No.10939495

Except the hardware broke all the time, moving parts or not has nothing to do with it, they were still shoddily made electronics.
Games being in Japanese (or English for that matter) meant they weren't able to understand the story at best or how to play at worst, depending on the game.
A lot of the bootlegged games had anti-piracy protections that weren't properly circumvented because chinese didn't give a fuck, so you end up with things like Shatterhand looping infinitely after the first stage or unfairly high difficulty and immortal Shredder of TMNT III

>> No.10939503

Chinks know like half the words the nips use.

>> No.10939514

>Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods than anyone else?
no lol

Don't act like the 90s wasn't better for the first world

>> No.10939520


>> No.10939530

Third worlders were also put onto the best path for gaming after famiclones, moving on to the Mega Drive or it's clones, followed by the PlayStation. The respective kings of the 16-bit and 32-bit eras.

>> No.10939540

Stop larping, retard

>> No.10939543
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>third worlders
>had better childhoods

>> No.10939545

As a third world nigga I can say that everything was better back then even though we are living better than ever now days.
Nostalgia is a bitch to deal with.
>look back and I still see myself and my cousins watching Dragon Ball Z in my aunt house because she was the only of my Mom twelve siblings that had cable
>trading pokemon pogs with classmates
>playing football (soccer) with my cousins on the street
>staying up late at night playing TMNT3 on my famiclone
>going with dad and my uncle to the city because of my uncle work
>playing hide and seek with a million kids I didn't know on any birthday I was invited to
Shit was cash, remember my first kiss at one of those birthdays with an older girl I had just met behind a house half way done, can't remember the girl name or what the fuck even happened to her but damn it I will never forget that kiss.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.10939547
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>Third worlders were also
they don't have toilets or electricity for fuck sake

>> No.10939560

Switzerland is right there.

>> No.10939561

I'm sure the eitheopian famine in the 80s, the somali famine in the 90s, the rwandan genocide, idi amin and the drugged child soldiers amputating in liberia, sierra leone and Uganda as well as the massacres in Sudan the slavery in mail the cannibalism in the car and the walking through streets filled with shit in india was just great. Sorry if I left out your failed states dictatorship and its corruption/famine/genocide/etc

>> No.10939583

>reliable hardware
Gamepads were garbage.
The cords were falling apart, buttons malfunctioned and the charging brick usually required maintenance.

>> No.10939771

>third worlders who grew up
As opposed to all the ones who died of 3rd world problems in childhood?
>Furigana are most commonly used in works for children, who may not have sufficiently advanced reading skills to recognize the kanji

>> No.10939795

>Big library of games, maybe not the big games that required saving, like The Legend of Zelda, but on turn famiclones got a lot of japanese-only games
Fuck no, all the games we got were shovelware shit. Every single one of them. I'd kill to get to play zelda, river city ransom, elite, ultima, dragon warrior 2, or final fantasy.
>getting the best of both worlds of console gaming (good games) and british micros (cheap price).
Micros had the best games. Sandbox open world, text adventure, CRPG, simulators, these games could make you stay in your room all week. The only downside were the slow ass loading time and shitty tape drive.

>> No.10939805

The CHAD open defecation vs. the virgin poo in the loo.

>> No.10939814


>> No.10939818

Yes!! Also late 90s/early 2000s PC. Even third worlders who are 25-30 years old now (almost zoomers) had all that growing up
I remember Bosnia and Albania being Pakistan-tier on one of the 'street shit' maps but maybe it was edited

>> No.10940283

You're not fooling anyone, bongistani.
I will play Battle City or Twin Bee over any microshart garbage.

>> No.10940346
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I mean they're actually married with kids now, so I guess so

Plus Famiclones rock in 2024

>> No.10940684

No. Most of these were in former Soviet countries. I doubt their childhood was compared to mine.

>> No.10940769

>Chad & Niger

>> No.10940826

You could get a fully functional Recca Summer Carnival cartridge on a Polish tech bazaar as far back as 1994. Not that a lot of kids played that one in particular.

>> No.10941052

Most games from that era only had kana, you black

>> No.10942589

Larping EOPs outing themselves yet again.

>> No.10942674

>Stunting this badly.

>> No.10942682

South America is a different flavour of third world at least (you're catholic for one).

>> No.10942687

I'm just going to point out you said "Chinese can read half of Jap", there was a post made in kana only (which is not Chinese characters), you made a reference to this being furigana (still not applicable to Chinese readers), and are continuing to parrot on about EOP larpers.

>> No.10942756
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Kinda debatable. The early famiclones were true clones with added benefits like no CIC chip, 60/72 pin support in some models and compatibility with official controllers, but it was still hit or miss. Some of the Nes copies had a slot so tight that it would damage the cartridge stickers.

The less it's said about the NOAC famiclones, the better. Hearing the grinding noise of the pins when extracting the cartridge from a too tight slot freaks me out badly. I'm surprised that the current ones are using 5V instead of 9V.

>> No.10942762

Famiclones were really relevant during the early to mid 90s, as someone else said, after that came the wave of Mega Drive clones, and then chipped Playstations.
Early to mid 90s famiclones were good quality. It wasn't until like 1999 that I first saw a polystation or some other kind of NOAC.

>> No.10942809
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First time I heard about NoaC was fairly late, when browsing Play-asia and looking at the Neo Fami reviews. It looked good on photos, but compatibility was the usual for these products.

The ones I remember are Ninpondo (heard about it, never seen it), Gamix, and Nasa (a.k.a. "La Nisu" if you can get terrible spanish jokes).

>> No.10942817
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One thing that I had completely forgotten is thet people that owned those clones used to have this catalog:

>> No.10942826
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>> No.10942831

I had no idea NES games also had anti-piracy protections.

That anon described my childhood to a tee except I lived in Eastern Europe. It was a very safe place.

>> No.10942840
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>> No.10942848

levels of soul rarely ever reached..

>> No.10942849

Were there snes clones? What about master system or tg16?

>> No.10942854
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"Russion Square" Is something I had never heard before.

>> No.10942859
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>> No.10942863
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The catalog is an absolute goldmine, but I have my doubts about the bootleg versions supporting saves.

>> No.10942870

FF in space from square at that time would have been so fucking kino. That famicom black background would have worked great for space.

>> No.10942885
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Never saw any SNES clones or PCE clones myself.
There were some famiclones with a suoer famicom-like shell, but that's it.
I imagine they probably exist but I imagine extremely rare.
Bootleg SFC/SNES carts did exist, though.

>> No.10942914
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There could have been snes clones, but there's not a lot of info on what actually was inside. If what they say is true, they had a lot of issues with which games worked and they weren't region free.

>> No.10942929
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Unauthorizon shows quite a few clones of the PCE SHuttle, but what takes the fucking cake is those mutant gameboy siamese clones.

>> No.10942970

Eastern Europe (Russia) is safer than Britain right now.

>> No.10943051

I have a European PC-Engine Shuttle clone called the PC Boy.

>> No.10943173

>awful sound
>no full mapper support

>> No.10943346
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One of the things that seems to be very overlooked by anons who grew up in developing countries is the fact that Famiclones did exist in 1st world territories. Not as common, but certainly around at many indoor flea markets and other places that sold electronics of dubious origin and legality.
Some poor kids in the USA ended up with them, and all the bootleg roms that were included.

And then you've got the years when Famiclones really took off in popularity in Eastern Europe as being towards the mid-90s when NES games were extremely cheap and plentiful on the used market. So the anons from Poland, Russia, or Ukraine who talk about buying games from flea markets or trunk sellers.... well, we had that too. Except in our case the games were legit original copies for the most part. Round about 1995 you could go to a swap meet or flea market and find tables of NES games for about $1-$5 each. Or you could buy a lot 10-20 of them from a yard sale sometimes for only $10-20, often with the console and accessories included.

Then there was the whole back catalog of even older systems like Atari, Intellivision, and Colecovision. Those were even cheaper. Like you'd find the whole thing with like 25 games in an old suitcase at a yard sale for a $1. Yes, one (1) American dollar! They just wanted rid of the things to make room in their garage.

idk, just seems to me like anons from places where famiclones were the most popular have a distorted image of what the used game market was like in the 90s of the USA, Canada, and probably the UK too.

>> No.10943458

Yeah i mean thats basically where a good chunk of the "retro gamers" of the early 2000s got their start buying up others garbage.

>> No.10943485

Dandy was awful and would always break after two months, Subor was the reliable one, it was identical except the name and in black color and with attached controllers like the Famicom but the cord was about 1.5 meters i think so it was enough. The lightgun was a pistol, 1911 if i'm not mistaken

>> No.10943552

The games on these things were broken as fuck. The chinks who put together those "1000 in 1" carts just took a dozen games and then copied them 100 times with random edits on the roms of each one so you ended up with like half the games having fucked up color palettes and broken gameplay. Anyone who grew up with this shit is probably brain damaged now.

>> No.10943553
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Something like this?

>> No.10943573
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Used games were pretty cheap even in big chain stores like FuncoLand, up until around 2005. That's when game collecting really started to take off. I blame AVGN for starting the whole "retro gaming" craze.

>> No.10943582

Yep, this is it

>> No.10943610
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That's one motherfucking hand cannon. Imagine that in the hands of a kid.

If they had sold that in brazil, the Master System lightgun incident would have been epic.

>> No.10943636

>I blame AVGN for starting the whole "retro gaming" craze.
He didn't start squat. Please, please touch grass.

>> No.10943649

Then how do you explain things like the price of Hagane going up 300% overnight after Mike Matei made a video about it? Those fags had an enormous impact on the price of old video games and inspired a million other YouTubers to hype up retro gaming and create the industry it is today.

>> No.10943674

Let's see... First AVGN video was in 2004... I was dealing with retro shit a bit earlier than that, and prices were rising badly already for the fucking nintendo cardboard cases. I was collecting Megadrive at the time because it was much cheaper (except for the bloody Gunstar Heroes).

>> No.10943678

I bought an NES with two controllers, a light gun, SMB2, SMB3, Zelda, and Duck Hunt all for $50 on ebay in 2005. And that wasn't even a particularly good deal, that was just the normal price at the time.

>> No.10943701

At the time at least loose carts were pretty cheap. By 2008 things were getting out of control.

>> No.10943724
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I accept your concession
>I'm just going to point out you said "Chinese can read half of Jap"
That wasn't me. You can't even understand the concept of an anonymous board. Why would anyone believe you can understand a language.
>you made a reference to this being furigana
No I didn't. I made a reference to children having insufficient reading skills to read kanji. You can't even understand English well enough to comprehend a single sentence. Why would anyone believe you can understand a language.

>> No.10943806

rare but exists
theres some czech pce clone that was designed to look like a super famicom, the hucards are all cartridges

it looks much nicer on the box

>> No.10944143

>I blame AVGN for starting the whole "retro gaming" craze.
holy fucking zoomer

>> No.10945159

It had if it was a clone console with board and chips, not an NES on a chip like the later ones.

>> No.10945171 [DELETED] 

Furigana is the hiragana that appears above kanji, by calling regular hiragana furigana you've undermined your own point of poor language comprehension.

>> No.10945172

Furigana is kana that appears above kanji, by referring to regular hiragana as furigana you've undermined your own point of poor language comprehension

>> No.10945176

My famiclone came with a short-range emitter-receiver combo (eliminating the need for cables, at least to within 5 meters), because lol, what RF interference?

>> No.10945178

>third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods
It's all PAL garbage, so no.

>> No.10945213
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Since we have discussed nes / famicom clones enough, we could move the discussion a bit while keeping the thread.

Does anybody here have experience with those PSX /PSone + VCD player consoles? I thought they would be more like portable DVD players with a built-in noac, but they seem to be able to play PS games, making them closer to the VCD Saturn


>> No.10945220

>A lot of the bootlegged games had anti-piracy protections
name ten

>> No.10945236

>Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders who grew up with famiclones had better childhoods than anyone else
Why did you write something this fucking stupid in your thread. Why did you OPEN with it, thus guaranteeing everything else you have to say can be thrown in the trash since it's unlikely to be any less dumb?

>> No.10945835

I remember seeing online discussions about NES games as a kid and wondering why none of my childhood games were ever mentioned. Everybody was always circlejerking over their Marios and Zeldas while cool games like Field Combat and Legend of Kage never got any attention.

>> No.10945869

OP has some truth to it, at least when it comes to retro games.
As you see, like 99% of the interest of retro games is japanese games, enjoyed by asians, obviously, but also americans and some parts of Europe, but people like the brits resent that, and they argue that, while british micro computer games might not be as good as the japanese, at least they were cheap.
So, with that duality in mind, kids who has famiclones had the best possible scenario - japanese games but at a cheap price.

>> No.10947065
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I finally found where the zoomers are getting the ideas for the "what if" threads

>> No.10947424

>totally not that anon just a totally different anon whos simping for him because i have exactly the same reading disorder that makes me incapable of comprehending a single sentence.
lol. Sure thing buddy. You must know you're not fooling anyone, right? In your rush to project your ignorance on to others you tripped over yur own stupidity and outed yourself as a dumb kid who can';t even understand English. There's no point in you continuing to cope. You can never recover.

>> No.10947568

the older i grow the more i realize third worlders have the best lot in life
they're either so poor and ignorant they're happy with what they have
or they have the full support of their community to propel ahead
if nothing else they're video games are cheaper too

>> No.10947614
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>That wasn't me. You can't even understand the concept of an anonymous board.
>Why would anyone believe you can understand a language.
>yur own stupidity
>can';t even understand English

Nice work undermining your stance further, don't forget to proofread next time.

>> No.10947661

US tendies missed out on an entire era of Famicom history but they’ll cope that all the games before SMB and Zelda were bad.
In my safe suburbia I didn’t see Famiclones until the NOAC TV game setups started showing up on mall kiosks at the end of the 90s

>> No.10947673
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I found an unused set in a thrift store for five bucks, does the set you recall happen to look something like this?

>> No.10947701

Shit was still relatively cheap even in 2005. It wasn't until into the 2010s when things started to take off.
Maybe not AVGN alone, but YouTube retrogame culture absolutely had an impact. ~10-12 years ago you would start to reliably see price spikes when AVGN, GameGrumps, or whoever else made a video about a certain game.

>> No.10947725

Teddies on suicide watch because they were forced to play Zelda and Metroid instead of Battle City and Circus Charlie

>> No.10947742
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>Can we adapt to the fact that third worlders
>had better childhoods than anyone else?

>> No.10947752

American tendies forever grateful to Ninty for saving them from fiendish NROM titles

>> No.10947961

Retrogaming was big before youtube ever existed.

>> No.10947981

Most later Famicom Konami games had copy protection mechanism checking for the "KONAMI" string on the title screen. And the copyright string was usually deleted by pirates for whatever reason, rendering games with this copy protection unplayable either by looping the first stage or turning the difficulty level up to eleven. Games from other developers might look for altered graphics in the title screen since pirates also loved to delete game logos as well.

>> No.10948186
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The funniest part comes when you ask somebody if they want to play Tetris (Nintendo), they see it and say "What the fuck is this? I have never seen this game. This is not the real Tetris".

That's how you spot a multicart user.

>> No.10948204

My experience with gameboy was that bootleg cart users would always sing the praises of Kemco's Mickey Mouse / Bugs Bunny, Heianko Alien, Kwirk... No one was a big fan of Quarth or Flipull, though.

>> No.10948429
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>I finally found where the zoomers are getting the ideas for the "what if" threads

he is running out of content

>> No.10948441
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>Allah u akbhar, my "first world" friend.

>> No.10948762

None of that happened, stop LARPing.

>> No.10948798

>>Big library of games, maybe not the big games that required saving, like The Legend of Zelda
Did battery backup games ever get bootlegged or was this just not a thing?

>> No.10949015

Not that anon, but I think there's some truth to this. Also quite recently some shady store sold famiclones with built-in badderhacks. Yes, I'm not kidding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjbvY6fKn3w

>> No.10949036

Just wait til they move in next door to you

>> No.10949097

You wouldn't have even noticed the difference if you were alive back then. Stop being a sheep and have your own opinion for once

>> No.10949475

Not going to work.

>> No.10949484

It's only the NES/Famicom though, and it would still mean you have to live in the 3rd world which depending on the location could be hell or simply annoying/inconvenient

>> No.10949485

For every third worlders that did this a guest worlders had roms+ not being a DC disease stricken filth dweller. Ghb o on Africa forums if you think they are seed o cultured

>> No.10949489

Its also thw e Mega Drive clones and chipped PS1s.
Many third world countries are actually not as bad at they seem. Like sure, we aren't as privileged but in turn that also trained us for the coming times. You firsties are now facing a lot of problems that we already know how to deal with, such as not being able to purchase homes, or lots of nigger-like people. Welcome to our hell.

>> No.10949609

Battle City is a lot of fun if you play it with a friend and the level editor was a welcome addition. Circus Charlie was a small fun game, probably good for the standards of the time.
And I don't remember kids caring about Metroid. Games like Mega Man or Battletoads were more iconic.
Yeah, that's the Tetris I had as a kid.

>> No.10950659

No anon, you aren't allowed to like it!

>> No.10950728

Typos don't undermine a "stance" here. That's only on facebook or twitter, and even then only in your head. But you pretending they do sure does explain why you read at a 1st grade level.

>> No.10950828

Nobody is going to save you from your conceited miscomprehension except yourself by fucking off. Please try to change the subject.

>> No.10952397

I accept your concession

>> No.10952403

Be aware that you're arguing with two different people, and I haven't posted in this thread since >>10942687

>> No.10952510

>Battle City is a lot of fun if you play it with a friend and the level editor was a welcome addition.
It's a fucking crime this game wasn't officially released outside of Japan. I get it, it's a rather simple NROM game, so is SMB, but with two tanks, a base to defend and a whole army of enemy tanks to deal with, there's so much fun in the co-op mode, and the game isn't at all janky despite its simplicity. WTF Namco, really.

>> No.10952562

zoom zoom

>> No.10952593

Pretty sure anyone that grew up with computers that used cassettes when the rest of the developed world used disks didn't have a better childhood.

>> No.10952625

Famiclones in the USA weren't a thing until the late 90's. Only the poorest of poors only knew gaming from them.

>> No.10952630

I grew up with famiclones in a terrible shit world county, the fuckers broke every 6 months no matter how gently I took care of them, and I always took very good care of my stuff, even as a kid, now yes, they did the job, I loved them, so much that everytime I had the chance to ask for a gift I'd ask for one since I'm guessing they were also piss cheap, but the reliability part you mention just isn't true

>> No.10952701

Apt demonstration of your insufficient reading comprehension.

>> No.10953715

"Russian Squares" actually is a literal translation of what Tetris is called in China (俄罗斯方块).

>> No.10953760

funny enough i see youtube videos on my reccomended and posts all the time about people still playing these and even getting flash carts for them. pretty amazing the whole retro scene is still happening where most of it was fake

>> No.10953789

As a kid I owned a famiclone Pegasus and my cousin living next door had a C64. Needless to say most of his games were on cassettes, not floppy disks, and every single time he was yelling at me not to enter his room because a game is loading. As a little brat I didn't know what's the deal, because games on my console load instantly from cartridges, it was kinda shocker to find out he loaded games from cassettes. At that time I legit thought these were for storing audio only.

>> No.10953829

>tfw grew up playing on Famiclones like that (ones produced here were called Pegasus) and I've only learned the true name of the console once I was already an adult

Now that I think about it, Nintendo had basically no presence in Poland at the time. We only knew Nintendo for Mario games. Once the console gaming really took off in the country during the late 90's, PlayStation moved in and established almost complete dominance in the market. There were some rare cases of Sega Saturns, but these were mostly available to play at arcades. I've never heard or seen anyone with SNES or the original NES. Very strange.

>> No.10953856

It's like you took a backwater Chinese rice farmer, painstakingly taught him as much Engrish as possible and told him to translate a catalogue of games he never played and doesn't even know what "games" are.
Love this one. "it might seem cruel, but your opponent is cold blooded machine so it's useless to do anything".

>> No.10953869

>reliable hardware

I think all Famiclones had one thing in common - breaking up after a few months at best. The pads tended to be far more reliable, doe.
Reminds me how I played so many games that were completely in Japanese, so I had no idea what the fuck am I reading but would finish successfully most of them anyway after having to check out what every moonrune option meant. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 comes to mind. Played it together with my mom and we finished it successfully many times, kek.

>> No.10953904

>I think all Famiclones had one thing in common - breaking up after a few months at best.
Most Famiclones. The one manufactured in Taiwan in the early nineties were on par with the Famicom itself. The crucial components such as CPU and PPU were manufactured by GoldStar now LG and these clones last till this day. Later mainland Chinese clones with NES-on-a-chip hardware were really shoddy. The only bad thing about early Famiclones were not consoles themselves, but power supply units that killed most of them.

>> No.10953941

Yeah. The power supply. Now, you reminded me that time my dad managed to fix my Pegasus. He was knowledgeable enough to fix simple hardware issues, capacitors etc. so it couldn't have been an important element that failed. That one would work for years after that fix.

>> No.10953952

Best description of Super Mario ever.

>> No.10954103

no, the only thing poor kids ended up with was a shitty old atari. and possibly unlicensed games like bible adventures. famiclones and bootleg carts were never a thing in north america. devices like the super wildcard were mailorder at best, you'd never find such things at flea markets. you think cablebox descramblers were sold at fleamarkets? that shit was all ordered via mailorder and shipped from canada. shit like that was never sold publicly, cause nintendo would have came at them like they did tengen. zoom zoom.

oh, and way back then we traded comadore64 games loaded on floppies.

>> No.10954106

The way it's lined up kinda looks like a cow

>> No.10954438
File: 2 KB, 156x45, babymaker4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lol. Those are the ones RoG used to review in I-mockery. The weirdest thing in my current famiclone is a SMB romhack called "Alice Cooper".

>> No.10955674

Wtf why are the baltics so violent

>> No.10955964

>famiclones and bootleg carts were never a thing in north america.
That is false.

>> No.10956621

>Famiclones in the USA weren't a thing until the late 90's.
That is false.

>> No.10957060

Ill never forget the famiclone my grandmother gave me when I was young. Such a sweet woman, may she rest in peace.
Anyways, I played the Panda Mario hack so much in that thing I cant still whistle the only semblance of a soundtrack It had.

>> No.10957109

I'm from Argentina and we had some Japanese fc games unreleased in USA or europe, all bootlegs from HK or taiwan

>> No.10957212
File: 689 KB, 1051x592, Screenshot_20240523-111756-339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corrientes avenue and the city in general was so much more soulful in the 90s. Changing the neon lights for cheap led lights was a mistake. I guess it's the same for all cities around the world.
Not to mention a world without social media.

>> No.10957887

/vr/ stuff was garage sale fodder until sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s AFAIK. I bought a 19" PVM for $50 back when I was in High School and two 27" PVMs for like $200 each in the same timeframe. Never saw too many famiclones for sale in that timeframe but they did exist (mostly ones that were also SNES compatible like the retro duo)

t. '96 zoomber who got into retro games because of the AVGN