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10935245 No.10935245 [Reply] [Original]

skies of arcadia

>> No.10935254

What about it?

>> No.10935273

its mystical

>> No.10935279
File: 210 KB, 195x210, fortnite-dance-sonic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Skies of Arcadia
More like Smell ya' lata'!

>> No.10935347

bro, holy shit the girls are holding hands, lesbian ntr style

>> No.10935402

Is the audio really that bad on the GC version or is that just incel nerds sperging out?

>> No.10935406

It's fine. Don't listen to the tards online.

>> No.10935412

I mean the GC version is strictly worse but its better to play the GC version than to not play it at all

>> No.10935442

Can someone sell me on this game?

I played like an hour into it, thought "yup, it's a JRPG alright", then wandered off to do something else.

>> No.10935449

Normal human beings with functioning brains know if they'll like something and know if they wont. If your brain is functioning you already know you dont like this game. If your brain is non-functioning I do not want to interact with you.

>> No.10935465

So you're saying you go with whatever half baked opinion you get from a single hour of a game? Very..telling

>> No.10935534

It's fun to fly around in a warship in 3d space to visit strange floating islands and make random discoveries. It's basically what final fantasy on the ps2 should have been instead of square being lazy and making the airship fast travel only.

>> No.10935619

it's garbage
Final Faggotry 7 sucess made Sony try making a JRPG and they pushed it as the ''FF7 killer'' but it was a shitty generic slop (Legand Of The Dragoon) that failed at creating it's own franchise
Sega in their infinite wisdom did not learn from Sony failed experiment and instead of trying to save their dying Shitcast console they decided to make their own ''FF7 killer'' and it was this turd in the OP, it shared the same fate of Legand Of Dragoon

>> No.10935632

You just complained it was a JRPG. It is a JRPG, if you were wondering if it genre shifts halfway though the game into a beat em up FPS puzzle game then the answer is no.

Games don't get better later. Either you like them from the first hour or you will never like them

>> No.10935635

So magical and mystical and so irresistible

>> No.10935750

I am not the same anon. You're a dilweed

>> No.10936118

The only thing I don't like about this game is the airship battles. Every time it feels like I've finally figured out how they work, it proves me wrong.

>> No.10936145

So it's good then

>> No.10936263

When it was released, this game was the perfect antidote to the grimacing moody heroes that were popular in JRPGS at the time (think Squall).
The overching plot is pretty similar to Final Fantasy VII (mystical young woman is the key to ancient superweapons) but everything else with the pirates and world exploration is so much fun.
Good music, appealing characters designs, sort of slow overall though but that's a lot of RPGs in this era.

>> No.10936271

This is untrue.
It is fair, though, to claim that if you don't like jrpgs as a genre it won't get any better later.

>> No.10936302

The Gamecube version's music is pretty lo-fi, though I've never played the Dreamcast version so I can't make a real comparison. Still a great game.

>> No.10936303

Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but I fucking loved the airship battles.

>> No.10936497

I had the Dreamcast version and the audio never had any glitchiness or quality issues. I was also today's year old when I learned there was a GC version of the game.

>> No.10936508

ff13 really grows on you in the last 10 minutes

>> No.10936536

Thanks anon.

>> No.10936870

The GC version even has extra content, although, they did have to scrap the VMU mini-game for obvious reasons.

>> No.10936873

I'm playing the uncensored version on Flycast for the first time
Good game I like it

>> No.10936918

It's pretty noticeable.

>> No.10937069
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, skies0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favorite game of all time. I chalk it up to the fact it truly feels like you're going on an adventure. The world feels pretty huge and lived in for a game from 2000.

The story and characters are quite charming, and the characters are quite expressive too. The main cast have like 200 different faces they can pull depending on the situation. Hell, Vyse can go down as one of the best protags in JRPG's for being a dude who never gives up and doesn't complain about shit, the guy is just straight up a smiling confident dude who will find his way out of any situation, and as >>10936263 put it, he's a perfect opposite to the grimdark edgy heroes we were having in JRPG's at the time.

The music (well on the DC) is really good and reflects each location quite well, the jungle city will have energetic pan-flutes, drums and chanting to give a feeling of a tribe and forests, meanwhile the Arabian inspired town will have overbearing strings, steel drums and pungi's (I think) to give a feeling of heat and desert sand. One of the best themes in the game is actually the boss theme when you finally get it down to 10% of its health and you get a crescendo in the track.

The ship battles, while a bit slow and annoying really do feel like all your actions count as you're trying to outgun or outwit your opponent. There's nothing incredibly special about them but the way it's presented to you along with the music, it really does send chills down my spine trying to figure out how to win.

The game really does just feel like a grand awe inspiring adventure. You're going around the world with your best friends and companions to save the world. Think Lunar, Grandia, Dragon Quest 3. It's one of those kind of games. Just shonen adventure.

The encounter rate is pretty awful though.

Fun fact, Charles Martinet even voices one of the antagonists in the game (although only a few one liners) and remembers it really well due to it being a non-mario role for him.

>> No.10937129

I haven't played this game in about 20 years but I remember it being really good. I also remember it being a perfect length, not too short, not too long, never overstayed its welcome.
Think I might have to replay it just because of this post. Do you happen to know any similar games to SoA other than the few you mentioned?

>> No.10937134

If you don't find the entire concept cool as fuck after an hour, it's a pass honestly. I did as a kid and I still do. There's nothing quite like it. The music, setting and characters are all great and is still quite unique to this day.
Besides that, you later get your own ship and island where you can build up both and recruit NPC team members. The sense of progression from that always felt great, which is one big reason why I loved the Suikoden games as well.

>> No.10937195
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>Do you happen to know any similar games to SoA other than the few you mentioned?
Those three I mentioned are the ones I feel the most SoA from (JRPG, big feeling adventure, mostly carefree with a hint of danger as it goes on) but I'd say these might also come under it:

Dragon Quest 9 (basically just DQ3 again)
Final Fantasy 12 (odd pick I know but it really did feel like a big adventure when I went through it years back)
Tales of Innocence R (also Abyss and Symphonia but those are a bit more edgy)
Dragon's Dogma (kinda, but more on the adventure side since you will be walking EVERYWHERE)
Pokémon Gen 1, 2 and 3 always felt like bit adventures to me, although I was a kid when I played them so take that with a grain of salt.

In terms of feeling a bit like "SoA" but not necessarily being a JRPG or about adventure, I'd say games like Nostalgia (never played, but hear comparisons), The Mana series, Solatorobo, Gravity Rush, Valkyria Chronicles, Ico, The Last Guardian and Zelda games.

Also, while you asked for vidya I always mention a few anime that I think give that feeling of adventure so if you're big on those here's a few I'd rec: Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, Future Boy Conan, Takarajima and Laputa: Castle in the Sky.

>> No.10937254

I actually just started DQ8 about a week ago and i'm really liking it so far, it's a shame I never owned a PS2 because I would have loved this game as a teenager. Was never much of a FF fan to be honest, I played III as a kid and couldn't really get into it. Pokémon (Red/Blue/Yellow) was a classic for me and holds a special place in my heart, I made lifelong friends playing Pokémon with them. I'm also a huge Mana fan and have played most of them.
I appreciate the thoughtful post Anon, you gave me plenty to consider. Nice to know there are Anons on /vr/ who aren't total shitheads.

>> No.10937368
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>I actually just started DQ8 about a week ago and i'm really liking it so far, it's a shame I never owned a PS2 because I would have loved this game as a teenager.
Honestly, I could list the whole Dragon Quest franchise because each game feels like going on a grand adventure. I will say that 2 has a really cool moment I'll never forget that made me love it a lot as well. I'll say play 11 next when you're done with 8 (or play SFC 3/9).

I'm still on the look out for games that give me that adventure feel I got from SoA all those years ago Another game I'll mention although it's a darker experience would be the original Metal Max. There's something really fucking cool about exploring in that game, and getting your Tank for the first time and feeling unstoppable was a cool as well. It's a shame your party members are just blank slates. Basically Dragon Quest but in Mad Max world.

>I appreciate the thoughtful post Anon, you gave me plenty to consider. Nice to know there are Anons on /vr/ who aren't total shitheads.
Hey, you're welcome! I've been here since /vr/ opened, man. I love this place. 6th gen did ruin it though but c'est la vie. When it comes to Skies of Arcadia threads I'll always be here to make some long ass post about it just so I can hopefully get a few anon's into it or to give it another chance so giving me a (you) so I can keep posting makes me happy too, thanks.

>> No.10937376

imaging the handjobs

>> No.10937409

The last great jrpg

>> No.10937416

>although, they did have to scrap the VMU mini-game for obvious reasons.
The obvious reason was laziness. They could have just moved it to a GBA minigame that worked like Wind Waker's.

>> No.10937548

>Games don't get better later. Either you like them from the first hour or you will never like them
>t. never played a learning curve game

>> No.10937565

>I'll say play 11 next
Y'know, i've been really tempted to buy a Switch lately because my girlfriend has one and I have been watching her play Tears of The Kingdom and it looks incredible, she might even have 11 already i'll have to ask her (just started dating).
>Basically Dragon Quest but in Mad Max world
Damn, that sounds right up my alley, i'll check that out.
To be fair, if 6th gen games weren't allowed we wouldn't be able to have this thread, but I do understand what you meant by this.
If you said this to me IRL i'd buy you a couple beers or a hot meal for your consideration.

>> No.10937649
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If you have Gamepass DQ11S is on there. That's how I played it back in 2021 or so. Has some cool new features as well like a mode where you can go back to locations in DQ1-9 and fight bosses and stuff, it's really cool. Also orchestra music. Your gf seems cool though, hope she does have DQ11. tfw no gf

Also, fun fact. The Dreamcast was an exception for /vr/ until 2020 due to the cutoff date being 1999. We had a pretty great golden age of 2013-20. Moot (remember that fucker) originally wanted this board to be 4th gen and before, but I think 5th was allowed soon after it opened with 1999 being the cutoff and it made people start asking for and posting DC threads. Which I always felt was fine as /v/ still had the occasional PS2/Xbox/GC thread but no DC ones. I think I even made a thread on /vr/ when I finished the game over a decade ago.

>If you said this to me IRL i'd buy you a couple beers or a hot meal for your consideration.
Hey, thanks. Glad I was able to help.

>> No.10937662

name one

>> No.10937798

>uncensored version
The fuck is that?

>> No.10937943

I believe the game is slightly censored in the US (and was even more censored for the GC release)...there's a part where Vigoro is coming on to Aika and it looks like he's going to rape her. I think they rewrote the scene or changed the animation or something. I think Belleza's belly dancer getup is a little more see through in the original release as well.

>> No.10938002

>Also, fun fact. The Dreamcast was an exception for /vr/ until 2020 due to the cutoff date being 1999.
Well shoot, I stand corrected!
I'm a newfag on this board specifically, been lurking and learning. Made a thread a couple months back about how Chrono Trigger had become one of my favourite games ever, and was hit with a tidal wave of shitlordom. Learned a valuable lesson.
>Moot (remember that fucker)
Haha of course, but I always prefered Snacks to moot. I didn't know /vr/ was that old, I stopped lurking 4chan when /r9k/ was added, only recently started lurking again on blue boards.
I played the GC version of SoA, and by the sounds of it the DC versiom is the better experience, so i'll have to give that a shot.

>> No.10938064
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>Haha of course, but I always prefered Snacks to moot.
We need him back badly.

>> No.10938070
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Yeah, /vr/ used to be better, now you're gonna get mostly shit threads that just want to bait but even then those threads can actually have some good discussion. So I imagine that Chrono Trigger thread had people insulting you and derailing it.

>I stopped lurking 4chan when /r9k/ was added, only recently started lurking again on blue boards.
Don't forget, you're here forever.

>I played the GC version of SoA, and by the sounds of it the DC versiom is the better experience, so i'll have to give that a shot.
The DC version is only superior to GC in two ways, the sound and Pinta's quest. the GC version has so much more that you're better off playing that, but yeah if you wanted to you could play through the DC version again and actually try Pinta's quest and get the VMU DLC items too.

>> No.10938149

Yeah I miss him. He seemed super rad as a person. Never met him though but I know a friend who did at an Otacon. Said he was a down-to-earth sweetheart.
>So I imagine that Chrono Trigger thread had people insulting you and derailing it.
It was basically a whole thread dedicated to telling me how CT was shit and how i'm a "retard normie" for enjoying it. I thought they were sincere at first because they gave HYPER SPECIFIC reasons for why it is bad, and that is when I realized that this board has scuffed and crusty opinions. Even a well elaborated post shitting on it read like CT fucked his GF. How an individual has such vitriol towards any particular game... i will never know.
>shitlordom wtf?
Combo of shitlord+kingdom, but also applies to other words that have "-dom" as a suffix.
>Don't forget, you're here forever.
Ain't that the troof?
>The DC version is only superior to GC in two ways, the sound and Pinta's quest. the GC version has so much more that you're better off playing that, but yeah if you wanted to you could play through the DC version again and actually try Pinta's quest and get the VMU DLC items too.
Good to know, especially since I was moments away from firing up the DC version. Guess i'll settle for lower quality sound over higher quality sound but less gameplay.
Probably going to replay SoA in tandem with DQ8, but god DAMN did you ever get me fired up to replay SoA, i'm stoked.

>> No.10938156

You'll find that 4chan in general has become a lot angrier since you left. It's basically a guarantee that you'll be bombarded by personal attacks, slurs etc if you simply post something someone disagrees with. It's just the norm.

>> No.10938167

The internet in general, not just 4chan.
Hell, a lot of YouTube comment sections are basically /pol/2.0.
Huge bummer but whatever, laissez-faire et vivre et laisser vivre.

>> No.10938173

YouTube is far too moderated to be anything approaching /pol/. If you think it's rough over there you're in for a wild ride here.

>> No.10938184

Was just using an example, but yeah, 4chan in general has become really bad for contrarian, shitposting opinions.
Not too difficult to filter while rolling me eyes, just annoying. Oh well.

>> No.10939526

>plot is pretty similar to Final Fantasy VII
The plot is literally Laputa but with a threesome ending

>> No.10939743

It's worse BUT at least the GC version doesn't throw a random battle at you literally every 5 seconds.

>> No.10941296
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Yeah, I feel you. You should see Saturn threads, they're fucking tiring to be around. I'm honestly surprised this thread has been surprisingly good so far. No one has brought up the translation yet so we can argue back and forth about something incredibly meaningless.
>Combo of shitlord+kingdom,
Huh, never heard of that before.
>Good to know, especially since I was moments away from firing up the DC version
Yeah, the advantages the DC version has are minor beyond sound. Like, you *could* argue it's a harder game due to less exp for fights and more fights in general but that's just being pedantic. Same with VGA visuals if you're not in PAL territories. Plus the GC version has some more content, I think there's a side story character added along with an evil group of people pretending to be Vyse and co.
>but god DAMN did you ever get me fired up to replay SoA, i'm stoked.
Glad I'm able to spark some flames in you to play it, anon. I feel like I've lost that spark this past year...I've been trying to finish Xenogears for months now and I've just hit Disc 2 after 2 months of on and off playing. Even now I should be playing it but I'd rather mindlessly browse the internet.

Still, I should probably replay Skies of Arcadia one day. Hard to think it's coming up to 12 years since I first played it. It means so much to me beyond just being a great game unironically made my entire irl friend group because of it and I should really give it more than one playthrough in my life.

>> No.10941884

With or without the orange glove?

>> No.10941894
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DC version is cool but it doesn't have best girl

>> No.10941896
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>> No.10941903


>> No.10941915

Someone should make a decensor patch for the GC version, if it doesn't already exist. A patch to add the GC's extra content to the DC version would be fine too.

>> No.10941941

You're not missing much


Also ramirez bleeds a lil during the final battle and alcoholic references were censored and a drunk NPC was removed

>> No.10941963

Decensoring the alcohol references alone would be a big improvement. It was weird how they handled loqua in the script, because it's so obviously an alcoholic drink even though they try to play it off like it's not.

>> No.10941987

Yea they're pirates drinking rum is kind a their thing

>> No.10941998

Loqua always seemed more like a type of wine to me, but yeah.

>> No.10942008

best fookin rpg to this day, nothing even comes close
this, shit was mind bogglingly advanced for vidya games of the time

>> No.10942013

you're a dumb cunt with terrible taste who prob has 2 month old garbage visable next to their computer and cheeto stains on their shirt that hasn't been washed in weeks

>> No.10942015

You have a patricians taste

>> No.10942073

>2 month old garbage visable next to their computer and cheeto stains on their shirt that hasn't been washed in weeks
sounds like projection to me

>> No.10942517

>Play when I'm a kid
>Upgrade old dude completely and ignore others
>He fucks off and my team is shit
>Restart and play through all of it again
>Fully upgrade Vyse and make him a badass
>Get to Ice Temple
>Can't find the fucking thing despite spending hours looking
>Endless random encounters
>Give up
I beat it recently on my xbox but goddamn what a pain in the ass when I was a kid. Which is a shame because it was my favorite DC game.

>> No.10943478
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>there will never, EVER be a version that combines both the higher quality music of the DC version with the bonus content of the GC version

>> No.10943480

Yeah I'm glad they didn't, making you buy an extra piece of hardware for content was the worst thing about nintendo consoles back then.

>> No.10944239
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for the Nintendo GameCube.

>> No.10944567

Never finished it, I think I got pretty far but I still don't know what happens with Fina and her weird alien brother.
>move 5 paces
garbage gameplay, I hate JRPGs with their time wasting bullshit

>> No.10945742


>> No.10946436

Reminder that devs wanted Vyse to bang Fina and Aika at the same time until the studio leadership told them not to do it.