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10932126 No.10932126 [Reply] [Original]

How is the Saga Frontier remaster? I have seen that there are physical copies available and I want to get myself a hard copy. I never played all the stories for the PS1 game but what I did play I liked the game a whole lot so I want to get it.

>> No.10932167

As some who was new to the game, the remaster is great. The graphics are crisp and it's nice playing a PSX game without the load times.

>> No.10932330
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One of the greatest remasters ever made. Kawazu is just about the only person left at Square who knows what he's doing.

>> No.10932342

all remasters are great and better than the original.

>> No.10932512

>How is the Saga Frontier remaster?
It adds some new and quality of life features, but you have an extensive list of options to turn them off as well. The two big things they added in is that you can run from battles (100% success rate with no penalty), and you can pick and choose monster skills rather than having the final skill being replaced.

>> No.10932513

The new UI is fucking ass but the rest of the remaster is absolutely 10/10. Restored cut content, small tweaks, added shit, rebalancing, everything is a plus. It speaks volumes that they added in content and even an ending that was thought lost to time.

>> No.10932516

You forgot that they finished and implemented that cut character from the original release, and his story is fucking hard what the fuck Kawazu

>> No.10932550

>you can run from battles (100% success rate with no penalty)
Doesn't this trivialize the original games difficulty though? I do get people don't care to play JRPG for the difficulty. Just wondering how much that changes the game since I remember Saga Frontier can be pretty wild with the difficulty spikes.

>> No.10932651

If you run too much the boss will end you and it's your fault for running so much.

Not a problem.

>> No.10932716
File: 351 KB, 1914x1080, SaGa Frontier_2021-04-23-02-17-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SaGa Frontiers difficulty is all game knowledge. So where to find powerful spells (mind heal), how to get monster transformations and skills, and getting robot skills. There's Mystics as well but they aren't plentiful. You'd need to go in at a low power level (not a lot of HP on humans) or gimp yourself by not using the cheap and easy spells to get bodied by the bosses in this game. Are there instances in where the game does lock you into a dungeon without a way out, even Final dungeons? Yes. It also allows you to save anywhere with many save slots, even in the original PS1 iteration.

Fleeing battles isn't a problem, it's a game that starts you with full HP every battle. I do remember another thing, they added a WP/JP healing spot in one of the biggest beginner filters in the game. Before there wasn't one and first timers had to fight a nutty boss.
It's more like an interpretation of his story, not what his story was originally planned out to be, but it's nice extra content if you're seasoned with the game and want to fight super bosses.

>> No.10932721
File: 287 KB, 1581x1080, SaGa Frontier_2021-05-06-15-57-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think only boss HP scales with battle rank, everything else seems to be fixed so if you can't tank a hit you're toast.

>> No.10932826

>The new UI is fucking ass
>but the rest of the remaster is absolutely 10/10.
But also this.
Kawazu is the only good thing left at Square. I've enjoyed every SaGa remaster that they've done.

>> No.10932892

Best remaster I've played. It's amazing what crap they put out for Final Fantasy in comparison.

>> No.10933103
File: 279 KB, 2000x777, CIN (574).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...just wtf ARE the Regions? Someone once said its basically like the locations from Flash Gordon circa 1980. Everything is in this Jupiter like "brine" (that's blue) that makes up a breathable nebula around a central star.

>> No.10933603

Pretty much the difference when the series father is still there or not.

>> No.10933641

saga frontier always felt like a fake game

>> No.10933740

You're right, now that I think about it all of the games I didn't play feel pretty fake.

>> No.10934168

I didnt play the remaster all the way through but is the new character just a replay of the last story you finished?

>> No.10934193

No games exist except for the one I’m currently playing.

>> No.10934194

Because it's just a series of half-assed tech demos. The vampire scenario was pretty cool though, at least the first 10 minutes of it.

>> No.10934195

Romancing Saga Minstrel Song is absolutely ace

>> No.10934535

No, it may hit some familiar story points but it adds in more context at certain points of the story and does expand the endings. One of them being the more notorious (and great) Blue's ending.

>> No.10934591

Actually, that's the best description ever visualized for it.

>> No.10934627

Blue actually gets two expansions on the ending, one if he won the duel and a different one if Rogue won

>> No.10934778

It's what most remasters should strive to be.
Even as someone with the original ps1 game, there's quite literally no reason to go back to it other than to feel nostalgic.