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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 229 KB, 579x672, 1689008112672416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10925456 No.10925456 [Reply] [Original]

What was the first 3D game to offer the option of switching to different camera viewpoints?

>> No.10925460

Switching between third person view and first person? Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.10925463

star fox lets you go between first and third person, right?
Im sure something older than that though

>> No.10925464
File: 19 KB, 320x200, eradicator_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eradicator had it in 1996

>> No.10925474

Virtua Racing predates them, but is there something before VR? I'm guessing some obscure as fuck PC game or something

>> No.10925481

fuckton of racing games had the ability to switch cameras way before that.

Off the top of my head i'll mention Stunts for DOS (1990), and i doubt it was the first

>> No.10925490

Probably some 80s PC flight sim.

>> No.10925492

Sega had a patent on the individual buttons assigned to selecting different camera POVs

>> No.10925493

According to the lawsuit Sega lost on the matter trying to patent the idea, "the first game to use the feature was Magical Shot, a billiards game also developed by M.N.M Software for the X68000 and released exclusively for the Japanese market in 1991."

>> No.10925520

Elite in 1985 on the Commodore at least allowed left/right/front/back cameras with F-keys. Though one might argue if that's a different "view point", rather than just a centered view point with different views.

In 1991, there was 3D Construction Kit which let people make their own levels (pseudo-games) and stuff for various systems including Commodore 64. I believe that also had camera changing views.

Microsoft Flight Simulator in 1982 let you have multiple views.
> Multiple windows improve your perspective because you can view your plane from a control tower or chase plane while still looking out of the cockpit. Or check your progress on an aerial map without taking your eyes off the control panel.
It also let you change views from front/rear at least. Probably sides as well. I'd have to scan the manual but suffice to say, it's already demonstrably true that MFS has that feature.whether or not it's considered legitimate 3D is another thing.

If we get later, Tenchu in 1998 allows has a button for close third person/near first person for aiming grapple/items..

Quake 1 let you do it through commands but wasn't a standard feature set to a key.

Duke 3D had an option if I recall to view from third person with F7? Also, Duke allows you to use a camera monitor and jump around to cameras around the level - if you leave the monitor, it still displays what the camera sees on the monitor... so that's sort of similar.

As someone mentioned, most racers will do this.
Ocarina of Time lets you do first person and third person.
Super Mario 64 lets you shift camera positions around.and explicitly calls it a camera - with a picture of a camera, for both mario and lakitu. The camera switching is a bit shit thoug.

>> No.10925571

a lot of games had the ability to switch camera angles, but super mario 64 set the freely controlled camera standard that basically every 3rd person game uses now, despite being a pretty rough prototype.

>> No.10925585

Mario 64 is the main one, and inspired countless other games like Tomb Raider and such to impliment such a feature.

>> No.10925589

>tomb raider
>freely controlled camera

>> No.10925592

Don't forget Pilotwings.

>> No.10925594

You could switch to a camera above Lara's head to look around just like in Mario 64.

>> No.10925604

So that's one of the enormous number of things SM64's camera could do. But no, Tomb Raider's camera doesn't offer anywhere near the level of freedom or complexity in its camera that SM64 does.

>> No.10925609

I used to think Hideo Kojima plastering his name all over the opening of MGS3 was a joke but he really does seem to have a massive ego

>> No.10925625

>this doesn't exactly reply what OP is requesting but let me insert my favorite nintendo game anyway
I hate you

>> No.10925643

It's been forever since I've played, but can't you switch to a rear camera as well to see behind her?

>> No.10925652

Shame, for all that complexity, Tomb Raider's camera is still better than SM64's. SM64's camera is kind of a mess.

>> No.10925654

Dude can't write for shit and he's basically a con artist.

>> No.10925690

Jurassic Park on the SNES

>> No.10925729

I could argue that it was available much earlier, but I'm going with Knock Out Fighters, an early 3D fightan game.

>> No.10925825

umm, plenty of ps1 games had that feature

>> No.10925834
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Even Virtua Racing let you do that... Jesus OP, stop sucking dev dicks on /r/eddit, half of them don't know shit about the game industry or even their own games.

>> No.10925840
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Unfathomably based

>> No.10925846
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1993 and you could switch camera angles all you wanted.

>> No.10925867

You can do this in Shadows of the Empire

>> No.10925870

First person view was required to me to beat certain parts of the xizor's palace level.

>> No.10925874

duke nukem did it

>> No.10925889

He's so fucking full of himself and didn't develop anything until the end of the 90s, effectively using the coat tails of many other devs.

>> No.10925942
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battletoads did it

>> No.10925946

i HATE 2nd person beat 'em ups

>> No.10925957

ah yes the idea called "camera." a pivotal point in the evolution of what would one day become "strand game" by my los angelos creative dad.

>> No.10926020
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this game you can freely switch between 3 view angles including First Person View

>> No.10926023

The Metal Gear was a retarded idea.

>> No.10926036

Star Wars Shadow Of The Empire (N64-PC) in 1996.

another Japanese who doesn't even know that the world exists outside of Japan. it's worse than the Americans.

>> No.10926069

Metal gear is a weird series in general
>entire series is named and revolves around a mecha
>but the gameplay is stealth espionage.

>> No.10926075

Why do you think the yank functionaries like Dorito pope have embraced him?

>> No.10926152

In FS1 Flight Simulator from '79 you could switch between normal forward looking cockpit view and "radar" view which looked straight down.

Flight Simulator II ('83) was the first flight sim where you could view your plane from the outside.

>> No.10926172

none of the obscure games you people are listing matter, nobody ever played them, MGS is the game that independently invented and popularized the feature

>> No.10926174

Actually, looking it up, it seems like the original Apple II '83 version of FS2 didn't have spot spot view. But at least the '88 Amiga version did, and possibly some other version before that.

>> No.10926178

Isn't he just talking about the camera item in MGS1?

>> No.10926186

virtual racing, daytona and probably many more i'm forgetting. this fucking hack kojima thinks he's an absolute genius but he's a lying fraud.

> two highest grossing arcade machines
> obscure
you're a fucking moron, anon.

>> No.10926191

don't mention it to kojima. he'll then claim he invented it when he travelled back in time to spread his wisdom and original ideas to amiga programmers. lmao.

>> No.10926198

>half of them don't know shit about the game industry or even their own games.
they really don't have and clue about gaming history or their own industry, which is why intellectually bankrupt frauds like kojima can get onto twitter and write literal fucking nonsensical lies and gets applauded for it by monkeys

>> No.10926205

>write literal fucking nonsensical lies and gets applauded for it by monkeys
Honestly, I just think it’s hilarious. The shit he writes up makes 0 sense and is usually so bizarrely written that you can’t help but scratch your head reading it. Then suddenly you remember that he’s the goofy Japanese guy behind MGS and instantly it goes from being confusing to being fucking hilarious.

Kojima himself is the lens with which one must view the absurdity of his presence on Twitter. Everything about it is priceless.

>> No.10926213

this guy is fucking insane

>> No.10926218

>The shit he writes up makes 0 sense and is usually so bizarrely written that you can’t help but scratch your head reading it.
he's a just a compulsive liar. i used to think maybe there was something lost in translation but sadly this is not the case. he just talks absolute trash and takes credit for things that never happened. people seem to forget one important thing about this intellectual featherweight: he's never coded anything in his life. he's a designer.
>Kojima himself is the lens with which one must view the absurdity of his presence on Twitter. Everything about it is priceless.
good way to describe it.

>> No.10926219

listen up you gaijin dumb fucks, I'm going to tell you about the time I invented texture mapping while working on MGS3

>> No.10926223
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>> No.10926224

Yes he is, he's talking about the fact that items are directly tied to different camera angles in a way that feels like it makes sense.

Remember, everyone always understands what they want to understand from interviews.

>> No.10926227

I thought people understood this? Or do anons genuinely believe he’s talking about real life cameras?

I mean, I knew people on /v/ and /vr/ don’t play videogames, but this is just ridiculous.

>> No.10926237

Every single example ITT goes "game X let's you change camera before", so they clearly lack the reading comprehension to understand a simple tweet, and then laugh of the guy who wrote the tweet like he's a dumbass. It's sad really.

But as I said, remember, it's the same with pretty much everything people understand from devs interviews, we just got a shining proof of it here

>> No.10926249

OP literally asked
>What was the first 3D game to offer the option of switching to different camera viewpoints?
I guess it's possible OP misunderstood the tweet. Or more likely, he was just trying to use it as bait.

>> No.10926260

I thought I came up with the idea called "faggots" but guess I was wrong because here you two are

>> No.10926286


>> No.10926292

Is that you Hideo? Am I about to be famous on Twitter?

>> No.10926307
File: 49 KB, 611x724, 1696731575546446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm his australian brother

>> No.10926347

I invented the concept of "game"

>> No.10926352


Star Wars Shadows of The Empire ?? Really ?

You can switch to 4 camera mode !
In 1996 !

>> No.10926353
File: 310 KB, 220x165, mcdonalds-ronald-mcdonald.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even wear his glasses correctly
the fucking state of him the man has genuine brain rot this isn't even funny anymore it's just tragic to see like your relative slowly succumbing to dementia

>> No.10926357

>duke3d, tomb raider, mario 64

>> No.10926358
File: 20 KB, 279x356, JediKnight-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Switching between third person view and first person? Metal Gear Solid.

This game not only did it a year before, but made it a core part of the gameplay, rather than just a nifty feature.

>> No.10926369

yet another game that literally nobody has ever heard of that you probably saw on some bottom of the barrel let's play channel scraping for content

>> No.10926373 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 645x729, 0e8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet anothel game that ritelarry nobody has evel heald of that you plobabry saw on some bottom of the baller ret's pray channer sclaping for content.

>> No.10926380 [DELETED] 

MGS1: 7 million copies sold
Dark Forces 2: 27,000 copies sold

>> No.10926421


Nah - I bought it at the time and loved it as a massive Star Wars fan.

One of a few great Star Wars games developed for the PC in the 90s (Dark Forces and Tie Fighter being the other two main ones) - with Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron then making a dent on the N64 - again, using the camera switching mechanisms as standard.

At the time switching cameras from 3rd and 1st person was fairly limited to racing, flight sim and mech games, so seeing it in a FPS/action game was new.

>> No.10926563

Tomb Raider is older than Super Mario 64.

>> No.10926580

Mario 64 did that too though?
I’d say Phantasy Star switching from 3rd person to 1st person on the master system

>> No.10926581

Tomb raider doesn’t switch to first person though?

>> No.10926628

Miyahack shamelessly lied about Zelda being inspired by his childhood experiences instead of just admitting he ripped off Ultima and Hydlide, and I don't see anyone throwing shit at him.
Lots of companies and developers seem to be honest about their influences, but Nintendo is always an exception. Mikami admitted that Resident Evil was inspired by Alone in the Dark. He was lying before because of an agreement between Infogrames and Capcom. Even Kojima was most probably just having problems speaking in another language and didn't express himself correctly. But Miyahack has yet to correct his lies.
Has Nintendo ever admitted that Zelda was just a rip-off of Ultima and Hydlide? Have they ever admitted that Ballon Fight was a copy of Joust, Super Mario Bros a copy of Pac Land, Star Fox a copy of After Burner, Mother a copy of Dragon Quest, Zelda OOT a copy of Goemon 64 and Tomb Raider, Fire Emblem a copy of Dragon & Princess, Metroid a copy of Jet Set Willy, Smash Bros a copy of the Outfoxies, Super Mario 64 a copy of Jumping Jack Flash...? I certainly cannot remember it.

>> No.10926632

Virtua Racing (for example) did it before both, but the other guy was talking about Tomb Raider being inspired by SM64 despite TR being an older game.

>> No.10926634

hey buddy nintendo fanboys can be pretty dumb but you might have a bit of a complex here...

>> No.10926637

People generally act like Japanese devs never played a Western game before. Even though a lot of them got started with a PC98 which was full of Western ports.

Plus you have weirdos like Ueda who was a huge Amiga fan.

>> No.10926643

>What was the first 3D game to offer the option of switching to different camera viewpoints?

>> No.10926690

>hideo kojima now claiming he invented 3d games

>> No.10926693
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Doom, kinda

>> No.10926696
File: 40 KB, 500x395, Metal-Gear-Terminator1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the master of originality.

>> No.10926697

more like descent1

>> No.10926704

damn look at that blatant ripoff, hideo kojima should really sue james cameron for copying metal gear

>> No.10926714
File: 93 KB, 256x318, Mdk1cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw the first sniper zoom in mdk

>> No.10926747

That isn't an option, since you can't toggle it at-will.

>> No.10926789

>According to the lawsuit Sega lost on the matter trying to patent the idea, "the first game to use the feature was Magical Shot, a billiards game also developed by M.N.M Software for the X68000 and released exclusively for the Japanese market in 1991."
Nothing stops companies from claiming to invent something that’s already been invented. See amazon for patenting the idea of taking a picture of a person or object with a white backdrop or Nintendo claiming to have invented touch controls. The latter of which has been proven wrong multiple times in court with a plethora of examples, along with their other patent of putting a shadow of a character on screen if it’s behind a wall; and despite all the proof the Japanese courts still said colopl (the Japanese game company Nintendo sued) didn’t have enough sufficient evidence and that they violated their patents (even though they didn’t)

>> No.10926798

>I used to think Hideo Kojima plastering his name all over the opening of MGS3 was a joke but he really does seem to have a massive ego
A lot of people gave his MGS2 translators so much shit on here but in reality, they were right. He has a massive ego and doesn’t know how to write anything, and just saying that had Kojima sick Konami’s lawyers after them and scrubbed the interview almost everywhere on the internet. His assistant producer who was with him all these years and went with him to his new studio decided to fuck off and work for the Chinese because he did the bulk of the production work for DS and said that while he was grateful to work with him, it was simply too much work to handle. This is man is quite literally offloading work to everyone and taking their credit and I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest bit if the Fukushima meme was true. I mean he did steal credit for ZoE

>> No.10926828

part of becoming an adult is outgrowing kojimboslop

>> No.10926830

MDK has third and first person.

>> No.10926840

You literally can
Press C-Up and you get a first person view to look around

>> No.10926858

It's literally not even first person brah.

>> No.10926889

why stop there? the guy invented videogaming itself!

>> No.10926912
File: 920 KB, 1067x600, MechWarrior 2 31CC 1920x1080 external camera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechwarrior 2 had a fuckton of camera options in 1995

>> No.10926917
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kojimaslop is entertaining, let the lad say whatever he wants on his twitter

>> No.10926921


>> No.10926935
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>> No.10926947

>This is man is quite literally offloading work to everyone and taking their credit
That's what directors do, anon. "Direct" is even in the word.

>> No.10926959

MDK had that

>> No.10926997
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kek beat me to it

>> No.10927026

>I mean he did steal credit for ZoE
Kojima has been on record multiple times explaining how hands-off he was as a producer for ZoE and ZoE2. He only provided some direction for the music and suggested that Kazuma Kaneko should design a character for the second game. It's not Kojima's fault that game journalists are so dumb that they incorrectly credit him as the creator of both games.

>> No.10927112

He's also been saying on multiple accounts that he created the stealth genre. He's a fraud and the only relevancy and merit he has was cocreating policenauts and making the original mg games. Whenever someone calls him out on something, he always always blames the translator when the original interview shows the translator didn't make any mistakes.

>> No.10927261

He has some talent, but he's really just a lucky nerd. There was no end of nerd boys in gaming at the time, and a few of them got lucky and convinced themselves that they're geniuses. Suda51 is the same.

>> No.10927321
File: 49 KB, 320x240, 16391702-doctor-hauzer-3do-the-graphics-look-stunning-for-a-game-released[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top down
>first person
>third person
>can switch on the fly

This game is remarkable and groundbreaking for that feature alone but because it's pushing the 3DO so hard, it runs at like 8fps max so I really thought it should have gotten a 1996 PS1 port to at least play it at a decent frame rate. Might have been more well known too.

The 3DO was popular among Japanese game-devs of the era too, as they used it to experiment and see what people were doing with 3D at the time. Would find it hard no one at Konami had a 3DO in 1994.

>> No.10927349

>Miyahack shamelessly lied about Zelda being inspired by his childhood experiences instead of just admitting he ripped off Ultima and Hydlide, and I don't see anyone throwing shit at him.

Why not both? He could be inspired by his ideas of childhood for general sense of adventure, while also taking specific cues from games of the era. Japanese creators tend to lie via omission, where they cite what they want, then ignore the stuff they lifted from a little too directly, likely shame and fear of being called frauds. Of course Zelda lifted from them contemporary top down fantasy action games!

The Moblins are very obviously inspired by D&D Orcs, just given more obvious pig-like appearance, so someone was likely thumbing through a D&D book at some point during development.

>> No.10927437

>a star wars game
>by fucking lucasarts
>literally nobody has ever heard of
dude, what?

>> No.10927462
File: 619 KB, 536x701, Hideo_Kojima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I invented idea of "TV game"
-Hideo Kojima, 2024

>> No.10927463

Unless you can play in first person and third person at will it doesn't count.

>> No.10927468

You couldn't do that in MGS 1 either.

>> No.10927471

You can do that in Shadows of the Empire. It would make the platforming difficult, but you can play almost the entire game as an FPS if you were so inclined

>> No.10927693

>Super Mario 64 a copy of Jumping Jack Flash...?

>> No.10927864

A significant difference from what he and anons are talking about is that he isn’t talking about a dedicated switching first/third person option, he’s talking about different gameplay elements having specific types of cameras assigned to them. Like top down for sneaking, first person for sniping, etc.

I’m not sure what the first game to do that specific type of camerawork was. I always thought OOT was it, but MGS did beat OOT to it by a few months.

>> No.10927878

Different perspectives for different things is older than dirt.
Betrayal at Krondor did that in 93.

>> No.10927918

Directors in gaming are different from directors in film, anon. Something kojimbo fails to grasp.

>> No.10927924

Hardly. The only actual difference in that the people you're bossing around have different skill sets, because you're making a different product.

>> No.10927927

>different gameplay elements having specific types of cameras assigned to them.
well going by that logic Dragon Quest had a top down third person camera for exploration and first person camera for battle

>> No.10927932

Sure, if you're a pedantic reductionist.

>> No.10928267

To be fair... that didn't really change the camera perspective so much as add an overlay to make it feel like it did. It's still the same angle and everything

>> No.10928419

He has mental problems and on top of it believes his own narcissistic bullshit. None of it is funny because he's a manipulator. Konami has the proof in their firing of him.

>> No.10928425

>none of it is funny
How on earth can you not find this shit to be Grade A comedy? It’s sublime.

>> No.10928427

Clearly shifted from 3rd person to 2nd person.

>> No.10928923

F15 strike eagle 2 had it in 1989

>> No.10928926
File: 30 KB, 398x345, 1660131608177769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Kojima a homosexual?
It would explain all the gay stuff

>> No.10928945

you people are still peddling the "kojima is a bad writer" meme? let it go, agness kaku will not fuck you
quite the opposite: https://www.deltaheadtranslation.com/MGS2/DOTM1.htm

>> No.10928947

this is likely poorly translated, i don't think he's saying that he was the first to come up with first person camera just that he came up with the idea when making mgs presumably not knowing it was done elsewhere earlier

>> No.10928965
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>Duke 3D had an option if I recall to view from third person with F7?
oh shit how come I never heard about it before

>> No.10928972

>some manchild's ramblings about how MGS2 steals from MGS1, except when it subverts expectations by not stealing from MGS1
not really helping your case

>> No.10929000

read a book

>> No.10929002

Not really, Miyahack gets plenty by non-nintenfags, besides it is one thing to admit getting inspiration from somewhere else and other to go around claiming bs

>> No.10929006

Bubsy 3D

>> No.10929008

>Has Nintendo ever admitted that Super Mario Bros a copy of Pac Land,
Miyamoto has actually admitted that he got direct inspiration from pac land.

>> No.10929228

>Zelda OOT a copy of Goemon 64 and Tomb Raider
>Super Mario 64 a copy of Jumping Jack Flash
Do stupid people actually believe this shit?

>> No.10929238

>Elite in 1985 on the Commodore at least allowed left/right/front/back cameras with F-keys.
They copied that from Atari's Star Raiders in 1979.

>> No.10929334

The way he describes it - having remote control missiles, drones, and views with different zoom levels - Carrier Command (1988)

>> No.10929338

Star Raiders was about as "3D" as Pole Position.

>> No.10929413

He deserved to get fired by Konami

>> No.10929798

>tech demo 64
>Freedom with camera
You didn't play it. Its camera is terrible and annoying, and

>> No.10929820

Shadows of the Empire not only had both 1st party and 3rd party camera but it also allowed you to switch to the camera of certain weapon shots (so the camera followed the bullet/rocket/blaster laser/whatever).
And that game definitely wasn't a thing "nobody has ever heard of". Not only was it one of the big three early titles pushing the N64, it also had a book, comic, toys, everything short of a new cartoon or movie and pushed by Lucasfilm themselves. Anyone alive in 1996 has heard of it.

>> No.10929849

This was massively popular where I lived, even had lan party deathmatches with people in the neighborhood, fighting others as jedis with force tricks and sabers is fucking kino
Get fucked you ignorant pseud

>> No.10929867
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Doesn't contradict it also being inspired by childhood also. But even if it did, who the fuck cares those are copies? The only thing that matters is that the copies are hundred times better and more refined, just as Steve Jobs didn't invent any technology, he just put into a neat package.
All of those games you listed as originals are shit that nobody remembers compared to copies - except for Outfoxies which is an underrated sovlful kino with a great art direction, and maybe Joust (which is better of the two is debatable but you can't deny Joust being really solid arcade game with soul)
Really love Outfoxies and Joust's game artworks, check them out

>> No.10930278

I did play it, you were just too stupid to learn how to use the camera, and now you're projecting that on everyone else.

>> No.10930285

some arcade games had this I am sure

>> No.10931571

>Miyahack shamelessly lied about Zelda being inspired by his childhood experiences instead of just admitting he ripped off Ultima and Hydlide, and I don't see anyone throwing shit at him.
everyone knows he's a fucking hack but he's not on twitter every day making up fantasy lies and attention whoring over things he knows nothing about.

>> No.10931575

many had this feature for years (virtua racing, daytona being prime examples). every time kojima opens up his retarded mouth, compulsive lies come out.

>> No.10931609

Jim Cameron's already been sued for ripping off stuff for Terminator lol

>> No.10932012

>virtua racing, daytona being prime examples
lmao. stupid people really think the camera in shitty racing games was the same as the camera in mgs.

>> No.10932102

low effort trolling

>> No.10932368

ha ha ha camedy geld

>> No.10932371

Tenchu technically came out first, but not by much. Exact same genre and everything.

>> No.10932408

>lmao. stupid people really can't readingcomprehension

>> No.10932623

Between the desire to totally epically pwn kojimbo by eye rolling and pointing out mario had a camera, it's worth looking at the early stuff in metal gear solid's development. While his Engrish would make anyone think he's talking about having a camera in 3D MGS is a game that is constantly playing with perspective and it's evident in the earliest trailers that was a key part of the games construction.
The way the camera swings from a birds eye view to an over-the-shoulder one when pressed against walls, how it keeps an accurate representation of the world in first person like when surveying the area or when going through vents to how the different first person (ie scopes) weapon handling can work. It's most likely Kojima was talking about how the game retains seamless action and flow withe the camera work.

>> No.10932683

Lol /vr/ is a buncha retards

>> No.10932738

>Between the desire to totally epically pwn kojimbo
Oh, so you're his personal cheerleader. Fuck you.

>> No.10932838

Kojima is great but almost everything 3D was attempted before 98

>> No.10932840

The only ones who are honest are Sakurai and Aonuma.

>> No.10933092

sharing superficial similarities with a game is plagiarism now

>> No.10933228

harlan ellison was a delusional prick

>> No.10933448

There’s a band whose entire discography is just a riff on this sketch.

>> No.10933898

All of his twitter posts are machine translations retard.

>> No.10933917

When he says "I came up with the idea called camera," he's literally just talking about the camera item that let's you take in-game photos. I think people just forgot that was a thing in MGS (even though he mentions it in the post). You could get ghosts in the photos too, it was neat. He's just explaining how items like that worked because the game world is all 3D, so he could have that and similar items would switch the camera (game camera) between first person (POV) and 3rd person. He's not claiming to have invented camera systems or even switching camera viewpoints.

>> No.10933935

Golden Eye had an in-game camera.

>> No.10933943

>Why not both? He could be inspired by his ideas of childhood for general sense of adventure, while also taking specific cues from games of the era.
This. It doesn't need to be one or the other. That's a big problem I've noticed when people are arguing about anybody famous or historical. The truth about what someone said or did is often more nuanced than one extreme or the other, and often two seemingly contradictory statements fit together fine when you understand the context.

It gets even messier when people argue over things two different people said about another person. Sometimes it's a matter of perspective, sometimes they just weren't there at the time while the other witness was or didn't know the subject as well. Sometimes they're even just repeating wrong information they've heard from others or misremembering. The more I study history, the more I realize how messy biographical information can get.

>> No.10933946

That's true. I don't think he's even saying he was the first guy to make an in-game camera, just that he came up with the idea to put that item in the game.

>> No.10933950
File: 68 KB, 589x479, camera2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice he also posted this on the same day

>> No.10933958

I'm not any of these anons and I am not about to go look up his interview for the full thing, I just have the OP to to go off of. Which granted is a shitter screencap and if mods weren't cancer themselves they would delete such nonsense, but they didn't and here we are at 150+ posts on a 4 day old thread. Still, as presented it makes everything he said seem related, i.e. he first talks about coming up the camera and then going to to talk about changing perspectives from 3rd to first person.

Anyways, if all he is talking about is the camera itself then that is a useless statement that doesn't mean shit. No other dev ever has gone "I came up with the idea called 'gun'" in whatever game first had a gun. Or no dev ever has gone "I came up with the idea called 'car'" in whatever game first had a car or whatever other game first introduced real world implements as game mechanics.

>> No.10933959
File: 70 KB, 582x495, mgs camera post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10933964

>Anyways, if all he is talking about is the camera itself then that is a useless statement that doesn't mean shit.
Yes, because he's not trying to make a big statement. He's just talking about the item and how it was cool - see >>10933959 for a better translation.

>> No.10933971

>Yes, because he's not trying to make a big statement.
I love metal gear, but he definitely was trying to make some statement. Whether you want to call it "big" is up to you, but he doesn't just say that stuff arbitrarily for no reason, just like he doesn't just plaster his name all over his games for no reason.

>> No.10933972

Descent 3 , mass driver cannon sight

>> No.10933974

Why'd they leave out the "I also included ghost photos lol". Best part of the tweet and makes it more clear what he's talking about. The shitty translation on English account is responsible for a lot of the confusion.
He tweets constantly, so I think he just wanted to talk about an item he came up with for the game.

>> No.10933993

character limit on twitter, they cut out the sentence talking about what you could do with the item too

>> No.10934001

>Anyways, if all he is talking about is the camera itself then that is a useless statement that doesn't mean shit.
Yall know sometimes people just say things to talk about things, right?
He's not standing on a soapbox making a life-changing statement. Dude just wants to talk about something.

>> No.10934245
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1343, 1715791319535054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that celeb pics thread had an example of daytona, those red-blue-yellow-green buttons were the camera switch

>> No.10934324

It also doesn't help that kojimaslurpers are always perpetuating baseless he-did-it-first myths

>> No.10934331

Yeah just ignore Kojima's obvious ego and pretend he's the paragon of humility. Seriously you have to have your head up your own ass to not see why people don't give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.10934370

Probably because it's rarely used. Fun to watch yourself fly around with roids in Duke in 3rd person at light speed with both feet kicking at the same time and stuff.

>> No.10934376

>peddling meme
Yeah just like I peddle the meme that the earth is round, gravity exists, virology exists, and electricity isn't elves... weird how these "memes" are a specific classification of memes based on truth... I believe the phrase for them is called... facts.

>> No.10934576

>embarrassing pseud cope
Not even the anon you're coping to. Your cope is just so bad that it's worth mocking.

>> No.10934839

Probably literally hundreds of games before MGS.
98 is pretty late in the game, as far as those early years of 3D game development go.
Even Starfox on the SNES does stuff with perspective switching.

>> No.10934847

>The way the camera swings from a birds eye view to an over-the-shoulder one when pressed against walls
That's something a random programmer added. They talked about this in the making of MGS2 video. It was never a intended design.

>> No.10937502

>what's media training?