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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10924473 No.10924473 [Reply] [Original]

Why and when did you buy your GBA?

>> No.10924482

The picture is AI-generated and the OP is data mining.

>> No.10924485

I purchased my GBA in 1987 in Hawaii where it was released early as a test for the development of the super famicom

>> No.10924494

Too true. I loved Gameboy advance for the 3d games it had and it is what motivated me and many others to purchase the system

>> No.10924594

My friend bought me one for my birthday with Metroid Fusion

>> No.10924606

Put some money in common with a friend and we bought one together, used, that we'd share. Couple years after it came out it was a way for me to be able to keep playing video games any time now that I was moved in a room that didn't have a TV anymore.

>> No.10924721

2003 when I was 14, and was PISSED when the SP was released not even a month after I bought an Advance with money I earned from working my first job, and the fucking DS released the following year.
I feel like I got shafted hard. Advanced Wars and Sword of Mana were fun though.

>> No.10924759

My Dad bought me one with Mario Advance for finishing junior high

>> No.10924886

When it came out, with CotM, because I stupidly bought into the hype. Advance Wars was good though, despite the shit screen.

>> No.10924892

I was in 6th grade and bought it at launch with birthday money. First console I bought on my own.

>> No.10924904

Why and when did you become so poor you only ever owned one GBA?

>> No.10925535
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tetris and mario
6yrs old, birthday
>gameboy pocket
pokemon in full swing
saved money on batteries
"i need it for pokemon crystal and zelda mom.."
birthday again, played the SHIT out of gold version
>launch gba
soulful clear blue
used it for basically only gb\gbc titles for years
>not into nes rereleases in middleschool\highschool
>sell gbSP
"it sucks and the ds is coming soon"
>give my launch advance to my sisters
beat leafgreen on it
carry it in secret all of my junior\senior year
still miss it to this day

>> No.10925540
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>gb light
adult with more money than sense
eventually resold for more than i paid due to hard times
>various "modded" gba\gbc\dmg
only bothered keeping the dmg with LED backlights as the default screen is still there
the ips "mods" for gbc\a are hot trash and a ripoff
use the fuck out of my analogue pocket instead

>> No.10925541

Nintendo DS Phat on launch day

My first and only OEM handheld, played it for years before switching to Chinese handhelds

>> No.10925548
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i should clarify that i am VERY thankful
i got lucky with my mom, she was a gamer too
got to try all the cool games right on the cutting edge
lot of good memories

had the launch fat ds and ds lite when it dropped too
i skipped dsi until it was cheap as an adult

>> No.10925554

Didn't get one until the SP.

>> No.10925626

Midnight launch at a K-mart for COTM.

>> No.10925686
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Game Boy Micro, got the Mother 3 deluxe box when it came out.
>mfw it multiplied its value x10 since then

>> No.10925697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10925753

i got an sp w/ metroid fusion

>> No.10926001
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I originally got the Gameboy Player around 2006/2007 because I had quit video games and just casually got a few of the games for cheap. Gamestop had a tendency to throw away the box and manuals to save on store space while reducing the price of the game, so almost all the GBA gamest I got were under $5USD each. I think my first one was the 2nd Castlevania where you glowed blue and whipped everything. The GBA library was what kept me entertained in those days. I didn't get a real GBA until a decade later in 2016 as I was always more of a home console player and only had the TurboExpress and NGPC.

>> No.10926081

Portable gaming didn't interest me until Nintendo actually did something with it beyond "normal games, but not as good and you have to buy batteries" by adding a touchscreen. My first and only GBA is and was a DS, purchased in 2005 or 2006 maybe at Exton Square Mall. For about 17 years thereafter, my only GBA game was FFTA.

>> No.10926096

Impressed by the OG but wasn't essential but when the NES version SP came out I thought it would be cool and worth a lot one day, at the time was actually thinking of getting a Sega Nomad. Actual did do the single cart multi a couple of times with bomberman, mario kart and mario and it was ok fun but just thought it would be more fun, just not on the level of just playing xbox online at the time. I think we were getting older and if you have different skill levels multiplayer just isn't as fun as when you are a kid.

>> No.10926105

It's "when and why" ESL-kun.

>> No.10926117

Flea market about 7 years ago for 15 bucks iirc. It's an sp. Then I got a DS lite from eBay for 10 bucks and 20 bucks for a famicom sp or something, but this was all before COVID 19 cia nigger norman retro videogame mk ultra 4.0 bullshit

>> No.10927597


>> No.10927674
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I bought my sister a GBA SP with pic related because she’s a Harvest Moon nerd, but she never really played it because the SP kind of sucks compared to other handhelds that she was used to (PSP and Switch).

Now I’ve just kinda got it sitting around.

>> No.10927712

On holiday in Majorca as a kid.

>> No.10927719

You're a rich kid
I don't mean this as an offense bro, I'm jelly of your luck

>> No.10927765

I'm Russian and I first saw one in some mail order catalog in 2000s. Now keep in mind that back in the day we were kind of behind in everything, a lot of guys were still playing on their Mega Drive or PSX. GBA had SNES games and to me it looked almost like magic. I was literally dreaming how cool it should have been, thinking that I would never get one. Imagine my shock when I saw my classmate with one. He had Castlevania Circle of the Moon on it. It seeing it, and the game was also really cool for its time. I later got GBA for Christmas too. Got it with GT Advance 2, I was a bit disappointed about the game first but it turned out to be a decent racer. Later I saved money to get Yoshi's Island for it. Had Pokemon Ruby too, but it was a pirated copy with weak save battery and a terrible translation. Eventually got DS and later a flashcart, played the shit out of it.

>> No.10927774

we were poorfags
i always had to choose my bday\christmas games carefully
as i knew i would be playing them\stuck with them A LOT
we used to go to blockbuster twice a month though and rent games for $5 i miss it a lot
the ds and micro i bought in highschool when i was flippin pizzas
i was the closer for the store before the commie laws here in california changed to stop teens from working "late"

having a mum who loved zelda\gaming was cool as fuck though
she beat OoT before i did

>> No.10928295

I got a indigo gba sp from Gamestop for around 20 bucks in 2004 or 2005. was working at a gas station for the summer and needed cheap entertainment. played the megaman zeroes on it and some light rpgs like pokemon and battle network. was very comfy.

>> No.10928647 [SPOILER] 
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Never had a handheld. Got a GBA SP Gold version with SMB3. My dumbass broke it several years later.
Latest GBA purchase is pic related.

>> No.10928723

>data mining
Would that even make sense?
Even in the best case, the sample size will be tiny.

>> No.10928731

My brother got a gb micro when he was 7 for Christmas, I eventually started using it and keeping it as my own once he had a PSP. Before that though my parents got me a DS lite for Christmas when I was 5-6, played lots of Sonic Genesis and Sonic Chronicles on it before trying out all of the great GBA games I missed once they were cheap. I miss retro gaming in 2011, bros ;_;

>> No.10928769

2001, and I bought the dragonball z game with it. after that i got the SP and then the DS. comfy times

>> No.10930015

Damn, anon, you were so lucky, I had to wait until 1995 since Papa had to finish the write-up reports from the Great Fire of London and his date with Laura Palmer

>> No.10930454

>i got lucky with my mom
As did I.
*wink wink*

>> No.10930459


>> No.10930465

Around my town, Pokemon Red and Blue was still the hottest shit ever when GBA came out.
None of my friends gave a shit really about it

>> No.10930745

Day one ish, for Circle of the Moon, it was before 9/11 because minors could still hang out on military bases

>> No.10930986

I don’t think that’s actually his name.

>> No.10930992

Right when it was the shit, main reason why Golden Sun, also Pokemons but to be honest, even back then Ruby/Sapphire looked bad on the screenshot. Turned out the games were decent, but still kinda looked like shit and gone was the day/night cycle.

>> No.10931001

My GF at the time and I were baby sitting her rich little cousins. Lived in a gated community. Very nice house. Filled with stupid shit only rich people would buy. I found a red GBAsp wedged deep in their couch cushions. I slid it into my pocket. There wasn't even a game in it. Just lost to the couch. Maybe it wasn't even theirs. I went over to game stop and bought a few games for it for cheap. Times weren't very good back then. It was nice to have something new to me like that for once. And it didn't seem like my actions hurt anyone. So that's a bonus. I always figure if my actions don't ruin someone's day then it's not that bad.
Wish I remembered what I bought for it. I kept it for a long time. Might even still have it.

>> No.10931020
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July 24, 2002, at 3:33:45 PM.
Yes, I still have the receipt.
I paid $69.88 for the GBA and $29.96 for Super Mario Advance 2. It was for my upcoming 14th birthday.

>> No.10931115

How in the hell did you get a GBA for $70 in 2002?

>> No.10931370

the oled mod for gbc is pretty nice though

>> No.10931969

How are those HORI Game Boy Player controllers? Is the D-Pad good?

>> No.10932347

got it at launch, traded in my GBC but they only had the pink clear one in stock which lead to some playground mocking but it was worth it. Got Wario Land 4 and Advance Wars with it

>> No.10933743


>> No.10933772

My mom bought it for me after seeing me enjoy the demo at Walmart, got Castlevania: Circle of the Moon with it. It was pretty shortly after launch I believe.
I enjoyed it for a few months but the one thing that always bothered me was how shitty the screen was. Even under direct light it could be hard to make out what was on screen, especially in a dark colored game like Castlevania.
My friend on the school bus had a Game Gear he would bring and play on the bus, and I thought it was the coolest shit ever, especially with that backlit screen.
A trade offer was proposed: My GBA and 1 game for his Game Gear and 6 games. Trade was accepted and I became the proud owner of a Game Gear with gems such as: Ristar, Tails' Adventure, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic 1&2, and Ecco Tides of Time.
Eventually I got a GBA SP which fixed the screen lighting issues and I loved the shit out of it, first game for that was Lunar Legends.

>> No.10933775

kek must have been fucking Walmart
They're always pricing shit like that

>> No.10933897

A month or two after launch. Got it alongside Bomberman Tournament. god what a fucking kino game

>> No.10933981

Not him, but I got a Hori controller for the gamecube. It's a LOT firmer and clickier than the N64 dpad if that tells you anything. Roughly same size dpad (slightly smaller I think), but completely different feel.

>> No.10935891
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Maybe they happened to be on special at the time, but I can't imagine why. It was summer, so not like they were trying to draw in Christmas shoppers, and it was too early for them to be clearing out inventory to make way for the SP.
Ding ding ding!

>> No.10936195
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Christmas of 2002, I think. My mum got one for me and my two brothers. She was smart enough to get us different colours so we knew whose was whose. I had the black one, and my other brothers had a silver and purple one.

I remember playing Kuru Kuru Kururin on it during that Christmas and Game and Watch Gallery Advance. A real shame my mum tried to make sure we all had a version to play so none of us would fight over what to play since she bought THREE copies of Game and Watch. Looking back, it would've been better to just buy 2 other games instead but she didn't know and I don't blame her at all since she had all our interests at heart.

Had a fun 4 years with the GBA before getting my DS.

>> No.10936369

I don't think the picture is AI generated, just badly upscaled.

>> No.10936537

around 2001 and my family bought it for us to share, while I got a first model SP around 2003/04 so I could play games while my older brother was at his soccer games.

>> No.10936569
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They feel like SNES controllers, but the button layout is in the Gamecube style, so the button size difference may affect muscle memory. The Z-button is a bit out of the way as well. Hori D-pads feel a lot like SNES d-pads to me, which was used in their commander line of controllers.

>> No.10937158

I got it the day Sonic Advance was released because I was Hyped for a new 2D Sonic.
...I hated Sonic Advance and never gave a shit about Pokemon so it basically became my Pac-Man Vs console and thats it.
Pretty lame library if you dont care for inferior ports of SNES games

>> No.10937198

I was unironically born with a silver spoon, yes the meme is true. That being said my parents weren't about vidya and the idea of portable vidya disgusted them.

I begged for an SP on a trip to see my dying grandma because my cousins had them and that's all they did so I was bored and depressed as shit. Finally my mom gave in.