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10923037 No.10923037 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favourite game for the Nintendo GameCube?

>> No.10923045

I think I put the most hours into Sonic Adventure 2: Battle and Melee

>> No.10923210
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>> No.10923213

Pikmin. Only played it recently but the game gives me cozy nostalgia of playing outdoors in the woods when I was a child.

Gameplay is also nice and has good replayability.

>> No.10923223

RE4 and RE0

>> No.10923225

*music swells*

*silence as you watch the title screen background for a few seconds before pressing start*

>> No.10923242
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Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

Best Donkey Kong game.

Predecessor to the Mario Galaxy games developed by the same team. Amazingly creative levels with addictive gameplay.

Feels a bit like MegaMan as each world (consisting of two levels) has a boss fight focused around a certain gimmick. "karate king" etc, etc... bossfight also have boxing gameplay instead of typical platforming which is cool. (Outside the bird, hog, and elephant ones)

>> No.10923279

Remake and RE4 probably
Monkey balls was fun so was f zero

>> No.10923436
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This set.

>> No.10923448

1) F-Zero GX
2) Pikmin
3+) Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2, Resident Evil 1 & 4, Killer7
8+) Soul Calibur 2, Metroid Prime, Viewtiful Joe, Luigi's Mansion, Ikaruga, Lego Star Wars 1 & 2
15) Super Mario Sunshine

And that's almost all the GameCube games I've played. (There were a few more that I either liked less than Mario Sunshine or simply forgot about.)

>> No.10923453

I loved this game when I rented it, but convinced my brother not to buy it because you play as a girl. How retarded am I?

>> No.10923463

This game was life changing desu

>> No.10923470

Zoids Battle Legends

>> No.10923480

sunshine was good

>> No.10923516

I'd be a GameCube supporter if GameCube fans didn't attack the N64

>> No.10923563
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Also this. Such an underrated game. The way it looked like a simple game for children ruined its possible success, but it’s actually something close to Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (directed by one of Moon’s directors) and Majora’s Mask sidequest parts.

>> No.10923565
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Rogue Squadron 2
I played the demo at Walmart at the kiosk near the video games where you had to break your neck to look at the TV before the GameCube came out.

It can not be understated how fucking incredible looking and feeling this game was in 2001. I didn’t understand “bump mapping” or “60 fps” back then, but that’s immediately what I was impressed by. It looked just like the Special Edition CGI and was buttery smooth. It felt like “the future”.
This is the game that made me want a GameCube and it remained, in my opinion, the most technically impressive and fun game for its lifespan.
This game STILL looks amazing.

GameCube is an odd beast because I’d say a majority of its most technically impressive games came out closer to its launch than its end.

Finally, it’s there with one of the best Star Wars games ever made.

>> No.10924361

I forgive you because you were young.

>> No.10924378

RE remake, RE4, Eternal Darkness, Custom Robo, Mario Sunshine, Super Monkey Ball, Skies of Arcadia, Paper Mario TYD, any THPS, Timesplitters 2, Tales of Symphonia, MGS: Twin Snakes, Wind Waker, SSBM.
I can't really choose which I like the most.

>> No.10924387

My friend used to force me to watch him play some 3d sonic game where you like glide down railings in some town or something. I hated that

>> No.10924756

>Such an underrated game
Yep. It’s a shame because it’s genuinely one of the best GC games. The ironic part is that the original formula could have been a hit if they had marketed it better and had more confidence in it. This type of non-traditional, quirky, and chill game has proven to have an audience over the past two decades.

>the OST
>the neat sound effects
>entirely unique level design
I was hooked from the brief kiosk demo.

>> No.10924882

What’s interesting is that it wasn’t even that niche - Nintendo published it, they had Iwata and Miyamoto as producers - they could have marketed it more, made a Switch remaster… but they just don’t give a shit about it after ruining the series (I know about one good sequel on DS, didn’t play it yet).
And it’s interesting to compare it with Chulip - another game in the same genre, from another Love-de-Lic alumni. This game is charming and has potential, but sucks so hard in comparison to Chibi Robo. No amounts of marketing could have saved it.

>> No.10924991
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yea but don't worry the same wave of hatred is coming for the GameCube. when you build your console up to the stratosphere and it isn't actually that good, there's a dramatic fall back down to earth. and when it does I'm gonna be there, I already know the role I'm gonna play to. I'm gonna be the guy who brings up the number of games it has only 600 and change.

I'm gonna be the fucking number posting fag of the GameCube. and if they galvanize that somehow with some shit like " what's in a number" then I still win because it helps the N64. it's a trap.

>> No.10925062
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Pic related is one of the best golf games I've ever played. Gamecube was peak Mario spinoff games, especially with friends or family.

>> No.10925137

The soccer one was good, too

>> No.10925173

I didn't own one, I had a hand me down Genesis and NES while my friends had PS2s, Gamecubes and Xboxes. I don't think I missed out on much.

Anyways, Pac-Man Vs. is the shit.

>> No.10925182

The true winner in this game is the sound design, literally everything you do has a satisfying sound effect. I especially enjoy the motor whine when Chibi-Robo pulls itself up onto a ledge.

>> No.10925195

Next time you have a worthless opinion and contribution to the thread, maybe keep it to yourself, yeah?
Only people who had 4th gen during 6th gen was hand curling retards, sheltered mormons and destitute poorfags.

>> No.10925206

At least you enjoyed the handcuffs

>> No.10925290
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Easily Melee and all I did was play against the CPU. But besides that, PSO 1+2 was the other game I put a lot of time into.

>> No.10925397
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i remember i played this after summer school of 05 in 7th grade and me and my friend sucked eacothers cocks after we played this and medal of honor

>> No.10925650

Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes

>> No.10926482
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Secretly the goat fightan game.

>> No.10927567
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A challenger appears

>> No.10927571
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>> No.10927581

You'd have to be dumber than a potato to not realize the GCN's library totally mogged the N64. GCN wasn't the best console ever, but it had way more variety and better 3rd party support than the N64.

>> No.10927586

el poderosisimo smash bros

>> No.10927757

85 percent of its library is ps2 ports, all of which look and run better on Xbox. N64 came from a time where multiplats were less of a thing so it has a natural advantage.
tell me what else there is to play besides the stable Nintendo games, ps2 ports and Dreamcast ports? the fucking ten mickey mouse exclusives? the 5 jrpgs that i NEVER hear anyone ever talk about?

>> No.10927768

>N64 came from a time where multiplats were less of a thing so it has a natural advantage.
This is only true for little more than Nintendo's, Rareware's and Konami's games.

>tell me what else there is to play besides the stable Nintendo games, ps2 ports and Dreamcast ports?
I suggest you to read the thread you're on.

>> No.10927792

>This is only true for little more than Nintendo's, Rareware's and Konami's games.

kek. what the fuck are you talking about zoomie? did you even understand what I said?

>I suggest you to read the thread you're on

I just did there's nothing there, did you read the thread? I'll give you lost kingdom because someone here actually is talking about it. and killer 7 is the superior version on GameCube even if it's shit that every pseudo pretends they like.

>> No.10927807
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Life changing

>> No.10927854

>did you even understand what I said?
Yes I did, what you don't seem to understand is that N64 still got plenty of multiplats from PS1 with downgraded audio and removed cutscenes. Generally only the three companies I listed would provide games designed to the N64's strengths.

>I just did there's nothing there
You seemed to miss Bloody Roar Extreme, for one. And the fact you only considered killer7 out of everything posted here only because it's better than on PS2 doesn't help your case.

Now tell me what's there to play on N64 besides the games from the three companies I mentioned and PS1/Saturn ports. See? I can do there same you're doing.

>> No.10928047

If I have to pick one my answer is gonna be boring.
Smash Melee
F-Zero GX
Mega Man X Collection

>> No.10928090

>understand is that N64 still got plenty of multiplats from PS1 with downgraded audio and removed cutscenes.

no I'd contest that, id say there are more trade offs then flat out better versions. hexen quake one and two forsaken mission impossible nightmare creatures mortal combat. people will say it's better because it's like 12 percent crisper then the N64 but the smoothness and the solidity of the graphics for me is better, if anything it's a trade off.

>You seemed to miss Bloody Roar Extreme, for one.

ok that's one.

>Now tell me what's there to play on N64 besides the games from the three companies I mentioned and PS1/Saturn ports.

your not understanding why I'm setting those parameters. I'm not arguing as if the GameCube and N64 live in a vacuum only with each other. I'm arguing in the air that we all live in because that derives the true value and enjoyment of a console.

> see?

" s-see? I can make arbitrary parameters too, I can't think up any reasons for them but uh uh this is totally what you're doing"

I can't be bothered explaining why I removed the Nintendo games.

tldr the nintendo games on GameCube don't have mystical properties, the N64 does.

>> No.10928157
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For me it's TOS. Not really a terribly sophisticated or ambitious game looking back on it as an adult but just so damn comfy. Say what you like about us zoomers who never grew up with the SNES or whatever but this was just so comfy. This and DQVIII and Code Geass made my childhood.
Also decent runners up

>> No.10928162

>tldr the nintendo games on GameCube don't have mystical properties, the N64 does.
You couldve just said that

>> No.10928164

>Code geass
A game or the series?
Was it broadcasted outside of Japan back then?

>> No.10928224

Unironically, yeah.
All the fighters are great (fav is Jenny the bat, and FUCK Shenlong the tiger because he was OP). I love how you can bust out of the main level and fight on a new level.
A damn shame this game isn't more well known because it's a top tier fighting game.

>> No.10928243

Metroid Prime.

>> No.10928749

Dude, it hurts my soul to this day that we never got a sequel or a reboot for DK Jungle Beat. Unironically one of my favorite games ever, really not reaching that 10/10 because of the bongo controls (even though I enjoyed them as a kid). One of the instances where Nintendo's le quirky gimmicks probably ruined a franchise's potential

>> No.10928750

gamecube is such a cozy console

>> No.10928757

Wind Waker, followed by Metroid Prime 2

>> No.10928759

also Luigi's Mansion, somehow I forgot that

>> No.10928832

i wish it wasnt so shockingly expensive even for the super mainstream 1st part titles
especially since it can be perfectly and trivially recreated on the wii
or you can use dolphin which is one of the best and easiest emulators
but i would have liked to have a basic little gamecube and just a handful of games again

>> No.10928836

>nightmare creatures
n64 version fixes a bunch of flaws from the original, but most have never played it

>> No.10928869

>Destitute poorfags
That's me! Shame you didn't care for Pac-Man Vs. though, it's a sort of precursor to the Mario Chase minigame in Nintendo Land, it's a blast with friends. Try to not get wound up over worthless opinions if you can help it.

>> No.10929027
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>tfw bought this for 150 EUR in 2019
I didn't even know how bad things will get with GC prices... (even though TTYD has French cover, it has English language there too)

>> No.10929035

SMS and Viewtiful Joe sucked otherwise OK list and ya fzero/donkey Kong were their best other than the mario/Mario sports

>> No.10929036

My god you robbed that man at gunpoint.

Good games too.

>> No.10929041

The guy said that he didn't have time to play and his wife said that it was collecting dust and it's time to sell. But he said that he's glad that someone will actually play and appreciate them now... :')

>> No.10929051

Probably Metroid Prime or Melee but if I don't want to be boring then:
Custom Robo

And if I REALLY don't wanna be boring, I gotta say, Cubivore has hella charm

>> No.10929487

Elaborate, Anon.

>> No.10929505

Still the only console I play. Ranked:

- SM Sunshine
- MP1
- Wind Waker
- Melee
- Sonic Ad 2
- MP2
- F Zero GX
- Soul Calibur 2

Best console

>> No.10929515
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I love Cubivore

>> No.10930182

> convinced my brother not to buy it because you play as a girl
kek gigabased

>> No.10930212
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Resident Evil Remake.
Most spectacular and polished Resident Evil using the classic formula and one of the greatest survival horrors.

>> No.10930231

F-Zero GX

>> No.10930232

Young boys tend to worry about these things, it's not a big deal. Plenty of them actually enjoyed media with female protagonists, but they wouldn't admit it.
As an adult, it's also easy to realize that Japanese games with female protagonists already had males audiences in minds, and made sure both the gameplay and the heroines would be appealing to boys. That's why you were enjoying a game that was actually made for you.

>> No.10931875

best mario sports game on GCN

>> No.10931889

>The way it looked like a simple game for children ruined its possible success
not sure what your age is, but i can tell you that it had zero chance of success because the gamecube was long dead by the time it came out. i was a nintendo fantard and was exclusively DS while waiting on the "revolution" to come out later that year. i dont even remember any stores carrying this game except for GameStop and they had few copies.

>> No.10932782

Do I absolutely 'need' to use the bongos to play it?

>> No.10932785

He would have grown up to be transvestite had you let him play it so you did the lad a favor.

>> No.10932852
File: 124 KB, 572x800, 4168934-paper-mario-the-thousand-year-door-gamecube-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door

>> No.10933885

I've only ever played The Twin Snakes via Wii emulation, but it was vastly inferior to the original Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.10935420

Bumping for Vexx

Is it any good?

>> No.10935424
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>> No.10935512

Animal Crossing
>Tfw had no fucking idea how good I had it growing up with the Gamecube and PS2
Sure GC would have droughts for like 4 months, but at the end of the day its library still mogs pretty much all of the consoles that came after. I remember my PS3 would occasionally collect dust for more than a year inbetween major releases. And it hasn't gotten better. Modern consoles have horrible, horrible fucking droughts.

>> No.10935547
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Drill Land
Killer 7
Chibi Robo

>> No.10935551
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>> No.10935580


>> No.10935582


>> No.10935613

Are you me?

>> No.10935620

>mortal combat
Your opinions are actually invalid now.

>> No.10935623

That's a broken man. Any woman that tells you to sell off your hobbies needs to be put in her place. If that place ends up with her hitting the bricks, then so be it. It's not about the games either, it's about you having things you like as a man.

>> No.10935867

Hey whoa I suddenly have remembered that I modded my GameCube ages ago to let it play Japanese games. And that I have recently fallen in love with Mr. Driller. Well, to eBay I go

>> No.10936035

Other than fzero and those 2 Mario sports games? Nothing. Ps2 had everything already

At least they tried after n64 to fix their mistakes though. Playstation and xbox still won though

>> No.10936080


>> No.10936089
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Best game in the franchise imo. Wish it wasn't so expensive nowadays.

>> No.10936837

>Modern consoles have horrible, horrible fucking droughts
It’s not even the droughts that bother me. Modern Nintendo and related companies like Game Freak barely release anything worth playing. Feels like they put in the bare minimum effort in terms of content and then (hopefully) make sure the game is playable / stable. I miss the innovation and attention to small details.

>> No.10936848
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I'm partial to Tales of Symphonia. Really want to get pic related for my collection, but condition is everything with this color in particular. They turn a hideous seafoam green when aged.

>> No.10936862

Wind Waker, Mario Kart DD and Soul Calibur 2

>> No.10936864

Pikmin 2 and F-Zero GX

>> No.10937481

Either melee, PSO or sonic adventure 2 battle. I don’t know which of these I played the most but they were all 500+ hours I am sure.

>> No.10937610

resident evil 4
super monkey ball 2
mario sunshine
paper mario
super smash bros melee
animal crossing
luigi's mansion
tony hawks american wasteland
tony hawks underground
tony hawks pro skater 4
starfox adventures
mario party 7
splinter cell chaos theory
metroid prime
wwe day of reckoning 2
sonic adventure dx
viewtiful joe

>> No.10937659

kirby air ride

>> No.10938215

Holy fuck I forgot about this one. I loved it so much.

>> No.10938231

Luigi's Mansion
Wario World

Wind Waker
Twilight Princess



>> No.10938243

metroid prime

>> No.10939440

>What was your favourite game for the Nintendo GameCube?
2002 FIFA World Cup

>> No.10939467

In what way other than the wacky cutscenes

>> No.10939490

>2002 FIFA World Cup
>In what way other than the wacky cutscenes
i like the world cup was in japan like nintendo

>> No.10941413

Hey guys I’m posting a response to this thread for no particular reason

>> No.10941808

retrobrite it

>> No.10941823
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Are there any good Japan only GC games that haven't been translated? I can just think of Tengai Makyou 2 (I want a fan translation so bad)

>> No.10942091

>2002 FIFA World Cup
based, sport games are really underrated.