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10922337 No.10922337 [Reply] [Original]


Marathon is free on Steam right now.
Go play it.

>> No.10922339


>> No.10922345

Once again patience prevails

>> No.10922354

it was already free though?

>> No.10922363

No key remapping?

>> No.10922370

Well, thats neat. I only ever played Marathon 2's xbox 360 port. Thanks OP

>> No.10922375

>To use the radar you have to keep the Hud that takes up 4/5ths of the screen.

Does anyone know what the interact key is?

>> No.10922376

It was? Seems like the Steam version is ported to the Aleph One engine with some QoL improvements like surround sound and 60fps, but you can also run the classic version if you want to.
From what I've read they're planning to release Marathon 2 as well as Marathon Infinity.

>> No.10922381 [DELETED] 

>Game free for 25 years: :|
>Game free on Steam: :0

>> No.10922390 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 768x1024, 1709306446205735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I use steam, what gave it away?

>> No.10922492

You can remap the keys just fine.

>> No.10922496

It's tab. You can change it in the preferences.

>> No.10922503 [DELETED] 

This but unironically.

>> No.10922602 [DELETED] 

>you, a fag that complains over nothing: :000000

>> No.10922608

>Mac has no g-

>> No.10922701

2 hours in. How come you faggots never told me this game is fucking fun?

>> No.10922732

>From what I've read they're planning to release Marathon 2 as well as Marathon Infinity.

Shame that we'll never get Bungie's own native port of Halo CE and not Gearbox's port that is used in MCC

>> No.10922878

This IS Aleph One, you idiot!

>> No.10923374

Been saying it for almost 30 years

>> No.10923375

Since this is Aleph One can I use this to more easily play AO stuff on the 'eck?

>> No.10923378

What level you at and what do you like most about it so far btw? Rare that a new Marathon player actually enjoys it

>> No.10923396

I'm always happy to see Marathon get some love, but does this version do anything I couldn't do with Aleph One already? I know Steam integration is a big draw for some people, but aside from that, what's new here?

>> No.10923405

No. It's the same thing

>> No.10923416

Taking another look and it has achievement support, if you're into that. That's cool, I guess.

>> No.10923529

love this trilogy so much. the movement is so satisfying once you get the hang of it. i wish they improved the multiplayer.

M1 is fun but you might get filtered by later levels. It's ok to take a break.

>> No.10923536

oh shit I guess you could. the flatpak not being on flathub sucks.

>> No.10923591
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>Buy / Choose your loadout/perks/abilities/gear
>Drop into a server
>Hunt for loot / Complete missions / Explore and find secrets
> Extract
>Spend XP on Updates
^ this is unironically how they are advertising the new Marathon game.


Remember when Bungie set the standard instead of following the trend?
There is no possible way this new marathon game will have any continuity or atmosphere of the old one, the trailer is just bizarre.

>> No.10923698
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>In an interesting twist, the game is said to feature an Oxygen system in which “all players have a limited oxygen supply that essentially acts like the match countdown timer – Once the player loses oxygen, you begin to lose health. Extracting before you run out of oxygen and health is the goal, but players can also find O2 canisters in the match
wtf this is NOTHING like the real Marathon games

>> No.10923857

The tranny aesthetic in the Nuthon teaser is really offputting.

>> No.10923874

>tranny aesthetic
Fits right in considering the S'pht are a trans race.

>> No.10923885

Didn't Sony buy Bungee?

>> No.10923915
File: 599 KB, 2500x2250, IMG_4490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes no sense why they are calling it “marathon” other than they already own the name. It’s not even a reimagining, it’s seemingly a totally different property but we will see.

It’s somewhere between mirror’s edge and cyberpunk 2077, ultra post modern and I never enjoyed either look personally. The Asian feminine face mask thing is just way off atmospherically to what anyone would be expecting from a new marathon game. I think it would be fine for something else.

They are definitely putting this out for free to build hype but all it’s going to do is make newcomers say “uhhhh why are these things so different?”.

I think this is something nobody wants. I think if they were going to revive the marathon name then it should look exactly like Craig Mullins art which was phenomenal.

You could make an extraction shooter meme game in the Marathon universe for sure but it should definitely be a sci-fi psychological horror, gritty, esoteric affair and not whatever that trailer was. You could even pinch some burned out Halo fans into buying it by really pushing the “security” armor everyone knows from Halo 3.

Instead we are getting neon post modern shooting game. Idk man, I’m curious to see what the actual game is like.

>> No.10923919

You are assuming too much the game doesn't even have finalized gameplay system or plot. People that say it's a extraction shooter have outdated information.

>> No.10923932
File: 375 KB, 1170x1394, IMG_4491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is from the official website of the game you idiot.

>> No.10924414

I feel the need to point out that the Marathon trilogy had been available for free for about 20 years, and the Steam release is not being done by Bungie, but by the developers of the Aleph One source port, though it is being done with Bungie's blessing.

Incidentally, prior to the Steam release, the Aleph One website was about the only way to download and play the Marathon games outside of emulating the original Macintosh versions.

>> No.10924475

It's not very fun.

>> No.10924525

The wario land of fps.

>> No.10924543

nah that shit is gay

>> No.10924574

>Click Play
>Steamworks error
>Update Steam
>In-game state for few seconds while nothing happens
How do I get this to work? I couldn't find anything about this issue, no idc about running it standalone I want it to work on Steam.

>> No.10924632
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1684069772738647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant see ammo or radar without leaving the HUD on
>HUD crunches your actual screen to a thumbnail
>cant lean,Q and E just quickturn left or right

>> No.10924660

>Game came out in 1994
>Expects a lean command
Marathon isn't an immersive sim, anon.

As for the HUD, there's an alternative one that's shown in the Steam screenshots. Go the graphics preferences and change the HUD plugin.

>> No.10924667

Addendum: The plugin in the screenshots is the "Enhanced" HUD. There's also a "Basic" hud that has the health and radar in the bottom left corner and the inventory in the bottom right.

>> No.10924676

Extra addendum because I have the memory of a goldfish: Make sure to set the HUD size to "Largest".

>> No.10924678

Hopefully they'll bring pathways over some day, AFAIK the aleph engine does support it
Enable the xbla hud add on, it's a lot better

>> No.10924823
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why shoot things when you can punch them all to death

>> No.10924985

Unfortunately, the fan-made Aleph One port of Pathways isn't one-to-one and differs a fair bit from the original.

If they want to re-release Pathways it would either have to be a full-on port to modern systems or be emulated.

>> No.10925007

>have to
It's not as if publishers have any problem with re-releases which differ from the originals.

>> No.10925041

I left off after collecting the 3 chips and now I need to repair the Marathon's defenses, I think.

Honestly? The gunplay feels tight and calculated. It doesnt play anything like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D, it just feels like it's own thing. I also like the way directives are given. Being told precisely what I have to do, being shown on the map, and having to figure out how to get there is fun so far. Lastly, I'm already ensnared by the story. I find myself looking forward to finding the next terminal to see what the AI has to say next.

Reading that back, it reads like I'm saying a bunch of nothing, so the TLDR is the gameplay loop tickles my brain the way I like,

>> No.10925054

I meant if they wanted to do a "true" port of Pathways.

Though you are right: A fair few modern re-releases of classic games aren't 100% accurate to the originals.

>> No.10925146

What the fuck do you need a lean key for lmao nigga cough syrup is cheap

>> No.10925160

>I left off after collecting the 3 chips and now I need to repair the Marathon's defenses, I think.
Ah nice, you're still really early in the game. The midgame (with the exception of one infamous level) is where it really peaks imo so you should have a good time going forward.
>Honestly? The gunplay feels tight and calculated. It doesnt play anything like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D, it just feels like it's own thing.
Definitely, I think most people either never played Marathon, or they only play Doom using source ports with mouse aim to think that Marathon is just a Doom knock-off. Helps that Marathon's enemies have actual pathfinding and pursue the player much more aggressively than many Doom enemies.
>Being told precisely what I have to do, being shown on the map, and having to figure out how to get there is fun so far. Lastly, I'm already ensnared by the story. I find myself looking forward to finding the next terminal to see what the AI has to say next.
Awesome, just make sure to avoid spoilers. If you beat the game I'd recommend playing Durandal and Infinity immediately after instead of waiting for those to hit Steam, just so the story is fresh in your head, it will make those games (especially Infinity) even more rewarding.

>> No.10925194 [DELETED] 


Why does this not come with the HD assets?

>> No.10925198 [DELETED] 


You do have an O2 meter in all 3 Marathon games. You use it in space in 1, and underwater in 2

>> No.10925223

>it will make those games (especially Infinity) even more rewarding
Infinity's story is a clusterfuck. There's nothing "rewarding" about it.

>> No.10925240

>there's nothing rewarding in the story that has one of the most dedicated autistic fanbases to understanding it of any video game
I bet you don't even read Borges

>> No.10925250

Alright, then what's the story of Infinity since you're so well-versed in it?

>> No.10925301

Spoilers so the new player won't be tipped off

Beings have paths open to them which they must take, inevitably at the expense of other beings. Greatness is defined by the ability to choose your own path, and a small number of beings inhabiting the planet L'howon or spaceships immediately orbiting it are in conflict with one another. You are the 10th Security Officer, built to serve and to kill, and while the first two games have you in the employ of Leela and Durandal with relatively few hiccups as you ultimately successfully destroy a massive Pfhor garrison, rescue an alien slave race and human compatriots, you are left behind a mere tool which Durandal has minimal interest in.

A memetic stellar demon named the W'rkncacnter can be awakened and actualized when people are made sufficiently aware of it. This doesn't happen in Marathon 2 because the S'pht had been shielded from knowing to much by Jjaro, their own creator, and because Durandal did not access the Manus Celar Dei until after the use of trih'xeem to detonate L'howon's sun, which he presumably uses to attain immorality and omniscience. Infinity is then an exploration of the sheer improbability of taking every correct path to outmaneuver Durandal, Tycho, Admiral Tfear, and the W'rkncacnter, by telling the many paths taken, their pitfalls, and their lessons learned. The Security Officer in the ideal path interfaces with the minds of both Durandal and Thoth and, unlike in certain failed timelines, successfully deploys the counter-memetic shield to prevent observation of the W'rkncacnter. In doing so, he has become Destiny.

>> No.10925330

>Overly-flowery language
Already sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but I'll humor you.

How do the stories about the nameless man and the hangar fit into all of it, then? Furthermore, you imply that Infinity takes place after 2, even though the very first terminal of Infinity implies that the events of 2 never even happened ("perhaps if I could have delayed the Pfhor from using their weapon, I could have sent you to explore the ruins of Lh'owon." By the end of 2, you've already done that.)

And who's the white-text individual that talks to you throughout the game? It can't be Thoth because the speech pattern doesn't match, and it can't be Durandal because the color doesn't match.

>> No.10925374

>Overly-flowery language
Name two words I used that were overly-flowery
>How do the stories about the nameless man and the hangar fit into all of it, then?
The subway man and hangar stories are obviously a part of a dream/subconscious subtext and could mean a bunch of things; one obvious interpretation would be of shedding whatever humanity you once had, escaping these faceless men in suits, wielding your "knife" (Durandal), and recognizing a necessity to do unsavory things to get ahead. The hangar presumably could be about any number of events you take which directly put the lives of the BOB's in peril, or maybe it's a purely hypothetical scenario.

>Furthermore, you imply that Infinity takes place after 2, even though the very first terminal of Infinity implies that the events of 2 never even happened ("perhaps if I could have delayed the Pfhor from using their weapon, I could have sent you to explore the ruins of Lh'owon." By the end of 2, you've already done that.)
Marathon 2 has an actual end with scrolling end sequence and all. Obviously the events of 2 did not happen the exact same way in any Infinity story.

>And who's the white-text individual that talks to you throughout the game? It can't be Thoth because the speech pattern doesn't match, and it can't be Durandal because the color doesn't match.
Are you talking about the dream terminals? Because the white text of terminals in Son of Grendel, Strange Aeons, etc seems close enough to that of Marathon 2 albeit less commanding, but that could be a simple inconsistency in author style.

>> No.10925409

>The subway man and hangar stories are obviously a part of a dream/subconscious subtext and could mean a bunch of things
So they don't have any intrinsic meaning and can be interpreted however you want. Seems awfully convenient.

I'm talking about whoever talks to you at the end of Ne Cede Malis, the end of Hang Brain, and the Electric Sheep levels. Comparing the writing style to Thoth makes it clear it's not him.

Something I forgot to ask was the whole "Destiny" thing. Infinity ends with Durandal telling you to "go" after containing the W'rkncacnter, who Durandal speculates might not have even existed. How exactly does that make you "destiny"?

As for the "overly-flowery" thing, I was referring to how you wrote out your response rather than the words.

>> No.10925427

i was always under the impression that the hangar text could be the SO feeling the psychological effects of murdering aliens for 3 games

>> No.10925431
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>> No.10925441 [DELETED] 

Does this mean we finally will get a proper Marathon video from civvie

>> No.10925443

>So they don't have any intrinsic meaning and can be interpreted however you want. Seems awfully convenient.
Wait did you literally think some random guy at a movie theater getting into a fight with his girlfriend chased around by proto-Agent Smiths was supposed to be taken fully literally? lmao

>I'm talking about whoever talks to you at the end of Ne Cede Malis, the end of Hang Brain, and the Electric Sheep levels. Comparing the writing style to Thoth makes it clear it's not him.
Most likely a kind of Thoth-Durandal fusion, though the Electric Sheep levels are obviously dream levels.

>Something I forgot to ask was the whole "Destiny" thing. Infinity ends with Durandal telling you to "go" after containing the W'rkncacnter, who Durandal speculates might not have even existed. How exactly does that make you "destiny"?
Try reading the full ending sequence.

>As for the "overly-flowery" thing, I was referring to how you wrote out your response rather than the words.
Nooooo you can't just summarize a relatively complex story accurately you have to write it in a way that over-simplifies it nooooooooooooo

>> No.10925454


>> No.10925461 [DELETED] 


Skill issue

>> No.10925482

I think Marathon is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.10925514

>Wait did you literally think some random guy at a movie theater getting into a fight with his girlfriend chased around by proto-Agent Smiths was supposed to be taken fully literally? lmao
No, I was thinking that it might have some kind of relevance to the overarching plot (what little there is of it) and you just told me that there isn't a specific meaning behind them. If they don't have a specific meaning, then they can't be used to piece together the story because you can claim that they have whatever meaning you want.

>Try reading the full ending sequence.
I did, and it's clearly Durandal reminiscing on the SO. The only thing the SO's done is follow the orders of other people and only very rarely, if ever, made choices on his own. Being good at following orders is hardly anything to brag about and not something that a near-omnipotent AI would think back on and "figure out" right before the closure of the universe.

>Nooooo you can't just summarize a relatively complex story accurately you have to write it in a way that over-simplifies it nooooooooooooo
You don't have to over-simplify it, you just needed to lay it out plainly. The way you wrote out your response reads like a college student padding out their essay.

>> No.10925518

>Most likely a kind of Thoth-Durandal fusion, though the Electric Sheep levels are obviously dream levels.
Forgot to include this. I don't think it's the Thoth-Durandal hybrid, which you create at the end of Strange Aeons, because their writing in You Think You're Big Time and Aye Mak Sicur neither follow the same format nor is the same color.

>> No.10925528

I wonder if the steam version of marathon 2 will include the HD graphics from xbla and marathon infinity will include hats off to eight nineteen.

>> No.10925597

>No, I was thinking that it might have some kind of relevance to the overarching plot (what little there is of it) and you just told me that there isn't a specific meaning behind them. If they don't have a specific meaning, then they can't be used to piece together the story because you can claim that they have whatever meaning you want.
I never said it was needed to piece together the story, that was your concern.

>I did, and it's clearly Durandal reminiscing on the SO. The only thing the SO's done is follow the orders of other people and only very rarely, if ever, made choices on his own. Being good at following orders is hardly anything to brag about and not something that a near-omnipotent AI would think back on and "figure out" right before the closure of the universe.
He calls you an enigma, a hybrid, a man who survived a thousand deaths. He relied on you more than anyone. The player obviously makes any number of choices of his own even if he is still bound by the external factors of the universe he explores.

>You don't have to over-simplify it, you just needed to lay it out plainly. The way you wrote out your response reads like a college student padding out their essay.
Name one sentence that is unnecessary to summarize the game. I will only concede that I should have split the third sentence in the first paragraph into two.

>> No.10925605

aleph one has been free for like 2 decades now. anyone who cares about playing this already has, and anybody who hasn't is a 21 year old bandwagoner. i hate all of you.

>> No.10925616

The part at the end of Ne Cede Malis is arguably a dream, or a state of death/reincarnation itself.

>> No.10925663

>HUD crunches your actual screen to a thumbnail
and despite that it still had higher resolution than Doom's fullscreen 320x200. Just sit closer to the monitor.

>> No.10925754

I don't care to explain myself to you but I like proving assholes wrong. I'm 28 and I just started playing this for the first time on a total whim after seeing this thread. Didn't play it before because I didn't care before.

>> No.10925760

So you're a 28 year old bandwagoner.

jk, hope you enjoy yourself, Anon.

>> No.10925913

I had to punch more civilians to death than the aliens killed because they wouldn't move the fuck out of the way of where I needed to go.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.10925973

If too many BOBs die you don't get to see Leela in a bikini at the end

>> No.10925990

tell me when its on gog. I only buy from gog or not at all

>> No.10926192

What? There's HUD options that aren't the windowed one. That one's just on by default.

>> No.10926431

>I don't care to explain myself
>explains himself

>> No.10926601

maybe played the original and not the aleph one version

>> No.10927745


>> No.10927797

Disappointed they didn't do anything cool with the achievements like some vidmaster challenges or something.

>> No.10927820

What kind of achievements do you think they'll add to Marathon 2 and Infinity?

>> No.10927928

Where do I go in the level where you first get the Plasma Pistol? I'm running around in circles.

>> No.10928036
File: 2.53 MB, 498x375, Punch shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punching shit in this game is fun

>> No.10928115

We did, Doom Boys dampened the message.

>> No.10928169

>92% positive rating
>Was 95% yesterday
Looks like the bandwagon's wearing off

>> No.10928173

Are the Doom Boys here in the room with us?

>> No.10928313

The large circular room with the elevator in the center should be moving; you have to make a long jump when the elevator is high into a window. On your map the window should probably appear like a little nub incompletely filled.

>> No.10928337

Yes, they're in the closet.

>> No.10928512

Would it be fine to just skip over Marathon 2, seeing how Marathon Infinity retcons most of its story?

>> No.10928574

>Would it be fine to just skip over Marathon 2
>seeing how Marathon Infinity retcons most of its story?
It doesn't unless you think Infinity also retcons most of itself

>> No.10928583

You do realize what the word (((aleph))) means, right?

>> No.10928591

I thought I was supposed to get to that little nook near the ceiling somehow but the large elevator isn't moving. Do I need to find a switch somewhere? I killed everything on the map already.

>> No.10928606

It's my understanding that Infinity's story involves time travel, but the first level of Infinity, before any time travel happens, retcons the first level of Marathon 2.

>> No.10928619

NTA, but aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

>> No.10928637

I'm glad normalfags still don't know about ghost in the shell (somehow)

>> No.10928650

Your understanding is incorrect

>> No.10928986

It's also the word for ox.

>> No.10928998

>Go play it.
No thanks. Marathon 2 is the only one worth playing.

>> No.10929010


>> No.10929034

The time traveling started before the first level. Marathon 2 did happen as it was, but then you wake up on the Jjaro station and find out nothing happened the way you remember it, and the world is ending. It's kind of hard to convey with a mute protagonist, but the Security Officer remembers the events of the previous game. He's meant to be as confused and frustrated as the player is, and he wants to escape.

>> No.10930002

I always thought the shit you pull off in Infinity also allows the original Marathon 2 timeline to keep moving forward.

>> No.10930079

>allows the original Marathon 2 timeline to keep moving forward
How? Several of Infinity's terminals and story beats directly contradict some of Marathon 2's.

>> No.10930375

Where do I go in "Fire! Fire! Fire!"? There's a big gap with lava that I can't jump across.

>> No.10930458

Spoilered in case other players want to figure it out themselves.

It's not obvious, but in the lava room with the single pillar in the corner, there's a path behind the pillar. You'll be trekking through lava, so you better hit the x2 charger beforehand.

>> No.10930480

Weird, I actually went across the lava and killed the two Drones hiding in the corner but I guess I just didn't see the path.

>> No.10930591

>Game, free
>Game, free (Steam)

But in all seriousness, it's cool to see Marathon receive a slight bump in popularity thanks to this. But it's confusing that the AO devs decided to release M1 with the vanilla hud on by default. I know it's more "authentic" but it's ass and I see a lot of people don't know you can override it with the XBLA hud.

>> No.10930593

I haven't started it yet but is it in the options?

>> No.10930596

The default controls are also a weird hybrid of modern FPS controls and the classic ones which aren't very good.

>> No.10930609

The XBLA hud is under "plugins" which I feel like new players probably won't look at. A lot of the negative reviews on Steam mention motion sickness and the hud (which btw, you can also turn off weapon bob to help with motion sickness).

Yeah, Q and E for looking and tab for action is pretty weird. I watched my friend play the game for the first time and he couldn't get past the first door on Arrival for like 10 minutes because he thought the switch in the room was timed and didn't know it was just that it's tab to open doors.

>> No.10930612

NTA, but you go to Preferences, then Graphics, and change the HUD plugin to "Enhanced HUD".

>> No.10930660

Was "Mars Needs Women" originally a singleplayer level? It has a terminal and a save station, but neither of them work.

>> No.10930667
File: 44 KB, 930x306, image_2024-05-13_204435780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars Needs Women was the second multiplayer level. As for why it has terminals and save stations, IDK

>> No.10931108

This is false, there is minimal evidence of time traveling at any point in the game, let alone one which would invalidate Marathon 2

>> No.10931109

By the same logic, Marathon 2's terminals contradict Infinity's. Obviously none of the timelines are the sole timeline, the game describes multiple independent universes.

>> No.10931114

>trih xeem used at the end of Marathon 2
>wrk released
>starts eating every timeline
>security officer suddenly transported to Ne Cede Malis in another timeline due to whatever is happening and has to figure out a way to stop it across all timelines
>succeeds so the Marathon 2 epilogue still happened
that's what i thought was happening

>> No.10931162
File: 394 KB, 640x1664, m2finalscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>trih xeem used at the end of Marathon 2
>>wrk released
False, picrel
>>starts eating every timeline
>>security officer suddenly transported to Ne Cede Malis in another timeline due to whatever is happening and has to figure out a way to stop it across all timelines
>>succeeds so the Marathon 2 epilogue still happened
The W'rkncacnter only eat up the timelines in which Durandal (or others) activate Ne Cede Malis and observe the W'rkncacnter without proper containment.

>> No.10931167

>there is minimal evidence of time traveling at any point in the game
In the first level of Marathon 2, the player was just taken out of stasis and there's a terminal talking about damage to a water purification system caused by Durandal's orbital bombardment, something that obviously happened before the player arrived.

A level in Infinity has the player damaging the very same purification system themself, even though 1) This isn't how the system was damaged originally and 2) The player wouldn't have been on Lh'owon yet. Furthermore, the level ends with Durandal about to take you to the start of Marathon 2.

This alone shows that some form of time-travel is happening, unless you think there are multiple versions of the player character running around at the same time with Durandal controlling all of them.

>> No.10931168

>Bungie's own native port of Halo CE
When did they make their own PC port and why wasn't this the one released back in the day?

>> No.10931185


What's this?

>> No.10931220

You completely missed one of the most ludokino moments of video game narrative, I'm sad. First, your premises are wrong. The setting of Waterloo Waterpark (WW) is an entirely different area from Where Some/Thing What Kicks (WSTWK). WW is in a clean water treatment facility, it's lightly guarded and located in Commander Station 6. WSTWK is described as being in the middle of a remote swamp, controlling a massive dam, is filthy and much larger, and in Perimeter Station 7. They're not remotely the same area.

Durandal is deliberately oblique in WW, telling you simply to install chips to gain access to a Pfhor network before filling you in later that his goal is to discover lost technology and reconnect with the S'pht'Kr. Hence begins a long steady globe-trotting adventure that eventually culminates in victory for Durandal and the SO. In the WSTWK timeline you start the game in ACME Station having taken and activated an ancient Jjaro observation station, then sabotage an idle fleet of juggernauts, then finally go out to the boonies to destroy the dam and flood an entire garrison of Pfhor. It's a highly aggressive and totally different tactic from M2.

What makes it so kino is how they effortlessly convey a feeling of inconsequence and hopelessness in the WSTWK arc. The player faces back-to-back vacuum levels, immense levels of destruction, yet only raises the ire of the Pfhor further, all the while Thoth is short-circuiting the S'pht before you even begin "level 1" in WW. Shit is utterly fucked in the WSTWK timeline. What really sells it is the entire subplot of the genius maniac Pfhor commander sent to the dam area where he begins and even succeeds in ground-breaking yet bizarre experiments on the S'pht, only to be canonically have it all washed away under a torrent of sewage.

It's not time travel, it's not multiple versions of the player at the same time, it's two mutually independent timelines.

>> No.10931254

Dude, you can literally see WW in the image of the final terminal in Thing What Kicks.

>> No.10931262
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They even reuse the same terminal art.

>> No.10931272

First, what exactly are you trying to refute by posting this? I already acknowledged that by saying
>all the while Thoth is short-circuiting the S'pht before you even begin "level 1" in WW
Second, WW is a name for a level, not the location itself. In Deus Ex you visit Hell's Kitchen three different times, each time the NPCs around and the mission are different. The context in which you visit the treatment plant in the M2 timeline is completely different from the timeline in which you are implied to visit the same plant in Infinity. You do understand that space and time are two different things right?

>> No.10932014
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I could have told you that 257,675 hours ago
>growing up wanted a PC
>my friends had PCs, played cool games
>chief among them was Doom obvs
>dad buys Pathways Into Darkness
>then buys Marathon
>all is well

>> No.10932132

>prior to the Steam release, the Aleph One website was about the only way to download and play the Marathon games outside of emulating the original Macintosh versions
Before they hosted the actual games they just had the engine. I hosted a site for a few years that had both, plus comprehensive instructions on how to make it all run on Windows since it wasn't just
>run game
As it should be... but I made it as easy as possible.

I don't even recall what the website was that I hosted it on...

>> No.10932137

>I don't even recall what the website was that I hosted it on...
Oh snap I found it... it was shared on Bungie.org forums nearly 19 years ago now... time flies, I feel so old...

>> No.10932171

>a feeling of inconsequence and hopelessness

Not the Anon you were replying to, but I found myself unable to enjoy Infinity for this reason. I understand the whole "stop ancient evil from being released" plot, but every time I accomplished something or felt like I was getting somewhere, I would suddenly get whisked away to another timeline, completely invalidating everything I did. I just wound up feeling like nothing I did had any sort of impact whatsoever.

By the time I reached Strange Aeons and Bagged Again, I couldn't even get invested in awakening Thoth and the arrival of the S'pht'kr because I just assumed I would get whisked away once again. I didn't even fully realize I was at the end of the game until literally the very final level, but by then, resealing the W'rkncacnter just felt like a hollow victory.

>> No.10932436

I actually like how oppressive and hopeless Infinity feels.

>> No.10933059
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It can definitely come off that way on first playthrough, but on subsequent playthroughs it becomes clear that every failure at least set the stage for progress, leading to eventual victory. Confound Delivery for example is quite similar to the WSTWK arc, but from the opposite perspective of Tycho, confirming that fighting between the two AI's alone isn't the cause of the issue. After a few more failed timelines, you successfully merge Durandal and Thoth while sufficiently delaying the S'pht'Kr and operating the containment field in time.

>> No.10933116

>Mac has *a* game
>'smarter' than Doom but not nearly as fast and fun
>ugly-ass prerendered sprites
>not as smart as System Shock
>Dark Forces was basically this but better

>> No.10933118

>>ugly-ass prerendered sprites
Based zoomtard

>> No.10933137

Marathon Durandal is a more fun game than any official Doom game. Marathon at its lowest moments is still more fun than most of Doom 2.

>> No.10933219

>Marathon Durandal is a more fun game than any official Doom game
>Marathon at its lowest moments is still more fun than most of Doom 2.

And yet Doom is more widely known and has a much larger fan base while Marathon was only kept alive by a small group of people and is considered more obscure. Even Bungie themselves had given up on Marathon.

>> No.10933230

but 2 and especially Infinity are gorgeous

>> No.10933231

What does popularity have to do with quality? McDonald's is the most popular food in the world and it's shit.

>> No.10933241

>What does popularity have to do with quality?
This may come as a surprise to you, but quality media tends to be more popular, but I understand that you want to be contrarian to feel "cool" or "unique".

>> No.10933250

There is no need to be contrarian regarding Marathon, most people a year ago, even on /vr/, didn't even know what Marathon was. There is no "cred" you get for liking Marathon, at most you'll get called a hipster (Like you're doing right now). Doom is better if you account for player made content but I'll always stand by the opinion that the Marathon trilogy is a much more solid experience than anything id gave their players.

>> No.10933424

Marathon is objectively more advances in its game mechanics

>> No.10935612
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>Just using Aleph One with no extra changes
>2 and Infinite aren't available despite also just using Aleph One with no extra changes
There's literally nothing stopping you from just going to the website and getting all the games right now. It's always been there for years, do you really need Steam to enjoy these games?

>> No.10935614
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Jesus christ what the fuck
Now it makes sense why Activision didn't just buy them outright, they're too Activision even for them.

>> No.10935664

But Anon, there ARE extra changes exclusive to the Steam release!


>> No.10936105

I used Aleph One probably before you even knew what it was. Once the steam version came out I deleted it and installed the steam version because it is more convenient. I feel like you just want to be special.

>> No.10936747

my time isn't free
you'd have to pay me

>> No.10937638

>because it is more convenient to launch the games through Steam instead of just having the Aleph One shortcuts on the desktop

>> No.10937871

>shorcut on desktop
I don't even look at my desktop unless my computer restarts for whatever reason. It's nice having the game in steam because you can uninstall/install it whenever, and don't have to go to some website. It being on the steam store also means more eyes will see it and more people will randomly try it out. Where as before you would only download it if you went out of your way and knew about it. There is zero downsides for the game being on steam, only a contrarian faggot would think otherwise.

>> No.10938918


>The multiplayer works.
>your saves are saved in steam's cloud so you can uninstall it and don't erase your progress.
>It's more accesible for people who trust more steam app than a random website with free games.
>Inner community forums.

idk buddy, I don't see where's the problem.

>> No.10938924

lol this
I had Doom 2 and Marathon as a kid. Loved both but Marathon is clearly superior.

And Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day. Hell theres a reboot coming.

>> No.10939019

The Marathon games are always free via aleph one.

>> No.10939610

>Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day
>Hell theres a reboot coming

>For the longest time, Marathon could only be gotten through the Aleph One website
>Steam release is being done by the Aleph One devs instead of Bungie
>Reboot coming out almost 30 years since Infinity's release
>Reboot is a completely different game with Marathon's logo slapped on to it.

Damn, Bungie really has put in a ton of effort into keeping the series alive, haven't they?

>> No.10939924

I've been hearing about it for years but never played it. I guess Bungie making Halo kind of overshadowed it

>> No.10940349

>And Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day.
No they haven't, all they did was drop a couple references in each game they made post-Marathon before drudging up the brand to slap onto a really shitty looking PvE GaaS thing, which I'm still convinced is only call Marathon because their current host to leech from doesn't want to spend a bunch of money trying to market a AAAA GaaS piece of shit that doesn't have a recognizable name.
That's like saying Nintendo "has obsessively" kept Ice Climbers and Excitebike alive by having them show up in Smash and slapping the roms onto various services.

It's a bit ironic that iD Software actually cares more about its own legacy shooters than Bungie and Epic Games have shown to their own.
Did you know you can't even buy the Unreal series of games anymore because Epic Games or maybe their chinese overlords didn't want anybody to somehow confuse the Unreal Engine with the actual video game series? Even Unreal Tournament 3, which they said would still remain up as an updated free-to-play game, is also dead and gone only a few months after they suddenly pulled the entire franchise off from everywhere and most of those will never come back because they depended on Epic's server-side code to even try opening up the server browser.

>> No.10940849

It probably helps that id software haven't really made any IPs that exceeded the popularity or significance of Doom or Quake.

>> No.10942987

>>The multiplayer works.
Actually works? Without the typical desyncing issues every 10 minutes?

>> No.10942990

Dawg these are just the aleph one ports but on steam, the aleph one team are even the ones who worked with bungie to get these on steam, it’s just a convenient way to install is all. Makes it easier for ‘eck players too I suppose.

>> No.10943039

>The multiplayer works.
honestly that would be enough reason for me to get it if it actually works well. Marathon's multiplayer was phenomenal.

>> No.10943303

>your saves are saved in steam's cloud so you can uninstall it and don't erase your progress.
On Windows, your saves are kept in the documents folder, so they won't be removed if you delete the game(s).

I don't know how it is on Mac or Linux, though.

>> No.10943937

I doubt they made that many changes to it. The current netcode was written by some college student like 15 years ago I think.

Multiplayer is damn fun but most custom maps are kinda retarded and give you everything right away. It doesn't make sense if everyone has the SPNKR right away.

>> No.10943959

its dev team is also filled to the brim with loony troons

>> No.10945080

I don't know what you mean by this but I'm nodding along anyway.

>> No.10945092

the release site even made a big deal about how men can have female bodies. Nothing to do with the og game

>> No.10945167


I didn't saw any troubles in the few plays I made on that

>> No.10945249
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>2 and Infinite are listed as "Coming Soon"
Any word on how soon? Presumably nothing concrete otherwise they'd list it on the Steam page.

>> No.10946030

Marathon was listed as "coming soon" until the very moment it dropped, so 2 and Infinity will probably follow suit.

>> No.10946201

Infinity's story isn't about time travel and le spooky primordial isn't real.
The whole story is a character study on the security officer.
The narrative lacking consistency and logic is because in many ways Infinity's plot resembles real life mythology with conflicting narratives and details (just look at Arthur or Greek mythology).
The dream sections are the security officer trying to figure out himself and dreaming is the only viable way to do it as he lacks personality and inner monologue so he has to revert to a very rudimentary state of mind.
This ties into both him being Achilles, Bewoulf, Gilgamesh etc. and the AI Rampancy + Security Officer is a cyborg plot lines introduced in the earlier games.
It's a reflection of the plot of Marathon 1+2 told from different perspectives (Durandal, Security Officer and the universe at large).
Durandal and Thoth didn't really merge, it's just that Durandal only achieved meta stability after interacting with the knowledge of the S'pht, represented by Thoth.
The W'rkncacnter is a demiurge, able to bend the universe to his will but unable to escape it, the Security Officer transcends the universe after going through rampancy (he finally understands he's both an actor in-universe but also the player who is beyond the universe), Durandal also figures this out. The Jjaro are Bungie themselves.
For all intents and purposes, the Security Officer's real story finishes with him seemingly disappearing after Marathon 2, Durandal letting him go at the end of Infinity represents how Durandal also figured out the dual nature of S.O., which has massive implication for Durandal personally as the S.O. by his very nature already achieved the goal Durandal is after (escaping the end of the universe aka the ending of the Marathon franchise and the conclusion of its plot). Durandal keeping a hold on S.O.'s soul is because Durandal is the quest giver who moves the plot forward. 1/2

>> No.10946212

By the end of Infinity, with the release of the level editing tools, that power shifts back to the player or the Security Officer as they are one and the same. These are the thousand lines oblique and pure and the whole idea is that a real mythology develops.
Custom levels don't conflict because they're all retellings and even if the avatara of the player is a different character they remain unchanged in their nature, which is reflected in canon by the whole corpses being endlessly ressurected as cyborgs to fight until the end of time.

>> No.10946295
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Even the marketing kind of supports this, "Blood Tides of L'howon Campaign" (tides are continually repeating things) and "'Forge' which gave birth to the Marathon Universe"

>> No.10946342

>le spooky primordial isn't real
In the manual, the Pfhor notices something wrong with Lh'owon's sun, start freaking out, and attempting to attack something. I guess they just decided to do this stuff for their own amusement then. Likewise, in the first level, Durandal is acting completely unlike himself because of whatever threat was unleashed from the sun, even urging the S.O. to escape. I guess he also decided to just have a bit of random fun.

While I don't agree with your theory, I'm not really here to try and argue against it or debunk it, but I need to point out that SOMETHING was freaking out the Pfhor fleet and Durandal during the game's prologue. At the end of the game, Durandal does note that there doesn't seem to be any evidence of it existing, but that could easily be chalked up to it being successfully contained in time.

>> No.10946721

>rocketjump for an item
>everything turns blue, Pfhor turns red, S'pht stays blue
The fuck is the point of this?
>it's infrared, S'pht are robots/androids/cyberaliens
>it's just there to show off
You got me, this game's great.

>> No.10946963

the game is full of weird shit like that. i think there's like 3 power-ups in the whole game.

>> No.10946982

There's another powerup that narrows your view like you're a 2020's YouTuber playing Warzone.

>> No.10947039

Not him and I don't agree with his precise interpretation, but it depends on your definition of "real". For one, the W'rkncacnter is not released at the end of Marathon 2: Durandal, despite the sun also blowing up there, and despite no known activation of the Jjaro space station. Second, the release is variable and causes seemingly different effects every time, e.g. sometimes the sun blows up fully, sometimes only half of it does, sometimes it's a loud aggressive invisible Pfhor-eating monster, sometimes it's a silent shadowy unknown intruder. Third, in the manual it's actually Tycho who tells the Pfhor not to go through with the trih xeem, indicating that knowledge of the W'rk fluctuates heavily between timelines.

The most coherent way to reconcile all of it is that the W'rk is a kind of memetic space demon, which only exists to those who are either directly aware of it, or within a certain vicinity of those who are aware of it. This is also why Jjaro kept the S'pht deliberately ignorant in the early days of their existence, to keep them immune from the W'rk's cognitive vector of attack. By creating machines which would give the S'pht consciousness, they could be programmed to awaken after both their god and their mortal enemy were long vanquished. Durandal and Tycho are of course the ultimate foils, two AI aspiring gods themselves who seek absolute knowledge and run a high risk of learning too much.

>> No.10947134

>Third, in the manual it's actually Tycho who tells the Pfhor not to go through with the trih xeem
Reading the manual's text, it was actually Durandal who sent them the messages, as the text, which is written from the perspective admiral Tfear himself, talks about Durandal being trapped on the station.

As for the idea of the W'rkncacnter being memetic in nature, I don't fully buy it: There's that terminal in Marathon 2 that not only talks about the W'rkncacnter, but even refers to it by name, yet, the final terminal and 2's ending screen show that you and Durandal survive Lh'owon's destruction despite the fact that you (most likely) would've read it.

Of course, there's the idea that the S.O. never read the terminal, but given that it's out there in the open and an integral part of the S'pht creation myth, I feel like the S'pht would've been "aware" of the creature long before they were enslaved by the Pfhor.

I'm personally of the opinion that Infinity takes place in a different timeline than 2. Infinity's first terminal implies that Durandal never got to send you down to the surface of Lh'owon, which is exactly what he does at the start of 2.

>> No.10947152

Addendum, because I'm a dummy:

The reason I bring up different timelines is that I believe that the W'rkncacnter was not actually trapped in Lh'owon's sun in 2's timeline, but was in Infinity's.

>> No.10947315
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>Reading the manual's text...
My bad, I confused the manual text with the Ne Cede Malis text. Regardless, my point wasn't to say that Tycho warned against using trih xeem in contrast to Durandal, it was just to say that in other timelines like Confound Delivery, Tycho is a proud xeemer, so something had to happen to convince Tycho of the dangers of the W'rk in only certain timelines.
>As for the idea of the W'rkncacnter being memetic in nature, I don't fully buy it...
As I said, a high risk of learning *too much*. Durandal reads many myths/legends about Lh'owon in M2, he obviously doesn't put too much stock in all of them, and he never fully merges with Thoth, in contrast to some Infinity timelines. For example, SCP-096 is known and was given a name, but is motionless as long as one never sees its face. We don't know the precise conditions that cause the W'rk to awaken and begin its onslaught, but we know there are two timelines where it doesn't, one of which involves successfully containing it using an ancient Jjaro station, the other involves never encountering the station at all (which presumably results in its destruction following trih xeem deployment).
>Of course, there's the idea that the S.O. never read the terminal, but given that it's out there in the open and an integral part of the S'pht creation myth, I feel like the S'pht would've been "aware" of the creature long before they were enslaved by the Pfhor.
They would have been aware of it in a distinctly different (and inferior) way from which the Jjaro were aware of it. Their own creation myth they did not believe, being shocked that when performing anatomical studies they were in fact far closer to native lifeforms. It was knowledge that brought them closer to the dangerous truth of their world.

>> No.10947325

So where is the W'rk in the Durandal timeline? Because if there are any truths in the world at all, surely non-existence or co-existence of the W'rk would cause such a drastically different universe as to render Lh'owon and all life on it unrecognizable. imo all analysis of timelines should begin at the earliest around the time Bernhard Strauss creates the Security Officers imbued with an unknown alien technology; if you go earlier than that, it means literally anything is possible and the story has no meaning.

>> No.10947336

I just realized that you "forge" a sword i.e. Durandal.
I think the first level sits somewhere between a dream level and reality.
I don't think the point of the manual's story is to show off how powerful and spooky the W'rkncacnter is, but rather to show off how inconsequencial the Pfhor are, even in universe.
I think Marathon Infinity's plot borrows some ideas from gnosticism and the Pfhor fit the roll of hylics, bound to the material world and unable to escape it (in this case the Marathon universe), while the Security Officer is a pneumatic.

>> No.10947352
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>I think Marathon Infinity's plot borrows some ideas from gnosticism and the Pfhor fit the roll of hylics, bound to the material world and unable to escape it (in this case the Marathon universe), while the Security Officer is a pneumatic.
This would explain the S'pht's disgust with the Pfhor as well as seen in the first terminal here
Pfhor famously get so far in spite of lacking any real cybernetic or AI-based technology, needing to take Tycho rather than make their own. Or as Durandal put it, those who bypass the organic and achieve sentience are free. It makes me wonder if the S'pht would have continued taking their gift for granted indefinitely, and if so in a timeline where sentient beings are not conquerors, accidentally detonate the W'rk mindbomb themselves.

>> No.10947359

>So where is the W'rk in the Durandal timeline?
I think in Durandal, the W'rkncacnter mentioned in the S'pht's creation myth is just that: a myth.

>surely non-existence or co-existence of the W'rk would cause such a drastically different universe as to render Lh'owon and all life on it unrecognizable
Not necessarily. In an infinite universe of infinite possibilities, it's possible that in two parallel timelines, the S'pht both came about, but the main difference being that in one timeline, their creation myth was just a myth and they don't truly know their origin, and in the other timeline, their creation myth was very much real and so was the monster trapped within their own sun.

That's just my thoughts on all this, and you're free to disagree with it.

>> No.10947438

>I think in Durandal, the W'rkncacnter mentioned in the S'pht's creation myth is just that: a myth.
But the W'rk are a foundational part to the history of Lh'owon.
>Not necessarily. In an infinite universe of infinite possibilities, it's possible that in two parallel timelines, the S'pht both came about, but the main difference being that in one timeline, their creation myth was just a myth and they don't truly know their origin, and in the other timeline, their creation myth was very much real and so was the monster trapped within their own sun.
Yeah but from the players perspective where the names converge, the locations converge, the biology converges, etc, it's so incredibly improbable as to not make any sense.

Like, imagine a game set in our universe, where one timeline involved evolution from the simplest cell to modern man like our own universe, focused on a dude named Mark Loner with an asshole boss named Duran Dull, who have to sort out a legal dispute with the neighbors Schmidt Carr and Walker Canker before it causes a riot on Low Ogden Street. Only in a goofy comedy would it make sense for Mark Loner to fall through a sewer grate during the riot into an alternate universe where humans are direct descendants of birds and everyone lives in nests in trees and speaks bird language, but by sheer chance, there still exists a human Mark Loner, Duran Dall, Schmidt Carr, and Walker Canker, all converging on a street named Low Ogden.

>> No.10947445
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>Only in a goofy comedy would it make sense for Mark Loner to fall through a sewer grate during the riot into an alternate universe where humans are direct descendants of birds and everyone lives in nests in trees and speaks bird language, but by sheer chance, there still exists a human Mark Loner, Duran Dall, Schmidt Carr, and Walker Canker, all converging on a street named Low Ogden.
Unless, of course, that was the true meaning behind the Hangar 96 terminal.

>> No.10947479

I bet you're real fun at parties.

My point was is that given an infinite number of timelines, there will be some that are incredibly similar, but with a couple small differences. However, as you've noted, it is also possible for timelines to be nothing alike. This isn't mutually exclusive. You can have different situations resulting in the same (or incredibly similar) outcomes, much like how 6+6 and 10+2 both equal 12.

But for your sake, then let's just assume that in the "Durandal" timeline, the Jjaro either disposed of/dealt with the W'rkncacnter by either sealing it in a different star entirely, or the term "W'rkncacnter" referred to some other threat the Jjaro had to deal with.

>> No.10947487

>This isn't mutually exclusive. You can have different situations resulting in the same (or incredibly similar) outcomes, much like how 6+6 and 10+2 both equal 12.
Yeah but instead of two different simple summations it's like 2^999999999999 summations that still by sheer luck collectively equal 12. Considering that the game clearly has some degree of either time travel or (my preferred interpretation) viewing of multiple timelines, and relates it within the context of ancient Jjaro technology and the planet Lh'owon and its star, to say that sometimes the W'rk just don't exist would not only trivialize the struggle, but substantially counteract the parting message of becoming Destiny.

>> No.10947489

Thanks anon, I'm not a boomer shooter guy but a free game is a free game

>> No.10947506

>to say that sometimes the W'rk just don't exist would not only trivialize the struggle, but substantially counteract the parting message of becoming Destiny.
Yes, which is why I keep saying that the W'rkncacnter DOES exist in Infinity's timeline, because its existence is what kicks off the series of events in that game, which eventually leads the Security Officer to become "Destiny".

I'm only saying that the W'rkncacnter MIGHT NOT exist in 2's timeline, because the entire plot of 2 doesn't hinge on its existence, and both the final terminal and the end screen of 2 imply that it probably doesn't exist.

>> No.10947528

>Yes, which is why I keep saying that the W'rkncacnter DOES exist in Infinity's timeline, because its existence is what kicks off the series of events in that game, which eventually leads the Security Officer to become "Destiny".
You could just as easily argue because there are infinite timelines there are those where the W'rk doesn't exist and the player still becomes Destiny.
>I'm only saying that the W'rkncacnter MIGHT NOT exist in 2's timeline, because the entire plot of 2 doesn't hinge on its existence, and both the final terminal and the end screen of 2 imply that it probably doesn't exist.
So it's just coincidence that the S'pht invent a totally fictitious myth that happens to bear the same name and lore as a real entity in the other games of the series? Not buying it, would be the worst writing of any alternate timeline story ever.

>> No.10947559

OK, I was suspicious earlier, but now I'm totally convinced that you're trolling.

Something that you seem to conveniently ignore is that Infinity was made AFTER 2. The developers could've easily went back and pulled inspiration from a one-off terminal in 2 and spun it into a central plot point for Infinity.

In fact, one of the developers stated that "Where Some Rarely Go" and "Thing What Kicks" were the first two levels designed for Infinity, and they were both directly inspired by a terminal in 2's first level that mentioned a water purification plant being damaged, with the idea of the player themself damaging it.

So your complaint about "coincidences" doesn't work because the S'pht terminal talking about the W'rkncacnter was written BEFORE the W'rkncacnter itself was used as a plot point.

But of course, I'm probably just shouting into the void and you'll try pulling some other argument out of your ass in an effort to be "correct" no matter what.

>> No.10947582

>The developers could've easily went back and pulled inspiration from a one-off terminal in 2 and spun it into a central plot point for Infinity.
That's literally what they did by your own admission, W'rk were a minor mythological bit of lore in M2 and Infinity became a central plot point. What exactly are you even arguing against?
>In fact, one of the developers stated that "Where Some Rarely Go" and "Thing What Kicks" were the first two levels designed for Infinity, and they were both directly inspired by a terminal in 2's first level that mentioned a water purification plant being damaged, with the idea of the player themself damaging it.
That's different from what actually happens in those Infinity levels though, relative to Waterloo Waterpark.
>So your complaint about "coincidences" doesn't work because the S'pht terminal talking about the W'rkncacnter was written BEFORE the W'rkncacnter itself was used as a plot point.
That's not how stories work. Sometimes authors write the end first. Complete non sequitur.
>But of course, I'm probably just shouting into the void and you'll try pulling some other argument out of your ass in an effort to be "correct" no matter what.
Has nothing to do with being correct, I personally hate the "time travelling cyborg" idea that has been popularized by YouTubers, but I can see the case for it to an extent. I'm not saying that my memetic demon theory is 100% correct, but it's the explanation that makes the most sense. Your argument for the W'rk only ever existing in certain timelines makes zero sense UNLESS you accept a memetic theory, which goes full circle exactly to my original post...
>...it depends on your definition of "real"...

>> No.10947587

Yep, you're trolling. You dismissed half my arguments and just circled back to your own.

I'm not wasting any more time on this.

>> No.10947592

I've addressed just about every point that I can find. Sorry that your headcanon is so central to your identity anon.