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1091320 No.1091320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the reception for DKC3 would have been warmer if Kiddy were replaced by Donkey Kong, who still had all the same moves?

>> No.1091321

To clarify what I meant, Donkey Kong would have all the same moves that Kiddy has now.

>> No.1091325


>> No.1091343

Probably, though it's a bullshit reason to suddenly start liking the game.

I really don't get the flak DKC3 gets, I fucking love it. Great atmospheres, good music and almost every level has its own (fun) gimmick.

>> No.1091346

no. it got good reviews, the reason it wasn't as popular is because when it came out the fifth generation consoles where out and in complete domination over the market. you could change Kiddy with Donkey or whoever the hell you want, it wouldn't have made one bit of difference. do you know how lame it would have been in 1996 while all your other friends are getting awesome new N64 and Playstation games and you get a old stale 2-d 16 bit game?

>> No.1091361

Yes because I was that kid.

>> No.1091362

There'd be a lot of other things that would have to change around it to. There are baby blocks and child themes all over the place in DKC3's beginning- which makes you wonder if they forgot how old Dixie kong was.

It would also make people wonder why Donkey Kong was being Dixie's sidekick, although younger kids would just assume they were taking turns in each game, because they were that's just being fair.

I don't know if I would have liked it even with those changes. The Kremlin designs in this one creeped me out on a deviantArt level, the DK coins were poorly hidden and should have just been left out of the game. and they needed a much more polished way to tell the story than the subtitles at the bottom of the screen.

>> No.1091368

>do you know how lame it would have been in 1996 while all your other friends are getting awesome new N64 and Playstation games and you get a old stale 2-d 16 bit game?

Speak for yourself. Back when DKC3 was new I thought it was the hottest shit ever.

>> No.1091370

What if after you rescued Donkey & diddy kong you could play with them as well?

>> No.1091424


Kiddy is the least important of DKC3's problems.

>> No.1091429

Care to elaborate? I thought DKC3 was just as good as DKC2 if you ignore the somewhat bland first world.

>> No.1091438

I don't think you know how a rough a transition it was from the 4th generation to the 5th.
CD games had a pretty shitty reputation in the early 90s because of poor load times. The disks themselves also had the ugliest label designs with holographic effects, and everyone said if you got even a scratch on it, they wouldn't work anymore.
I didn't get a playstation until 97, and that was only because my older brothers wanted to get resident evil so badly.

Meanwhile Nintendo just made a Mario an RPG with 3D graphics amazing music, and it was for a system we already owned.

>> No.1091443

First thing is the game is very plot heavy, but wasn't designed for a plot. DKC always handled dialogue with meating one person who is the only one that ever talks, and doesn't say too much worth paying attention too, so the text is small and at the bottom of the screen.
In DKC3, there's all sorts of puzzles and story you're supposed to understand by reading that text, like finding bannana birds and running errands for the bears. The game even has recurring boss battles with dialogue. But the text is so subtle, and so many key story elements are said in passing, it makes the game very confusing.
Then they had scenes at the end where multiple people are talking, and the only cue as to who is talking is what color the text is. It makes you feel like they slapped this together at the last minute and didn't give a shit.

>> No.1091446

>plot heavy

Dude, I beat the game no problem before I could read.

>> No.1091447

>In DKC3, there's all sorts of puzzles and story you're supposed to understand by reading that text, like finding bannana birds and running errands for the bears.

Were any of those mandatory though?

>> No.1091454

Beating the game, and understanding the story are 2 different things.
DKC1- Shit stole your bananas. Fuck em
DKC2- DK is kidnapped. Save him.
DKC3- Funky kong gives you a lengthy speech about Diddy and Donkey Being missing and tells you to look after this special needs gorrilla. Then you get a raft.
Then a bunch of bears send you on missions to improve your raft.
Then a robot starts fighting you
Then the robot was built by a scientist.
Donkey and Diddy were in the robot.
Also a god bird who was imprisoned by the scientist needs you to free her.

Plot heavy.

>> No.1091458

Some of the bear errends were needed to get banana birds, others gave you stuff to improve your hovercar, I think.
And you needed all the banana birds to get the true ending to the game.

>> No.1091462

I think the reason it's unpopular is because it changed the aesthetic a lot. Zingers became Buzzes, you got way cuter animal friends.

It was just different

>> No.1091468

This right here! And make it so some bonus barrels were only obtainable using Donkey Kong and his slap move or something. Or he and diddy can have a special move combo together. This would have been pretty awesome

>> No.1091470

2. Gameplaywise so much stuff felt like a downgrade. Kremlings went from a pirate theme too looking like oiled up porn stars. Hit detection was all over the place. Rambi was replaced with an elephent that can't break doors, was scared of mice, and had complicated trunk controls. Even Kiddy kong felt like a downgrade from playing as diddy.

>> No.1091471

You need one hand collect bonus coins to uncover the secret world to get all DK coins, then you need to do the bear quests to upgrade your vehicle to find the banana birds. It's too much and deflects from the game's core.

>> No.1091479

I don't think it would. I always thought the reason why people dislike DKC3 had nothing to do with Kiddy, but with the fact that it is overall easier than the previous ones. But hey, I personally love DKC3

>> No.1091494

What I liked most about DKC3 was the world map and all the features tied to it. Upgrading vehicles and all the NPC interaction made the game feel more welcoming to the player, and the banana birds were a good way for rewarding exploration.

>> No.1091507

I remember using the helicopter to find banana birds on some random ass spot on the world map. No fond memories.

>> No.1091842

I think it would have been slightly better received. I liked the game, but its my least favorite of the DKC games.
For me its 2 > Returns > 1 > 3, all are good games imo.

>> No.1091886

ain't nobody but divorce kids had parents that could afford systems that soon. I was there. I didn't even own this game, I had the player's guide and read it constantly. I was just a weird vidya obsessed kid though, I did the same think with mk2

>> No.1091972

We had a DKC3 thread with heated discussion until yesterday that got pruned just a couple of hours ago, linking it here for reference.

>> No.1091997

Trying to excuse away all complaints against DKC3 because of the timing it was released is nothing less than retarded. I could see that angle being relevant if it sold like shit, but that is not what we're discussing. People say they don't like Kiddy because he's slow and not fun to play. DKC3 gets "overlooked" because it's slow and generally not fun.

The guy in the last thread was playing DKC3 for the first time and finding it a lot weaker than the two previous installments. Do you think that is because he was ready for Super Mario 64 or busy playing Tekken 2 on his shiny PS1? No, it's because the game is a fucking mess is what it is. A slow turd with little variation, ugly enemy (re)designs, and 99% of all stages being designed around gimmicks that start boring you before you even reach the flag pole.

I'm dead serious, the number of stages in the game that are actually fun to play can be counted on one hand. Which is why people rightfully proclaim it to be the shittiest part in the trilogy.

I've been playing all three games since they came out, but DKC3 is not something I feel like going back to as often as the two others. The first one is my absolute favorite, but DKC2 is fantastic as well. After my last run through DKC3 I decided not to play it for at least three or maybe even five years, because it was such a sour experience I don't believe I can recover the little love I had for parts of the game unless I stay far away from it for a long while.

>> No.1092010

It came out within two months of Super Mario 64.

>> No.1092012


>> No.1092038

What? My dad had imported a Nintendo64 as soon as it came out in Japan and bought a Play Station on launch. My Parents are still together even now.

On the other hand, I never played Donkey Kong Country 3 until 2010 when I got it on the Wii virtual console.

>> No.1092043

What did N64 even have on Japanese launch besides mario siddy fo

>> No.1092305


No, I think I won't. Recently there was a similar thread were I discussed why DKC3 was the least memorable of the trilogy. I really don't feel like typing all that giant Wall O' Text again.

But, to summarize it in a single word:


>> No.1092335

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they left the game to their B-team while they started their N64 projects.

>> No.1092345

>What did N64 even have on Japanese launch besides mario siddy fo
some chess game

>> No.1093354

More like: DKC3 - DK and Diddy went missing. Find them.
Boss battles and ingame objectives are not fucking plot points. If I wanted to I could start naming off boss battles and special level objectives left and right and call DKC2 plot heavy too.

>> No.1093632

Funky Kong also builds you a fucking helicopter.