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File: 374 KB, 2374x1338, resident evil shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10910604 No.10910604 [Reply] [Original]

They call THIS the king of the jungle? What were they THINKING!? When I imagined the shark encounter in the original, I expected something similar but maybe a little goofy yet still intimidating/scary -- but this is a fucking joke. The REmake shark encounter is so much fucking better, particularly the rotunda like design of the area. Anyone who says RE1 > Remake is a contrarian, flatout.

>> No.10910623

og > REmake is basically shitposting anon, and the people who actually believe that shit have never played either game beyond the first part of the mansion. In any case, the true RE1 fan will tell you that both versions are great and are basically different enough that you need to play both to fully enjoy the first entry of the series. And maybe Umbrella Chronicles too see how Wesker survives the mansion incident.

Also, in the case of the aqua ring, I don't remember where or when but I think Mikami himself said that some parts of the original game ended up being shorter than he wanted to be so he expanded them in the REmake.

>> No.10910652

the remake is better,i played both versions and the remake was quite good compared to the original.
is similar to RE2 comparing it with remake,for example i played only the first scenarios on the original yet in remake i was surprised that i started the game in B scenario of the original only to find out the game had another B scenario,it was different but was a great kind of different.
instead of upscaling you should play in native resolution and use dithering for fuck sake is not that hard to set up along a CRT shader to get a better image.

>> No.10910843
File: 1.08 MB, 276x260, 1675335513714821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10911261

>They call THIS the king of the jungle?

Of the sea. not the jungle.And by the way,i think the idea of the original resident evil is that the neptunes were scary ONLY when there are water in their room, so after that you could take revenge against them. In the remake they wanted to change that: they wanted the last one to be still dangerous when most of the water was gone, so you have to deal with it before escaping.

>> No.10911290

>RE1 > Remake is a contrarian
No, you're just a zoom zoom that cannot comprehend what it was like playing Resident Evil in the late 90s. Remake is a good game but you'll never understand the essence of the original.

>> No.10911329

I don't care if someone is ESL but how bad does your reading comprehension have to be not realise sharks do not come from the jungle. That's a real infantile mistake.

>> No.10911413

this. what a dumb faggot

>> No.10911421

RE1 IS better than REmake in some ways. Shit like the new Aqua Ring is cool visually but it does mess with the pacing a bit
It didn't need to be a whole major setpiece, being chased by a big shark for one room then laughing at him when the water is drained was fine

>> No.10911427

>i played only the first scenarios on the original yet in remake i was surprised that i started the game in B scenario of the original only to find out the game had another B scenario
What the fuck are you trying to say with this sentence

>> No.10911656

It’s from the Simpsons, long before you were probably born. If he’s trolling. Or he isn’t and you’ve completely ignored any actual point being made and focused on irrelevance. I don’t know. I just don’t know.

>> No.10911680

the remake is better in every way but I wish you could turn off the zombies not being permadead. it's fucking annoying

>> No.10911786
File: 427 KB, 1280x1839, neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have made the animal enemies look like the fucked up freaks in the concept art when they remade the game. This thing is a lot cooler than just a regular ass shark, but bigger. Same for Yawn. It's supposed to be some kind of frog/snake hybrid. The spiders are even kind of fucked up looking in the art vs. just giant tarantulas.

>> No.10912227

For being a silly zombie game those figures aren't really outlandish for a Great White. 16 feet and 3000+ pounds is rare but definitely not unheard of and even bigger ones have been documented. I'm just surprised they didn't say it was 50 feet long and 10,000 pounds or something.

>> No.10912615

I like the original because it actually has more color.

>> No.10912654
File: 339 KB, 761x489, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sharks are a failed experiment, barely "improving" over normal sharks. The gameplay reflects this. The demake completely missed the point.

>> No.10912773

Silly anon, the regular barely improved sharks are still in the remake. Did you actually play the games or are you just shitposting whatever your lore-tuber said?

>> No.10912816

The DEmake still has three, the adult and the two babies, of course since they completely missed the point the babies are huge and the mother is even bigger and dangerous, again, COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT.

>Did you actually play the games or are you just shitposting whatever your lore-tuber said?
oh the irony

>> No.10912831

Is it just a shark or a mix of shark and snake? Or is SHARKSNAKE a typo?

>> No.10912838

I was born in 1990.

>> No.10912903

The "upgrade" on the shark area is the single worst addition in the remake.

What's there something special about Yawn's skin as well? Pretty sure the remake also forgot about that.

>> No.10913169

>A fan will tell you that you have to play the remake to enjoy the original

Fucking disgusting moron

>> No.10913220

but unironically

>> No.10913230

That book says Yawn's skin is more like a frog than a reptile. It also says it secretes mucus that helps with wound healing. It does actually leave a gross looking slime trail during the library fight in REmake though.

>> No.10913992

>They should have made the animal enemies look like the fucked up freaks in the concept art when they remade the game. This thing is a lot cooler than just a regular ass shark,

I think the same: in the remale they could have done the shark look more like a mutant shark instead of only a great white shark.

>> No.10913997

>the true RE1 fan will tell you that both versions are great and are basically different enough that you need to play both to fully enjoy the first entry of the series
this is the conclusion I drew after playing the OG last year

>> No.10914096

>the remake is better in every way but I wish you could turn off the zombies not being permadead. it's fucking annoying
So I guess it's not better in every way then.

>> No.10914636

That's the most pseudo intellectual excuse for the original being worse I've ever heard.

>> No.10915031

Better. Zoomers always need frantic explosions and shit, why don't you cry for the snakes in the courtyard to be replaced with Yawns as well LMAO

>> No.10915040
File: 3.02 MB, 566x400, Riveting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those remake developers (the same people who made the original) just don't get the grand vision they had for this segment. It's truly a masterclass in game design the remake just didn't understand (unlike me, a true intellectual).

>> No.10915065

RE1 was clearly a fluke because it remains the best to this day. Funny enough, you can run past the young ones even easier in the demake despite them being like 5x in size. What a blunder.

>> No.10915072

You can beat all the old Resident Evil games without taking damage. It's just really easy in RE1 because parts like the shark tank are clearly rushed.

>> No.10915075

But it wasn't made by the same people. It was the same director and about 200 completely new people. How did this bullshit even get started in the first place?

>> No.10915093

Re1 and REmake> everything after
mgs and twin snakes > everything after
Debating them against each other is for people with aspergers

>> No.10915250

NTA but you're negleting the importance that Neptune has in the mythos of the storyline. It's a completely useless weapon because there's barely any improvement in performance compared to a great white shark (which the gameplay mirrors perfectly - it's a fucking boring segment where the environment is a greater threat than the enemy) but it was kept alive because it was the only product in development that showed reproduction capabilities and that would play a large role in the sequels. Unfortunately it's really hard for the writters and devs to showcase this through gameplay but it adds detail to the story and concepts that were originally written by Iwao. Black Tiger is yet another example of that but you won't get it unless you read the supplementary material. And it's interesting that they went through the trouble of adding a special death animation for the Black Tiger if you kill it with the knife,

>> No.10915270

Honestly there are some things OG does better than the remake. HOWEVER...the mods I get to use, makes REmake better. Especially since I can play as nude Jill. Now if I can add nude Ashley in REmake 1, that would be perfect.

>> No.10915912

I just beat this on Steam today.

>> No.10916276

there is writen the shark is 16 feet long, but in the game only looks at much 8 feet long.

>> No.10916297

It's a PlayStation game with a fixed camera, you were only going to see so much of that low-polygon model.

>> No.10916298

Don't read too much into it considering the "height" is "16Feet" and attacks with something called "GLUPDOWN".

>> No.10916305

Don't worry, the same book says Yawn weighs 23,000 pounds.

>> No.10918146


>> No.10918159

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10918164

Fucking zoomers.

>> No.10918265

Coomers should be hanged,why the fuck do you need the characters of your video game to be naked,antisocial freak.

>> No.10919887


maybe a mistake of the debelopers?