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File: 162 KB, 1080x1048, FwQ1mamXgAAdG1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10903548 No.10903548 [Reply] [Original]

Is Spider-Man (2000) and it's sequel good games? Do they hold up or no?

>> No.10903552

>spider butt
>spider butt
>radioactive spider butt

>> No.10903556

What if?

>> No.10903570

>Is Spider-Man (2000) and it's sequel good games?
First one, yes, the sequel, not really.

>Do they hold up or no?
Redditlord/memester/zoomer concept. If you even consider such nonsense to be valid in the first place, then no, it doesn't hold up.

>> No.10903615

2000 is a great game. I only wish it had been a little longer and had a few more top villains in it.

>> No.10903637

>Is Spider-Man (2000) and it's sequel good games?
They are, yes. The first one moreso than the second.
>Do they hold up or no?
Well, they've iterated upon them dozens of times, tightened up the combat, the swinging mechanics, the size of the city and so on. So if you play them understanding the limitations of the platform and the significance of making a Spider-man game work in 3D, sure, they're very enjoyable.

>> No.10903703

>the sequel, not really
Why is the sequel worse?

>> No.10904740

Not him, but the sequel to me feels like they had a bunch of half finished stuff left over and threw it together. If you liked the first game you'll enjoy it, but it's not as good.

>> No.10904746


>> No.10905098

The sequel wasn't even made by the same people.

>> No.10905108

I'm already at full health

>> No.10905143

616 = MJ/Black Cat NS >>>>>>>> Insomniac counterpart

>> No.10905693


I only liked the first one.
The sequel feels rushed and many misions are annoying.

>> No.10905697

I always feel like I missed out on the corny cutscenes and the what-if mode since I only had the N64 version which cut both of those (the cutscenes were made in a comic book reading style to compensate). The game was fun as a kid, but I remember always wondering why I never got what-if mode despite following what the internet said. And when I first saw anons posting about the cutscenes on here, I wondered what the fuck they were on about.

>> No.10905704

the first one definitely does. 10/10 90s comicbook aesthetic, might be the best we've ever gotten from a western licensed game, it's not gonna blow your doors off with its gameplay but it's a very respectable variety action adventure platformer. the second game starts to wear out it's welcome a bit though, the charm isn't there and it's more reliant on the basic gameplay that is nothing special.

>> No.10905796

I'm already at full health!
Seeing how well this game nailed the Marvel universe just makes Insomniac dropping the ball that much worse.

>> No.10906106

That Carnage+Doctor Octopus level was intense

>> No.10907810 [DELETED] 

>is [multiple things]

>> No.10907871

I can still remember those screams

>> No.10908435 [DELETED] 

theres literally two questions, you adhd sperg

>> No.10908454

I'm playing through Enter Electro right now.

They're good games. The first one is a better, more compact experience. You can finish it in a couple hours. The second one isn't too bad, but it does suffer from pretty bad framerate most of the game.

>> No.10908457
File: 462 KB, 957x729, PSX-Spider-Man-2-Screenshot34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sequel feels rushed and many misions are annoying.
like this?

>> No.10908468

Spider-Man (2000) 8/10 game. Play it using redream.
Spider-Man 2. Enter Electro 7.5/10. Pretty good game but not as exciting as the first one. Duckstation with high resolution and overlocking 200% for smooth gameplay.

>> No.10908506

both aged like absolute shit

>> No.10908562
File: 224 KB, 593x383, 1542550208900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first game is the best because it has the venom marathon

>> No.10908567

purely in gameplay terms the first one isn't going to impress you, it's probably going to feel clunky, mario 64 it isn't. however I think it's competent enough for the gimmicks and comic aesthetic to carry it.

>> No.10908575
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>> No.10908653

Kid Mode!
>Kid Mode
>Kid Mode!

>> No.10908660 [DELETED] 

The problem was spelled out for you and you still didn't get it. Arrogant fucking ESLs, dude, I swear.

>> No.10908672
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, Spider-Soi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Venom

>> No.10908749

>Picks Hard
"Nuff Said!"

>> No.10909089

The problem with Spider-Man 2 is Electro is hardly a villain cool enough to have a whole game featured on him while the first game was more of a best of everything in spider-man's universe.
you played the better version though, PS1 version doesn't play as well, looks worse, has loading. The CG Cutscenes are animated really goofy so the comic book ones are actually better since still images let your imagination make it feel more epic.

>> No.10909164
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I like that they had an in-game reason that you couldn't see the ground

>> No.10909170
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Although saying that Venom's first fight is in an alley way on the ground so thats a bit weird, maybe they forgot for one level

>> No.10911071

Never played the second but I really like the first

>> No.10911147

>everyone in new york gets cancer within a decade, Octavius kills 8 million people.

>> No.10912178
File: 187 KB, 510x730, catabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years and noone ever ripped the Black Cat model.
Time to fix that (and fix the UVs)

>> No.10912191
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also have MJ, but that needs a lot of fixing

>> No.10914010


Yeah, i hated that one. In fact,i hated almost all the levels in spiderman 2.
I only liked spiderman 1.

>> No.10914014

The first game is charming, but janky with awful boss fights. The sequel is lame.

>> No.10914058

This exact level is where I stopped playing

>> No.10914110 [DELETED] 

You speak English cause its the only language you understand
I speak it cause its the only language YOU understand
better an ESL than a fucking burgertard

>> No.10914256

I get it. I almost gave up on it here. There's some boss fights after this level that are arguably even more annoying.

>> No.10914328

It was my first experience with Spider-man and managed to catch my interest as a kid enough that it led to me exploring his comics and coming to enjoy Spidey as a character. So idk about it being good but I have fondness for it.

>> No.10914473

First one is great, sequel just more of the same and kinda worse, but still good. I enjoyed both more than the PS4 one.

>> No.10914491 [DELETED] 

You speak English because you'd never get anywhere in the world without it, and whoever governs whatever diseased trash heap you hail from knows that.
You came to an English-speaking website, and got pissy when someone corrected one of your (no doubt abundant) mistakes. You stupid shit stain.

>> No.10914595

>Web the tail fin to slow it down
>Run ahead and clear everything out of the path
>Once it reaches the last hangar, web one propeller fully, then the other one as it circles the empty space safely
I don't recall it being too tough once I figured out the best way to go about it. I think the bomb stage on Hard was a lot worse since you get almost no time to find the randomly-scattered keys, beat up the thugs holding them, and run back to defuse it. The time you get back per inserted key on Hard is so small that you'll lose it just getting back to the key hunt, so it's mostly just hoping they're all close enough to get them all in one run.

>> No.10915042 [DELETED] 

keep seething, mutt

>> No.10915550

It's fun

>> No.10915630

One of the best OSTs ever for a Western made game
Tallarico went HARD

>> No.10915650

How do you rip assets from games like that?

>> No.10916678

Im not telling you, coomer

>> No.10916870

The sequel has less cool characters and reuses some of the levels from the first one basically and doesn't come up with interesting stuff really. They also couldn't have used Green Goblin whether they would have wanted to or not because the first movie was already in development, and Electro just isn't really believable as the biggest bad.

>> No.10916873

Maybe the alley was just a closed space and the fog only filled the main streets. Btw what did all the citizens do during this time, was the fog poisonous or just annoying?

>> No.10916874 [DELETED] 

>get btfo

>> No.10917029

it was just some kind of thing to aid the symbiotes.

>> No.10917259

Where is that stated and also why had the symbiotes not bonded to any humans yet when Spidey finds them? They are not totally helpless without a host but they still need a host to survive on Earth.

>> No.10917290

first game is great
second game is fine for a playthrough or two but it's vastly inferior.
I liked the streets levels though

>> No.10917357

The most mind blowing level is like second to last level where your thing is to climb up to Electro and avoid lightnings and sparking billboards and shit, wtf was that level.

>> No.10917536

I can't speak for the second one but the first is one of those games that's sort of trapped between a mostly too easy normal mode and retardedly designed cheap hard mode.

>> No.10917569

>Where is that stated
By Mysterio in the cutscene following his defeat, where he boasts that the fog is preparing the people for the symbiosis.

>> No.10917627

Do Rogue from the sequel

>> No.10917642

for me, the worst part was the framerate (definitely drops to single digits on the ps1) and the fact that if you do fail you have to sit through the following
>Load screen
>cutscene you cant skip for a few seconds
>another load screen

>> No.10918670

Picked the game up at my local retro game store and started playing it today. I'd say it holds up pretty well so far.

>> No.10918913

Nice, keep us updated on your thoughts

>> No.10919917

>surf the web surf the web!

>> No.10919951

What's the best version of this game?

>> No.10919954

pick up any good vape flavors?

>> No.10919979

I liked both, first one is better even if 2 had most of my preferred villains. Also that intro with Electro remains one of the PS1’s best intros.

>> No.10920001

Not the first time I've played the game but it is the first time in like 23 years. I played it so young that I used to think that Spider Man's webs just latched onto the sky because of this game, no solid objects needed.
Anyway, just played a bit further. Game started getting annoying after the helicopter chase.
Rhino isn't hard but he is tedious with how much health he has and how you're just doing the same thing over and over again.
Chasing venom would be fine if not for a weird bug in a scripted sequence at the start of the second half, where Peter starts hugging the wall after walking out the building.
The Venom fight was fun once I learned to use the other web moves and learned to stay within range, but the fact that he just grabs you and takes away half your health if you have the audacity to get more than three yards away from him is a really frustrating design choice.
Then it's fine until after the subway, when you have to deal with rising and falling water levels. Game's way too strict about killing you if you so much as dip a single polygon in the water, and I got stuck at a part that's almost impossible to do the normal way because of that.
Would probably be better on replay when you know to account for all these things, but on a first playthrough it's really annoying.

>> No.10920053

>Chasing venom would be fine if not for a weird bug in a scripted sequence at the start of the second half, where Peter starts hugging the wall after walking out the building.
I remember that, I think it's just on NTSC versions of the game

>> No.10920057
File: 390 KB, 1225x480, PS1vsN64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the dreamcast for the better textures

>> No.10920068

>you played the better version though, PS1 version doesn't play as well, looks worse, has loading. The CG Cutscenes are animated really goofy so the comic book ones are actually better since still images let your imagination make it feel more epic.
So this is what cope looks like?

>> No.10920278
File: 3.90 MB, 5120x3840, PS1vsN64vsDCvsPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920296

First game made Venom a literal clown but somehow they made it work.

>> No.10920560

There's a PC version?

>> No.10920603

Bottom left looks best to me. Which platform is that one?

>> No.10920661

Read the filename, nigga

>> No.10920726

a bad one, as you can see by the draw distance

>> No.10920912

Why does N64 have the best shadows?

>> No.10920949


>> No.10921013

The models have already been ripped. Some of them have been ripped for ReThawed a Tony Hawk's American Wasteland THUGPRO-esque mod. Also, there is a blender plugin to rip the .psx models from the old Neversoft games. Most of this stuff comes from a small niche community so a lot of people probably never heard about this stuff.

>> No.10921015
File: 534 KB, 775x731, Rogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon >>10912191

But here is Rogue

>> No.10921018

What about the models from the Dreamcast version?

>> No.10921021
File: 821 KB, 1030x841, Mj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Dreamcast/PC Mary Jane

>> No.10921031
File: 10 KB, 128x128, FeliciasSweatyCreases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also has the best Black Cat abs (PC and DC is just generic black bodysuit)

>> No.10921032

>When MJ sees Pete's web shooter for the first time.

>> No.10921115

>Electro is hardly a villain cool enough to have a whole game featured on him
Shit taste

>> No.10921120

they sacrificed graphics and view distance to make detailed shadows

>> No.10921294

I don't know which direction they go in. Clockwise? Counterclockwise? Top to bottom? Bottom to top? Right to left? Left to right?

>> No.10921363

the ps1 desu, especially if you're emulating and can bump up the resolution. the dreamcast and pc can make for a pretty screenshot like >>10920278 but the overall game is mostly changed for the worse. only character model that isn't worse looking is black cat.

>> No.10921369
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>> No.10921771

How should you judge when the other one has the cutscene end blue filter and other has not. It's interesting tho that even the pre-rendered cutscenes have such differences.

>> No.10921793

Here is a better comparison.

>> No.10921821

So far PC/Dreamcast looks more like a remaster given different models and textures. But i never had PS and had only played PC version, so i like PC version more, even if it is somewhat more janky. Characters are closer to 90s cartoon designs, i prefer them over originals. Venom, Rhino and Black Cat are definitely better in PC variant.
And, judging by the video, blue filter >>10921369 actually applies at the end of focusing down spider sign at the end of cutscene in all version.

>> No.10921847

I noticed there's some small details in the PS1 version that are missing from the others. JJJ holding his cigar to gesture at Spiderman after the Scorpion fight, and Eddie's expression changing just before he turns into Venom. Might be more but those are the ones I saw.

>> No.10921879

the linework on spiderman looks like absolute shit.

>> No.10921936

This video was in the recommendations of that video, I'm literally going to watch this now but I'll let you know if it's good

>> No.10921948

It's worth noting that the PS1 version is the original version, and the only version developed by Neversoft themselves. All the other versions are ports of the PS1 version made by other devs. Same for the PS1 THPS games. NS only started handling ports themselves with THPS3. (not counting last gen, handheld, and PC versions)
So if you want to play As The Developers Originally Intended(TM), go for the PS1 version.

>> No.10921970

Nevertheless i'm rooting for playing Dreamcast or PC version too - Venom and Carnage are made way scarier, which suits their characters more at my opinion. Also back then "remasters" were not focused on realism, so it is a fine versions too despite all flaws. So far i had only noticed Daredevil and Mysterio (in cutscene with broken globe) being somewhat worse.

>> No.10922024

Yeah but I don't think any port is shit, except if the port has wrong fps which results into the infamous bugs like Venom chase where you stick to a wrong wall and such. I think pc version has that bug by default, it was even back when it was released. You can fix it by using a fps limiter but still it makes you think that didn't they test for it.

>> No.10922109

I'd argue human torch's flame effects look better on the ps1. It actually appears to be flowing upwards like fire, as opposed to DC/PC Torch's static orange fuzz balls that obscure half his body.

>> No.10922170

Mm, i does look less shitty, but onlu just a bit and only because DC/PC is way too bright. Both are pretty meh.

>> No.10922197

N64 version doesn't have the I'M ALREADY AT FULL HEALTH voice clip and thus is dumb and gay

>> No.10922284

Who did such sabotage to remove the voiceline?

>> No.10922317
File: 735 KB, 1156x508, 1686409591793286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC/DC is clear winner but PS1 villains look like something out of horror games which is I like

>> No.10922320

The same person who replaced most of the voice clips in Earthworm Jim SNES with "Yippee!"

>> No.10922336

The PC version is great on old hardware.
playing on modern hardware makes the helicopter level impossible to beat because the falling crate cutscene is somehow tied to fps so it falls with Spider-Man to give you game-over even though it's scripted as a cutscene.
You can fix this by limiting your CPU or skip the level using cheats anyway

>> No.10922746

Genuine sacrilege

>> No.10923084

absolutely filtered

>> No.10923415

My favourite spidey game

>> No.10923653

I have watched the first 30 minutes now, I was immediately impressed with all the fight scenes and they even expand on the cutscenes without taking anything away. Also some Raimi easter eggs.

>> No.10923656

And the video in question is a 1 hour stop motion made from SM2000 game, I realized you can't see what it is without clicking it.

>> No.10923792

Filtered means you didn't finish the game though.

>> No.10924687

Finished the game. I think hard more probably wasn't the best way to go for a first playthrough, would've been better to wait until I had a better costume. Figure I'll go ahead and do that with the symbiote costume before I finalize my thoughts. Overall, though, it's been fun despite some annoying bits.

>> No.10924998
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, spider-man-2000-cover-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the beta symbiotes are neat

>> No.10925183

as a kid it was the coolest thing ever
>swing around buildings
>get to fight super cool villains
>villains quip a lot, overall great humor while still being 'scary'
>final section was genuinely terror-inducing
i wasn't a huge comic-book reader as a kid, but it made me fall in love with venom & carnage

great game. obviously shows its age now, but i always found that a weird metric to use when evaluating games 25 years later.

>> No.10925507

>i always found that a weird metric to use when evaluating games 25 years later.
That's because you're evaluating different things. Unless you're a videogame historian or a retro connoisseur, when people go into a game they're going to judge it based on how much they enjoy it, not based on how it compared to its peers at the time.
And this game still has plenty of shortcomings even if you ignore everything that game out afterwards. Biggest one is the camera, which is terrible for dealing with more than one enemy at a time, but there's plenty of other janky stuff. You can learn to account for and play around a lot of that jank, but it's still not ideal—like having to make do with crutches instead of your own two feet.

>> No.10926635

It would have been harsh because those look like they already took over a human and Spiderman would blast them with fire. Tho the human would survive it but still.

>> No.10926764
File: 323 KB, 1280x1829, rage_of_monster_ock_by_sicner_de7q396-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, both of them, the 1st one is a classic, a true masterpiece that made you feel like Spider-Man in a video game for the 1st time, the closest one before this, to me, was Spider-Man vs. Kingpin, a Genesis classic... but Spider-Man benefits much from 3D. As for the 2nd one... it's rougher, but I think it's often unfair how many treat it, it's not better, but still holds up on its own and it's fun.

I think the issue with the 2nd is that all bosses are sponges that take a frustrating strategy to beat, often fighting with the camera, and a lot of levels are easy to get stuck in completely aswell.

>> No.10927283

Very good

>> No.10927513
File: 2.75 MB, 620x790, dd00m9v-1d229789-daec-4c36-9fb8-f378eb29be3b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here loves both titles as much as I do, it's true that this series faded away after Raimi's film and the video game adaptations, even if the 1st title was still somewhat inspired in the style of gameplay found here, but there were spinoffs that most people don't remember much. We had a GBC version of the 1st installment, a GBC only sequel, alternative to Enter Electro instead of a port of it, and then we had Mysterio's Menace on GBA, which seems to act as a 3rd installment for both the PS1 and GBC duologies. I personally do love all 3 of these handheld titles, just so good.

I initially disliked the 1st, with it's MetroidVania style that felt cryptic and not very fun to explore really, especially in those sewers, but it grew on me, the 2nd was a more simple, but polished, go at a 2D Spider-Man, and Mysterio's Menace feels like the perfect conclusion, and close to the PS1.

>> No.10927637

just finished enter electro. i don't think it's nearly as bad as people make it out to be. i found it to be a lot more challenging than the first game, and it felt like it lasted a bit longer.

>> No.10927682
File: 216 KB, 1028x1280, s-l1600(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One more reason I think Enter Electro is not as bad as people make it out to be, something that it has that's better than the OG... is if you go for 100% completion. If you play the PS1/N64 ports of the OG title, you need 10.000 points in the zip-line training to unlock the Quick-Change suit and get everything... and it's damn near impossible, I finally did it last year... after 20 years of trying.

100% in Enter Electro is way better.

>> No.10927759
File: 15 KB, 249x360, diy_marvel_animated_cards__mary_jane_parker__ps1__by_actuallyashley9_dfmj6j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Mary Jane. Peter Parker's lovely wife.

>> No.10927771

It's also worth nothing that movie game 2 on PSP is practically a port of movie game 1 with new levels, so it's also got some Neversoft Spidey DNA in there.

>> No.10927906
File: 385 KB, 939x1423, 1640472487954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when MJ really was Peter's wife, so loving and supporting back in the late 80's and early 90's comic books... after separating them in that awful One More Day storyline, it all went wrong... I'd say that even in the Raimi films she sucked, it just stands out more now that ALL of her takes in new media make her into this obnoxious girl boss that Peter loves for no apparent reason, it sucks.

Also, I can't stand how she's often ugly now, the Insomniac titles being the worst at this, she looks hideous, old, and they turned her into a journalist with an attitude or something, what garbage.

I'm yet to play that one, though I've always been quite curious about it, I might fire it up next time I go for a replay of the PS1 stuff, maybe try out something new, that's still familiar aswell really.

>> No.10928727

is this game based on a comic or is there a comic based on it?
love the setting

>> No.10928736

why was neversoft so bad at making faces? 2d sprite face doesn't need to be that ugly.

>> No.10928949
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>> No.10929540
File: 1.48 MB, 1571x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 024a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there a comic based on it?
Just a short one included with an issue of GamePro, that takes place just before the game.

>> No.10929541
File: 1.47 MB, 1558x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 024b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10929542
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>> No.10929545
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>> No.10929546
File: 1.55 MB, 1544x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 024e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10929548
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>> No.10929549
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>> No.10929552
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>> No.10929557
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>> No.10929558
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>> No.10929564
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>> No.10929567
File: 1.36 MB, 1550x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 024l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10929854

Oh sweet, thank you!

>> No.10930069

Monster Ock made me poop

>> No.10930076

"Creedo" or maybe it's credo but it's a new word for me. Ty for posting this, I vaguely remember seeing this before.

>> No.10930176

The first one was cool, I liked it.
Tried to play the sequel a few months back. Couldn't beat Shocker, didn't like how it felt now.

>> No.10931236

Same except Sandman

>> No.10931576

I think Shocker wasn't complex but you were supposed to yank web (down + web) some box on his head and win almost instantly, but it was easy to miss it.

>> No.10931581

which sandman? there were 2 fights with him. one where you're constantly running forward chasing a train and one where you're in a small arena area.

>> No.10931938

Just play it with a frame limiter set to 30fps, otherwise several parts of the game are broken.

>> No.10931949

Fire Matt

>> No.10932042

20* fps
even 30fps breaks some sections.

the most infamous sections are:
>the falling container at the end of helicopter chase level
>the Venom chase level where he gose into a building
>the Mysterio boss level

>> No.10932086

I know/can guess what's the issue with the other but how does it mess up the Mysterio fight?

>> No.10932106
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>> No.10932208

>outta my way nerd

>> No.10932215

What could I give to be a Spider-Man and get crushed by these buns then revive through multiple reboots and repeat over and over

>> No.10932389
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>> No.10933286


>> No.10933695

Made me shit myself

>> No.10934098

t. matt

>> No.10934281
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Which handheld Spider Man games are worth playing? The first Spider Man game on the GBC was mediocre but the sequel still holds up

>> No.10934289


>> No.10934343

>Even the camera doesn't want to watch Monster-Ock pound Spidey to a bloody pulp and just silently pulls away

>> No.10934985
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>> No.10935251
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Mysterio's Menace is essentially the Spider-Man 3 of both the PS1 and GBC duologies, and it still holds up quite well, it has a level structure quite similar to The Sinister Six, but also isn't linear in the sense that you can tackle the levels and find different abilities in different orders, retaining a bit of the MetroidVania feel from the 1st GBC in its core, it also looks just like the PS1 duology.

I think the Sam Raimi adaptations that the GBA got weren't bad either, though I haven't played them as much as these early 2000's efforts, they all hold up quite well and I wish we got more too.

>> No.10936423

I have seen on youtube that Raimi SM2 got a PSP version which looked basically like someone made a mod for SM1 PS2 engine :D And that's what the game is, looks cool.

>> No.10937535
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NTA but that 1st "fight" where you have to catch up to the train was quite a pain and it's a part I do dread every time I replay Enter Electro. I still love it and, in some ways, like it better than the OG, it has it's strong points and charm, but there are so many parts which are just downright annoying as you keep trying and failing, and it feels like there just needs to be some luck involved for it to end.

I still love it anyways, the dark atmosphere, that OST, the graphics and artstyle it goes for, how it focused a lot more on stealth, all of the suits its got... there's just a lot to adore in Enter Electro.

>> No.10938508

funny, I was literally reading Spider-Man tcrf pages last week and somehow missed the PC version of this game

>> No.10938552
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Why does he have a bulge?

>> No.10938975

He's packing
That or he shit himself in his suit again

>> No.10939093

Agreed about the train one. In general, the big problem with the game imo is that if you fuck up at all then you have to go through two long load screens to try again.

>> No.10939139

I just couldn't do it fast enough, it felt like I had to get in the right position and aim, meanwhile Shocker seems to be attacker every 1.5 seconds and if you web him he breaks out faster than you can recover from doing it.
I'm not complaining, I was just surprised. Shit ain't casual sometimes.

>> No.10939351

Yes I remember that it was supposed to be simple but it was really hard to aim and position yourself correctly so I can see why someone would stop playing there. I guess maybe there could also be some fps or version related things there which would make the boss too hard without meaning it.

>> No.10939596

I think my biggest issue with the game is how much of the challenge comes down to pointing spiderman in a specific direction being awkward and slow, nudging him forward between one of the 8 directions and waiting for the camera to center.
>oop venom is to my right, ok just need to nudge the dpad and wait for the camera to center so I can
>EWW GROSSS *licking sounds*
granted you will only actually die because of this if you're playing on hard

>> No.10939657 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 375x495, aunt_may_bum___commission_by_ameliacostanza_de5xigp-375w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually you just get used to playing without even having to wait for the camera to center, jumping and attacking to launch yourself at the enemies helps with that, it's still jank though.

>TFW I'll never fuck Aunt May.

>> No.10939732

Spiderman 2000 is pretty much the first actually good superhero game that's not just a beat 'em up with a capeshit coat of paint.
The sequel sucks though.

>> No.10939768

the sequel is alright, wish it was on pc

>> No.10939821

>the first actually good superhero game that's not just a beat 'em up with a capeshit coat of paint.
Batman NES?

>> No.10939846

It's really not. Playing both one after the other, the sequel's stages are horrendous. The train chase with Sandman is hell. I can't believe I used to like it over the first game when I was young.

>> No.10940079

Stan Lee said it was both. Originally it was one or the other (I forget which one) but he demanded both or the scene would be cut.
*According to the developer commentary

>> No.10941250

Me too.