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10900730 No.10900730 [Reply] [Original]

You people like to shit on Code Veronica's and 0's stories but 3 feels even less 'canon' than those. It literally feels unnecessary. It's a good game though and I'm posting this screenshot to remind you of how fucking great the pre-rendered backgrounds in it are

>> No.10900736

RE canon was just a bad idea in general. It should have been a FF style anthology series.

>> No.10900743

It's been downhill ever since people started using the word 'canon' about fictional media.

>> No.10900746

3 was never meant to be canon and was originally intended as a non-numbered spin-off from 2. CV was supposed to be 3 as it continues the story of Chris and Claire’s attempts to bring down Umbrella. It only ended up the way it did because of console exclusivity deals and other related fuckery, I thought everyone knew this.

>> No.10900750

Sorry, didn’t mean it wasn’t canon as in the events happened, just that it wasn’t intended as the next chapter of the story, just a side-story following what happened to Jill during the events of 2

>> No.10900956

>It should have been a FF style anthology series.
FF doesn't have anything related,each game is their own and are project final fantasy in the old meaning (they fail,they go bankrupt)

>> No.10900984

It's way more complicated than that.
CV was always CV. A joint Sega/Capcom Dreamcast exclusive to make up for the cancelled Saturn RE2 port.
What eventually became RE3 was called 1.9/2.1 at the time and RE3 was slated to be the next major Playstation installment. This was the rough concept with Hunk on a boat fighting plant monsters.
Then Sony announced the PS2 and things got all fucked up.
Development on 3 for the Playstation is scrapped, it's moved over to the PS2 hardware and rescheduled as RE4, spawns Devil May Cry and falls into dev hell for years.
1.9/2.1 gets promoted to 3 to fill the newly made gap in the release schedule, the dev team doubles in size and it's expanded from a quasi-indie spinoff to a normal RE game. Somewhere in all that mess Jill is moved from CV to 3 and Claire is put in her place. I think the original concept for 1.9/2.1 was more akin to a single player Outbreak focusing on civilian survivors or something like that.

>> No.10901103

Yeah, that's what I said. An anthology series is a series where each entry is a separate story.
RE should be an anthology series with the loose theme of surviving some kind of horror.
The whole overarching story about the Umbrella corporation just turns into the dumbest shit after like two games. It never should have been a factor.
The coolest thing about 7 is for like half of the game it was just the Texas Chainsaw Massacre with a bit of Blair Witch mixed in. It was fresh.

>> No.10901107

Imagine if 4 was completely disconnected from the earlier games, and you were just playing a different Leon, the way that each James Bond is kind of the same guy but different.
That would potentially have been better. Total clean slate. No Wesker hanging around doing who knows the fuck what.

>> No.10901142

It's a sequel to both RE1 and RE2 at the same time and closes the Raccoon City chapter which RE2 hadn't. People who say it's a "side story" or "doesn't feel canon" are either genuinely retarded or disingenous

>> No.10901148

That's basically what RE4 is, Wesker doesn't matter in that game. It has virtually no connections to any of the previous entries aside from Leon and Ada knowing each other

>> No.10901151

I know a lot of people felt disappointed that Umbrella was brushed over, and Leon felt like a different character and stuff. I'm saying they just should have drawn a line there, and made it officially a new continuity.

>> No.10901154

no one cares
RE3 will always be remembered as the sequel to RE2
while Caca Shitronica will always be remembered as the shitty spinoff Capcom skipped giving it the remake treatment and went straight to RE4 and next would be RE5

>> No.10901163

They could've just told that Racoon City had got nuked during the epilogue of RE2 or something like that. I like RE3 but it truly does feel like a side story

>> No.10901170

Meant told us

>> No.10901209

RE canon is the literal thing that drove the series forward.
Without some autist caring too much about the series narrative, RE2 wouldn't exist. We'd instead get the original 1.5 build, which would've killed the series outright.

>> No.10901217

Nothing actually happens in RE3 barring the ending is the issue with its narrative.
Jill is a member of STARS, but you could barely tell she was meant to be the same character from 1 given how alien her design is and how drastically her character has change (in 1 she was a reactive character, in 3 she is made out to be a proactive character, for example).
The overall narrative of 3 beyond that can be boiled down to
>Umbrella does some shady stuff
>Also they were responsible for the Raccoon City outbreak!!
>Jill escapes lol
>Raccoon City gets nuked
That's it. RE2 adds several layers of nuance to everything that happened in 1, establishes Umbrella's entire operation in RC, its connections to the original game are often subtle or understated but still ultimately relevant (even being the thing Claire's storyline ends on), and it has a real sense of progression, that everyone is moving.
With RE3, it's like Jill was just dropped into the opening scenes and is forced to move from there, it's a game where ultimately little is learned and what does happen is incredibly half assed because nobody involved was actually wanting to write a story. It was an arcade-y spinoff.

>> No.10901413

Nuking the city was fucking dumb desu. I liked Leon's ending slide that showed the surviving cops and firefighters apparently cleaning up the city. That's a way more interesting outcome than "lol it blew up!"

>> No.10901424
File: 1.37 MB, 800x1143, Notice how the guy he's trying to save is instead offering his gun He knows his time is up, and offers his friend his gun, deep stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closes the Raccoon City chapter
actually that's the outbreak games

>> No.10901425

If you want more of that short lived canon, the radio drama "Lost Fugitive Sherry" is set after RE2 and doesn't have the city nuked to shit. There's a sister radio drama called "The Female Spy Ada Lives", which is actually referenced in the RE2 EX Files (HUNK needing to bring the G-Virus to France is mentioned in a new file), but it isn't actually set around RC like the Sherry one.
Both have TLs on Project Umbrella.

>> No.10901453

>(You) people like to sit on Code Veronica and 0.
Yes, because they're bad games simply put. Unlike RE3 which is tons of fun. You act as if 0 or CV storylines are that much better to warrant some recognition.
now that's a clusterfuck of hellish development.

>> No.10901474

>You people like to shit on Code Veronica's and 0's stories but 3 feels even less 'canon' than those.
No it doesn't

>> No.10901476

The nuke on the city is literally the climax of the entire Resident Evil series

>> No.10901482

CV is canon, but its stupid canon

>> No.10901491

>(in 1 she was a reactive character, in 3 she is made out to be a proactive character, for example).

I dunno, maybe, becuase of the events of RE1, she went through a personality change.

>> No.10901493

Also, RE0 was a game mechanic looking for a story.

Also seems like they spent more time trying to fit the story into the RE universe than actually writing a good story.

>> No.10901494

There's a personality change and then there's just not being the same character.
RE3 Jill is Jill essentially in name only. They don't share any real similar traits nor is there any carried over characterization. Her primary usage seems to just be to add some selling points.
The first one is obviously "Here's Jill Valentine, this is totally an important game!"
The second one is also obvious, that being Capcom looked at what Tomb Raider was doing and copied their homework.

>> No.10901501

There is this problem with RE, where the more you dwell on Umbrella, the stupider it all becomes.
Why are this pharmaceuticals company so fixated on being evil, and ending the world?
It was fine in the first 1, maybe 2 games, where you can write it off as some weapons research they were doing on the sly, for profit. After that, it's dumb.

>> No.10901502

>You act as if 0 or CV storylines are that much better to warrant some recognition.
The point is that they are better by default because RE3 is just nothing aside from the nuke. CV is, to put it lightly, not a great game but the first thing people mention when shitting on it is its plot for some reason. Okay, I take that back, only CV is better in that regard. 0 is so fucking stupid that having no plot at all is unironically better

>> No.10901505

only the original game is canon because the writer that made the game what it was left capcom right after its release since he and mikami didn't see eye to eye.
the rest might as well be fan fiction. the obsession with sequels and "keeping franchises alive" is one of the gaming industry's greatest cancers.

>> No.10901507

>Also, RE0 was a game mechanic looking for a story.
I sort of agree. Why they decided to make it a fucking prequel/origin story with all that Leech DNA stuff is beyond me though

>> No.10901509

It's weird. I never got the impression from RE1 that Umbrella was some giant global megacorp. They seemed more like a local or maybe regional player at most. Rebecca says they're the biggest company in Raccoon City, which isn't really much of an accomplishment. It's like they just kept growing with each new game.

>> No.10901518

only good post itt

an original game has a creative spark behind it, the creative impetus behind a sequel is always "how do we keep this going?" so from there of course it gets contrived. that is not how good stories are told, that is not how good art is made, that is not what quality entertainment is.

>> No.10901528

>Why are this pharmaceuticals company so fixated on being evil, and ending the world?
They literally explain why in 2. They're contracted by international powers (namely the American government).
Also, their goal isn't to "be evil" or "end the world". You learn this by paying attention to just one scene in the first game.
The point is profit. The end product is the BOWs, who are put into cryo-stasis and then sold to the highest bidder.
To reiterate:
Umbrella makes BOWs for profits. Wesker betrays them for a rival company in the field of BOW development.
The outbreak is caused due to staff overwork and overall negligence.
Umbrella makes BOWs for profits. They send their paramilitary group to extract Birkin who was making background deals with the US Government. The outbreak is caused (in part) by the failure of this operation.
Umbrella makes BOWs for profits. The UBCS are a cover story to send in Umbrella observers who collect combat data on the BOWs that were released into the city while it was in complete disarray.
The outbreak was caused (in part) by mismanagement on the part of Birkin's waste disposal team.
>Code Veronica
The outbreak was an intentional attack by Wesker's group, HCF, to quickly lay waste to a controlled environment (Rockfort Island). Alexia is the first of two RE characters that genuinely wants to take over the world, and she is shown to be mentally challenged, due to being a product of incest, a clone of centuries old DNA, and still mentally a child despite her appearance.
Marcus intentionally causes the outbreak because he's not a person. He's a literal collection of leeches who were worked on by the original Marcus, who then consumed his brain and took on his identity and carried out his "revenge".
This actually ties into an overarching story with Dead Aim where blame is shifted to Morpheus for the RC outbreak due to how similar he is in appearance to the Queen Leech's Marcus.

>> No.10901532

That doesn't apply to RE2 because it'ss so vastly different it doesn't feel derivative. But I think that's partially what that anon you're replying to was saying anyway

>> No.10901540

The only people who wanted to destroy the world in some way were
>Wesker (5)
And the uniting factor between all of them was that they were insane. I already explained Alexia, but Wesker just came off of finding out he was a test tube baby and went off the deep end in the pursuit of wanting to find people like him (hence the desire to spread Urorboros.
And Carla, a hidden antagonist in RE6, is also just insane. She's a failed clone / human BOW.

No organization's goal with the exception of Wesker's shell organization (later Tricell) wants to destroy the world.

>> No.10901541

You'd think they would just stop after a point though. One outbreak would be enough to get them to rethink the whole affair.
Really, it's Wesker that gets character assassinated more than anything though. I liked him much more as a greasy opportunist than as Dr Evil.

>> No.10901627

>You'd think they would just stop after a point though. One outbreak would be enough to get them to rethink the whole affair.
You could say the same about horrendous decision making leading to catastrophe in the real world.
Also, Umbrella didn't have much time to think about it since they shuttered within the 5 years following RC.

>> No.10902892

>You people like to shit on Code Veronica's and 0's

- Re zero does not feel "canon" because theee rebecca is very strong defeating a giant scorpion boss and a tyrant boss while in resident evil 1 she can be killed by a single normal hunter.

-In both re zero and Re code veronica there are not female zombies. In Re zero they could have put female zombies with long red hair, big breasts and big butts in military outfits in most of the game and some female scientists zombies with big breasts and big butts in the later of the game.But no. That was a wasted chance. In RE code veronica they could have put some female prisoners in the prisoners
area with long blonde hair, big breasts and big butts and some office female zombies with big breast and big butts in the ashford palace and the later game. Again, another wasted chance. In resident evil 3, they put a lot of female zombies around most of the city. Thats one of the reasons why Re 3 is better than
Re zero and Re code veronica.

- Re code veronica only "reward" weapon is a infinite rocket launcher(i expected a infinite magnum or a infinite sniper rifle) and to get it you need the best rank(what a hassle).

So, im not saying Re zero and re code Veronica are bad, but still i feel like they had many wasted chances to be better games.

>> No.10903029

Be great to see a remake of this specific version. Not a remake where it's a different game... I mean the same worlds in 4k, plus add new weapons, new characters

>> No.10904242

I still can’t tell if you’re a highly dedicated shitposter or just genuinely mentally ill, but it’s comforting knowing that I can always find you in any RE thread that pops up. Like the “Eileen shaving” poster in every single Silent Hill thread. Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be the same person, would you…

>> No.10905542

>Like the “Eileen shaving” poster in every single Silent Hill thread
I think he died

>> No.10905675

I wonder what is his opinion of Sarah Gadon

>> No.10906786

I think Code Veronica's story puts RE4 in a weird position. CV made the story go for a more personal route at the end of that game with Steve dying, Wesker alive and gives the Redfields more of a reason to get revenge in the next title, and that was swiped away immediately in a single sentence and the franchise goes into another direction entirely. To use wrestling as a reference:
CV = Starrcade 98
CV Ending = Goldberg vs. Nash. Goldberg loses his first match and title for BS reasons and Nash takes the title.
RE4 Opening = Fingerpoke of Doom that happened a week later where Nash gives the title away to Hogan
RE4 = The rest of '99 where the whole revenge storyline with Goldberg going through the entire NWO with Hogan being the final boss is scrapped and dropped shortly after for Ric Flair becoming president of WCW to heel turn on Hogan and then Hogan babyface turning on the same event (and then gets hurt delaying that later into 99 and then Goldberg is friends with him when this babyface change happens).
That's what RE4 felt like to me when it first came out. Coincidentally the only thing worth note in the modern era of both wrestling and RE are remakes and old wrestlers coming back to wrestle the celebrity of the year

>> No.10907026

Its still weird that they didn't bother to do that first. It seems even RE4's "Hookman" period in development was going to ignore that plot point.

>> No.10907974

>still looks nicer than actual cities in 2024

>> No.10908025


>> No.10908059

RE 3 is basically 2.5, in concept and intent. It was always supposed to be a side story that merely expands 2. CV is the real sequel with the real effort put into it.

>> No.10908072

>Real effort
The funny thing is that 3 was made in only one year with barely any budget. The creatives behind it were literally challenged to make a spin-off that expanded the gameplay mechanics, with a more open map (at least compared with the mansion and police station) and focusing on Raccoon city. If anything, had a ton of effort considering how fucked the schedule was. I don't mind if you like CV more than 3 but the fact is that 3 is the best game we could ever get considering all the restrictions and executive bullshit Capcom imposed.

>> No.10908078

>You people like to shit on Code Veronica's and 0's stories
No, that's just one of the problems with those games.

>> No.10908079

Fuck off.

>> No.10908080
File: 1.09 MB, 640x480, worst death in entire series.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV was literally made by a b porting team.
They were put in charge of porting RE2 to Saturn but instead managed to convince the higher ups to make a new game instead.

Which means there is a timeline out there in which instead of having a really shitty spin off on Dreamcast, there is a ludo kino Saturn version of RE2. I wish I knew how to access it, perhaps if a pipe falls down my head or if I fall 10 stories down.

>> No.10908090
File: 3.97 MB, 2000x1000, Ivalice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each game is their own and are project
What about the Ivalice games?

>> No.10908490

>CV is the real sequel
>with the real effort put into it.

>> No.10909791

>an original game has a creative spark behind it, the creative impetus behind a sequel is always "how do we keep this going?"
I always got the feeling RE1 was toned down a little as it went through development. I had a magazine strategy guide as a kid with some concept sketches used as filler material and this drawing of a snake fused with a bunch of rats freaked the shit out of me and always stuck in my head. I don't know if it was meant to be the little snakes in the garden area or what. I've also seen early sketches of the zombies, including kid zombies, and dogs over the years since then that look way more fucked up than their later iterations.

>> No.10911247


resident evil 2 is a horror videogame, but that scene when the metal tubes fall on annette head always made me laugh.

>> No.10911252

Of all the things that REmake2 fucks up, making Anette a one-dimensional psychopath bitch who doesnt give two fucks about her daughter is probably the worst one. She was such a well written and voice-acted character in the original.

>> No.10911285


Actually it fits, because William Birkin was a cruel psychopath too, so they both were now a fit couple.

>> No.10911446

Honestly I never found it funny while actually playing RE2 because I'm so captivated by the game every time I replay it but watching this webm made me laugh

>> No.10911457

RE2 became incredibly funny to me after turning 30, almost as funny as RE1 nowadays.

>> No.10912050

shitposter, he used to post the image of RE3 with all the women zombies with carlos at the clocktower now he has started adding the part about their breasts and butts to get more attention

>> No.10912097

code veronica and 0's stories are retarded with some retarded characters like matrix wesker, sniper tranny, super competent rebecca and singing final fantasy leech-monger
them being canonical or not is irrelevant

>> No.10912108

>Gee, Umbrella, how come your mom lets you have TWO mansions?
>No canon consistency!

>> No.10912115

>“Eileen shaving” poster
What's the lore on him?

>> No.10912117

Zombies may not be ideal but at least they don't poop on the streets.

>> No.10912118

Because that was worth the bump.

>> No.10912120

>19 seconds after the previous post
anon i dont think you know what that word means

>> No.10912180

>N-No U
Thread wasn't bump by said previous post. You're insecure.

>> No.10912201

3 was still grounded in reality
0 went full retard
4 said fuck it and made something fun and silly instead

>> No.10912206


>> No.10912405

lol that gave me a good laugh, thank you anon

>> No.10912448

technically it was meant to be a school for their managers/execs but it wasnt very school like more like a fancy finishing school for ladies

>> No.10912452
File: 291 KB, 600x512, 1713326701772757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You people

>> No.10913996


The scene of the metal tubes falling to annette head look like from a episode of the the three stooges

>> No.10914169

RE CV is the better game, but the 3 remake makes the og 3 look good which is fucking amazing in itself

>> No.10914438

RE3 has always been good, REmake 3 was just another proof that they 'don't make em like they used to'

>> No.10915773

>CV is the real sequel with the real effort
>real effort
ugly sterile real time graphics and weebshit matrix plot aren't effort

>> No.10915936

If you're strictly speaking from the point of view of someone engaged in the storyline advancing, I suppose you have a point. The game just provides a fulfilling goodbye to Raccoon City and the devs work on the PlayStation engine. But from a gameplay perspective (which is the main appeal of the series to me), the game does progress quite a lot from its predecessors by adding a lot of interesting new mechanics, incorporating previous enemy designs with Resident Evil 2's engine and coming up with the most entangling and complex boss concept you could draw off the PSX. The game is fun and challeging to play multiple times and the devs really try hard to get the player to appreciate their effort by providing multiple routes and options as well as many hidden details through out the game. I also love its atmosphere and vindicates Resident Evil 2's introduction that cut off the action way too soon - I remember what stuck the most for me was being thrown in the streets and imagining how hard it would be to survive that hell and the horrors I would come across only to be disappointed when I reached the RPD and realized too soon it was the Mansion all over again.

>> No.10916281


The original 3 feels rushed when made.

The remake of the 3 feels extremely rushed when made.

>> No.10916283

where do zombies poop?

>> No.10916429

There was no "canon" back there.
We played everything we could put our hands on.
We played for fun, often with our buddies.
There was no yootoob, and no fuckin' yootoobers telling fucking zoomers what to think, what to say, and what genders were politically allowed to identify with

>> No.10916434

does 0 even add anything of substance

>> No.10916435

The purpose of CV is to reintroduce Wesker into the lore as the main villain and have him be the explanation for all the mysterious shit.

>Who told umbrella about Birkin and the G-virus?


>Who scattered items, weapons, keys, and sealed rooms all over the Raccoon City police station, streets, sewers, hospital, clock tower, park, secret underground lab under the park, city dump?

Wesker. He did all that shit in a day because super powers.

>Who bribed Nicholai?


>> No.10916439

Re3 Fells so linear even in the remake, Re Veronica its so good and solid story Re3 its very simple story

>> No.10916498

This. All over the place.

> Wesker = test tube baby
Given RE's timelines, I doubt I'm the only one to find this bowel shatteringly daft. It's horror so it doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme but it makes the universe that much more juvenile.

>> No.10916510

I kinda agree, it just depends on how much you wanna force no sequels, no shared universes, especially since even FF did have a small number of sequels mixed in.

RE1-3, those were a nice little bundle that should've been made the way they were, and I think it was for the better that Nemesis was changed to 3 in order to have a complete Raccoon City Trilogy. After that, however, it was gonna be a transition to something else, even if it was in the old canon, and often times in cases like that, yeah it would've been better to change altogether. Heck, jumping forward a bit to RE4, it's not like that really had to be or particularly felt like Leon anyways. They even could've kept Ada in as a sort of connective tissue that you see in a lotta anthologies, but RE4-Man might've actually made her more fun, as it further sells her duplicitous nature.

>> No.10916546

It tried going deeper into the origins of the virus but it's up to you if you want to treat it as canon or not

>> No.10916647

>There's zombies in the most armed country on Earth
>There are mutated beasts used as bioweapons
But yes, a pharmaceutical company being a front for an eccentric billionaire attempting to find eternal life. What a fucking retarded concept we have never seen before.

You don't have to dwell on anything you have a surface-level understanding of, you enjoy it for what it is. A poorly written but fairly interesting piece of fiction. Nobody needs you to pretend like you're not retarded.

>> No.10917893

He's Joseph Schreiber irl