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File: 41 KB, 313x310, Final_Fantasy_VII_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10900487 No.10900487 [Reply] [Original]

This game sucks. Seriously though, what's supposed to go through my mind when I walk into yet another random encounter and know exactly that I'm getting another easy "fight" where I select the same shit in the same menus again? This stuff was already outdated by 5th gen and that was already my opinion then

The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping

>> No.10900498

Random encounters are only tolerable when they're paired with high difficulty, a survival feel, running out of heal items, having to plan ahead, etc. But even then they shouldn't be too slow and frequent. Old DQs did it well, FF7 not so much at least until second disk.

>> No.10900504

If you’re preceding at a normal pace it’s never more than 3-4 encounters per screen, 5-6 if you’re following a guide to get secrets, 7-8 if you’re exhaustively searching for secrets without a guide. It’s one of the more generous encounter rates of the era. If you don’t like it you simply don’t like JRPG, which is fine.

>> No.10900536

FF7 literally killed the industry, baffling that people will shit on the modern FF games but then go on to praise this like it isn't directly responsible for the state of things.

>> No.10900542

You're supposed to enjoy the game and level up. Now equip enemy away materia or shut up you little baby.

>> No.10900546
File: 33 KB, 300x300, Ehrgeiz_Pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more of your speed, OP

>> No.10900552

>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping
Remake/Rebirth had more serious writing while still retaining the most memorable aspects of the original game.
You could give that a shot.

>> No.10900567

the lizard part of your brain is supposed to enjoy watching small numbers become big numbers

>> No.10900601

numbers big

>> No.10900602

and sword big. and hair long

>> No.10900604
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>> No.10900647

There was already a thread:

>> No.10900651

Why do zoomers think any narrative with stakes is "taking itself too seriously". FF7 has some of the most unserious writing in the series.

>> No.10900665

>it’s never more than 3-4 encounters per screen,
what about the world map where you can't take two steps without fighting enemies and the fucking game only vaguely tells you where to go

>> No.10900774

Most Nintendo games have no narrative, so narrative is bad by default.
It's just that.

>> No.10900818

I think it's valid to dislike JRPGs, but if you dislike JPGs, why are you playing FFVII?

>> No.10900829

Disingenious and/or didn't play the game. The encounter rate is much easier than that. I would estimate my hit rate for an encounter on a beeline from Midgar to Kalm at about 50%. I even remember being surprised after the Kalm flashback to find monster encounters in overworld because I didn't hit any the first time out. You really don't fight that much on the overworld and once you get transit options in late Disc 1/Disc 2 it's moot.
At the same time, the encounter rate is not so sparse that grinding materia is particularly time consuming compared to other games' grinds.
It's really well balanced as far as turn based RPGs with random encounter from this era go.

>> No.10900843

Like it or not this game is the standard for the genre. Whether you like "movie games" or not, most of the genre's history is now in the post-FF7 era. It's paradigmatic for the genre. It doesn't need to be vaunted as the greatest of all time. Personally in some moods I only regard it as an A-tier (not S). But if you can't find anything to like here, your opinion on the genre can be discarded because you just don't like it that much. Which is fine. On a retro board there's no reason to struggle over such matters. We're here to appreciate and preserve.

>> No.10900928

Pure obsession. Very sad. I feel sorry for your family.

>> No.10901912

>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously
The goofy parts aren't meant to be taken seriously retard.

>> No.10902681

>implying all parts aren't goofy

>> No.10902875

Watching a friend play this in the early 00s I thought this game was the most boring shit I have ever seen

>> No.10902940
File: 100 KB, 1242x1227, 1709742005973966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10903039

>random encounters are bad
>turn based is bad
Sorry to hear about your adhd anon. Do you think it was genetic or did something damage you to be like this?

>> No.10903183

Some people are too stupid or brainwarped to tell the difference.

>> No.10903440

This is such a poor take. I'm not the op, but I played dragon quest 1-3 recently and finished them all, and liked them a ton. The reason those games work is because you have to actually grind to beat the game, so there's some feeling like the random encounters serve a purpose. In ff7 there's basically no skills or strategy for a lot of the game and you're just playing to reach the next part of the story... so it feels boring and pointless. I felt this way in ff9 also.

>> No.10903461

>Muh random encounters are le bad
Tell me you're american without telling me you're american
Enjoy your Halo bro FFVII is a fucking masterpiece that set the bar higher than ever before for jarpigs
You just don't like the genre is all

>> No.10903645

It is, but they are too blinded to nostalgia to accept the truth.

>> No.10903648

>Like it or not this game is the standard for the genre.
Is the standard for games released after it, you still have the golden years (3/4 gen).

>> No.10903685

wrong, the trends ff7 codifies had already set in by the time of the Super Nintendo greats. JRPG always tended in that direction, with the earlier examples in retrospect appearing merely as the hesitant first steps out of the dungeon crawler toward the movie game par excellence.

>> No.10903705

yeah DQ has dwindling resources, a limited inventory and in later ones restricts your expanded parties. it never quite pushes to you the brink but it's just enough to make you think twice about stumbling around too long in a dungeon.

would fucking rule to see that more in FF though. parties are insanely self-sufficient which i think is the real problem, getting full heals via tents and save points is too common. i can't even think of any non-MMO FFs that truly pushes the player all the way aside from FF3's final stretch where it goes extremely fucking hard on stretching the player's resources to their limits to the point where people just ironically whine about it being too hard

>> No.10903708

>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously
you dont like jarpigs so why should I care about your opinion on this game?
>This stuff was already outdated by 5th gen and that was already my opinion then
If you played FF7 at the time of its release and were cognizant enough to know that random encounters were overdone by 1997 then you must be in your 40s. Why the fuck are you mad that a video game is popular when you should be watching TV with your wife and playing baseball with your son? If you are lying and didn't actually play FF7 when it was released then you are a zoomer and your opinion is invalid as well.

>> No.10903728
File: 463 KB, 976x1640, FF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, but going in that direction is very different to "it tries to do that". FF7 feels very linear and too focused into the cloud's farts to care about the rest of the world, compare that to 4 or 5 where you are still a small fish who visits different kingdoms and cultures.
>hesitant first steps out of the dungeon crawler toward the movie game par excellence.
In the middle there was the jrpg which FF helped to flesh out though. In FF6 you can explore the world of ruin in any order after the first 4 characters, this has more in common with DQ3 than FF7, and I can see why people didn't like it despite it being more entertaining than watching anime on your psx.

>> No.10903751

>anything happens
>muh nintendo nintendo this must be nintendo!
Absolutely mindbroken. It's beyond rent free at this point; you're outright devoting mental energy to constantly thinking about Nintendo. Sad.

>> No.10903957
File: 333 KB, 1503x1080, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I'm sure some of their household IPs like Mehtroid, any Mario platformer, and Smash Bros is just flourishing with narrative that you get in your average RPG, japanese or not.
He's not exactly wrong.

>still malding over a day old post

>> No.10904134

I've been trying to pickup a clean copies of this. These are getting to be towards $75 for buy it now.. so hard to find one's with perfect cd cases... its definitely something I want for my collection.

>> No.10904747

I wonder if this dude remembers this post and that its become a meme.

I also wonder if that post haunts him.

>> No.10905643

recently played ff6 brave new world and I really enjoyed how they tried to rebalance the whole random encounter thing by removing tents and making healing items scarce. every dungeon feels like an endurance battle and every fight drains your healing items. you are forced to min/max the fights before you run out of items/mana to fight the boss. in its core its still the same 4 niggers in a row genre but it felt refreshing to be forced to do more than just attack all and watching something else in the meanwhile on the other screen.

tl;dr ff7 needs a brave new world style hack.

>> No.10905676

Did they just alter the gameplay or added stuff to the story?

>> No.10905680

Maybe go play some Pub-G instead?

>> No.10905683

they changed the whole esper system. espers have their own levels/xp and you dont need to be low level to min/max esper bonus stat points. you can also reset them later in the game. certain skills are also character specific, not everyone can use heal spells for example. that gives characters their own unique roles instead of having characters which can do everything.

>> No.10905914
File: 32 KB, 241x378, Shadow_Maker_FF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through this game for the first time in 2005. I did so on PC. I never had a manual and I just learned to play by trying things until things worked. And I never figured out that there's a Run Away option. I fought every random battle from start to finish. If you think that you find random encounters annoying, know that there was at least one idiot who never even knew that there's an easier solution for them.
Fuck pic related. You need to be a special sort of malicious shithead to design an enemy that has a very fast starting sequence, an incredibly slow attack animation, and only one attack, for which the only effect is the infliction of Slow. Just so that the player would lose even more ability to deal with the enemy, so that the enemy would get more turns to do their slow, pointless attack animations that make the "fight" take longer.

>> No.10905941

There are a few good FF6 hacks that do this but the major problem with going back and playing old turn-based rpgs is more how slow combat rounds are. Even some more recent ones fuck this up. SMT 3 Nocturne was one of the first games that didn't have really long combat rounds with too-long animations and it's hard to go back and play games that have this problem.

>> No.10906619

>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously
ask me how i know you are a zoomer.

>> No.10907123

If you hate that enemy, don't play FF9. The whole game is like that.

>> No.10907158

>If you dont like DooM you hate all FPS games
this is how you sound right now
>enjoying a game with no gameplay
Not how an IB works you inbred pig
Don't know, the story is like the most enjoyable part of FF7.
to be fucking honest this is the issue with every final fantasy since 7.
nice increment

>> No.10907187

What's wrong with Ehrgeiz? Sure it's not the best, or even a particularly good fighting game. But it was pretty novel when it released.

>> No.10908785

>you inbred pig

>> No.10908802

I feel like people who say this just don't play JRPGs at all or have no idea about how they need to be balanced.
A single encounter can't be that hard because ultimately you might be doing 10 or 15 encounters between save points that wear you down over time, each encounter is not individually challenging but as you get deeper and deeper into a dungeon the small hits to your resources that each one of them gives start adding up.

>> No.10910053

JRPGs aren't dungeon crawlers that makes more sense in a dungeon crawler what the fuck?

>> No.10912134

>If you don't like dumb turn based game, you're a Halo-fan

>> No.10912727
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>> No.10912743

I think FF7's encounter rate and speed is just about right, especially early on. By the end it can get slower and also more grindy, though.

>> No.10914219
