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10899913 No.10899913 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever bought anything from Limited Run?

>> No.10899924

No, I'm not gay.

>> No.10899928

i dont think getting cds professionally pressed would make monetary sense for a limited release

>> No.10899931

Apparently the Sega CD releases they made were on pressed CDs so how the fuck did they screw up these? Either way fuck LRG they're the funko of game publishing and sell useless merch while waiting for years to ship anything out.

>> No.10899941

manufactured scarcity is fake and gay

>> No.10899945

Hey, Nintendies will always suck Nintendo's cock.

>> No.10899947

Getting CDs pressed is only a few hundred bucks

>> No.10900027

>dumb monkey freaking out over a different way of making optical discs
If there's a specific reason to believe that the particular discs they're using are low enough quality to have a shorter lifespan than pressed discs, that's worth letting people know about. But obviously this person has no such info, or they'd have brought it up in their rant.
It reads like someone who's been brainwashed into thinking "pressed discs = official, valuable, good" / "CD-R = bootleg, 'backup', unofficial, bad for my coomlection's value"

>> No.10900031

Nigger they don't even work on real hardware, maybe fucking actually educate yourself before saying fucking stupid asinine comments like this one fucking faggot.

>> No.10900035

Do you actually know the difference? I don't think you do based on this comment.

>> No.10900039

Anyone can burn a disc, anon. If I'm paying $60 for something it better not be something I can make at home.

>> No.10900041

I think they published a number of switch games on carts that were otherwise only available digitally, so I can see the value proposition there for people who don't want to hack their switch but want to still have a playable game whenever they kill the switch eshop (whatever it's called).

>> No.10900043

do they write them at least on lowest speed?

>> No.10900145

I bought the Sigil special edition, the C&C collector’s edition, quake, doom, and system shock. I’m STILL waiting on Sam & Max 2 years on and haven’t seen anything I’ve been interested in since. The floppy disk usb drives are very cool but they don’t bother even with those anymore; zero effort

>> No.10900148

I almost got their Shantae stuff but I bought an SNES instead.

>> No.10900575

I bought a collectors edition from LRG because it's one of my favorite games ever.
It took -two years- to show up.

>> No.10900598

The belief is that pressed CDs last longer than CD-Rs, but depending on the type and quality of CD-R, that's debatable, since quality "gold" CD-Rs can match or maybe outlast even pressed discs.
I know I have an X-Files pressed DVD from the 2000s which no longer works properly, but some CD-Rs from the very early 90s which are still fine.

>> No.10900607

It took this dude until some shitty 3DO game for him to realize that LRG is just a shitty scam site that prays of stupid collectors?

>> No.10900692

I bought the GBC Shantae reprint and the physical edition of Senran Kagura Bon Appetit

It was okay I guess. I hear enough horror stories from them to avoid ever buying anything from them unless it's something I really care about.

>> No.10900820

D is not a shitty game.

>> No.10900826

Who are they, do they make repros or something?

Wait, did they make Sega CD/switch games under licence?

>> No.10900839
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1710891358401088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty dumb. Either shell out the money for the original game, or buy a flashcart like a normal person.

>> No.10900851

CD-rs are pressed in bulk just like "regular" CDs are. Most CD pressing plants use CDrs.

>> No.10900948

I will correct myself before somebody freaks out over this comment. CDrs are not "pressed", they are burned in bulk. But the point is that professional plants use both CDr burning and disk pressings, and the types of CDrs they work with are much higher quality than the kind you would get at a store.

>> No.10901060

Anything modern is official, they're just a regular 3rd party publisher after all. For the retro systems it's unlicensed from the original platform holder but licensed by the IP holder. Kind of like rereleases of Genesis and NES games.

>> No.10901094

Are you a bot? What the fuck is D?

>> No.10901117

so if i sell something i am making on my basement and selling it as a limited run claiming is licensed will you buy it?
i doubt it but if i made the pressed discs it would seem more official looking even if i didn't have the license to do so.
both parts are in the wrong here and LRG has been doing this for a while.

>> No.10901686

Not him but oh shit, I just noticed the one on the bottom right is D, thought this post was just about PDWT. D2 is my favorite Dreamcast game of all time and I’ve always wanted to play the first, D, but never had the opportunity. It’s a Saturn/PS1 game, probably the earliest example of a “movie game” where it’s all in-engine.
If I’d known they made that I probably would have been duped into buying it since I don’t have the means to emulate. I despise LRG but they have put out a few games I would love to own physical copies of like their upcoming Rise of The Triad. Unless the bonus items they bundle in are really worth it to me, I’d refuse to buy anything from them on principle, but with how it looks like they’ve gotten even worse somehow I doubt I’ll even pick up ROTT despite waiting years for it

>> No.10901710

No, I was considering it for a few releases at first but after hearing about the crap they and others like them such as Strictly Limited Games and others pull I decided not to. And now I see nothing but complaints about them, many orders taking over a year to process and such.

>If there's a specific reason to believe that the particular discs they're using are low enough quality to have a shorter lifespan than pressed discs, that's worth letting people know about

Burned disks will always be lower quality than pressed disks. Burned media relies on a laser literally burning an organic layer of ink to simulate the actual physical pits a professionally pressed CD would have. The glues and ink dyes degrade over time much faster than any well made pressed disk.

The problem is they are the only ones selling physical releases for some games that are available generally as digital only. Also they once pulled a stunt where they were the exclusive English publisher for the physical version of an import game, but the original import had an English option, so they in response actually got the publisher to release a patch for the Japanese version that REMOVED the English option. I don't recall what game it was, but I think it was some SHMUP for the Switch.

>> No.10901736
File: 475 KB, 427x265, Axel_flurry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only done it a couple times, primarily for games I really loved that weren't going to get a cartridge release on Switch otherwise, like Streets of Rage 4 and No More Heroes. That ended up not being the case for SOR4, but whatever.
They crank these things out now, and it's hard to keep up with when a game you care enough about is getting a release. If you look at their twitter, it's flooded with shit that I wouldn't even buy on a steam sale, let alone something I'd want to display on my desk or shelf.

>> No.10901742

I'm boycotting them but I can't remember why. Did they say trannies aren't mentally ill or something?

>> No.10901765

They fired their social media manager because of who she followed on her personal Twitter account.

>> No.10901782

All of these companies selling 'retro' crap are scammers. LRG, nightdive etc. It's all the same ripoff garbage.

>> No.10901793

I got the Castlevania Collection from them and it was fine, so I ordered the Advance Collection and they didn't ship it until I opened a support ticket and complained. Then, MYSTERIOUSLY, the package was in the mail a couple hours later.

Then the delivery date slipped for for days straight. Supposedly it delivered today, we'll see when I get home. That might be UPS's fault though

I like physical but that's some bullshit

>> No.10901796

I know the difference, and the truth is a good quality CD-R will last just as long as a pressed disc.

>> No.10901802
File: 158 KB, 500x416, TIEintro-Coruscant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a terrible mistake I regret deeply

>> No.10901870

"improved silver cd-r" are claiming 200 years lifetime so long as you keep them cool

>> No.10901908


>> No.10901968

This is why I will never buy anything from any of these stupid publishers.

>> No.10901980

D's nuts

>> No.10901987

I got banned for a week last time I talked bad on LRG

>> No.10901998

I don't think pressing CDs should be a problem for a company dedicated to selling video games.

>> No.10902012

This, but coomzoomers gotta cumzoom

>> No.10902015

D's Dinner, a game for the Saturn

>> No.10902046

>we found quality and reliability issues when attempting to press 3DO discs in the traditional manner
The apparent reason.
Part of me wondered if just doing CD-Rs was cheaper, and they figured that most people buying them either don't even bother to play the games in the first place, or that they wouldn't recognize the difference between a CD and a CD-R.

>> No.10902047

Yeah this is absolute bullshit PR response and they didn't expect anyone to actually try to play the games.

>> No.10902053

That's suck bullshit, especially since that doesn't mean it's ok to just burn disks without telling anyone.

>> No.10902070

yes, and then I canceled and refunded it because it was like 3 months after I bought an instock item (astro city mini) and they hadn't shipped the fucking things. I literally imported one from Japan, and got it sooner.

>> No.10902130

Especially since they target collectors, who (presumably) care about things being as legit as possible, and outside of fringe situations like prototypes or special limited prize items, official game releases are pressed, and -Rs are the stuff of bootlegs and home users just throwing something together to play.

>> No.10902160

What's most baffling is that they thought this was just the right decision to make, and that there wouldn't be any blowback. No warning and option to cancel for customers who didn't want burned discs, no "we're running into manufacturing issues, please hold on until we get it figured out," no outright cancelation, not even a warning that it would come off CD-Rs, they just shipped the fucker on CD-Rs and hoped nobody complained.

>> No.10902308

people still press CDs for albums that sell way less than this junk will; it's not that expensive and the quality is infinitely better given that older consoles often cant even read CD-Rs because their lasers aren't designed to and they're old now.

>> No.10902339
File: 308 KB, 2188x1440, discs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf makes nice art for my burnt CD-Rs. Should I forward her work to Limited Run Games? Maybe she could be their new head of distribution and production.

>> No.10902354

That We <3 Katamari one is great, tell her some jackass from the Internet liked it

>> No.10902372

No and fuck these people for what they have done to gaming.
Very cute art. DQVIII is the best

>> No.10902373


>> No.10902541

Ironically, the soundtrack CDs that came with it WERE pressed!

I love those, especially Klonoa 2

>> No.10902543

rent free

>> No.10902578

No, I don't buy bootlegs.

>> No.10902760

No my hobby is playing video games not buying plastic shit

This is cute

>> No.10902795


>> No.10902847

I have:
>Trip World
>Mr. Gimmick
I shouldn't have, but I did.

>> No.10902938

That's one less mid-class hooker, anon.

>> No.10902947

But the underside of their CDRs still have the light green/purple etc dye colors?

>> No.10902957

Well, who'd she follow? Hitler? Thought that guy was dead?

>> No.10902965

Very cute keepsakes, but don't expect to be able to actually play those games for much longer as the sharpie ink seeps into the underlayer.

Also, I've been on this board for too long. Didn't you post those ages ago?

>> No.10903013

> but don't expect to be able to actually play those games for much longer as the sharpie ink seeps into the underlayer.
this has to take a very long time because i have CD-Rs from like 20 years ago that still work fine with sharpie writing on them.

>> No.10903019

Both of the games there are sold for like $70 I think.
The current contents, which seem to be either a standard CD box from back in the day or a steelbook, likely a couple glossy inserts, and a CD.
If it's a standard box, then the manufacture of one release would only cost about $5 to $10 to make.
If it's a steelbook, $15.

>> No.10903079

Maybe my CD-Rs were just shit

>> No.10903093

Why would I waste money on a limitedrun grift when I could buy a Folio Society book instead?

>> No.10904724

When the news dropped I assumed it was someone who thought he was the dog's bollocks because he found a super cheap duplicator and didn't understand the difference between pressing and CD-R. And once the order was placed and the discs arrived and the blunder was revealed, they just tried to run with it.
"quality and reliability issues" fuck that. Unless someone can explain how the 3DO used some kind of non-standard track/pit arrangement that they can SOMEHOW replicate on CD-R but not an aluminium pressing, then I call utter horseshit. The only quality issues would be related to the bargain bin duplicator they used.

>> No.10904734

>The problem is they are the only ones selling physical releases for some games that are available generally as digital only.
It's why it's important to amplify the pushback against their bullshit at every opportunity. Right now there's no doubt publishers who don't know what a shitty company LRG is and they are planning a release through them, being told hold much money they could make and how awesome it is. And all it would take is a handful of anons making enough noise that they pick it up on their normie social medias that LRG sells low quality CD-Rs instead of pressings, out of spec carts with poor plastics, witholds limited copies to scalp through their "select partners" to make extra money over the contract price and no doubt other shit I've forgotten.

>> No.10905787

The sooner Jeremy Parish is unemployed, the better.

>> No.10905816

Unironically more soul than anything LRG has done

>> No.10905836

He's the most insufferable of insufferable cunts. What a blowhard. And I used to listen to the original Retronauts in 2007 or something; he didn't seem as obnoxious back then, but maybe I'm the one who has changed.

>> No.10905841

What was the reason they gave?

>> No.10905847

Yeah, ive bought stuff from them previously but its not something i look into often. They had vita games so that was cool but i dont have anything theyve done since blaster master 0

>> No.10905936

Off-topic I think. Posted the twitter screencap of LRG firing that woman for following conservatives on twitter.

>> No.10905950

So you posted about Twitter drama and not about retro video games?

>> No.10906009

He'll probably get banned for bringing up his ban, you'll probably be banned for asking about why he got banned, and I'll probably get banned for this post talking about your bans.

>> No.10906087

Once, but it was a switch game. It was fine.
I don't know what this person is talking about or have any reason to assume they're telling the truth.

>> No.10906089

Was great until the end where the last boss makes the game a black screen. I rage quit at that.

>> No.10906250

Multiple people have posted pictures/video of this, it's not some isolated incident or a single person lying. They just burned an ISO to a CD-R and sold it as if it was a professional release, it doesn't even boot for many people.

>> No.10906258

I'd buy some and I mean that unironically.

>> No.10906261

Some rando e-celebs, which are basically hitler in current year.
Really she got fired beacuse she played wizard game during the witch hunt. That's what made screeching twitter warriors go after her for who she followed in the first place. It's funny because their firmware updated and now Wizard game is an OK game to play in their eyes.

>> No.10906285

Who the fuck makes posts like this? My first ever burned CD-RWs were of Slayers episodes that I have to this day.

And I say 'CD-RW's for a reason, those things are supposed to 'degrade' faster than CD-Rs but they still work just as good as the day I bought them.

I only fault Limited run in this case in that people paid for pressed and got burned, which is a clear downgrade in quality from their previous releases. Not that the CD's aren't going to fucking work or whatever.

>> No.10908740


>> No.10908798

I'd never even heard of them before these shill threads started appearing.

>> No.10910912

> thread is everyone shitting on limited games
> sh.s.sh.shill thread

>> No.10912239

I got Limited Run Games version of Streets of Rage 4 back when that came out, and Fight n Rage but that game frickin SUCKS. other than that no.

>> No.10912262

Unfortunately I do not have more money than sense.

>> No.10913189

someone is itching for it to be thursday

>> No.10913215

Post fullsize Katamari please

>> No.10913234

I actually loved the final boss but hated the ending cutscene, which gets unbearably up its own ass.

>> No.10913256

Someone mentioned in another thread about this drama is that he has "troll's remorse" and as someone who followed his writing and later, podcasts and videos for...DECADES at this point, that fits him to a T. Gamergate shattered the brains of a lot of guys in that sphere.