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File: 17 KB, 304x224, Metal_Slug_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10898883 No.10898883 [Reply] [Original]

I've put probably 120 hours in this and the best I can do is a 3 credit clear. This game is so bullshit hard it's unreal

>> No.10898890

That’s because MS1 is a bad game.
Play X, or 3.

>> No.10898913

Wrong pic? MS1 is very doable if you're not outright retarded. Which part is killing you?

>> No.10898945

I might have over 120 hours in this game throughout my entire life, and I have 1 CC'd this one day when I decided to try until I made it.

>> No.10898953
File: 1.74 MB, 760x1174, 1689373062506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying. Playing on the arcade cabinet can be very rewarding. It depends entirely on your skill. No cheats like autofire, save states, speed hacks, etc. We believe in you anon.

>> No.10898973
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 20231204_235813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to get it after about 40 hours of so, over a little less than a month. just gotta know when to rush and when to take it slow. learn how to manage your grenades/missiles. learn how to use said grenades/missiles to quick kill the bosses. crouch shooting is buff, do it anytime you're standing still. I'm open to answer any questions you have about specific parts. Goodluck. Hopefully this isnt a weird bait thread lol

>> No.10899225

The game is hard as fuck, harder than vast majority of arcade games out there. Watch some replays and stick with it, because there is a lot of carryover of skillset between the games.

>> No.10899246

I'm not saying this game is easy, but it really is the easiest of all the metal slug games. The final mission from metal slug 3 will probably take you more than 3 credits, just for ONE mission. I think the hardest part of this game is when you fight Allen, and even that isn't super hard.

>> No.10899264

2 is way harder than 3.

In terms of difficulty:

2 > X > 6* > 3 > 4 > 5 > 1

*tentative, haven't cleared this one yet.

>> No.10899653

i can do a no death\no hit run through 1:1 but thats it kek
i use it as my "super mario test" when testing arcade hardware\adapters\displays etc
i look for screen tearing, emulation fuckups etc

i have the mvs boards and carts+lagless way to get the videosignal to crt

>> No.10899657

I got so close to a 1CC on an arcade cabinet and only blew it on Morden. This is actually fairly-balanced compared to the sequels.

>> No.10900298

Have you tried one clearing it in co-op? I'm sure there are people on fightcade that play it all day long

>> No.10900383

I can get to the lady mission without dieing but then I get assraped and need at least 10 credits to finish it

>> No.10900386

Last mission

>> No.10901080

First try doing no-death runs for one specific mission at a time (i.e. you can freely die on preceding ones).
When you learn to counter all attack patterns, memorize weapon drops and can survive each mission with metal slug intact, then go for 1CC.

>> No.10901956

I could 1CC this game but I can't consistently do no deaths. Allen O'Neil is my major no death killer.
By the way, how's the Playstation ports of Metal Slug 1 and X? I might try those just for the combat school.

>> No.10902040

Both of those are much harder than MS1, which is what OP's issue was

>> No.10902085

>That’s because MS1 is a bad game.
Shut your whore mouth

>> No.10902293
File: 61 KB, 640x360, gitgud-front-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue. I could 1cc it back in the days of Finalburn/Winkawaks... what was it, 23 years ago?

Last level of MS3 is not difficult as long as you do not fuck up any of the parts early on (like losing your plane, losing the spaceship, etc). If you do it right you'll enter the hard part of the spaceship with something like 50 grenades so you can just spam 'nades to quickly kill all of the alien walkers. The fake last boss is piss easy (dodge left, right, repeat), the zombie chamber just needs you to be quick, and if you don't get killed in the escape and skip the drop shot you can hit the final boss with a full ammo flame chop or shotgun which alone is enough to remove over half of its HP.
also, tip for the MS3 final boss, you can cancel a melee attack by turning around while crouching. So if you alternate between 3A,1A you can melee twice as fast as normal. Though, if you have to resort to melee against that boss, you are fucked anyhow, you should be killing it with the full shotgun/flame chop and 30-40 grenades you pull from the spaceship.

>> No.10902303

>Allen O'Neil is my major no death killer.
You have to stay either directly below him or directly above him. He can only attack forward and at angles (with the gun, or by throwing 'nades). You can also try knifing him, but you have to time it just right because he can also knife you back - you can dodge that by jumping, but it's risky.

>By the way, how's the Playstation ports of Metal Slug 1 and X? I might try those just for the combat school.
PSX ports were all horrible, avoid them. 2/3ds of the animation is missing, the sound is shit, and you have loading every 10-20 seconds into a level.
Saturn port is also horrible, it's only missing 1/3rds of the animation but in return it requires the RAM cart and has horrible slowdown. Some people argue that using a genuine 1mb cart (instead of the action replay) helps, but I tried it that way and it made no difference whatsoever. And the slowdown isn't like on the Neogeo original, it is much worse. The first twenty seconds of mission one play fine, after that the game is down to maybe 15fps at best. The only saving grace is that it has a hi-res art gallery, and a vocal version of the 2P ending song. It also has a bug in the combat school so you can't get the highest rank.

If you want to play it for the combat school, play it on Neogeo CD. But do note that every console port including NGCD is a later revision of the game and some item placements are different.

>> No.10902313

just cheat, do the one step at a time technique
dont move forward until everything is dead

>> No.10902395

120 hours is a 2-all in some autistic shmoop, try being less dumb, sincersmely anon

>> No.10902636

I have 1cc's in a few difficult arcade games and they all took me more than 150 hours each.
It just takes a lot of time.

What is your current method of progression? Are you simply doing run after run with no post-game analysis?

>> No.10902906

Instead of trying to git gud for super long, why doesn't someone just make a balance mod for the games? I'll definitely be there to give that guy patreon money, whoever he is

>> No.10902914

>Winkawaks... what was it, 23 years ago?
Fuck man.... those were the days

>> No.10903667

>I have 1cc's in a few difficult arcade games and they all took me more than 150 hours each.
That makes no sense. I have like a hundred no-miss clears, including some really difficult ones like Tiger Heli 2all nomiss, Sonic Wings 2all nomiss, Mushi 1.0 OG nomiss, 1944 nomiss, Daisenpuu nomiss, Gun.Smoke nomiss, RType 2J 2all nomiss, Sunset Riders 2all nomiss, and Metal Slug 1-5 nomiss, and none of them took 100 hours

>> No.10903970


>> No.10904002

Nice list bro. If you want to up the ante, try the Battle Bakraid training course or Deathsmiles next. The second one took me close to 50, but I'm also a quick learner when it comes to these games

>> No.10904109

I'm assuming you're joking but it sounds like you only play danmaku and have zero context regarding difficulty, some of those are insanely hard to no miss clear

>> No.10905132

MS1 is one of the most perfectly balanced and fair games ever made.
What on earth are you doing wrong?

You aren't going to last 30 seconds with the sequels.

>> No.10905146

Mars Gigantalos

>> No.10906804
File: 2.22 MB, 776x1212, Metal slug 3d Fio Germi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad they didn't ruin this series by making it a mobile gacha game. Oh wait...

>> No.10906805

man you must really suck dick at hard arcade games then lol

>> No.10907036

post clears

>> No.10907047

lmao have you played MS2?

>> No.10907390

SHMUP knowledge and skill are cumulative.
If you already played a hundred shmup getting a new 1cc won't be a big deal, but if you're getting started and playing something difficult for the first time it can easily take 100 hours.

>> No.10907989

Based on my experience that is not true.

>> No.10907997

any shmup player could 1cc metal slug in like 7 hours while shit like daioujou is at least hundreds hours

>> No.10908015

That's 100% bullshit. Even as someone with extensive clears and tons of experience with Metal Slug, Metal Slug 1 is still a very tough game compared to the average arcade game.

DOJ WL 2all is commonly regarded as one of the hardest shmup survival clears in existence, so not really a fair point of comparison.

>> No.10908035

that game is unironically good
buy oh man the fucking dailies had to drop it because of them

>> No.10908039
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, unibios8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys just play on the default difficulty settings?

>> No.10908054

level-4 is almost always the default, but yeah, default dips is how arcade games are played nowadays, especially for clears/scoring. There are some games where hardest dips is an interesting challenge, but most games are not really designed to be played in such a way.

>> No.10908084

lots of 2alls aren't far behind doj, only a shitter would think ms1 is above average

>> No.10908087

Post clears. I'm >>10903667

>> No.10908095

none of those are even cave/psikyo tier, thx for proving you are a shitter

>> No.10908102

Just from your response I can tell you are a shitter with no clears lol.

And btw many of those harder no-miss clears are more difficult than many Psikyo and CAVE 2all shitclears anyways.

>> No.10908110

>And btw many of those harder no-miss clears are more difficult than many Psikyo and CAVE 2all
pathetic cope from somone with no proper psikyo/cave 2alls
>b-but muh sengoku ace!!!

>> No.10908113

I literally never even mentioned Sengoku Ace, can you say rent-free?

>> No.10908117

people filtered by psikyo cope with that game, many such cases

>> No.10908124

I never mentioned the game or coped with it though? You are the one who brought it up and preemptively started seething about it.

Now post those clears lmao

>> No.10908236

Show some respect to based mariax you goober

>> No.10908276

Go away to /shmupg/ nobody wants you here

>> No.10908281

Any Konami, Psikyo, Cave, Irem, Taito or Raizing shooter is harder. The first Metal Slug is comparable to stuff like Space Harrier in terms of difficulty.

>> No.10908294

One of my most fond vidya memories was when I beat it on one quarter, the playthrough got so intense that some kids nearby walked over and watched til the end and were practically cheering by the last two missions. It's the only time in my life I've ever been able to beat it without a game over, maybe I was just better at games back then, but I think it might have to do with the fact I pulled that off on an actual cabinet. I think the actual act of putting in a quarter makes you play better psychologically somehow that you can't tap into playing it on a console.

I know for a fact I would only be able to pull that off with the first game though. It's definitely the easiest one, which is still high difficulty, but the sequels are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10908378

what do the difficulty dips even do on metal slug? I fucked around with different "levels" for a bit but I couldn't tell a difference so I just set it back to default.

>> No.10908434

How many hits the bosses take to die.

>> No.10908480

Have YOU cleared Space Harrier? Which Konami, Psikyo, Cave, Irem, Taito or Raizing games have YOU cleared?

What experience do you even have to be speaking on this?

>> No.10908484

>Have YOU cleared Space Harrier?
Yes, it was my easiest clear.
>Which Konami, Psikyo, Cave, Irem, Taito or Raizing games have YOU cleared?
Gradius, R-Type, Mr.Heli, Darius Extra and I'm currently playing Darius II, Metal Black and Strikers 1945. Never cleared other games from those companies but I played plenty.

>> No.10908494

Literally nothing you named is a harder clear than Metal Slug..

>> No.10908524

Strikers is longer, it has faster, denser bullet patterns, tankier enemies, more complex boss battles, suicide bullets, random level order for half of the game and random bosses near the end. How is it easier than Metal Slug?

>> No.10908537

Only for the 2all, you've not even done the 1all lol

>> No.10909610

Tankier enemies