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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 156 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10898840 No.10898840 [Reply] [Original]

Nintendo was even better at making garbage with no use though.

>check out the cool robot that you can get for your nintendo
>g-games which use it? well the 2 we made that even support it aren't any fun, and we will soon forget we ever produced this gay abomination

>> No.10898843
File: 858 KB, 1850x1850, NES-power-pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah just jump on this slippery mat
>be careful, it breaks easily

>> No.10898848
File: 46 KB, 1000x750, 91dyyzFdXcL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_DpWeblab_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super scope? more like stupid cope

>> No.10898853

y-your life is a stupid cope...

>> No.10898856
File: 160 KB, 1677x865, Powerglove_ACMI_Videogames_Nintendo_Exhibition.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the worst was the Power Glove. I wonder how many are still thrown in the back of closets?

Biggest affront to children of the day was hyping up this piece of soon to be garbage with ads and movies depicting uses for it which weren't even possible.

>> No.10898859
File: 56 KB, 800x600, LaserScope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your poor parents bought all this garbage for you, they'd be $500 poorer, which is like $2500 of today's money.

>here wear this helmet so you can play ONE FUCKING GAME, Captain Cornball!

>> No.10898861
File: 58 KB, 520x668, s-l1600 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy our hardware, anon! you have middle-class friends, right?

>> No.10898862
File: 70 KB, 1280x616, 1280px-Famicom-3D-System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D nintendo headset
Only released in Japan, because... it didn't sell well and was overly expensive.

>> No.10898865
File: 350 KB, 1200x795, s-l1200 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never fully abandoned this concept, it just mutated over time

>> No.10898867
File: 88 KB, 341x292, U-Force_Controller_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wave your arms around like a jerk so you can die much faster in the games you USED to love before you got this stupid thing

>> No.10898870

Nintendo’s attempt at an add-on (64DD) made the 32X look immaculate, and the Game Gear was nowhere near as scuffed as the Virtual Boy

>> No.10898871

Nintendo's ideas were fun. Even the "failed" experiments like ROB, power pad, etc were interesting and novel. Sega's peripherals were not.

>> No.10898873

to be fair, these were Mattel, Konami, and Broderbund, because lots of companies were dipping into the bullshit peripherals market around then

>> No.10898876
File: 331 KB, 1024x886, 5114047133_0cdeae0f76_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this stupid chair is "fun"
The ideas COULD have been fun if they had proper game support. But they almost never did.

>> No.10898878
File: 2.83 MB, 2450x3300, GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes your games look worse
>you have to play them with a bullshit controller

>> No.10898881
File: 2.04 MB, 2660x3380, Virtual-Boy-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail to the king, baby

>> No.10898884

Today they've evolved into selling literal cardboard for $50+

>> No.10898894
File: 46 KB, 800x600, SF_Memory_Cassette_and_GB_Memory_Cartridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introduce expensive rental cartridge and expensive special kiosks so people can buy games for a system that's already obsolete
1997 was when they introduced these. By that time the Japanese gamers had moved on to other systems. They kept this shit going until 2007 for some reason. I wonder how many ROMs they sold during 2006...

>> No.10898904
File: 172 KB, 710x1024, IMG_7234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the Disk Writer kiosk. I kind of like that they found ways to keep making money off dead hardware for so long.

>> No.10898906

>found ways to keep making money
Did these latecomer gadgets actually generate profits? It's incredibly hard to figure this out.

>> No.10898932

This thread reeks on extreme samefagging

>> No.10898940

No way to tell saar...

>> No.10898963

Almost all of them had the Nintendo Seal Of Approval though.

>> No.10898980

Holy shit, I thought I dreamed this. I saw a demo unit at a Kmart once and it blew my mind. I've been telling people about it for years and no one knew what I was talking about. Thank you for posting this.

>> No.10898992

Why the fuck couldn't 1 player be on the TV and the others use the GBA for 2-4 players? The TV mode is already on the Singeplayer mode so I don't get it.
Better yet, why even require 4 GBA's? Why not just have 4 screens show up on the TV?
There's also the Crystal Chronicles multiplayer that forces this shit on you too. Hundreds of dollars worth of hardware for what, the players don't have to pause to access their inventory? You REALLY couldn't figure out a way for it to be real-time on the TV for each player? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.10898994


>> No.10899000

the U-Force did actually work

>> No.10899008

too bad only Japan gets the interesting shit like those

>> No.10899023

I agree that Nintendo has made some pretty dumb accessories, but >>10898848 and >>10898878 aren't bad at all. >>10898861
is fine on its own, it's just that one specific game kind of overdid it. >>10898865 was kind of a weird one but I didn't even know it was compatible with regular Pokemon cards.

>> No.10899027

Super Scope literally has ZERO reason to exist.

>> No.10899028

>you have to play them with a bullshit controller
You can use the GBA if you have the GBA-GCN link cable.

>> No.10899030

>paying nearly full retail price to buy a rom is interesting
By the time that ROM writer kiosk thing was released, you could emulate the SNES on commodity home computers lol.

>> No.10899031

those aren't regular cards, they're ones with extra e-Reader data

>> No.10899034

SNES doesn't have many light gun games, but it does have a few like T2 Arcade. That and the Konami Justifier only works with Lethal Enforcers

>> No.10899048

Light gun games kind of sucked anyway until the Playstation days.

>> No.10899050

*could emulate it poorly, and the base $10 isn't too bad of a price

>> No.10899056

>could emulate it poorly
By the time they discontinued the rental program, you had good accurate emulators for the SNES. But the point is, it was a ROM selling machine for a console people no longer played, and for which actual used games which included (typically in Japan) the box and manual too were cheap and plentiful.

I looked a couple years back and couldn't find any sales figures. So who knows if it was even profitable.

>> No.10899067

it did its job of extending the snes's lifespan a bit longer while 64 picked up

>> No.10899080

NES Zapper and Master System Phaser games are good you should try them. Only the 16-bit era was disappointing

>> No.10899082

>it did its job of extending the snes's lifespan
Proofs? There's no proof it made money, and used games back then were dirt cheap.

It's just another lame Nintendo failure.

>> No.10899130

oh yes i forgot you never got the disk system in murrica,or games for cheap.
>2500 yen for blank disk
>500 yen for writting games
>you got almost all the games
>if it was a regular sized game you could write 2 games in a disk
>if the game was slim it was free (mario bros,ice climber,bomberman,devil world just to name a few).
>game system was active up to 2001
murrica never got the good things like this or satella view
>also how did they kept making money if most of the time was just go to the kiosk and get the free games?
reeks to stupidity what you are saying.

>> No.10899136

by the time it was discontinued it most sne emulators were shit and most of them couldn't emulate the special chips at all.

>> No.10899141

not really most people sed snes and the consoles they had,japanese don't tend to move they try to keep the stuff.
they aren't like murricans that destroy their shit and then give them a collector value with the "muuuhh rare game and console there are a few in the world"

>> No.10899162

Auster thread

>> No.10899205

>they aren't like murricans that destroy their shit and then give them a collector value with the "muuuhh rare game and console there are a few in the world"
Yes they are, even more so. And they're being strip mined right now.

>> No.10899513
File: 363 KB, 800x800, Satellaview_with_Super_Famicom[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay $300 + monthly tip to both Nintendo and St. GIGA
>can play trimmed down versions of games you already own, or trimmed down versions of games you already own with people talking over the game
>only if they decide to let you through
>is completely, absolutely worthless hardware unless you lived in Japan from 1995 to 2000
Really cool!

>> No.10899552
File: 1.62 MB, 1578x1047, NINTENDO-64DD-CONSOLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we make an add-on to our console, with the intent of putting out bigger games at lower costs... and we delay it until every game, even the ones we've been making internally, shifts development to the Gamecube, GBA, or our competitors, then release it with literally 3 fucking games, an expansion kit for an N64 cartridge, and then a bunch of applications?

>> No.10899572

>is completely, absolutely worthless hardware unless you lived in Japan from 1995 to 2000
it was only sold in japan from 1995 to 2000 and it was very successful for what it was
that thing was quietly rolled out in japan by mail order only and quickly discontinued because they knew how stupid it was
meanwhile the 32x...

>> No.10899590

>meanwhile the 32x...
Sold 665k at full price next to the 64DD's 15k total?

>> No.10899607

The smugness of the console warrior is extremely obvious, and can't stop samefagging. Worthy of a National Geographic documentary.

>> No.10899609

the documents are out in the public now
millions of 32xs went unsold and had to be destroyed
yeah nintendo made a bunch of dumb gimmicky shit but it was all throw away side projects, they never bet it all on meme hardware and killed themselves like sega did

>> No.10899626

Lolwat? Only 800k units were even made

>> No.10899627

>worldwide retail store product sold more than japan-exclusive mail-order product

>> No.10899632

Wow! Almost like they shouldn't have sat on it for years, trying to cram in bullshit like online stock trading, instead of releasing it early on

>> No.10899636


>> No.10899639

they realized it sucked so they cut their losses and dumped it rather than betting their entire companies life of a guaranteed flop

>> No.10899658

Nah. They were simply too incompetent to get their hardware out when it would have mattered.

>> No.10899664
File: 378 KB, 595x402, Cranky on Quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just means it works, not that it works well.

>> No.10899665

if nintendo is incompetent with their hardware what does that make sega?

>> No.10899680

Relatively pretty fucking competent. They didn't promise the 32X for 3 years then barely released it, they put that hunk of shit together quick and got it in stores.

>> No.10899684

a lot of ideas like the fishing rod and the analog controllers for saturn were really good.
sega had good peripherals, the issue was the cost of the games on the mega cd and the retardation that was the 32x which was made to fight the jaguar made by kalinske false claims while reducing dev time towards saturn which would have solved the bugs which caused it to have more difficulties at programming it and as addition obtain software to translate triangle models to the saturn square modelling easily.

>> No.10899707

where is sega's hardware now?

>> No.10899713

It was the coolest fucking shit and everyone wanted one.
Congratulations on proving you're underage but desperately need to portray some kind of "retro gamer" street cred based on opinions you watched from ecelebs.

>> No.10899724

>h-hey what about 31 years later though??

>> No.10899728

What a retard

>> No.10899737

Got it, releasing hardware instead of sitting on it for years until everybody loses what interest they had is retarded.

>> No.10899742

Welcome to the circus of the samefag! The best clowns of the town!

>> No.10899751

sega stopped making hardware 20 years ago

>> No.10899768

No shit retard, they didn't make the kind of money that would let them eat horrible losses like Nintendo could with the Virtual Boy or 64DD, or later the Wii U.

>> No.10899794

Those idiots didn't realize arcades were dead and kept trying to pump out fully custom 3D solutions which were beaten by cheap ass 3D cards for PCs.

>> No.10899798

Why did Nintendo continue to make money if they were so dumb and made flop after flop?
Why did Sega exit the hardware business if every product they made was actually a success and the best of its kind?

>> No.10899818

this might've worked if it came with a headstrap and was gameboy compatible. Would've sold as well as the apple vision.

>> No.10899832

Who gives a shit? This is a thread about useless garbage, not a 90's history class
Feel free to post Sega-made trash peripherals

>> No.10899847

Portables and a near-monopoly in Japan until the PlayStation released. They were able to eat the VB, N64, 64DD, and Gamecube all underperforming.

>as if they aren’t just going to post Sega consoles

>> No.10900579

>Who gives a shit?
Damn look how mad you are. You're going to give yourself an ulcer.

>> No.10901375

A number of these aren't Nintendo, be more consistent with your criticism
Sangkharom Trading Company
Obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.10901786

>OP just posting examples of the thread topic
faggots on this board are so mentally ill

>> No.10901931

It was the 2000s, so yes I did.

>> No.10901995

kek did they sell any of those?

>> No.10901997

It had zero fun games and it was always thrown away or at best, into the back of a closet.

>> No.10902004 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 959x431, 59f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem kind stranger!

>> No.10902007

>all these cool ways to play
sega could never hope to compete

>> No.10902017 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x602, b8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10902069

15k total.

>> No.10902097

How desperate you have to be to post basedjaks on /vr/? That a new low.

>> No.10902145

so idiotic of sega, they could have sold much more software to those people. If they had just supported it for 2 years at least it would be remembered so much better. I think the hardware was good enough. The sega 3d glasses were cool and they should have used them on the genesis.

32x, sega cd, pce cd, saturn ram cart, n64 ram expansion, master system fm sound and atari supercharger were the only addons that really made any significant difference.

>> No.10902163

Fuck you, the Super Scope was awesome.

>> No.10902174

I honestly wish I could get an actual Disk Writer and Nintendo Power kiosk. It'd be kinda neat to have the real things and have them operational, maybe put them in a game store or arcade.

>> No.10902242

It was probably just money laundering but people did use it. Selling something that has limited proof of purchase. 1 disk could have dozens of purchases tied to it. Not that Nintendo would be involved in anything shady, nor the stores that stock their products.

>> No.10902330 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10902335 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 288x175, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10905193

>never experiment or do anything new or unexpected
>toy manufacturers should stop manufacturing toys
OP is a fag, your thread sucks