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10898575 No.10898575 [Reply] [Original]

It's the most underrated Zelda II style game

>> No.10898712

Anon. For good fucking reason, I grew up this game and it's been a cornerstone of inspiration for a lot of shit I make. But this game is a complete pain in the ass to play. There's 0 point to combat outside of bosses as no enemies drop stuff and all fights can be bypassed if you're the right class in the right area, the sword combat is a cute idea but you're generally better off crouching and tapping B to whack things in the shin. There's some cool as fuck upgrades you get but it's really disappointing that each upgrade is just used to bypass a single nuclear obstacle each time, like how you use the Wizard's fireball staff to kill a nuclear beehive.

I cannot bring myself to hate the game because how great the soundtrack is, and I love how it looks, but holy shit it doesn't play very nice.

>> No.10898937
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>evil meter

>> No.10899053

No. Between W&W and Ironsword I prefer the first but I don't genuinely believe there is a drop in quality between the two. III is fucking dogshit though. It's awful.

>> No.10899097

I didn't say it was a good Wizards and Warriors game. I said it was a good Zelda II game. I do agree that it shouldn't be a W&W title.

>> No.10899169

haven't played 3 but fortress of fear on GB kicks my ass

>> No.10899212

They obviously used "evil" because it's an anagram of live, so they wouldn't have to use extra graphics space for a different word.

>> No.10899217

Anon, the above meter says life. They still had to make a V.

>> No.10899376

It's just the boss hp meter but for some reason it's there even when there's no boss on screen.

>> No.10899396
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>evil is everywhere

>> No.10899426

>I said it was a good Zelda II game
I don't see that at all. Combat is pointless, and upgrades have no practical use other than bypassing the single roadblock for each one.

>> No.10899443
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only good game in the series

>> No.10899461

Just look at the town design, retard

>> No.10899518

There's not much to the towns in Zelda 2, and you know that. Have you played both of these games or are you just pulling stuff out of your ass?

>> No.10899557

How'd he get away with it, /vr/? Clear case of trademark infringement.

>> No.10899563

my guess would be either nobody cared enough to legally pursue it or an even earlier work used the same name thereby rendering the claim moot

>> No.10899573

Brother, there are very few games in the sidescrolling platforming action/RPG genre. Just let W&W3 have this one.

>> No.10899619

my b, still saved them 3 letters though

>> No.10899660

>Just let W&W3 have this one.

>> No.10899673

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

>> No.10899736

Fuck you

>> No.10899791

There's soft locks if you get the question items in the wrong order. It's an interesting concept and extension of the previous games but it really drags and falls apart towards the end.

>> No.10899802

W&W3 is a WillyVania.

>> No.10899895

always seemed like a fake game

>> No.10899921

You mean a 2D souls-like?

>> No.10899985

dunno about underrated, but I agree that it deserves some positive ratings by at least some players - it's a big inaccessible mess and it kind of isn't good, but it's also kind of awesome, and if nothing else it's a lot more interesting than "generally pleasant and nicely polished Capcom/Konami action game #117"

>> No.10900508

The first one is best

Fortress of fear for gb was one of the first games i ever owned so i have a soft spot for it. Amazing music

>> No.10900702

Those are the best kind of games, "not good, but kind of awesome"

>> No.10901623

This game was great. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.10901631
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Just like Castlevania

>> No.10901923

yea it was, it's just that it had some yuge shoes to fill from Ironsword.

>> No.10901938

This fucking game was like $70 when it came out

>> No.10903363


I like the thief class

>> No.10905428

My single favorite thing in this game is the thief test music. David Wise at his most daring

>> No.10905434

I don't believe you

>> No.10905442


wanted to give it a chance, but just got bored...

>> No.10905481

Play Ironsword instead.

>> No.10905483 [DELETED] 


>> No.10905484 [DELETED] 
