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10893863 No.10893863 [Reply] [Original]

>game is actually good
>considered bad by the general public because some faggot youtuber made a video shitting on it
which are some other cases?

>> No.10893868

Depends on the version you're playing. The 64 ports of Gex are surprisingly bad, I think they just ported the PS1 geometry straight over which is a big no-no on the n64, completely chokes it and kills the framerate. Gex 2 is solid, 3 is very good although a few levels wear out their welcome. It seems some youtuber also made a saturn and croc video considering how much the zoomers on this board piss their pants over those two.

>> No.10893883

make sure you're playing the american version with based dana gould, not the shitty european version

>> No.10893893

Gex 64 is awful but Gex 3 on 64 is fairly competent, although it still loses to the PS1 version.

>> No.10893898

I grew up with the N64 version, idk about the frame rate but it does have the extra Titanic stage which is nice

Some people prefer the PAL version specifically because of no Dana Gould, though as someone who grew up with the North American version it's just not the same to me lol

>> No.10893904

why shouldn't I drink tap water at Andy Garcia's?

>> No.10893907

Quest 64. And don't let people shit on Gex 64, it's great as well. Fuck the haters.

>> No.10893910

I’ll be honest, it isn’t great. I couldn’t finish it, just too tedious. There weren’t enough quips to keep me going.

>> No.10893913

I'm surprised it improved, Gex 3's environments are significantly more detailed and have far more unique assets so I imagine it took a lot of optimization.

>> No.10893914

Quest 64 was beyond awful. I would rather play Wayne’s World.

>> No.10893917
File: 164 KB, 2048x1084, 3DO-FZ-10-Console-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a game, but the 3DO in general deserves more respect than most people give it. By coincidence it just happens to be "the Gex console"

>> No.10893919

Gex 1 is ok, but the quips repeat ALOT. Should've added more variety to em.

>> No.10893943
File: 262 KB, 766x720, 1704547195615383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, fuck you.

>> No.10893959

Silent Hill 4
if there is a SH game that deserves to be shat on it's Reddit Hill 2 not SH4

>> No.10893970

*farts on your face*

>> No.10893976

These games are only good if you played them when you were 8

>> No.10894080

>Some people prefer the PAL version specifically because of no Dana Gould, though as someone who grew up with the North American version it's just not the same to me lol
the british voice just doesn't fit the way gex looks

>> No.10894112

SH4 is far from being a bad game but the few hours feel like a chore

>> No.10894116

Gex is awful
Now Croc, that's my lizard

>> No.10894118

the last few hours I mean

>> No.10894138

Many such cases

>> No.10894172

>considered bad by the general public because some faggot youtuber made a video shitting on it
This is never true. You’re just blatantly obviously shitposting. Fuck off.

>> No.10894219

gex's atmosphere and premise are fantastic, up there with some of the best on the ps1, but the actual game is just ok, dry psx dpad platformer. You know the sort of game where the basic gameplay is so fun that you just have to play another level, another 15 minutes? that's not gex.

>> No.10894296

>You know the sort of game where the basic gameplay is so fun that you just have to play another level, another 15 minutes? that's not gex.
Then why did that happen to me? I don't think it's a great game but the levels are quite interesting so that I can afford to check out one or two more or sometimes just fool around in the hub world

>> No.10894323

I think the controls are pretty good. You got a few moves, my proyos the levels being a little boring especially as you get farther in the games. Though, there are still fun ones, it all starts to blend together

>> No.10894336

Never liked the Gex slander. All three of his games are fun platformers and his quips are so dorky they're charming, but the PS1 versions are definitely best.

>> No.10894779

He named two games he liked. That's it. How are people this mindbroken by Nintendo?

>> No.10894781

>dry psx dpad platformer
Did it not support the dualshock?

>> No.10894794

>Spyro and Crash plushies
Intruder alert

>> No.10894796

>hich are some other cases?
Castlevania 64. The AVGN couldn't even get halfway through it and said it was shit. It's actually very good.

>> No.10894830

It just has virtual dpad support, crash 2 and 3 have actual analog control in the game logic.

>> No.10895162

CV2 as well

>> No.10895193

Which British voice?

>> No.10895838

Post the the video that ruined reputation of this game then.

>> No.10895842

>considered bad by the general public because some faggot youtuber made a video shitting on it

>> No.10895852
File: 45 KB, 500x666, 1657250150597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to trace where my own opinion came from you cunt.
You might as well say "Reddit didn't like this game"

>> No.10895859

The brainrot from /tv/ and /v/ is sitewide now, there's nowhere left for intelligent anons, just join the zombie mob and regurgitate threads while spamming "tendie" and "mogs"

>> No.10895970

both of them

>> No.10896023

I swear, you are one nigger trying to spread this shitty meme. Fuck off.

>> No.10896051

I think OP is trying to elude to Videogamedunkey.

>> No.10896058
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 167619121519340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think Reddit Hill 2 sucks

>> No.10896059

It once was but now there are multiple people. Don't know if they even played the games honestly. While we are at it, I'm convinced most people here don't actually play video games and only repeat 4chan opinions to feel like they are part of the elite or some shit
Yeah that's basically what I was trying to say. This site has been idiot central for a while now

>> No.10897515

>if something is popular then it is a reddit/normie/pleb tier
That's an old stupid meme. Popular does not equal bad.

>> No.10897524

You got it backwards, dumbass. Gex 64 adds analog movement and different levels, but Gex 3 on 64 is an extremely lazy port of the PS1 version, and it shows.

>> No.10897526

I don't know about the graphics, but they didn't adapt the controls and levels for Gex 3 on 64, unlike for Gex 64. It's a pain to play on N64, while Gex 64 has always been a good time.

>> No.10897814

Gex is only a game you like if you have nostalgia for it.
I never owned a Gex game back when they were new because I played a demo once of one of the 3D ones and it was ass.

>> No.10897867

it's good but it could've been even better if the second half wasn't an escort mission and if you went throught the dark otherworldly versions of previoulsy visited worlds

>> No.10898229

I liked the N64 better because multiplayer at a friend's house with that shit was awesome

>> No.10898294

Nah, fuck that unfunny yank. Also, his voice gets grating as fuck halfway thru the first level. JERRY GARCIA'S HOUSE! AHAHAAHAHA

>> No.10898356

imagine the dust

>> No.10898506

Gex's basic gameplay is solid.
But the map design is horrible.
All maps are linear and suffer from following:
Get 1st remote, which is located in first 1/3, get teleported out.
Get 2nd remote, which is located in second 1/3, get teleported out.
Get 3rd remote, which is located in third 1/3 get teleported out.
This Mario-like gameplay does not work on linear levels
and makes the game pointlessly repetitive without of any added exploration
that could be achieved on open maps.

>> No.10898790

Yeah, the best levels always had big branching paths for each remote. The Rocket Channel levels from Gex 2 come to mind.

>> No.10899951

because tap water is bad

>> No.10899978

>game is actually good
your argument was flawed from the first line

>> No.10899990

Gex 1 is an extremely good 2d platformer, albeit a little abtuse after the first world. Gex enter the gecko is better than every N64 scotformer sans sm64. Gex 3 is also a top contender in the scotformer are a of retardation, but I will say that gex having his cheesy punchlines and quips adds just enough to make it my favorite 3d platformer. I can't decide between 2 or 3 being more fun to replay.

>> No.10900038

In the mid 90s I had P3DO (kek, almost like PTSD) while my older brother purchased PS1 for himself. And damn, when Crash Bandicoot got released it turned out to be such a fun to play as opposed to original Gex (and graphics had little to do with that).

Well, at least I could brag that I played the original NfS, Road Rash and Return Fire before they got ported to PS1 (in mere several months, fug).

>> No.10900042

How many times do you have to get molested to end up like this

>> No.10900535

prefer gex 64 to all the other rare platformers...hell I think its second place for me behind mario 64. love its levels, art design and gex's one liners. perhaps I appreciate it a lot now that I'm older and know all of gex's cinema references, but the gameplay and its variety is awesome. i guess the 64 port is bad, but I loved it anyway.

>> No.10900720

>But the map design is horrible.

I think 'horrible' is massively overstating it. It's just not as good as Mario 64. Which is a shame, because I vastly prefer Gex's snappy handling to Mario's momentum based movement.

>> No.10901081

Reminder that Gex outsold Banjo for a large margin.

>> No.10901089

good, well deserved.

>> No.10901162

I love both voices so much that I alternate between them each time I replay this game.

>> No.10901168

I could have sworn 3 had unique levels on 64 too, didn't it? I'm pretty sure the Greece level is different.

>> No.10901669

man anon with all these strawmen we're starting to look like twitter!

>> No.10902734

Cope eurocuck.

>> No.10902746

*uncrosses legs and farts*

>> No.10902752

I loved this game

>> No.10902790

I've always been a SH4 enjoyer. Yes, it's different from the first 3, but I think anyone that excludes it from being included with them is retarded. I'd even go so far as to admit that it is worse than the first 3, but it's by no means a shit game that deserves being excluded.

That said, your take on SH2 is too contrarian for me. It's extremely popular and even to a degree that is fucking annoying and has negatively impacted the series as a whole, but that's only because it is actually an amazing game. Judging a game by its fanbase is a mistake in every case.

>> No.10903812

Reddit Hill 2 is worse than SH4, haters shit on 4 gameplay but turn a blind eye to the braindead mess that is Reddit Hill 2 gameplay
SH4 is a survival horror game that requires you to think and plan your strategy and what scarce items to take with you before embarking upon a journey through the hole
Reddit Hill 2 is a glorified movie game with ''walk in the park'' piss easy tier of difficulty and even worse it showers with with ammo and health items you will end up with tons of unused shit by the end of the game

>> No.10903956
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>game I have nostalgia for is good because I have nostalgia
>tell people it's good and over hype the game to people
>the game is actually average but since it didn't live up to expectations they say the game is bad
>everyone hates game now
This happens all the time with many games and is a good reminder to never over hype the games you grew up with. Gex is not bad but it isn't good either it's average at best and the VA hate is a nitpick as the pal region has a different one that may be more palatable to nay sayers. And yes bitching about the voice is a common thing people parrot from their favorite e-celeb.