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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 6 KB, 256x225, SNES_F-Zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10892519 No.10892519 [Reply] [Original]

>Boring games you played for 5 mibutes then never played again but gaming historians act like were a big deal.

What are some other examples?

>> No.10892523
File: 5 KB, 460x276, Pong460x276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10892524

You have bad taste in games.

>> No.10892543

pic unrelated

>> No.10892557
File: 56 KB, 432x450, 1713612013463114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaming historians

>> No.10892563

Pretty sure this guy also posted a troll thread yesterday about "influential" games where he refused to call any game influential for whatever reasons he decided on as he was typing his post.

>> No.10892570
File: 198 KB, 1800x1578, 1685849755233901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like racing games (that aren't mario kart)
>I'll never like them, probably
>But I'll keep trying them
>and I'll keep bitching about them
many such cases! maybe anon should stop trying to fit in and play what he likes!

>> No.10892574

This is me with JRPGs. Every time I feel like I'm getting somewhat invested in one I remember I have like 40 more hours to go and it discourages me.

>> No.10892609

Any NES game
Wolfenstein 3d
Tomb raider
Mortal Kombat

>> No.10892624

>see's troll thread
>knows it's a troll thread
>angrily replies anyways instead of ignoring it

>> No.10892625

Extremely retarded thread

>> No.10892640

ok, auster

>> No.10892641
File: 50 KB, 441x436, 1662398600167374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bait

>> No.10892646

game (You) like is bad

>> No.10892854

proof it's a troll thread?

>> No.10892957

It's in the url newfag

>> No.10892961
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1662435699662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying "4chan" is the reason this is a troll thread

>> No.10893070

OP should have posted NiGHTS.

>> No.10893328

wow contrarian much hipster very fag quite gay

>> No.10893332


That game was @%!$ng dumb. I played it and it sucked too

>> No.10893340

smash: the thread

>> No.10893385

Not just 5 minutes, that’s dumb, but yeah, I never cared for F-Zero. Super Mario Kart was worse, however.
Anyway, my list of “I just can’t get into this popular and iconic shit no matter how much I try”:
Smash Bros
Baldur’s Gate
Hitman 2

>> No.10893392

Oh that’s a great pick, yeah.
>So… I’m just flying around in a circle with this tranny clown? This is what they made for the console instead of a fucking Sonic?

>> No.10893428

This and Pilotwings. Snes launch lineup was shit.

>> No.10893497

Was just thinking about getting this for Christmas. Great game, anyone else love it as much as me?

Always made sure to jump the center gap in Port Town even though the game penalized you severely for doing it.

>> No.10893517

/zelda/ thread?

>> No.10893614


>> No.10893618

great game with great tunes

>> No.10893621

Mario kart snes sucked too
Super nintendo had zero good racers

>> No.10893643

thats just jeremy parish i have no idea why he has such a boner for that game

>> No.10893652

I started buying ps3 games some years back and Skyrim is the one game I have never finished. I think I played for an hour which was sort of a tutorial and I wasn't impressed and/or some other game came from mail and I never finished Skyrim.

>> No.10893660
File: 15 KB, 253x238, 1462829713540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any NES game

>> No.10893694
File: 69 KB, 757x667, Screenshot 2024-04-30 082502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the SNES but like more than half the library is absolutely abysmal. Most of the sport games are terrible. Most of the platformers are terrible. Most of the racing games are terrible. Earthbound is a popular one though I think I only played for a few minutes before turning it off. Something about it was just boring. Maybe I need to try it again. Also any of the puzzle games. F-Zero is great though. Try Battle Cars (picrel) if you want to see what a shitty mode 7 racing game plays like

>> No.10893730
File: 43 KB, 355x500, mario-45204-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a "big deal" because nobody had ever seen anything like Mode 7 before. NES and Genesis couldn't do it and it was revolutionary new tech for the time. It may not look as cool as F-Zero X or GX, but without the og those sequels wouldn't exist anyway.

I would give the edge to F-Zero, even on the N64 it's just a cooler game.

>> No.10893735
File: 161 KB, 1110x1482, 200518114838-05-pac-man-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10893749

Zoomer: the thread
Tell us all about it, guys

>> No.10893764

This thread reads like some lame childish shit. Pure garbage posts

>> No.10893826

Deffo DOOM, what a pile of crap. It's basically a tech demo except instead of demonstrating how cool your stuff is, you're showing how shit it is. Basically F-Zero (more like PLAIN ZERO) but instead of a spaceship that can't lift off you're a flying gun stuck to the bottom of the screen playing exploding point and click

>> No.10893841
File: 123 KB, 720x751, MbGTvP3V3Jwq4qxXXj6qBo68U9ffHmrI6wAzCQsRsLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I play NES Tetris almost daily

>> No.10893848

i got as far as the first episode and half the second episode of wolfenstein 3D before i got bored and gave up on it.

i get the historical significance of it but everything was too samey.

>> No.10893853
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1689776379487029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright anon they'll get it eventually. Same with Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc.

>> No.10893939
File: 390 KB, 500x688, laughing deedlit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FGC and Smash fags were getting too much heat for being fake niggas so they spent $80 on a live service title to act like they've always been around.

>> No.10894039

Every Zelda game.
Every Metroid.

>> No.10894054

You're boring and you can't spell minutes correctly.

>> No.10894067

I blame it on socialist public education

>> No.10894079

I got filtered by fallout 1 & 2 back in the mid 2000s. my friend had a combo pack of them that also had tactics I believe. I didnt have any frame of reference for how to play a game like that, so I got stuck and bored. I freely admit that it's a problem with me though, and that I can see why people love those games. I enjoyed watching my friend play them. I remember a quest in 2 where my friend became a pornstar named Mr. Pink. Laughed my teenaged ass off at that

>> No.10894105 [DELETED] 

you never saw a vagina in real life either. That's why you play the worst games. Smash sucks ff7 sucks

>> No.10894108 [DELETED] 

Shut your nerd face

>> No.10894113

This. They hate anything before ps2 because they saw their dad bang their mom that one time and hate all millenial games now

>> No.10894147

Damn, what a garbage thread