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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.02 MB, 960x540, sphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10891818 No.10891818 [Reply] [Original]

Sphinx has good visuals, atmosphere and amazing character models but the gameplay and level design is very rough. It's one of these games that immediately make you think "Oh, so that's why Zelda games are so good." You have to do every mundane thing twice in a row without any variation, like to make spikes that block your way disappear you have to climb up a rope, slowly sidle ledges and then pull a lever. Then, for whatever reason, you have to do the same thing 1:1 on the other side of the corridor

Despite being a generation after OoT, it doesn't have targeting or dodge rolling and pretty much 0 memorable enemies

The worst thing is the saving system though

>> No.10891823
File: 82 KB, 409x406, sphinc review steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The worst thing is the saving system though
This guy describes it better than I could

Too frustrating is better than too easy but aggressively time wasting and discouraging experimenting is worse than both

>> No.10891827

pretty easy game to accidentally softlock, too. I managed to do it by accident twice when I played it a year or two ago

>> No.10891829

Shame the game is lame, that screenshot looks kino

>> No.10891832

It misses some greens, palm trees, oases, etc. So much water but almost no greens is weird. While the NPCs are very detailed they're also desperately missing SOME kind of voice acting, at least unique grunts or gibberish

>> No.10891835

It's still a decent enough game, you should try it if you really like the setting

>> No.10891848

Zoomers belong in a garbage can.

>> No.10891912
File: 29 KB, 422x442, Dud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game doesn't auto save
>instead of running to the closest save station after completing a long dungeon he decides to explore
>dies like a fucking idiot
>pretends is the game's fault and not his fault for being stupid
>manufactures a outrage at the end by pretending the devs didn't respect the players so he can have the moral high ground to validate his stupidity
Fucking zoomers, I swear to God, always hiding behind some "noble" and "moral cause" just to hide how petty their truly are
This reminds me of journos not knowing they have to manually save in Pokemon games and then bitching about losing all their progress

>> No.10891961

>While the NPCs are very detailed they're also desperately missing SOME kind of voice acting, at least unique grunts or gibberish
Agreed. Lack of voice acting was very strange. Missed opportunity to add extra charm to the characters.

>> No.10892223

Well yeah when it's mediocre content that's a bad thing. Even if you love the game, hardly any segment is good or fun enough having to do it twice in a row. And we're talking up to 30 minutes or even longer here + unskippable cutscenes

>>instead of running to the closest save station after completing a long dungeon he decides to explore
That screenshot is just one example and maybe "nearest" wasn't near at all

It's the kind of game where you should dick around and experiment. It's also flawed, a bit atypical in the way things work and has basically 0 real depth. If you die, there is a 90% chance it's because of something stupid like your character not grabbing a ledge when he should, you trying to hit spikes with your sword to see what happens and it somehow hits you or you simply didn't realize you were low health because it's easy to overlook

Not really a git gud kinda thing

>> No.10892234

Zoomers belong in a garbage can.

>> No.10892246
File: 1.76 MB, 857x895, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is also spots where you can't even avoid taking damage which is almost always shit game design, like if you choose the "wrong" door near the beginning. You get hit by an instant laser, get teleported to where you were (which looks cheap and like the game bugging out) and lose health

>> No.10892248

>zoomers are against bad game design and unskippable cutscenes
Maybe zoomers aren't so bad after all

>> No.10892252

>no Hydlide in Egypt
why indeed? it's not fair...

>> No.10892257

You really are pathetic. You can't even play a video game, you just want the dumb fucking discord badge. I can't even consider someone like you a human being.
>how.. how DARE they make me replay a segment of gameplay! UNACCEPTABLE. UNACCEPTABLE. HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE THEY

>> No.10892258

literal trash opinion
why do you fucking come here? who linked 4chan.org/vr/ to you and you thought this as a good place to come and be underage?

>> No.10892290

It too often feels like some French licensed game but it's still one of the better LoZ clones and has a very underused setting. Can't hate it.

>> No.10892357

Never finished it but I remember it being very dry and progression being stupid sometimes. Also awful loading screens in the town, like playing Fallout 4 with an HDD

>> No.10892371
File: 2.21 MB, 640x360, 1702557476336733.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite being a generation after OoT, it doesn't have targeting or dodge rolling and pretty much 0 memorable enemies
Zelda 64 was Elden Ring but 30 years before Elden Ring and with villages and great puzzle solving. Both OoT and MM are unironically underappreciated nowadays.

>> No.10892375
File: 578 KB, 1920x1080, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that screenshot looks kino
It mogs Asscreed Origins

>> No.10892378
File: 623 KB, 1920x1080, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10892381

>Both OoT and MM are unironically underappreciated nowadays.
All great retro games are. 99% of zoomers will make fun of you if you suggest 'a super old game'

>> No.10892392
File: 26 KB, 265x376, Shifters_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Beyond Good and Evil very similar and has a similar setting? Never played it. Shifters is an overhated/underrated game that has, though. You can transform into a bunch of creatures and some of them are Egyptian mythology.

>> No.10892397 [SPOILER] 

>>how.. how DARE they make me replay a segment of gameplay!
If you want to repeat yourself so can I: If it's mediocre segments, that's a bad thing. Even if you love the game, hardly any segment is good or fun enough having to do it twice in a row. And we're talking up to 30 minutes or even longer here + unskippable cutscenes

And you're focusing on one point when there are many things meh with the game

>> No.10892461

I'd like one but the battle system has you summoning ancient devils using stone tablets

>> No.10892492

This game sucked

>> No.10892725

>While the NPCs are very detailed they're also desperately missing SOME kind of voice acting, at least unique grunts or gibberish
would help making it feel less dead. there are like 3 characters in the big canal section of town and not one even moves around

>> No.10892737

no damage runners will be PISSED!

>> No.10892763
File: 316 KB, 525x294, jungle sphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It misses some greens, palm trees, oases, etc. So much water but almost no greens is weird.
It had all that and more but they threw it all out because of time constraints. WIth 1 more year this game could have been a real timeless masterpiece. It's a shame how almost all games are rushed and it makes you wonder how many awesome games we missed out on because of it

For some reason Sphinx has quite an autistic fandom; they modded a bunch of beta stuff back into the game

>> No.10892765
File: 2.51 MB, 1599x899, underwater world sphinx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10893042

>Too frustrating is better than too easy
Not really

>> No.10893289

i like how it uses music notes for hitting enemies like wind waker. always motivates to do a whole combo. weird that they stopped doing this or it's just more subtle now

>> No.10893716

this is what yall want

>> No.10893819

>Zelda 64 was Elden Ring
You're underage. Leave.

>> No.10893859

>Then, for whatever reason, you have to do the same thing 1:1 on the other side of the corridor
That's how it works in real life idk just how it's done.

>> No.10893862

>Zelda 64
>great puzzle solving
I'm sorry, what?

>> No.10894648 [DELETED] 

? Both have some amazing puzzles for the genre and are loved for it, among other things. Great ratio between solving and executing puzzles, rarely overstaying their welcome, that feel of changing something in the room and doing it yourself, puzzles being an extension of your abilities and of previous puzzles
>hit plant enemy's stalk instead of head, get stick you can use to attack, set said stick on fire, use it to burn spider web
>get enough height/weight and center your fall to break through spider web
>look up and shoot ladder with your newly obtained slingshot to have it drop down
>change water level/duck to not get hit by spikes
All of this combined takes as much time as the puzzle described in OP and is much cooler then just pulling a lever. And even pulling a lever doesn't feel like you're doing it yourself in FromSoftware games; you press your context sensitivity button and then your character does it with a slow clunky animation

>> No.10894650 [DELETED] 

? Both have some amazing puzzles for the genre and are loved for it, among other things. Great ratio between solving and executing puzzles, rarely overstaying their welcome, that feel of changing something in the room and doing it yourself, puzzles being an extension of your abilities and of previous puzzles
>hit plant enemy's stalk instead of head, get stick you can use to attack, set said stick on fire, use it to burn spider web
>get enough height/weight and center your fall to break through spider web
>look up and shoot ladder with your newly obtained slingshot to have it drop down
>change water level/duck to not get hit by spikes
All of this happens back to back in the first 10 minutes, combined takes as much time as the puzzle described in OP, and is much cooler than just pulling a lever. And even pulling a lever doesn't feel like you're doing it yourself in FromSoftware games; you press your context sensitivity button and then your character does it with a slow clunky animation

>> No.10894651

? Both have some amazing puzzles for the genre and are loved for it, among other things. Great ratio between solving and executing puzzles, rarely overstaying their welcome, usually nice logic to them, that feel of changing something in the room and doing it yourself, puzzles being an extension of your abilities and of previous puzzles, etc.
>hit plant enemy's stalk instead of head, get stick you can use to attack, set said stick on fire, use it to burn spider web
>get enough height/weight and center your fall to break through spider web
>look up and shoot ladder with your newly obtained slingshot to have it drop down
>change water level/duck to not get hit by spikes
All of this happens back to back in the first 10 minutes, combined takes as much time as the puzzle described in OP, and is much cooler than just pulling a lever. And even pulling a lever doesn't feel like you're doing it yourself in FromSoftware games; you press your context sensitivity button and then your character does it with a slow clunky animation

>> No.10894653

Point and click games are cuckoldry

>> No.10894674

Ever Oasis (3DS). Not retro but there are so few games that meet the criteria this deserves a mention.

>> No.10894732

nigga blood omen 2 still has tank controls on xbox. it's a miracle sphinx is as good as it is

>> No.10896362

>good visuals, atmosphere and amazing character models but the gameplay and level design is very rough
Must be an european game
>check the developer
>literally has euro in its name

>> No.10896415

Eurocom, committed to making the most mid games possible

>> No.10896890

That game was so good, i hope they port it to the new system

>> No.10897037

>You have to do every mundane thing twice in a row without any variation,
I can't hear you over burning my millionth bush, pushing every block in every wall ever, and bombing every four tiles of surfaces.
Or if we're talking new - boulder koroks, shit fights, or ultra-hand shit.

>> No.10897858

Your the only one talking about discord badges, nigger.

>> No.10897865

>Point and click games are cuckoldry
I'm afraid i'm not redpilled on this viewpoint. Please enlighten me.

>> No.10898847

Nah, catposter is right.
Maybe the game should have more save points but zoomerpseud whining about game design that hurts their feelings a little is annoying as hell and has led to a sterile and an overly coddling approach.

>> No.10899752
File: 18 KB, 400x266, come on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, sweetie, the grown-ups are talking.

>> No.10901260

There's like two good puzzles in Ocarina of Time.