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File: 57 KB, 500x300, the-legend-of-zelda-nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1089061 No.1089061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who here has never played the first two Zelda games?

I feel alone here. I don't have the patience to play them but I've been meaning to.

Also, who here has played the first two Zelda games, but only after they played the other ones?

>> No.1089068

Play Zelda 1, skip Zelda 2 if you want to

Doesn't matter, the games aren't meant to be played in order or anything

>> No.1089074

Never played it as a kid. Went back and played it later with an emulator.

The only NES games I had were Mario 1, 2, 3, Tetris, and Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.1089098

I beat LoZ on that gamecube zelda disc. Tried to emulate Zelda II on PC but I couldn't finish it, wasn't enjoyable at all for me.

>> No.1089106

OP here

i was thinking of doing this. I'm still digging around for that Gamecube disc, else I'll buy it for my NES after I buy myself an NES

>> No.1089114

I got the GBA port of Zelda 1 when it first came out, and got the Zelda II port a few months ago.
I still can't beat the boss for the second to last level.

>> No.1089117

I play Zelda 1 once, it was very memorable as it was the first game i got lost it.

>> No.1089121

Not necessary in the slightest, but there is a level of satisfactory when beating Zelda on an original NES.

I finally beat the Second Quest last night and it felt great.

>> No.1089151

I didnt play the 1st zelda until after I played windwaker. Zelda 1 became one of my top 2 favorite zelda games the other being lttp

>> No.1089156

I have never played the second game.

>> No.1089157

>Who here has never played the first two Zelda games?
I have, when they came out.

They do take a lot of time/patience, especially the second one. A lot of people skip the second one and I can't blame them; it's not for everyone and it's a huge grindfest. I like it, but I fully admit a lot of that is nostalgia.

Haven't played anything newer than Link's Awakening. I can't really get into the 3D Zelda games, I guess.

>> No.1089184

I only played Zelda 1 after I played a lot of the newer games, probably around Wind Waker. Never actually beat it, will eventually get to it.
I actually got further in Zelda II than I, I love the Castlevania-like gameplay. The game's fucking balls to the wall though, punishes you like no other.

>> No.1089280

Zelda 1 and 2 are my favorite. I used to dislike Zelda II when I was a kid because I couldn't get very far, but once I got older and sought a challenge, this game tickled me in just the right way. It was especially refreshing after the heavy handed story/side-quest Zeldas like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.

Beating Zelda II on my wii was the most satisfying Zelda experience of my life. That last run, fuck...

>> No.1089287

I had played 2, lttp, and oot when I was a kid. I thought 2 was way too difficult and oot was too boring, but lttp was my favorite game.

I played the original as a teenager and it's my favorite Zelda, haven't returned to 2 yet though. I also played plenty of Tower of Druaga and was really into mazes when I was a kid so that might have a lot to do with why I love it so much.

>> No.1089340

Zelda 1 is still really enjoyable. Zelda 2 is a complete pain in the ass though. Why the fuck can't you continue at the entrance of the palaces? Having to walk all the way back there from fucking Zelda's place totally kills your will to play.

>> No.1089353

I finished the first one. Haven't finished the second, but maybe I will do it someday.

>> No.1089398

I always wanted to play Zelda as a kid but I never got the chance to until OoT came out. I saw some of Katsuya Terada's artwork when I was young and it left such an impression on me and I absolutely had to try the series. I came back to the first two after OoT and really enjoyed them.

The second one is very very hard though, I've never finished it and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.1089406
File: 21 KB, 512x448, zeldaii-spot1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the secret to enjoying Zelda II? I want to enjoy it but it's full of so much bullshit.

>> No.1089412

I was never able to beat Zelda II, even when I played it on GBA... so goddamn hard. It's fun though if you're patient

>> No.1089579
File: 12 KB, 302x260, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably my favorite. The one Zelda where you don't have to push any damn blocks. What kind of bullshit are you talking about? Perhaps you should talk to more of the townsfolk. They tell you pretty much everything.

That boss is easy.

>> No.1089583

>green sword


>> No.1089584

I beta them both after playing the later games. I liked zelda II but not the original.

>> No.1089593
File: 663 KB, 1280x720, volgarr_screen_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having to walk all the way back there from fucking Zelda's place totally kills your will to play.

It's suppose to. That's the encouragement to not die completely so many times. These kinds of games are basically telling you, "If your heart really isn't in this, then do us both a favor and stop." So either you get better, or you quit.

Word of advice, NEVER play Volgarr. Your head might actually explode.

>> No.1089594

I enjoy it because of the great combat. It does have some cryptic shit, though.

I think it is his shield.

>> No.1089606

>cryptic engrish filled garbage
>tell you everything
inb4 "not knowing japanese"

>> No.1089615

obviously you've never played the game

>> No.1089648

no he's just stupid

>> No.1089651

>It's suppose to. That's the encouragement to not die completely so many times.
god I hate fucks like you "it's not a gameplay flaw, it encourages you not to die", this seems to be the excuse your type uses for EVERY goddamn gameplay flaw in every retro game ever, retro games are not about being hardcore, they are not about being "harder" than modern games, especially since modern games did not exist yet then. They are just games, like any other games, they just had flaws because they were still experimenting, it has nothing to do with encouraging the gamers to be HARDCORE and never die.

>> No.1089663

Zelda 2 has some cryptic stuff (like the mirror, the magic key and the water) but overall really isn't so bad.

Isn't the second boss, like, ONE dodongo?

>> No.1089664

Zelda 2 should just be renamed "Autist's Fantasy: The game"

>> No.1089667

nvm, read it wrong.

>> No.1089668

The first Zelda doesn't take as much patience as you might think, OP. The overworld is small enough to memorize and each dungeon has an in-game map you can find so you won't get lost. The designers did a good job of mixing up the enemies and puzzles so the dungeon rooms don't feel too repetitive either. Go for it!

>> No.1089690

>The first Zelda doesn't take as much patience as you might think

no, it takes more

>> No.1089695

why do people keep making threads about how they haven't played zelda? Who cares, go play them if you think its some problem you need to talk to people about.

>> No.1089726
File: 20 KB, 475x479, 1283122585447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did THAT come from? Do you just call everything you don't like "autistic" and expect it to stand on its own as a legitimate insult?

I'm not too hot about LoZ2 either, but jesus, anon

>> No.1089728

>Zelda 2 should just be renamed "Autist's Fantasy: The game"

You realize Wind Waker wasn't called Zelda 2, right?

>> No.1089780

i long for the heyday of zelda and zelda 2, not just because of the games but also because most people had never heard the word "autistic," and no one would ever dream of using it as an insult, much less a commonly thrown about insult that no longer even means anything

>> No.1089813
File: 51 KB, 500x332, Its dangerous to go alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to play a Zelda game using the same amount of effort the first Castlevania game requires
>a flaw

You may dislike people who find excitement in challenge and reward in overcoming it, but I'm pretty sure that was the original point of video games.

Arcade games where you died repeatedly are not flawed, they were DESIGNED to kill you. That's how they made money, and people held on to their money by not dying. When home consoles came around, devs made the first games for them using many arcade sensibilities. That is why retro games are punishing, not because they didn't know what they were doing. While designing console games like that turned many away, it also kept many others playing.
Saying the difficulty and life system of Zelda II is "flawed" is automatically rebutted by the fact some games are still being made today with similar "aggravations". Guess what? They sell to the audience that wants them! So no, it's not a flaw, because if it was then everyone would be happy it was gone. It's not like developers of ye olden days couldn't give you infinite lives or hand hold you through a game like today, they just didn't want to.

In short: what you don't like =/= flaw.

>> No.1089816

Autistic is the new faggot.

Played Zelda I a little lately, it looks fun. I think I played Zelda II back in the day, I have no idea. Favorite is LTTP.

>> No.1089818

>Autistic is the new faggot.
That's a hell of a sentence.

>> No.1089826
File: 189 KB, 649x1682, Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1089853

There are few things in gaming more annoying and self-righteously bullshit than "80's/90's kids" bitching about "kids today" while patting themselves on the back for how rough their gaming childhood were.

>> No.1089867

I never understood why people think Adventure of Link is hard. Even when I first played it as a young teen it was piss-easy, and that was before the NES Game Atlas or a subscription to Nintendo Power (let alone mass commercial internet).

The whole point of the game is to explore, listen to hints, stumble across Error (which isn't that hard to do), do what people ask, and MEMORIZE the freakin' Palaces. There are always enough keys. You can always get the right magic. You can always use the Death Mountain cave system & the town of Saria to level-up/grind (enter, beat-up some croc. men, leave, heal from slut in red, repeat) until you can get through it without issue.

Sure, the game doesn't hold your hand, or give you a map stating "Hey! Listen! Here's where the medallions and crystals are located! Look!", but that's what makes it FUN. You're made to EXPLORE Hyrule. If you actually pay attention to the townspeople you'll always know where to go next.

Yes, Death Valley is not super-easy. It's meant to be difficult, for crying out loud. It's the final battle map before the final Palace. And yes, the final Palace is HEUG. That's rather the point. You get extra lives in this game for a reason, you know.

Even after beating AoL as a young teen it took me a few months to be able to play through the game on just one life from scratch. It's doable, and quite easy once you know the enemy locations & patterns. Patterns that are NOT complicated. It just takes an idea that most people can't understand anymore:

How to Step Lightly and Carefully (rather than bum-rush in like a brain-dead idiot tank).

>> No.1089868


its garbage, lol

>> No.1089881


And yet, Ocarina of Time has more in common gameplay wise with AoL than with LoZ of ALttP.

Dur. Hur.

>> No.1089893

Hes talking about the boss in the hidden palace, in Zelda II. The one that comes out of the lava and shoots you.

>> No.1089898

On 4chan, "autism" has around 500 meanings. None of them coincide with the actual mental condition.

>> No.1089906

Agreed. That mentality is the one thing I do not like about /vr/. It is even worse than /v/ when it comes to that.

>> No.1089925

This is why I don't understand most of the complaints about the game. AoL is one of the most 'fair' games I've played, there's barely any random bullshit that anyone with decent reflexes wouldn't be able to react to, everything else has a fairly simple formula that makes beating it without being hit possible.

>> No.1089963


>Zelda 1

Putside the Fairy Fountain and the Grumble Grumble part, there weren't much puzzles in Zelda 1. It was more combat oriented and that's fucking better, frankly. Dungeonfags and Puzzlefags irrite me to no end, only Exploringfags should be the rulers of everything Zelda.

>> No.1090426

A Link to the Past was the first one I played. The origional was the second one I ever played.

>> No.1090447

I don't understand how your point has anything to do with the image, it's simply stating the difficulty of games now and then. Sure there were whiny kids back then that got bored with their games, but do you see any parents today encouraging their children to beat their game first to earn the right to get another one?

>> No.1090453

>having to play a Zelda game using the same amount of effort the first Castlevania game requires
Except Castlevania just takes you back to the start of the stage that you died on. Or a checkpoint, if you have lives left.

Pushing you back to somewhere around the start of the bit you fucked up makes sense. Pushing you back too far before that doesn't. It's like if every time you died in Dark Souls they took you back to the Asylum.

>> No.1090457

It's just that they take it for granted though. Kids these days have like 4 systems in their living rooms

Back in the day it was a big deal to have an SNES

>> No.1090461

it's almost as if you've never played a traditional rougelike game...

>> No.1090471

But that's exactly what the image is, the entire point to be taken away from it is that kids today don't work as hard in their games as they did in "the good old days" (unless the point of the comic is about how short games today are, which is just a ridiculous thing to claim).

90's kid: sits through Zelda 2 until the end, never giving up.
Today kid: gives up on Skyrim after a day and is generally ungrateful compared to the "crying of happiness" kid from the 90's.

It's "we had to walk uphill both ways to school" for a goddamn entertainment medium.

>Kids these days have like 4 systems in their living rooms
Yeah, that's why console wars totally aren't a thing anymore.

>> No.1090473

good lot though

>> No.1090474

no, you have 4 systems in your living room because you're an adult who can buy shit

you're projecting on to fucking children

>> No.1091332


But it's nothing like Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.1091340

>I don't like this game so it's for autists