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10884717 No.10884717 [Reply] [Original]

There's no reason to buy this right? As I understand it SD2SNES is an open source project and Chinese SD2SNES carts are identical (besides maybe build quality)

>> No.10884723

Build quality is more important than you might think.

>> No.10884768

Chinese version doesn't support the Super Game Boy cores

>> No.10884925

It does if you have the latest firmware; mine has SGB BIOS files in the system folder.

>> No.10884929

Yeah I have this everdrive and I regret overpaying for no reason

>> No.10884951

Um...supporting krikzz?

>> No.10884957
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Correct, there is no reason to buy it, because you can buy pic related for far less than any flash cartridge, and it will have every single game you would ever want to play, plus a whole bunch of shit you'll never care about.

>> No.10884958

As far as I can tell if you bought one recently it should support all SNES cartridge chips even the ST018 (for whatever value that is).

>> No.10884961

I still can't believe there's people that pay for the Krikzz™ premium + tax + tip.
as if the majority of electronic components aren't coming from fucking east asia. Krikzz charges way too much for what they're offering. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting but China made everdrives affordable.

>> No.10884976

I'll never buy from Krikzz but his high end everdrives usually have features the Chinese clones lack but the FXpak Pro is identical to Chinese SD2SNES carts for 2x+ the price

>> No.10884989

Wow, they even managed to get a PS2 game in there!

>> No.10884993

Krikzz still had to do all the work to invent the damn things - just to have chinks steal the deisign. Many such cases...

>> No.10885001

>Krikzz still had to do all the work to invent the damn things
and then kept them expensive and never made any open source. business is business, thank you based china for making it affordable for money saving hobbyists. the guy who recently made the sega saturn saroo made it open source so you can build a cart yourself. that's how these products should be.

>> No.10885005

Mine has all the US SNES ROMs but almost no Japanese ROMs except Magical Pop'N. It does have a lot of Europoor ROMs though. Real useful to have a shitton of 50Hz games my SNES can't even run.

>> No.10885013

Put your own roms on the SD card?

>> No.10885015

I don't mind buying everdrives if they're really good. There are a few pretty nice ones. But stuff like this, the n64 x5, GBA mini, all garbage to be avoided

>> No.10885021

Oh and delete that PAL folder while you're at it; free up that space for actually worthwhile games.

>> No.10885026

>free up that space for actually worthwhile games
ie. SFC hidden "gems" that are actually mediocre shovelware?

>> No.10885029

aren't there some games that were PAL exclusives? i guess you never got stuff like the Asterix games in the land of the free. it wasn't always just letterboxed games running at a jerky framerate.

>> No.10885042

There are more than 100 SNES games worth playing, I've beaten 64 according to my list and I'm only getting started. Pretty sad to only restrict yourself to the youtube tier top lists.

>> No.10885059

They won't run on an NTSC SNES anyway so it's a moot point.

>> No.10885119

There's barely a dozen. You're playing shit games and deluding yourself into thinking they're good. You know there's other 16-bit systems with much better libraries, right?

>> No.10885154

There's an automatic region patching option on the SD2SNES. I don't remember if it requires any additional files, but do know that you sepecifically have to enable it in the menu.

>> No.10885172

Region patching might be useful on NES Flash carts to play the Euro ROM of Mr. Gimmick since you'll have missing sound if you try to play the Japanese ROM.

>> No.10885193

One of the SNES Asterix games was supposed to get a North American release but it was cancelled. The other came out in 1996 so it was too late to bother localizing here.

>> No.10885232

I'd still buy one. I want it to last for a very long time.

>> No.10885450

>something I disagree with
How did one website mindbreak so many anons?

>> No.10885476

>As I understand it SD2SNES is an open source project and Chinese SD2SNES carts are identical (besides maybe build quality)
Does that support Rockman games?
And where did you buy yours?

>> No.10885613

Not if you've modded your NES for expansion audio. It only takes soldering one resistor so there's really no excuse not to do it if you're not a lazy faggot :)

>> No.10885626

Does chinese SD2SNES support all expansion chips or no ?

>> No.10885665

>Does chinese SD2SNES support all expansion chips or no ?
If they have the latest firmware they appear to support everything.

>> No.10885675

Is rather, and did, get an FXPak Pro from krikzz than alibaba. Krikzz has excellent customer service if your cart fucks up from what I have heard.

>> No.10885736

not all, no
SPC7110, ST011 and ST018 chips are not supported
Which are a couple of Shogi games and three Hudson games, one of which is probably actually good which is Far East of Eden
I had one of the chinese ones that did the same thing
I was getting sprite glitches in some games and the audio wasn't as clean as the FXPAK pro, dunno if they are well known issues

>> No.10885781 [DELETED] 

Chinese mass produced goods are at least on par with krikzz' small batch stuff
it's not his design, he just makes and sells them, just like the chinese guys.
Taiwanese copiers pioneered this stuff decades ago, everything since is just iterating on that.

>> No.10885792

Mine has BIOS files for all those chips. Maybe your cart is older than the one I have.

>> No.10885804

>Mine has BIOS files for all those chips
Unless you have some sort of unofficial update, I doubt it

>> No.10885810
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Welp, here you go. Here's the system folder.

>> No.10885851

>using a toaster NES in this day and age instead of importing an AV Famicom

>> No.10885869


A lot of shovelware but some good games as well that you'd miss out on without expansion chip support.

>> No.10885878

> .rom
I guess they're emulated?
Regardless, the Hudson chip is the only one of value and I don't think that's supported yet
Also yes I have the newest version of the FXPAK Pro

>> No.10885892

>Regardless, the Hudson chip is the only one of value and I don't think that's supported yet

The SPC7110 is a decompressor chip as Tengai Makyou Zero is a 40 megabit game compressed into 32 megabits. It's not necessary for emulation purposes since you can just use an unpacked ROM. If you download the TMZ ROM online it's the unpacked 40 megabits.

>> No.10885912

I couldn't figure out where the BIOS file for the Super FX was until I realized it was the GSU files. Yoshi's Island is the only non-shovelware game that uses it, though (I don't count Starfox because it's a bad tech demo for furries).

>> No.10885923

Agreed, I have no problem with people making their money off these things. If they're affordable enough I'll buy them. I buy expensive ones too like the turbo everdrive pro because it offers good features. I bought my sd2snes from china for like $80 because $220 is a bit whacked.

>> No.10885924

Technically true but TMZ did as a small addition include a real time clock with the SPC7110. IDK if this is emulated or if the game actually needs it to function.

>> No.10885927

>It's not necessary for emulation purposes since you can just use an unpacked ROM.
And not have to wait 8 seconds to load a section of the game like you would on the actual cartridge.

>> No.10885932

Fair enough, if it works that is good
Yoshi's Island is the second revision of the SuperFX which is faster

>> No.10885934

Street Fighter Alpha 2 is the biggest SNES game at 64 megabits but it's compressed into a 32 megabit ROM and uses the S-DD1 to unpack. The load times were horribly slow but fortunately on emulation you just use the uncompressed 64 megabit ROM.

>> No.10885945

The amazingly lolcow SNES Doom also uses the Super FX.

>> No.10885958

Batista Harpu played F1 ROC II: Race of Champions which uses the ST010 and I'm pretty sure on an actual console with a Flash cart so he must have been able to run that game.

>> No.10885964

i fucking hate racing games. yeah if you're doing a "play the console's entire library" challenge like he is you gotta do it but i wouldn't enjoy it very much.

>> No.10886117

I bought it thinking it might skyrocket in the resale market if Krikzz ended up closing shop because of the war in Ukraine.

>> No.10886121

>I bought it as an investment

>> No.10886132

Kinda. Early on these carts had long wait periods. I think I had to wait 6 months after the one I purchased was even available. I bought it thinking if I didn't buy soon the only way I could get one was through some reseller.

>> No.10886170

Oh ok, I thought you meant you bought it so you could sell it for more later

>> No.10886190

and now you can get them from China to your door in 5 business days for $20 flat. We really are in the future.

>> No.10886197

the 20 dollar ones don't have all the chips capabilities

>> No.10886204

I will buy the AliExpress eversrives for my GBA and GBC. Goodbye Ukraine.

>> No.10886207

>AliExpress eversrives for my GBA and GBC
I recommend the EZflash for GBA but Krikzz one for GBC is still better

>> No.10886242

>The load times were horribly slow
Because of shit coding. Someone patched it a couple years ago and now it's actually playable.

>> No.10886251

I checked the ROM for SFA2. It's still the compressed 4 megabyte size but I assume the S-DD1 decompression is emulated.

>> No.10886319
File: 2.59 MB, 2304x1728, Snake_oil_for_retro_consoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can definitely play MSU-1 games without issue which gives it a larger library it is capable of playing over the earlier SD2SNES. The project being open source did allow for all the innovations added over the years, but you cannot count on Chinese to not cut corners to scam you. They will take extra measures to cheap out on production, removing parts that could better distribute electricity or mixing in toxins or sewer oil into the plastic mix just to reduce material costs that can make things brittle. The Chinese SD2SNES I have is missing a trace, some SMD chip, and a couple resistors from the open source design. It is highly inadvisable to purchase from China as they culturally encourage scamming non-Chinese.

I thought it was Ikari that did the initial work to make the original SD2SNES. Red developed the verilog work to get SA-1 and SuperFX going. I think Byuu got MSU-1 up and running. Krikzz may have also made contributions to the open source project, but I think it was mostly in manufacturing.

I would advise not funding the authoritarian regime which wastefully overproduces well beyond capacity and unfairly dumps into other economies. It is devastating to small markets such as retro gaming and unfair to the true innovators that created the stuff to begin with impoverishing us all. Had I known a decade ago and had the money, I would not have gotten these cheap Chinese knockoffs and supported Ukraine.

>> No.10886332

hoarderbro... you forgot to write down on a piece of paper

>> No.10886334

Doesnt fix the catshit slowdown during gameplay.

>> No.10886341

>I would advise not funding the authoritarian regime which wastefully overproduces well beyond capacity
I disagree because China makes the best transformers

>> No.10886395
File: 822 KB, 2592x1944, Decepticons_had_cooler_designs_except_for_the_Macross_Valkyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next time.

Between the NES + SNES games and the Transformers I had, they all had "Made in Japan" molded into them. That's probably why I've always had such good impressions of Japanese made products for all my years. To me that's the real seal of quality that did it right.

>> No.10886402
File: 129 KB, 798x1200, Jazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's probably why I've always had such good impressions of Japanese made products for all my years
maybe once upon a time
All the premium transformers now are made in China by independent companies

>> No.10886403

I played Megaman 7 and Rockman and Forte on my Chinese sd2snes

>> No.10886480

I wanted to ask for the X games, which need some chip

>> No.10886536

What's wrong with the 64 x5?

>> No.10886930

Having to reset to save probably

>> No.10886939

What happens if you burn 1000 roms on a flashcart? Games won't function correctly anymore?

>> No.10887054

I'm not talking about flash cards for consoles worth playing

>> No.10887073

Content aggregators have always been disliked on this site, tourist

>> No.10887076

you'll never be an oldfag

>> No.10887083

Don't care, projecting

>> No.10887095

I don't need to project, I'm nearing the grave

>> No.10887138

The fact you need me to believe that has only confirmed my suspicion

>> No.10887140
File: 3.87 MB, 320x240, mmx3-sd2sneschinkboot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those work fine, the sd2snes being open source means they just clone that. I don't think any bad quality ones with cut corners are in circulation.

>> No.10887143

pretty weak anon, you can do better

>> No.10887157

If you really want to overpay just buy a Super Nt.

>> No.10887184
File: 16 KB, 1382x101, img_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the NES Flash cart I have purports to not support iNES mapper 159 which these games use

>> No.10889067
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, Until_the_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis and TurboDuo was also Japan, so everything around me just conditioned me to have positive memories and associations with the country. I still prefer the Takara Masterpiece line along with the originals over the Chinese bootlegs: https://youtu.be/A9xr3lcBH6k

>> No.10889072
File: 938 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectfully I’m going to have to disagree for most of them anon, although there isn’t really a good Megatron yet

>> No.10889093

True and based
Summercart64 is substantially cheaper and has slightly more features. Everdrive used to be a good option even though it was always both underbaked and overpriced. Now I just can't justify recommending it.

>> No.10889448

There's no chink version of this yet right? But it's open source so it should be coming?

>> No.10890951

The chink ones are good, but I have a weird noise issue when stuff is loading and when I play Gameboy. Heard you can fix with it grounding something properly but I have zero clue what to ground

>> No.10890986

I don't think the chinese are making them yet.I did see some guy based in hong kong talking about getting something going. Pretty sure you still have to order them from small online businesses and hobbyists at this point

>> No.10891023

there used to be a decompressed version of Alpha 2 for the SNES but its lost now, and it wasnt even turn into rom format, but rather graphics pack.

>> No.10891052

my SNES Flash cart makes a buzzy noise on the menu screen which may have to do with the menu running in 480i mode. When you start a game and it switches to normal 240p the buzzing stops. I believe it's caused by the same reason you mentioned.

>> No.10891232

Ah, it could be that. I head it's something to do with the audio and SD card grounds not being properly separated. But I have no clue on it. Someone on here managed to fix it, but didn't really detail it that far

>> No.10891627

Flash carts are a waste of money in general.
>b-but muh original hardware
You're playing a rom dump that is impossible to be 1:1 to the original data. USB transfer speeds, computer setups, and even the software you're using will cause inaccurate dumps it is literally impossible to have a faithful experience through flashcarts. They're a placebo for people who think they're too good for emulation. Literal retard flag if you think about it.

>> No.10891654

Ooh, the new schitzopasta dropped, I like it.

>> No.10891664


>> No.10891669

I buy chink shit and the fact that counter faggot is wagging his finger at me makes me want to place a few more AliExpress orders today.

>> No.10891717

>You're playing a rom dump that is impossible to be 1:1 to the original data
Lol wut, is this some “every cart is unique” kind of shit?

>> No.10891758

every SNES game is personalized.

>> No.10892034


>> No.10894087

>pre-6th gen console

>> No.10894109

the SNES has a hi-res 480i mode, silly and in fact it was the first console to be able to do 480i. it only supports 16 colors so nothing really uses it. Flash carts use it for the menu screen though. the PS1 also had a hi-res mode but it's just used for menu screens in a few RPGs. too slow otherwise. the N64 had 640x480 mode and it's used by Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine but they still letterboxed part of it so they could run the game faster than 10 fps.

>> No.10894117

>look i buy my stuff from murrican shops because they are 3D printed on my country making the product more expensive ignore the fact the PCB from sdsnes is made in china and is quite cheap.
5 years with my sdsnes from china and still working without issues came with lot of titles included and was really cheap.
i see no issues in putting more games if it came with 800 games already like star ocean,star fox,yoshi island,doom,dragon quest,bahamut lagoon and so on.

>> No.10894195

Hate to be that guy but the genesis did 480i well before the snes did.

>> No.10894202

only doubles the vertical height. the SNES has actual 512x448 in hi res mode. I think only one game (a racing game I think it was) uses it for actual in-game graphics otherwise it's just seen in RPG menus.

>> No.10894421

>it only supports 16 colors
This is a weird "fact" that keeps coming up. Hi-res mode has access to the same palette registers as normal mode and it uses the same double wide character format for palettes. IIRC the only minor issue is in the double wide format you have half the resolution on which palette goes with which tile so instead of a palette per 8x8 it's a palette per 16x8 or something like that. But there's no restriction on number of colors. In fact there's very little reason to restrict yourself, you don't get a choice in the matter, it's not like you can save VRAM by refusing to use more than 1 palette, the SNES always uses 2-byte tilemap addressing.
That racing game I've forgotten the name of just got lazy and other games it's mostly to do with being a menu, you don't really need more than 16 colors to display some text on a background. Someone posted a ROM (with source) a while back that demonstrates multiple 16-color palettes with no trickery.

>> No.10894443

>Because of shit coding. Someone patched it a couple years ago and now it's actually playable.
It's not fair to say "shit coding".

The "load times" were audio transfer to the SPU and that's a hard set hardware limit. If they removed the pre-fight audio they could avoid the inter-round pause but that would be a shame to lose.
What the patch did was remove all the music from the game and outsource it to the MSU-1. This avoids the slow audio copy by relying on a 20 year later virtual expansion chip. The only way the Alpha 2 porters could have achieved similar was to invent their own audio expansion device and put all the music on that. They did what they could and made the decision to retain more of the audio. SSF2 removed some of that for the same reasons and it loses some of the soul because of it.

>> No.10894587
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this is one of the cheaper ones compared to knockoff. I remember the aliexpress one had some documents saying licensed for sale only in china and also had the instructions stoneagegamer put together for the everdrives they sell. weird shit

>> No.10894603

>nothing really uses it

dont the Mana games for their menus?

>> No.10894723

Which video was it?

>> No.10894739

>I think only one game (a racing game I think it was) uses it for actual in-game graphics
RPM Racing. Trash game but would get basically remade in normal res into the much more fun Rock 'n Roll Racing.

>> No.10894816

IP is for Jews, chuddie. You're supposed to support FOSS and piracy, remember?

>> No.10894834

>guy who makes a piracy device gets his product pirated
Something something among thieves.

>> No.10895002

I've never used one of these before, you can get the ZSNES UI on the FXPak Pro?

>> No.10895358

only if you have a chinese sd2snes
just kidding
I forgot where I got my theme but this guy has it available http://bmf.rustedlogic.net/sd2snes/

>> No.10895434

Can you upgrade the firmware on the Chinese ones?

>> No.10895440

Depends which one you're talking about

>> No.10895447

SD2SNES, aren't they all the same?

>> No.10895459

I remember there being a page from a guy showing the excess voltage being used by the majority of flashcarts on sale (authentic ones, not knockoffs). The original SD2SNES was the best when it came to behaving like a regular cartridge should. Would be curious to see how the Chinese copies compare.

>> No.10895908
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Thanks man

>> No.10897979


>> No.10898376
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Still living in the past with a Powerpak from 2012. Looking at the chips the FX Pack supports, I guess one day I will have to upgrade.

>> No.10899054

You don't have the heart of the carts like I do.

>> No.10899151

Whatever you have to tell yourself anon

>> No.10899813


>> No.10899829

That's the shit right there. A punch in the comfy.

>> No.10899923


Hold on, i bought an official Everdrive from Krikzz back in 2014 i think, and i dont know if it uses that, cause i had issues with some games recently after i dusted it all off.

>> No.10899927

If it's from 2014 it uses flash memory. You can tell because it takes a bit to load a new game into the flash and its OS should tell you it's erasing and writing to it.

>> No.10899934

Just emulate. SNES emulation has been perfect since before I graduated high school.

>> No.10899942

But does it have a limited number of writes? as in, will stop working at one point?

>> No.10899949

All flash memory has a fixed number of writes. It's usually some high number like 150,000 times but with cheap Chinese clones you'll never know.

>> No.10899950

>Street Fighter Alpha 2 is the biggest SNES game at 64 megabits
always thought it was Tales of Phantasia and/or Star Ocean, well fuck

>> No.10899953

>Alpha 2 on SNES

I know about the reason why the game has loading times, a fuck up with the coding and the SPC thing, but why is it run so damn slow, the game never plays at full 60fps, and the music sucks ass.

>> No.10899964

I do both, but I also make Frankenstein flash cards for fun. They're like plug n play for every game that uses those specific chips like hirom, 12mb, fast as an example

>> No.10900424
File: 134 KB, 627x626, dsc7687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES emulation has been perfect since before I graduated high school