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10884504 No.10884504 [Reply] [Original]

Other than Pokemon and a tiny bit of the first Final Fantasy, this is my first foray into older JRPGs. I decided for me that playing FF I was not that cool blind and that it was more fun with a guide. Otherwise, it's just too baffling. I grew up on SNES, and I find that games got much easier, so I figure I'll have fun blind, but I find myself stressing every move. How do you learn to stop worrying and love the blind ending?

>> No.10884539

do what you want. I think youre retarded but who cares what I think.

>> No.10884540

>How fun is it playing this blind?
probably not very like most video games it is heavily reliant on graphics and visual feedback so it would be hard to play on audio cues alone

>> No.10884553

If playing blind or not really bothers you, Chrono Trigger is one of the easiest to play blind.

If you want, I recommend using a guide at the very end of the game just as a checklist for all the endgame dungeons and gear

>> No.10884556

You'll stop worrying about it if you actually get lost in the world. Or I do, anyway. Chrono Trigger's main attraction is the aesthetic anyway, as a game it's pretty easy.


>> No.10884558

Excellent. Your words have soothed me.

>> No.10884564

It's so beautiful. I settled on it by putting in 20 minutes to each of my SNES JRPGs and, in that short time, I knew this one would be awesome.

>> No.10884594

All games are more fun blind.

>> No.10884693
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Don't open boxes in the past before opening them in the present.

>> No.10884703

CT as your first “real” classic JRPG will be amazing. It’s pretty short for an RPG at 20 hours or so. There are some tough parts but nothing too bad. Don’t really need to grind but you can if you get to a tough part for a bit and usually be fine. The secrets that you’d need a guide for can all be found end of game and I don’t think there are any missable items in the game.

>> No.10884712

Does that include trying to open it? because I get the, "sealed mysteriously," message.

>> No.10884713

No that's fine. You'll learn how to open those later.

>> No.10884720

Sweet. Thanks for the tidbit.

>> No.10884743

This really is shaping up to be one that lives up to the hype, perhaps even exceeding it. Good times.

>> No.10884746

This. There's that one section that can easily miss over but it's optional anyways, so just play blind.

>> No.10884775

Can I hit it on new game plus? If it's as eminently replayable as they say, I wouldn't mind getting some stuff the second time.

>> No.10884787

I’ve beaten this game several times and have never needed a guide. There’s no need, it’s fairly simple and linear. I suppose if you’re trying to 100% and get every item and whatnot.

>> No.10884806

My heart can't decide what it wants.

>> No.10884813

The only thing you'd need a guide for is if you want to get a very specific ending.
For instance, I always want to get the balloon ending but for some reason I keep getting the stupid cat ending instead.

>> No.10884824

That one doesn't need a guide. It's very well thought out. I used a guide when I played it but only for pivotal points when I really cared about the outcome.
There's lots of stuff like this though. Part of the fun of Chrono Trigger is replaying the game to see all the possibilities.
It is linear in many ways but it's not strictly linear. You can't see everything on one play through. And it's so fun that you'll want to play it more than once anyway.

Here's an example. Melchor sells a sword at the Millennial Fair that is better than anything else you can get in the beginning. It's very expensive though. You can do all sorts of things to get your hands on it then but it's time-consuming and not really worth the effort especially since you can find the same sword just one stage later for free. And even if you miss that, there will be better weapons in the next stage. The whole game is like that. No one item is super important and there will always be an good alternative or upgrade just around the corner.

>> No.10884835

Haha. I wondered about that sword! Dang! But what I'm hearing is that two or even several playthroughs are needed and enjoyable, so I'm at ease.

>> No.10884836

Wow. I'll have to try to catch 'em all one day.

>> No.10884842

>The whole game is like that. No one item is super important and there will always be an good alternative or upgrade just around the corner.

It's honestly disappointing that so much of the game is inconsequential like that. Like, if doing clever things resulted you in getting equipment powerful enough to defeat Lavos early, than that would be really cool, but nothing like that is really possible and you practically just going to NG+ and grinding to achieve that.

>> No.10884850

What would you reference as having more of that kind of consequentiality, especially from this era?

>> No.10884879

Are we limited specifically to console JRPGs? If so then I'd actually vouch for the Dragon Quest series as something more meaningfully focused on player freedom and closer to what I want out of an RPG structure wise.

Chrono Trigger is one of those games where, I can see the appeal it has to people, but can not regard it as something truly Great; each of the major things it seems to try feel half baked and not on the level where's its actually mind blowing, and I don't feel that arguing along the lines of "well, for its time" does it favors. It's a game that affects people via fantastic presentation and the suggestion of potentially awesome ideas, where it was the best of its time, but I don't regard this as enough to consider it a timeless classic.

>> No.10884896

V or VI?

>> No.10885868

It’s almost impossible to get anything but the canon ending your first time playing. Have fun, it’s one of best RPGs ever.

>> No.10885985

I played it blind a few months ago. Game was fairly straightforward, even the end sidequest section. I don't recall getting particularly stuck anywhere.

>> No.10886195

You haven't played Digimon World blind.

>> No.10886243

Pray for my journey, bro.

>> No.10887587

I have never played this game before. I am on day 18 of not beating off. Will playing this game help me to defeat satan?

>> No.10887669

I'll give it a go as well

>> No.10887764

I only played and finished the SNES version. Played the PS version a bit. Never touch the other version. Which version should I play? I heard there are new contents, like bonus dungeons, in later version.

>> No.10887986

You already played the original and best version. Don't bother with other versions unless you like annoying fetch quests and forced Chrono Cross tie-ins.

>> No.10888005

ds version's pretty solid but yeah the bonus content was really phoned in, just play it to see a new translation.

>> No.10888045

Yes, new game+ allows you to do everything again and get more of the items there's a limited aount of in a single play or that you have to make a choice of in the case of some of the end of game best gear.

>> No.10888271

Bonus dungeons are garbage. SNES is the best version. The DS translation is more dry and bland if Woolsey's is too playful for your tastes. Otherwise they are the same.

>> No.10888548
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I respect that opinion.
I think that Chrono Trigger is great, not because it is deep, but because it is broad.
Whether you're a person who's never played an RPG in their life or if you're the weariest veteran, you'll get something out of Chrono Trigger. It appeals to everyone.

If you'd like to play an SNES RPG where your decisions have a big impact, try Masoukishin. I'm playing it now and I'm loving it, I think it might end up becoming one of my all time favorites.

>> No.10888839

>It appeals to everyone

I didn't like it though. Linear and bland combat system. Story was mediocre at best. I have so many issues with it but I just thought it was boring and uninspired in general. One thing that really pissed me off are the dinosaurs. It's reptiles in human clothing, living in human castle. It's so boring

>> No.10888852

chrono trigger is a great entry level jrpg.
its very linear and the rpg aspect is mostly for show like mario rpg.
the encounters are set locations and party's moves are generally too strong.
its more about the journey/story, and it has a "new game+" so you can keep playing forever.

if you ever find jrpgs stressful, always look for "new game+" as a feature in games as you can't permanently miss anything and won't need a guide.

>> No.10888879

The reptites were supposed to be like that and used the normal dumb dinosaurs like animals when fighting a war against the stone age humans.

>> No.10888946

>the reptites were supposed to be boring

ok. i still dont like it.

>> No.10889848

The more I read this thread, the more I realize that, out of all the amazing types of RPG experiences, the one I'm actually going for is playing this game as my thirteen year-old self sitting on the carpet. In other words, cozy sovl.