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File: 3.37 MB, 5472x2840, SNES-Mod1-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10884391 No.10884391 [Reply] [Original]

How noticeable is the quality difference between a 1 chip and 2 chip SNES played on a consumer CRT TV through RGB?

>> No.10884419

This is one of those things like the "High Definition Graphics and Sound" Genesis that you have to be literally looking for differences to even notice one

Back in the day it was just SNES, nobody cared or even knew what model they had

>> No.10884457

I assume it's just another meme pushed by scalpers to further ruin the retro market. Sure there might be some difference but it's not worth the markup these retards charge

>> No.10884468

Quite noticeable. Voultar is releasing a board soon that will allow the earlier SNES PCBs to have the same quality as the 1chip. While 1chip SNES consoles look nice it's basically officially licensed clone hardware and as such some games have issues. Air Strike Patrol's player shadow not rendering and Super Turrican not being playable are the most well known examples.

>> No.10884471

You won't notice the difference outside of screenshots.You won't notice the difference outside of screenshots.
The Wii or Mister both have better quality RGB output when playing Snes games than either of them and nobody cares because collectors don't play games.

>> No.10884589

The GPM-02 is the only reliable variant of the original two chip SNES. Indeed one chip models do have some behavioral differences. It doesn't affect all games but occasionally glitches or other odd stuff can happen. I remember at least some of the Mega Man games had glitchy graphics on them.

>> No.10884603

>While 1chip SNES consoles look nice
Literally. They don't have the issue with the shells turning yellow.

>> No.10884946

>How noticeable is the quality difference between a 1 chip and 2 chip SNES played on a consumer CRT TV through RGB?
Doesn't exist except for Third World countries who use 50Hz.

>> No.10885715

the lead from composite to s-video is more noticeable than a console switch or s-video to RGB.

>> No.10885850

SHVC has better video quality than GPM unfortunately those are unreliable shit.

>> No.10886013

i kinda like the yellow

>> No.10886662

Really depends on TV, it's noticeable on my late model 25" trinitron and not at all on old cheapo 21" samsung, though you have to look for it to notice. That said, it isn't much and not worth getting another console or fuck with mods to "fix"

I imagine people started to obsess over it when scalers came into play, it's really apparent when upscaled, unlike on CRT.

>> No.10887194

jesus christ what kind of virgin loser cares about shit like this

>> No.10888087

It has to be a scalper wanting to price up the snes he found on the garbage.
I don't even get what he means,is the two pcb snes sold on US or is the one board sold on japan and europe? Who knows.
The only notable difference is when fixing and is only on japan and europe versions,firdt version have an easy to remove sound chip, the later versions have the sound chip soldered to the board and is mostly that.
If OP fag meant the DIY snes kit well who knows,are official and region free but the only difference is they are made like the snes ( with 2 pcb)

>> No.10888125
File: 67 KB, 800x425, dead SNES CPUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the SNES with the removal sound board, avoid those at all costs. They have a nasty habit of committing seppuku.

>> No.10888613

>i reflowed my S-CPU from my old model, those are poorly made so you have to avoid them (ignore that i was the one ruining them by using too much heat).
if 4sta fix those and prefer those due to being "better quality and easier to fix" after making a video when he bought 100 junk snes only to see the only issue in some of them was the PPU tells you a lot (of 100 units,10 had PPU issues,3 had CPU issues second version and the rest working without issues all of them fixable)

>> No.10888649

Seeing a yellowed SNES gives me a sudden urge to brush my teeth.

>> No.10888650

The HDGS Genesis models are bought for the better audio chip iirc, not graphical reasons.

>> No.10888651

It's noticeable, the non-1chips have a really soft image and I see the difference in quality immediately over composite.

>> No.10888653

My SNES is turning almost brown

>> No.10888658

Beware if it starts asking for a trabajo or google play gift cards.

>> No.10888665

Is it possible some dead SHVCs actually have a loose sound board? If that makes poor contact in the socket the console won't boot at all.

>> No.10888670

I don't actually know for sure the revision of my Super Famicom because I've never opened it but according to the serial it's likely either a SNS-CPU-RGB-02 or SNS-CPU-APU-01. I don't care about 1chip autism but is there any known issues with these revisions?

>> No.10888684

>I don't care about 1chip autism but is there any known issues with these revisions?
Some games have glitches or other odd behaviors on 1chip units as the PPU is a bit different from the two chip ones.

>> No.10888686
File: 2.86 MB, 480x480, first world america.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't exist except for Third World countries who use 50Hz.
why is /pol/ tier shitflinging constantly allowed here? fuck off

>> No.10888692

I mean, hey, the first Famicoms from '83 were also lemons that got recalled.

>> No.10888698

A yellowed shell generally indicates a two chip SNES while the one chip machines had the revised plastic shells that got rid of the yellowing issue.

>> No.10888702
File: 3.32 MB, 800x600, france.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting webms of american crack dens is also /pol/ tier behaviour thoughbeit

>> No.10888993

“we didn’t pay attention as kids” doesn’t contribute to any discussion

>> No.10889129

don't be silly, anon, that itself is discussion

>> No.10889853

SHVC is a little crisper than the GPM.

>> No.10889972

2 chip is 1 gooder i think

>> No.10890003

Depends entirely on the TV. Some dogshit cheap mid range? You probably won't notice, the picture will be blurred to shit either way. A trinitron? You'll probably notice.

Honestly, if it's a dealbreaker, just buy a MiSTer. It'll cost you less than a system and a flashcart at this point anyway.

>> No.10890021

I got my SNES from a Gamestop in 2004 back when you could still get them for $20.

>> No.10890050

Even so, an SD2SNES will run you about 100 bucks. I paid 50 bucks for my SuFami, don't even use it.

>> No.10890096
File: 47 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better audio chip
sega intentionally nerfed the treble on model 2's audio output (the gear that comes after the ym2612) and you can replace all that on both models with mega amp
the other model 2 difference is the bootup logo and idk if you can reflash/rechip the bios on that

>> No.10890123

>an sdsnes cost a 100 dollars.
Nahh those shit are cheap,i bought one yesterday i could have gone the regular for 8 dollars but i wanted to play games with special chips so i bought the sdsnes sp that comes with a custom fpga that emulates the sa1,dsp and most of the chips that costed 16 dollars.

>> No.10890151

No he's right, I don't think you know what you bought.
The FPGA ones that can emulate all the chips are $80-$100, these are branded SD2SNES.
There's cheaper ones that can play DSP chip games that are like $30
The ones with no special chip functionality are like $15

>> No.10890289

>you have to buy the murrican expensive ones,the ones the scalpers are selling on ebay.
Well either is buying one already done for cheap or buy the parts.
>basic sdsnes pcb 4 dollars,everdrive pcb 6 dollars.
>fpga pcb for sdnes 10 dollars.
>case not included.
I will go with a premade
>but muh.....
Nope all things come from the same factory even expensive ones,only difference is the case.

>> No.10890307

You built your own? Fair enough then

>> No.10890780

About one chip

>> No.10891409

> intentionally
Truly intentionally or just gross incompetance?

>> No.10891743

where did you buy?

>> No.10891776

i opened one i bought for a hundred bucks from someone promoting that shit,searched the factory with chip number,is a chinese factory,they make the pcb by lot so quite cheap in the end.
is not that hard find the origin of most stuff with the chip databases which not only give you the maker but also give you the prices and part number as sold.
for example
>Datenmeister : SW34V80DGB megadrive fpga price 5 dollars
and similar stuff.
take as an example
>buy retrofreak (really expensive)
>breaks after a year
>RF : we sell replacement main board for 200 dollars
>me : fuck it i will search the pieces and fix it myself
>ignore them buy the replacement chips really cheap on aliexpress (buy 3 that are the wrong ones) ,is broken so i will use the wrong chip,is working as intended after replacement .
despite the different number of the chip it was the same used by retrofreak.

>> No.10892103

based. but what's the sd2snes chip number and who makes the pcbs?

>> No.10892754

SoJ attempting to sabotage SoA and delay the release of the 32x long enough that the Saturn would be launched before it. The hope was SoA would be dealing with massive returns and low sales because of sailing an obvious inferior product but they didn't expect American standards to be so low that no one even cared.

>> No.10894397


>> No.10894564

Tangentially related but is it true that later Nintendo 64 models like the Funtastic line produce sharper visuals than earlier models?

>> No.10895523

Yes, at the cost of soul.

>> No.10896990

You made an assertion, I called bullshit, prove your claim, faggot. There must have been some source you got that information from, what is it?

>> No.10898204

Any SNES is fine for playing on a CRT just try and avoid the early ones that are prone to failure

>> No.10898752

dude trust me