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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1088007 No.1088007 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday, I bought the Quake mission packs Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity off of amazon for 3 bucks each. Have you played it? They were new missions using the same engine with different weapons and levels. They're more like sequels to Quake than Quake II, because Quake II is completely unrelated and takes place in space. What are some other good retro FPS games?

>> No.1088158
File: 14 KB, 256x308, 256px-Blood_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would highly recommend Blood. Only downside is source was never released so dosbox is the only way to play it on a modern machine.

Other recommendations; Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Outlaws, Star Wars Dark Forces, Redneck Rampage, Exhumed/Power Slave, Hexen, Heretic, Chasm: The Rift, Descent, Doom, Alien versus Predator, Half-Life, Unreal

That's what I got off the top of my head

>> No.1088172

Adding a few more; Strife, Rise of the triad, System Shock 1&2

First system shock is interesting but the controls are wonky, I think its worth checking out though.

>> No.1088190

You haven't said whether you want PC FPS games only.

>> No.1089230 [DELETED] 

PC or console FPS games.

>> No.1089930

>PC or console FPS games

>> No.1090232

Scourge is awesome, more fun than the original Quake even.
Dissolution is really boring though. Overly linear levels and the new weapons are the laziest shit you'll ever see. Lava nails, indeed.

>> No.1090253

CyberMage: Darklight Awakening is flawed, but incredibly charismatic comic book shooter (and a bit buggy as well).

If you're bit loose with your definition of FPS, Quarantine provides a good shooter/driving hybrid.

TekWar is one of Crapstone's better games.

Chasm: The Rift is remarkable for being completely unremarkable. Getting that to work on a modern OS might be a bit tricky. I remember it locked when I tried to play it on winXP.

>> No.1090442

Uh, really? I have heard nothing but bad things about this game and it looks like a complete mess from videos of people playing. Other than the historical appeal to see one of the first Build games, do you actually think it's good?

If there's buried gold there I would like to know about it.

>> No.1090446
File: 106 KB, 640x480, tekwar_mirror.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the historical note, pic related might be the first mirror in an FPS.

>> No.1090652

Glad it was only 3 dollars, then.

>> No.1090939

All Capstone games were bad to some degree, but this was one of the better ones. The level design and music were surprisingly good for the day (and especially a budget shooter). Its style was unique in compared to other games of the time.

It also had a lot of TECHNOLOGY moments like NPCs, vehicles, a persistent upgrade system, and bunch of other stuff you had to be there for.

Like I said, it's Capstone. The only reason I recommend this over Chasm is because this game has some charm to it. Chasm the rift somehow managed to have 5.0/10 etched into its soul before it hit the shelves.

>> No.1090947

Armagon is amazing. Dissolution, not so much.

Scourge of Armagon felt like playing Q2 with Q1 weapons

>> No.1091857

Atari Jaguar:
Alien vs Predator.

Delta Force: Urban Combat.
Medal of Honor: Underground.

Turok 3.
World is Not Enough.
Perfect Dark.

Turok 1 & 2.
Delta Force.
Duke Nukem 3D.
World War II GI.
Shadow Warrior.

There are also non-vr titles from 2000, such as No-One Lives Forever, Deus Ex, and Project IGI.

>> No.1092070

>Quake than Quake II, because Quake II is completely unrelated and takes place in space.

In the same way that every game that happens on earth takes place in space.

Quake also doesn't take place entirely on earth either as you trans-dimensional slip gates. You don't seem to be bitching about that either.

In space means on a space ship or outside - in space. Freelancer takes place, mostly in space. Shattered Horizon, takes place in space. Descent.. takes place in mines on planets... Descent Freespace... in space. Doom, takes place on the moon bases of phobos and deimos and on earth... but while the moons are in space. Doom is not 'in space.' Doom 3 has no oxygen atmosphere on mars and still, is not 'in space.'

>What are some other good retro FPS games?

You might as well have asked /vr/ for all it's use. Just pick up any FPS on an old system because quality accounts for nothing in suggesting things. People are going to throw shit at you. Just play whatever for DOS or Windows and find what you like.

>> No.1092160

>>in space
A lot of times, developers would use this as an excuse to put obnoxious vent mazes in space station levels.

>> No.1092205

>retro fps

Then you're looking for Turok


The pc ports of Dinosaur Hunter, Seeds of Evil and Evolution with working music, cd images, working keybinds, and some other things i forgot about when i packed this.

Also, try T3: Shadow of Oblivion for ultimate edgy, the good kind of edgy.

>> No.1092393

I'm late here but before you go, don't forget Soldier of Fortune for PC. That game was badass at the time. It may not hold up well but back then, it was awesome, especially with how body parts would get blown off.

>> No.1092985
File: 20 KB, 320x200, powersl_screen001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerslave aka Exhumed.

There is 3 different versions : the PC and the console versions (PSX and Saturn).

The PC version is a whole different game than the PC versions. It's your typical shooter of the mid 90's (using the Build engine). Action isn't really great, only okay; but imo it shines for its excellent unrealistic and interactive level design, the kind of level design that you don't see anymore in FPS; and in that regard it's one of the best FPS i've played.

The console games are a different game. They're more adventure oriented, there is a world and you gotta go find new items which give new abilities and come back to previous levels to unlock new areas, paths and exits. Kind of like Metroid Prime except with a world map system.
It's a really good game too and play surprinsgly well for a console FPS.
The Saturn and PSX version vary a little (some different looking enemies and a few levels are exclusive to each version).

>> No.1092989
File: 20 KB, 320x200, powersl_screen001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, the Saturn version which uses a full 3D engine with dynamic lights while playing really smooth (same engine as the Saturn version of Duke Nukem 3D)

>> No.1094013

The only thing I really, really don't like in the console versions is the shared "weapon energy" pool for all weapons. Ugh.

>> No.1096176

You need to get laid. Badly.

>> No.1096201


>> No.1096197

That's actually a screenshot of the DOS version, but w/e. The PlayStation version is a really good game.

>> No.1096206

lol, I downloaded 2 screenshots and uplodated the wrong one.