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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.49 MB, 2400x2712, 20240424_003102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10877480 No.10877480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>smol CRT for $12.99 maple leafs plus $7.99 mapke leafs for NES mini minus coupon equals $18.97 for tons of classic fun
>Effectively the same price for one month of a streaming service in Canada
I literally spend more time browsing streaming services than actually watching anything on them, decided to unsubscribe to tons of shit and use the extra cash for thrifting. This is fun, and I haven't even hooked up my og childhood Genesis, SNES, or N64 to it yet.

>> No.10877485

what fucking retard thrift store is selling an nes mini for 8 dollars

>> No.10877490

It's a knockoff.

>> No.10877492

good luck with that

>> No.10877501
File: 2.47 MB, 3974x2398, 20240309_211454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fake NES mini, and Value Village. I have gotten tons of insane shit from there over the past year from emulation chinkhelds to PSPs and GameBoy Colors for $10-25 (maple leafs).

>> No.10877503

yeah we get it buddy you're canadian. ching chang chong.

>> No.10877505

You don't know what fake NES Mini Classics can do, do you?
Literally better than the real thing.

>> No.10877509

Those 13" Sharps and Sanyos seem to be around a lot. I wonder if any of them have a nice low-dot-pitch shadow mask.

>> No.10877510

OP's pic doesn't use usb for the controllers. It's likely an NES on a chip like those plug and plays from the 2000s.

>> No.10877512

Stop being an obtuse retard. When people hear or read "dollars" they assume US currency by default and I am only specifying so people know this shit is even cheaper than what the Canadian colour Monopoly money dollars cost as shown. I'm not doing some "I'M CANADIAN, LE CANADIAN PRIDE" shit with the self-depreciating use of calling my own currency maple leafs. My god I am sick of hand holding you unbathed retards who need everything explained to you.

>> No.10877513

You talk like a fucking fag.

>> No.10877516

>decided to unsubscribe to tons of shit

I don't know how you normalfaggots are this retarded. What the fuck is there to subscribe to literally? Shitflix I guess and then what? I've been hearing this so many times recently. Hurr durr I unsubbed from 57349 services and now I have a billion dollars free.

>> No.10877517

Unironically people should frequent thrift stores like GoodWill and ValueVillage frequently, you genuinely have no idea how many baby boomer grandparents and illiterate-by-choice Gen X parents just willy nilly buy their kids/grandkids random awesome shit only to donate it away a month later. Fucking PS5 in mint condition, maybe turned on once, for $50.

>> No.10877521

I'm more of a receiving fag than the one doing the fucking, but that's irrelevant. If your bawic ass bitch has to hop onto ad hominems, ya lost son.

>> No.10877529

It depends on what you like. Things like Friends and many other series are split up across two, three, sometimes A DOZEN streaming services due to licensing and shit. Pokemon is another example, where you need four streaming services to watch the whole series. Other than that, it's subbing to watch one specific show then unsubbing once it's done, like with The Boys.

>> No.10877530

Lost what you fuckin moron? Sorry I wasn't impressed by your shitty tv and bootleg nes.

There is an entire industry of people who stalk goodwills and valu villages for this shit. OP is either extremely lucky or one of the autistic people who know where and when the new deliveries are put on the shelf. His caustic attitude leads me to believe he is in fact some autist who does this for a living and needed to vindicate himself tonight because someone called him out for being a loser in real life.

>> No.10877534

>he literally gets assfucked
yeah, i'm not listening to your opinion.

>> No.10877541

>my contributions to /vr/ - Retro Video Games today;
>I called someone a Canadian then made Chinese noises
>I then called them a fucking fag
>0% of my posts were about retro video games
>I am doing well (please believe me)

>> No.10877547

Even ignoring the "dude, just pirate" angle, idk why you'd ever be subscribed to more than one at a time. Unlike TV it's painless to turn them on and off.

>> No.10877548

You're a loser, baby, but not the level I'd keep company. I might be a smoozer, honey, a drugged up addicted dummy, but at least I'm not like you, an eternal loser beneath me.
You're too retarded to get the reference.

>> No.10877550

What are you talking about? Just download those for free. Bro said Friends lmao.

>> No.10877552

Eh, I had an Amazon Prime Video free trial that charged me twice after cancelling five times. It was finally sorted out but what the fuck

>> No.10877557

>Alienated because someone mentioned Friends
You might not be technically underage to be on 4chan, but holy fucking shit are you a self-admitting baby who doesn't belong on /vr/. Next you'll be botheres by Seinfeld and Kids in the Hall.

>> No.10877558
File: 738 KB, 500x366, 2424b7dd-e810-4683-8c7d-7bc25d7f9f88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro said Friends lmao.

>> No.10877559

Congratulations zoomer, ya played yourself. And I'm not even talking about pissing your pampers over Friends being mentioned, but who the fuck puts a period after lol, lmao, or rotflmao you fucking poser?

>> No.10877562

Millennials literally have always used lul/kek etc as punctuation within itself, typically using lol/lul/kek/ha/haha/lmao/etc as the period, kek

>> No.10877565

Lmao, retard!
Sooo which retro Friends video game is your favorite, larping normalfaggot?

>> No.10877567

Holy shit kid, stop trying to hamfist your way into fitting in with people who want nothing to fucking do with you. Seriously.

>> No.10877568

Nice projection retard. Lmao.

>> No.10877569
File: 31 KB, 220x310, Friends_The_One_With_All_the_Trivia_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so fucking underage he doesn't know about the Friends PS2 trivia game
keep exposing yourself

>> No.10877570

It's fucking 1:05 am EST, there is no way your mother isn't out sucking dick to oay the hydro bill while you stupidly unsupervised tippity tap on her tablet alone at home.

>> No.10877572

This game is literally older than the person being replied ro, lmfao

>> No.10877574

>damage control
>to oay
Retard lmao.

>> No.10877578

Sure bro just tell us which torrent site is safe to download complete torrents from post 2020.
I'll wait but I won't be holding my breath, you impotent child.

>> No.10877580

No spoonfeeding, newfaggot.

>> No.10877582

Oh no.
You're actually retarded.
So why are you even in this thread? Reee'ing irl because you want a CRT and fake NES Mini but it's too late for mommy to run around town looking for one for you?

>> No.10877587

I have genuinely never seen somebody be such a tryhard to fit in on 4chan before, and it's especislly hilarious this kid is trying to fit in in fucking 2024 of all years. It can't be helped! He was literally born too late to fit in on 4chan, let alone 4channel, kek

>> No.10877589
File: 2.15 MB, 3200x2400, 20240424_011338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gave me the wronf cables
They lucky I already have the right cables

>> No.10877590

Why are YOU in here, retard? Go back to /tv/ with your Friends watching redditor ass.
>being this mad people are calling you a retarded normalfaggot for being subscribed to 5 different streaming services just to watch Friends
Stop projecting. You will never fit in. Talk about retro video games, retard. Lmao.

>> No.10877592

You are literally the only person projecting how mad you are, roffle

>> No.10877595

>Talk about retro video games, retard.

>> No.10877596

Nice cat.

>> No.10877597

Mad about what exactly? That I've done my lurking many years ago and have the basic knowledge which eliminates the need to subscribe to 5 different reddit services to watch a redditor TV show? I am oh so mad. Roflmao.

>> No.10877598

At least show what the knockoff NES does.
Salvage something from this retarded thread.

>> No.10877605
File: 3.37 MB, 4000x3000, 20240211_121428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'e a good cat who loves to be on my lap/against my arm while playing vidya

>> No.10877606


>> No.10877607 [DELETED] 

>cries about the thread without actually even fucking reading it
You're literally the cancer you cry about existing, you illiterate fuckwad.
See >>10877505

>> No.10877612 [DELETED] 

>mindlessly calling everything... le reddit!!
like a child flossing at strangers while their mom is shopping, oi vey.

>> No.10877614 [DELETED] 

That's a different knockoff NES.

>> No.10877616 [DELETED] 

Maybe he wants OP to post OC of his you cringy newfaggot.

>> No.10877617 [DELETED] 

This was potentially going to be a sweet thread until a literal child started obsessing over op mentioning that they're Canadian, hoky fuck

>> No.10877618 [DELETED] 

>redditor triggered after being exposed
Maybe don't be a Friends watcher and a subscription service slave next time, redditor. Also, redditor, maybe don't be a /tv/ off topic spammer on a video games board and it wont be like this.

>> No.10877619

I'm setting it up to play and look through tonight. Was gonna post a pic or two with my findings as I normslly do but... I think this time it's best I just abandon the thread, pretend it never happened, and jist enjoy this fake NES Mini and CRT while pretending the pissy little child didn't come on in to fuck it all up out of some unsupervised boredom.

>> No.10877624 [DELETED] 

>everyone on 4chan is the same person
lurk more

>> No.10877626 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 781x500, 1409596871529077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friends is now Reddit
How young are you lol? Nah seriously, you're just stupidly firing from the hip and calling everything Reddit to fit in like a fatherless nigger, cease.

>> No.10877630 [DELETED] 

Always has been. Stop seething. This isn't even your board, not sure why you have to damage control over the fact of getting called out.

>> No.10877631 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 500x293, tumblr_ml4bupJjAv1r19xfqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dreaded "Friends watcher"
>tumblr filename specifically to get an intentional reaction out of (You)

>> No.10877635 [DELETED] 

>a Friends watcher
So... don't be born between the years of 1978 and 1992 in a first world country... ?

>> No.10877637

How did we go from this thread obsessing about Canadians to obsessing about Friends, lmfao
It was literally about buying cheap CRTs and emulation olug n plays from thrift stores

>> No.10877639

The power of an unsupervised child on mommy's smart device, desperate for any human interaction. That's how. And I wish /vr/ would straight up not allow people to even view this board unless they've been here since at least, AT LEAST 2014, especially with all of the fucking /v/irgins coming here recently over the past four months.

>> No.10877640 [DELETED] 

It's 2024. If you haven't seen it on TV several times already, and haven't had the full series on downloaded to your PC for decades, you're a cringy zoomer. Not retro video games either way. Nobody cares about your seething blog.
A bitch got his feeling hurt when he got laughed at for being a subscription service slave.

>> No.10877641 [DELETED] 

Even second world countries had Friends and The Simpsons

>> No.10877643 [DELETED] 

>A bitch got his feeling hurt when he got laughed at for being a subscription service slave.
You're literally the bitch here, don't @ me again.

>> No.10877645 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 415x434, 1645791233908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10877650 [DELETED] 

No no, kiddo. You shit your pampers because Friends was being watched at all. It was just given as an example of many shows that are spread out. Why didn't you OBSESS this much about Pokemon being mentioned too? Becuase eyou actively enjoy watching Pokemon? Don't try to backstep and change course now, you cowardly little child. Man the fuck uo and stick to you guns until you die at them.

>> No.10877653

So you've literally only been on 4chan since 2018. Strange flex but at least you confess your inexperienxed, unbathed ass can't keep the fuck up.

>> No.10877654 [DELETED] 

Wow you sure are showing how not mad you are right now. How fat are you? Calm down, breathe, stop making typos with your fat little fingers. Again, which retro Friends game are you talking about? Which system is it on? Haven't heard about one on the NES personally.

>> No.10877656 [DELETED] 

>don't @ me
>I don't @ him
>he still gets mad

You're the type of person that comes in here and makes "where do I download game roms and isos from guise" posts.

>> No.10877657 [DELETED] 

>hot fat are you
You can literally see his stringbean 80 lbs ass in the op pic, retard. Stop mindlessly flailing actual shit at the wall to try to make anything stick. Nothing is more pathetic than desperation.

>> No.10877662 [DELETED] 

Take your own advise. And again, not everyone on 4chan is the same person. You'll learn that through lurking more. Stick to it.

>> No.10877664 [DELETED] 

Why are you actually mad tho, lol?
You ruined the thread, we might as well .ake a therapy session out of it for you in hopes you don't do it again.
Seriously, what thr actual fuck are you actually mad about here, kiddo?

>> No.10877668 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, 1703582729035042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag esl confirmed for being mad he can't afford $20 canadian

>> No.10877669 [DELETED] 
File: 3.67 MB, 320x400, 1656949614454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.ake a

>> No.10877671 [DELETED] 

>You made a typo, heh, entire argument discarded
Literally being the meme.

>> No.10877672 [DELETED] 

I have a CRT TV with 5 retro systems. All modded and ready to play on. I also didn't need to subscribe to anything to get my rom and iso files :)

>> No.10877673 [DELETED] 

I'd still like to see you playing it and maybe showing which games come on it..

>> No.10877675 [DELETED] 

You've made one with every single one of your spam posts trying to call people mad. Your hands are literally shaking. Which retro game are you talking about again?

>> No.10877679 [DELETED] 

There literally doesn't exist a subscription service to pirate games.
Also telling that you think games are exclusively "roms" and "iso files", Nintentoddler.