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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 512x448, Spider Man Return of the Sinister Six (LJN, NES 1990).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10873491 No.10873491 [Reply] [Original]

Spider Man really never did get a good video game, did he? (well I guess the Atari 2600 one was alright for what it was)

>> No.10873505

The one for ps1 and Spiderman 2 were good. Ultimate Spiderman wasn’t bad either

>> No.10873520

>Spider-Man vs Kingpin for Genesis and Sega CD (but avoid the Master System one)
>The PS1 duology
>The second movie adaptation game
>Ultumate Spider-Man
>The two Game Boy Color entries
I'd say he made out better than most.

>> No.10873539
File: 174 KB, 640x1084, 62011_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a ton of good ones, both /vr/ and non-/vr/.

Adding to this, I had Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety as a kid, and my cousins had Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge. I really enjoyed both games, and I've heard mostly good things about Maximum Carnage as well but never really played that one.

>> No.10873545

when the PSX Spider-Man came out everyone was calling it the best superhero game ever made, it's still a great game to this day.

Unfortunately there's some emulator bug that makes some sewer level (I think?) where you're chased by Venom impossibly difficult, and that's as far as I personally got, but I can attest the game leading up to there being golden.

Spider-Man 2 (based on the Tobey McGuire movie) has surprisingly complex and fun web swinging mechanics; there are gamers who will boot up the game every once in a while just to swing around the city for a bit. For years, whenever a new Spider-Man game came out, there would be people asking if the web-slinging was the same as Spider-Man 2 and people were always being disappointed to hear that it wasn't. Apparently the SM2 web coding is lost which is why it was never replicated. I'm uncertain if the new Sony games got webbing right, but I hear those games have boring modern sensibilities like too many cutscenes and political messages.

>> No.10873551

I'm playing the PS1 Spider-Man 1 right now and it's fairly good. Not over the top great but maybe a 7 or an 8. Swinging from building to building feels good and the controls are overall nice for how much you can do in it. The biggest problem is the framerate, which is fairly low.
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm past the sewer part and it works fine for me on Swanstation. Maybe it's another part of the game.

>> No.10873559

Damn, forgot about Maximum Carnage, too.

>> No.10873572

That emulator bug has to be from years ago right? Like when epsxe was still the go to ps1 emulator.

>> No.10873587

Yeah, last time I played it was on epsxe years ago. So you guys are saying I should give the game another shot on DuckStation?

>> No.10873654

I enjoyed the one I had on the 64

>> No.10873890
File: 13 KB, 226x223, KINO-MAN 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking WOT M8

>> No.10873945
File: 44 KB, 349x500, ultimate limited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate Spiderman is super underrated, I beat it like 5 times as a kid, still holds up and I personally prefer it to Spiderman 2.
I will say it has problems, it's very short, empty open world, and very basic fighting system, but other than that I think it's a great Spiderman game for spiderfans.
Tons of lip service to the rest of the marvel universe (wolverine, human torch, silver sable, etc. all show up), playable venom, plenty of unlockables, and a story that is extremely faithful to the source material.
>pic related is the limited edition release of the game

>> No.10873953

maximal carnies

>> No.10873960
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1704694782428060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been calling him Spiderman all this time

I must've looked like an idiot

>> No.10873962

John Spiddermann

>> No.10873968

people leave out the hyphen all the time, it's just colloquial, not like you pronounce the hyphen in normal speech.

>> No.10873971

without the hyphen it becomes "spuh-derm-un"

>> No.10873980

Spiderhyphenman. He puts hyphens in spiders. Watch out spiders!

>> No.10874002
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not like you pronounce the hyphen in normal speech
well, about that...

>> No.10874006

If Spider·Man is as radioactive as his theme song would suggest, why don't his enemies just track him down with a Geiger counter?

>> No.10874008

I want some lip service from Venom if you know what I mean

>> No.10874018

>we can't help but notice that everyone working at the local newspaper office has developed terminal cancer

>> No.10874019

it's the sequence where you have to crawl upside down over the rising sewer water, on hard it was borderline impossible.

>> No.10874028

swinging around basically blind feels awful, spiderman is not a good property for a standard fov sidescroller.

>> No.10874031


the atari 2600 spiderman theme will haunt me until my death

truly indelible in the hippopotamus

>> No.10874032

ultimate spiderman is not underrated. it was always a critical darling.

>> No.10874037
File: 73 KB, 616x353, 1709465392334341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game was the original Bennet Foddy

>> No.10874041
File: 179 KB, 346x214, 1676436355193144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they would port the Genesis / Sega CD version to a modern console. I assume the licensing rights are fubar but it chaps my ass that you can get collections with the most mid or obscure genesis games for pretty much anything but a game that was one of the console's biggest hits is just locked in its original format forever

>> No.10874056
File: 49 KB, 280x276, 1000006349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiderman on PSX was good. The first one. Second was basically more of the same, but done worse. But I liked both more than PS4 game.

>> No.10874080
File: 15 KB, 224x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.10874096

maybe back in the day it was reviewed well, but nowadays whenever I bring it up in normal conversation with friends, everyone seems to prefer Spider-man 2 and thinks that Ultimate isn't that good. It may have got good reviews, idk, but nowadays it's definitely fallen by the wayside relative to other spider-man games.

>> No.10874143

It's pretty good because it wasn't tied to the movie universe like SM2 movie game was a year or so prior. I recall that the parts where you repeatedly chase after the bad guys weren't the best the game has to offer but otherwise it's still playable and great.

>> No.10874149

And also the early 2000s Spider-Man games were unique in the sense that they could make a ps1 game and use any of the Marvel characters in the whole comic universe which nowadays would be an absolute licensing nightmare.

>> No.10874152

i remember liking spiderman 2 on xbox at the time. replaying it now im sure its just open world slop

>> No.10874154

This is one of these things that's hard to get when English is my second language, but I guess it was just decided at some point it's not Spider Man or SpiderMan or Spiderman but Spider-Man.

>> No.10874170

SM1 PS1 has bugs if the fps isn't correct, that was a problem with the original pc version back when it was released. The cutscene where you chase Venom in the building and some other parts where fucked and nearly impossible but they just released the port like that.

I was disappointed in the PS4 SM when there were interviews how the developers really liked SM2 PS2 and when I tried the web psychics they were made so that it's impossible to fail at any point. Swing into a building? No problem just hold one button. Slam into the ground? No fall damage. If you press web button 1 meter before hitting the ground, it will continue smoothly where as in SM2 PS2 he would shoot a web but his feet would touch the ground.

>> No.10874176

Also the Mysterio fight on Hard is extremely frustrating but it's called hard for a reason I guess?

>> No.10874181
File: 37 KB, 499x322, 1695357104255148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invisible Man

>> No.10874186

Guy who coded the web-slinging actually did make a tech-demo/indie game with the same web-slinging, obviously not tied to Spider-man, the name of the guy and game escapes me, this was a long time ago and nothing ever came of the project I believe.

>> No.10874195

Nevermind, the game was called "Energy Hook"

>> No.10874201

There's no logic, it's just that one way to say it becomes the standard. You can say that "invisible" is an adjective, "spider" is a subject, "super" I guess is short for superior but whatever.

>> No.10874204

There are quite a few of those type of copies floating around too because you can make them freely but no one cares if it's not Spiderman.

>> No.10874210


ESL status may not even be holding you back here - I'm a native English speaker with minimal skill in other languages (so, a standard American) and most of the options you list there look equally natural and acceptable to me. It's only "SpiderMan" that stands out as being relatively unnatural. I think the canonically correct choice of "Spider-Man" really is completely arbitrary, and a native speaker will have to memorize it with little or no reliance on any inherent "natural" feeling of it just like you would.

I've also had this problem with Pac-Man, although in that case there's a different kind of language barrier involved - but the end result is the same. There's little sense in the creator's/publisher's choice of correct spelling; you just have to memorize it.

>> No.10874227


>> No.10874242

If he were a drow he'd be called G'eldhrae

>> No.10874250


>> No.10874286

>I think the canonically correct choice of "Spider-Man" really is completely arbitrary, and a native speaker will have to memorize it with little or no reliance on any inherent "natural" feeling of it just like you would.
Yeah that's what I was implying and there's nothing wrong with that. Pretty much any language has these kind of rules which rely on you just remembering them.

>> No.10874463
File: 358 KB, 749x565, Man-spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10874472

Human Spider that's the best you got?

>> No.10874486

Bruce Campbell was a hoot as the narrator of the Raimi game trilogy.

>> No.10874524


>> No.10874781

Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. It's basically impossible without godly timing. There's a trick, however, and it was probably intended. I'll go record it later and show some intentionally failed runs for demonstration mixed in with the strategy. When you see it you'll be like "oh, that wasn't so hard."

>> No.10874998

Okay, I recorded it!

Deliberate failure 1: too close to the waterline.
Deliberate failure 2: appropriate positioning, okay timing, but somehow it's never enough. this is where most people fail.
Attempt 3 with the trick: so fucking trivial you don't even have to start in time and only have to do it once.


>> No.10875059
File: 39 KB, 320x224, 046462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always loved the colorfulness and the sound design of the arcade game. Plus what other game ever let you play as frickin' Namor? Maybe one of those ultimate alliance games but I doubt it.

>> No.10875221

he's called spider-man because he's half spider half man half -

>> No.10875330

All GBA games are good. Except Mysterio's Menace which is just ok.

>> No.10875331

Spider-man games on NDS fucking kick ball's. Just do not play Spider-man 3 there.