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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 71 KB, 602x466, mistakes were made.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10871645 No.10871645 [Reply] [Original]

So I think a lot of retro games are more about learning the game and knowing what enemies pop up where, where you're doing a lot of trial and error testing sometimes as part of "gitting gud" at the game.

So, what are some of the easiest mistakes you continually make?

>> No.10871651

that one room in ninja gaiden 2, you start climbing up this wall, but the ladder sprite disappears at the height where if you jump, you still won't make it, so I always have to remember to climb higher before jumping

>> No.10871657

As I mentioned elsewhere figuring out that in Touch Down Fever you should just run the ball with the quarterback and don't try to do pass plays or handoffs to the running back because it usually doesn't work.

>> No.10871767

react to hastily or not in time

>> No.10871779

anon they still make new bomberman games

>> No.10871857
File: 103 KB, 720x447, 1669689902757288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic made me want to play some bomberman tonight, been a long time since I've blown myself up.

>> No.10871872

Ok but I'm not talking about those shitty ones, just the older ones and older games in general.

>> No.10871897

>but I'm not talking about those shitty ones
they're the same game

>> No.10871905
File: 72 KB, 630x611, 1706850201660632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomberman... Bomberman never changes...

>> No.10871991
File: 1019 KB, 770x618, Bomberman Fantasy Race - Bomber Circuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what about funny kangaroo game

>> No.10872712

Attack, attack, attack, attack.
I often find myself just blindly being very aggressive. I don't watch for patterns or wait for an opening, I just mash attack and hope for the best.
Sometimes this actually is the best tactic but most of the time I get a gameover and just do it again.

>> No.10873674

Bomberman in the later half of the 90s was becoming really ambitious. You had games that were crossed with other genres, games that had developed crazy story lines, games that came with special peripherals, and so on. Those days of experimentation are long gone.

>> No.10873691

To me Bomberman had the same issue as Worms where the formula was perfected very early on and no matter how hard they tried, everything that came after felt like a sidegrade at best.

>> No.10873693

Learning not to make the same mistake twice is part of getting good

Anyway the only thing I can think of is Solar Man in Mega Man 10, while learning to do him buster only, i'd ALWAYS jump away from him even though the best tactic was to jump in his direction. Even though I knew it I just kept doing it again and again and it made me think that the boss is just well designed because he goes against players expectations and habits

>> No.10873697

nta but I feel like Bomberman peaked with the PS1 game

>> No.10873919

Sure, the formula is perfect, but the 64 games stand out in everybody's memory because they actually did something adventurous with the formula and made three games that couldn't belong to any other franchise. Bomberman 64 in particular is highly regarded.

>> No.10875674

>So I think a lot of retro games are more
More than what?

>> No.10875689

And also cf. Kirby. None of the Kirby games after KDL and KA added anything to the series.

>> No.10875694

about learning the game and knowing what enemies pop up where

>> No.10875759 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 1500x1280, Bomberman-Act-Zero-Concept-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a good thing!
Well, considering the alternative at least. . .

>> No.10875763 [SPOILER] 
File: 161 KB, 1080x921, hvsjw3p3mj341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck wrong image

>> No.10875830

>about learning the game and knowing what enemies pop up where
So more about learning the game and knowing what enemies pop up where than about learning the game and knowing what enemies pop up where?
I think I found your problem

>> No.10876919

More than what you can comprehend because you can't read.

>> No.10877050

>You can't read the thing I didn't write
Only the voices in your head can do that kiddo

>> No.10877082

>You can't read the thing I didn't write
I didn't write that. I simply wrote that you can't read.

>> No.10877739

>i didn't write the thing I didn't write
Yes. You are clearly not the underage ESL who can't write coherent sentences.

>> No.10877753

>stops mid sentence
>calls others ESL