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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 131 KB, 788x412, tombfeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10869223 No.10869223 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have full sized images of the pin-up posters that got removed? I plan on using these images in a mod to combat the censorship.

>> No.10869239

They censored the renders that they used to print in mainstream gaming mags?

>> No.10869256


>> No.10869264


Thanks anon.

>> No.10869282

Tomb Raider, more like Womb Raider, am I right?

>> No.10869292

Are re-issues and remakes really retro?

>> No.10869297

>Are re-issues and remakes really retro?
I sometimes wonder about that myself.
I mean, I know Catslutvania Nymphony of the Night is the same as Bloodstained Ritual of the Woman, but because it is so new, we can't talk about it. It's like a remake of a retro game.

>> No.10869303

Remember when FFVII Remake fans assured us that only Tifa getting censored post-release was the only time something like this would happen?

>> No.10869305

>Remember when FFVII Remake fans assured us that only Tifa getting censored post-release was the only time something like this would happen?
I still remember living in Soviet Russia...

>> No.10869313

Sure, it's the same game under the hood. You can toggle to originals graphics at any time. Should the Doom general be allowed? They are running the game on modern engines on modern OSes, nobody is playing it on DOS on a 486DX.

>> No.10869316

Living in ignorance doesn't make it go away retard

>> No.10869320

The Doom thread needs to be banned, it's 100% bots repeating the same exact garbage every thread. It's as bad as the kpop general on /mu/.

>> No.10869321

>Living in ignorance doesn't make it go away retard
I'm not going to believe anything I see on a fake website populated with AI images and bot chat.
Do I look like someone that would post on 4chan?

>> No.10869361

How are they bots, though?
Says the faggot hypocrite.

>> No.10869369

Both are the easiest generals to filter on the entire site

>> No.10869372

are the bots in the site curently anon?
is this 4chan the site you are currently posting?

>> No.10869398

>How are they bots, though?
They are bots, it's obvious. How? By being bots. It's that simple.

It's just stupid to allow such a thread. What's the point? Activity simulator for a dead board? Most /mu/ threads die without a reply and are simply some advertisement for some gay band. It's not even organic.

>> No.10869403

>are the bots in the site curently anon?
Are you going to pretend this site isn't botted? Don't be stupid, anybody can tell that it is.

>> No.10869409

Why does it seem like most rights-holders doing remakes hate the games they’re remaking?

>> No.10869456
File: 32 KB, 540x720, 1689108084593612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are bots, its obvious How by being bots its that simple
sure thing Schizoid retard. Prove it. Tautology is not a valid argument, oh fucktard fool. Its true that the line is being highly blurred here and there, but how do you know its being botted by that much, eh? Show me the evidence. Also how is such a thread stupid to be allowed, huh. Opinions are not fact, and never will be. Who and what the fuck is qualified to be "organic" in your view?
>Anybody who disagrees with me is a bot, an AI, because it just IS THAT WAY, OKAY!

>> No.10869458

The rights holders of these games nowadays are Woke Fascists who hates the fans for prefering the original hot sexy female characters of these games than the ugly trans-looking modern versions of the characters these woke companies created. Modern Lara can't compete with classic Lara.

>> No.10869501

i asked a question in the doom general about what the consensus on eviternity 2 is and no one replied. at that point i knew it was either a schizo or bot containment zone

>> No.10869504

>No one paid attention to me, they're all bots or schizos!
I don't think you belong here, you moist bitch.

>> No.10869507

>the original hot sexy female characters of these games than the ugly trans-looking modern versions of the characters
>Modern Lara can't compete with classic Lara.

As much as I hate all the censorship, this is like the one case where that doesn't apply. Old Lara was, aside from her bust size, basically a man faced bull-dyke feminist's dream who would never compromise her freedom for a man, compared to the submissive, hyper feminine perpetual ryona victim that nu-Lara is. Modern Lara is much more conventionally attractive and appealing to male sensibilities and desires for a woman willing to play into traditional gender roles and all that.

>> No.10869524

You sound gender challenged.

>> No.10869650
File: 110 KB, 1220x813, TombRaider_lara_croft.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Lara looks like Angelina Jolie. Modern Lara looks like Leon S Kennedy(pic related).

>> No.10870084

doomfagots don't even put the general name in the fucking subject line. yes I know how to filter the threads but it would be neater if my filter list would be more consistent with thread filters being based on the general names in subject lines. this is of importance to me. they should be booted off to /vg/ where they belong

>> No.10870236

>censored Tifa's cleavage

>> No.10870315

and thats why i only play/buy videogames from the 90s and the early 2000s.

>> No.10870321

Doom General is the only place in this shithole board where actual discussions happen unlike the daily nintenyearsold circlejerk thread, "what if Sega didn't lose LE CONSOLE WAR" retreads and zoomerfaggots baiting with games that don't align with their retarded standards or are too hard for them are aksthcually shit.

>> No.10870331


>> No.10870339

The sad part is that the vocal minority of non-gamers they're trying to appease are still mad anyways because even after being uglified she's still more attractive than them, not to mention she's /fit/.

They won't be happy until she's obese, blue-haired, and covered in tattoos and piercings.

>> No.10870372

Just download the old version from steam or pirates, dumbass.

This remaster is one of the worst ones, new visuals are dreadful

>> No.10870391
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, 34238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Remaster lets you save anywhere, ruining the stakes. This is all I did with it before uninstalling. Go to the archive buddy

>> No.10870404
File: 101 KB, 385x249, 1711462459791086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late to delete your post anon, go to booba jail now

>> No.10870472

Doom General has been here since day 1. It's a /vr/ staple.

>> No.10870474

anon generals got you a ban on /vr/ for years before they just stopped caring

>> No.10870512

Just wanted to interrupt to call you a fucking idiot.

>> No.10870517

this. she literally had a pierced belly button

>> No.10870520

i searched "eviternity 2" on the 'chive and fucking nothing came up.

>> No.10870525

You did that too? I did it shortly after he made that post and didn't see anything either.
I think Anon is making shit up to cause a ruckus.

>> No.10870610

only if she futa

>> No.10870627


Indeed. Woke faggots hate sexy women, so they do their best to uglify them in modern versions.

>> No.10870675

You should leave

>> No.10870793

Nah you should, and turn off those bots too, Jay.

>> No.10871234

i can't believe that they made a whole successor to one of the most popular WADs ever, and yet it just doesn't exist on the internet aside from the downloads page and some let's play on the 'tube

>> No.10872164

Nah, you leave and go back to where you came from, be it Kiwifarms, Twatter, or SA, like the goon fuckhead you are.

>> No.10872206

I've always been here though.

>> No.10872214

I tried looking for those two exact images, it's a lot harder than I thought.

>> No.10872217

Those render posters weren't in the original games though, so technically the remake is more accurate now than before thanks to this edit.

>> No.10872574
File: 110 KB, 600x932, 1133349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was apparently a small print run of a parody comic called Womb Raider by a guy who also did a Buffy comic, but aside from sales data there are no images.

>> No.10872646

Doom general is the most Reddit thing on this board. Right down to the corny OP images

>> No.10872659

So it's like the original

>> No.10872723

What a pleb, say at least something of value than repeating trash like that.

>> No.10872727



Is not 'busty'

>> No.10872845

lol i think i got the right one in print as part of a german game magazine

>> No.10872874

Scan it and post it if you can.

>> No.10872902

But then won't they need to rename the series to Fridge Raider?

>> No.10872958

>Indeed. Woke faggots hate sexy women, so they do their best to uglify them in modern versions.

The phrase "vote with your wallets" is very important in these times. Im NOT going to waste my hard earned money in modern woke videogames. Only old videogames made before the year 2010 are worth my money.

>> No.10873029

pc versions usually allowed the same thing

>> No.10873129

Which is why there were worse than the PS1 versions.

>> No.10873142

she must have a huge dong

>> No.10873225
File: 608 KB, 2892x1620, screen112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this thanks to Yandex Images. I'm pretty sure it's the same render, although it's missing the background for some reason.

>> No.10873227
File: 2.14 MB, 3200x2923, screen63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the poster on the right, except with a different aspect ratio and also it's missing the signature.

There are many TR pics here, maybe the *same* pictures happen to be somewhere else.

>> No.10873351

Good job of finding these images.

>> No.10874182

They won't rename it, brand recognition and all that, even though they decided she's not a tomb raider anymore because that's problematic.

>> No.10874187

These renders are bundled with the gog releases, a big collection of pics.

>> No.10874206

>Doom General has been here since day 1
/vr/ existed before you got here

>> No.10874274

She can still raid tombs but only nazi tombs and she returns stolen cultural artifacts to their rightful owners.

>> No.10874280
File: 2 KB, 125x67, 1690639985759841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a long turd

>> No.10874765

You're either gay or delusional.

>> No.10875142
File: 3.10 MB, 852x480, m2-res_480p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope pc gamers got a free Lara with their game.

>> No.10875185

>walks away holding hyper realistic gun
>gets shot by police

>> No.10875648

Man that kid was lucky!

>> No.10875654

>rightful owners
But they're dead.

>> No.10875663
File: 703 KB, 3200x2923, tr3-render5649CD9CB5-717B-1A25-CF36-FBBBBF8AD0CD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I missed the boat with Lara. In 1997 I was 11 so I wasn't quite old enough to be pussy-obsessed so in her best days I "got" the appeal surrounding her (I could see why people fawned over her and why everyone was pining for a nude cheat) but not to the degree that someone older might.

Nowadays I look at classic Lara as the sort of female protagonist that the world let slip away in favor of in-your-face feminism.

>> No.10875675

Yeah. Looking at the face, it's more like "Busted".

>> No.10875771

I was 15 in 1997. I had a crush on Lara Croft, Jill Valentine and Sarah Bryant.

>> No.10875774

I've never been sexually attracted to a video game character because I do not have autism.

>> No.10875787

>he was attracted to vexx
fucking embarrassing anon

>> No.10875794

I don't have autism. But I know gay men aren't attracted to sexy female video game characters.

>> No.10875798
File: 467 KB, 500x281, 1496161880-simspons-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that USSR ever went away

>> No.10876797

Psx tr2 allowed saves anywhere too retard

>> No.10877532

PSX or PC version for the first Tomb Raider?

>> No.10877721

>I was 11 so I wasn't quite old enough to be pussy-obsessed
wow really? I was only 6 when I wanted to get married.

>> No.10877794

no one gets the money you spend on old crap, pirate, hoard and never play them because you waste your life here masturbating

>> No.10877850

Duckstation version

>> No.10878326

>i didn't get spoonfed so therefore everyone is bots
fuck off

>> No.10878742

Holy fucking manface. Why did xoomers think this bitch was supposed to be attractive? She's British too which automatically makes her a 1/10.

>> No.10879150 [DELETED] 

wouldn't it be millennials? or uhh "moomers"?

>> No.10879156

wouldn't it be millennials? or uhh "moomers"?

>> No.10879231 [DELETED] 

The jews never stop censoring. Pensive face emoji.

>> No.10879261


>> No.10879282

Except for Doom shit.

>> No.10879284

generals don’t survive here except for doom and vroom anyway

>> No.10879293

I have to think it was bigger in Yurop or something, because I've honestly never met anyone who's even played the damn series. And we were all middle class American chads with every system.

>> No.10879294

Well to be fair would it really be wise to mix doom general fags in with the weird tranny avatarfag creatures that roam free on /vg/? They'd get infected and bring that shit here I'm telling you /vg/ is a bad place.

>> No.10879305 [DELETED] 


>> No.10879306
File: 25 KB, 418x412, LC913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10881263

This isn't a general.

>> No.10881282

Serves you right for buying modern games lol

>> No.10881456

Tomb Raider trilogy isn't modern.

>> No.10883442

And yet it's still some how better than /v/

>> No.10883531

Kids often want to get married to girls at almost any age, it has nothing to do with sex. Its usually infatuation.

>> No.10885735


>> No.10885837

Lizz played through LAU too now

It looks like Legend is the game she enjoyed the most out of all TR

>> No.10885983

Nah, Classic Lara looks like Tia Carrere at her fucking Peak when she did Relic Hunter.

This is how you spot the low cow tourist

Neck yourself Mike Mattei, you are nothing but a bigger failure of life who clings unto shitty game achievements on consoles that makes a fucking unemployed loser like me look better you fat fuck.

>> No.10885989

>Mike Matei
Are you saying I have a big shlong and you would like to suck it? In that case yes I am Mike Matei

>> No.10886769

>Classic Lara looks like Angelina Jolie