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File: 33 KB, 266x373, Streets_of_Rage_3_(box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10866285 No.10866285 [Reply] [Original]

Starting with an obvious one.

>> No.10866301
File: 202 KB, 640x1078, 50165_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I'll bite OP. Also SEGA CD in general

>> No.10866317
File: 176 KB, 378x264, Castlevania_Dracula_X_cover_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It filtered millions

>> No.10866319

mario 2

>> No.10866321
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Always hear tons of praise for Dragons Trap and Monster World IV but none for this and it's my favorite Wonder Boy game

>> No.10866332
File: 20 KB, 260x180, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the snes received a lot of love, but not this one.

>> No.10866336

The impressive thing about SoR3 (even BK3) isn't just that it's not a good Streets of Rage game, it's just not a good game period.

>> No.10866339

The decrease in power from all characters from SOR1 and 2 makes this one a little long (compared to all other beat em ups and the other 2) and makes the US/EU versions a little too hard for its own good after the changes were made for the lower difficulty levels, but still a very good time. Music continues to get better over time (I think I've been listening to it more than the other two games nowadays). I would love to see a open source port of this that combines both versions together kinda like Sonic 3 AIR or Sonic 3 Complete.

>> No.10866352

Dragon Quest 2
Final Fantasy II
Ninja Gaiden 3
also this >>10866317

Some people would probably call me a contrarian, others would think I'm baiting; but I genuinely believe that. Although in the case of DQ2 and FF2 they share the spotlight with DQ8 and FF8 respectively. I'd almost include Zelda II as well if I wasn't so partial to Link's Awakening due to it being my first Zelda.

>> No.10866359

Streets of Rage Remake is pretty much what you're looking for.

>> No.10866364

No it's not. It disrespects SOR3 in every way imaginable.

>> No.10866372

I don’t agree with any of these but I’ll just say Zelda 2

>> No.10866381
File: 29 KB, 380x262, Dkc3_snes_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively better than 1 and at least on par with 2.

>> No.10866394

>Ninja Gaiden 3
Good taste. I've no-deathed every game and NG3's by far the most consistent and fair once you know what you're doing.

>> No.10866410
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>> No.10866428
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>> No.10866438

It didn’t filter anybody, it was mid

>> No.10866442
File: 235 KB, 500x671, DX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've met anyone who didn't like dx

>> No.10866468

Post discarded.

>> No.10866476

>only 7 enemies
its good but not my favorite
the pc engine "port" is also strange, but some of the music is better

>> No.10866479


>> No.10866490


The enemy roster is perfectly fine for such a short game.

>> No.10866501

>secret characters
>everyone can run
>specific special attacks for different weapon/character combinations
>hit points for weapons
>cooldown for special attacks
>improved level designs
>varied objectives
It's impressive how many improvements SoR3 brought to the table, just for them to be tossed in the trash in what that I call "the Mega Man 2 syndrome".

>> No.10866502

JP is tryhard dogshit. USA is a good game.

>> No.10866519

it couldn't live up to the hype that the magazines drummed up

>> No.10866667

Design-wise this game is like if there was a Castlevania IV on the NES. It picks up perfectly from where the original games left off and fits right in.

>> No.10866737
File: 26 KB, 384x260, IMG_2807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy III is by far the best FF NES, if not the best RPG in general for the console, but is overlooked because it never released on the console in the US.

>> No.10866958

That backported spin dash is fucking awful thoughever

>> No.10866981

>using the spin dash instead of using the super peel out and rolling
Seriously, though, it makes no sense why both are in the game.

>> No.10867438

Only the best music

>> No.10867553

Yeah, I love it just as much as the 2nd one.

>> No.10867561

Certainly the best snes castlevania but far from the best game. It's just jank playable, the game feels so wrong with its reused graphics and romhack feel.

>> No.10867780


>> No.10868292

Only Zelda with good combat

>> No.10868394
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>> No.10868454

why haven't shark and bit been made canon yet

>> No.10868545

I love most of the game, but the final boss makes me want to scream.

>> No.10868620
File: 104 KB, 459x356, Mega Man lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on now.

>> No.10868638

Don't forget the upgrade system

>> No.10868830

Way over hated by those who shit talk it
Way over praised by the (few) who love it
Its a solid Castlevania, but its also nothing amazing either.
Solid 7/10 worth a playthrough

>> No.10868851
File: 361 KB, 372x525, BofFDQCoverScan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF, they made an actually good videogame instead of another bland Dragon Quest clone?? Worst game ever!

>> No.10868868

Dragon Quarter was a weird game with a lot of jank mechanics, but I liked it.
I always wished there was a squeal to this that refined things. I liked the ideas.

>> No.10868925

the 2nd game is better, but the third is still pretty good.
its just that the big steamy turd that was the SOR3 "localization" by SOA kinda ruined its legacy.

>> No.10869160

Terrible special stages, terrible level design, terrible gimmick

>> No.10869684


>> No.10869708
File: 3.19 MB, 3170x2015, Sor3_md_jp_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the superior version

>> No.10869710

Turns out the fans preferred the dragon quest clones, to the point that they pretend Dragon Quarter doesn’t exist.

>> No.10869713
File: 123 KB, 550x850, mk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10869718

rolling thunder 3
superior sequel in every way, us exclusive; genesis exclusive
wild but it's crazy good

>> No.10869726

I think BattleNetwork has a Sharkman.

>> No.10869742

Holy faggotoly.

>> No.10870792


>> No.10870801

Resident Evil 3. But sadly now all the retards and zoomers are catching on, and our "cool RE3 club only for cool people" is getting decidedly more uncool

>> No.10870803


>> No.10870819

Are you high?

>> No.10870828
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>> No.10872083
File: 121 KB, 550x1000, 51NS922atTL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess 8 could also be considered the black sheep and i'd have to agree there but not a lot of people like this one either, and i don't know why unless it's just burner man and king stage 2. really good design in every other regard, really good music, cool "bestiary" feature etc. actually the non retro games are the best ones but it's the best retro classic mega man.

>> No.10872103

It's fucking romhacky but I thought it was better than MM7, certainly one of the best Mega Man games on the SNES.

>> No.10872115

Most people played the butchered GBA port.

>> No.10872553
File: 1.69 MB, 500x385, IMG_6767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct.

>> No.10872562

Absolutely not especially not the PS2 version

>> No.10873506

I couldn't give a shit. I've always loved RE3 and I always will.

>> No.10873698

Objectively true

Hotline Miami 2
Super Mario 2 (J)
Dark Souls 2 obviously
Breath Of Fire Dragon Quarter
Tekken 4

Contrarian/Creative answers with merit

CV Simons QuestT
Fallout 76

>> No.10874118

My hate for tekken 4 will never die

>> No.10874847

>Contrarian post without merit

>> No.10874868

This was the coolest demo ever at Babbage's but after playing the whole game the level design is so boring.

>> No.10875213

>tekken 4
based, now there was a daring iteration.