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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 820 KB, 332x250, Have you played Atari today.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10863941 No.10863941 [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had one in a hot minute I'm feeling nostalgic. Post about anything Atari from Computer Space to their 6th gen releases. I might be the only person in the world right now who wants to sit down and play Video Olympics for hours kek.

>> No.10864185
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Got a Gamedrive for the 7800 recently. The 7800 doesn't have a lot of games but many of the arcade ports are solid. Plus it's just cozy.

>> No.10864196

I still have my 2600 hooked up, and I love it. My favorite games are Combat, Jungle Hunt, Pitfall, Space War, and Video Pinball. I have the port of Defender too and like playing it, although I hear the 5200 port is better.

>> No.10864224

I was playing Demon Attack a minute ago. Pretty fun.

>> No.10864283

Gremlins for 5200 is such a fantastic and addictive game. Shame we'll never see it in any modern Atari collection.

>> No.10864302
File: 2 KB, 320x210, Kool Aid Man 2600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty neat and better than a licensed game based around a shitty HFCS filled drink should be.

>> No.10864309

They could always just reskin it if they really wanted to.

>> No.10864561
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>I might be the only person in the world right now who wants to sit down and play Video Olympics for hours

There's at least 2 of us.

Also, top 100 Atari 2600 games chart.

>> No.10864564
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Expanded version of that chart.

>> No.10864569

>Video Pinball

Really? Midnight Magic has so much better physics.

>> No.10864571
File: 12 KB, 109x109, 10FC252D-E893-4DFB-9ECB-B8B9EBEB1C2B.thumb.gif.b6101cc9080638b9ae8b5d57ebb22407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atari might have been the greatest developer of all time. And the Atari 2600 is legitimately a top 10 all-time console.

>> No.10864572

I had a tough match of pong against the computer on the Video Olympics version. I ended up winning 21-20.

>> No.10864736

The next Atari Recharged should be Pong Recharged based on the Video Olympics version.

>> No.10864825
File: 2 KB, 263x379, 56454456546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Breakout. I've played it a lot the last 2 years. Good for flow state.
saved gif, thanks

>> No.10864981
File: 166 KB, 542x369, 4d87c05fd47c823ffc571eb7c8acb8ff6ff83f43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that beauty.

>> No.10864984
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>> No.10865252
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>> No.10865256
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>> No.10865258
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>> No.10865261
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>> No.10865264
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>> No.10865265
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>> No.10865267
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>> No.10865268
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>> No.10865269
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>> No.10865273
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>> No.10865275
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>> No.10865302

>We haven't had one in a hot minute
shut the fuck up

>> No.10865376

Lucasfilm games on Atari 8-bit had a hot run:
Rescue on Fractalus, Koronis Rift, BallBlazer, The Eidolon for me

>> No.10865929
File: 31 KB, 640x480, _-I-Robot-Arcade-_-2572140808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my young mind was blown to pieces when I first saw I,Robot in the arcades when everything else around it was 2D and sprite based. it even made Star Wars arcade look dated. probably the defining moment when I'd follow Atari from then on

>> No.10866102

Honestly I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it was made in the mid 80s. I'd totally expect it to be an early 90s game.

>> No.10866689

I never played that one, I'll have to check it out.

>> No.10867592
File: 2.16 MB, 2996x3232, PXL_20240125_032906141.PORTRAIT~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played 2600 til maybe 2010 or so but goddamn if I don't love it. Here's all my games, there's definitely still a good handful I'd like to hunt down

>> No.10867959


>> No.10867994

There is one game I've been looking for, Necromancer, from the old Atari 400\800. It looks fun.

>> No.10868910

What are the best Atari emulators? I tried a couple way back in the day but could never get them to work

>> No.10870000

For the 2600?

>> No.10870119
File: 45 KB, 976x488, 1656901269801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate how compromised retro collections can be thanks to licensing bullshit.

Yes, I kind of understand how the most recent collection doesn't have Pitfall in it, for example, because it's owned by Activision but why the fuck couldn't they just come to some sort of agreement? What are they doing with the Pitfall IP (or Gremlins for that matter) that's so important getting some exposure and reminding people the older games exist is not interesting to them? If anything, you'd think they'd want these otherwise dead games out there in some way, especially if someone else is going to be doing the heavy lifting

>> No.10870585

>the most recent collection

The Atari 50th collection? Why would you expect anything other than 1st party from that?

>> No.10872746

Stella is the ONLY thing anyone uses for the 2600. It works great. Try to find a complete ROM collection to go with it.

>> No.10873095
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Activision stuff is on those AtGames Flashback consoles (the "Gold" versions). Maybe they have some exclusivity deal with Activision.

>> No.10874745

Most underrated Activision game? For me it's Cosmic Commuter.

>> No.10875732

What pre-crash Atari game did you want ported to the 2600 that never got one?

>> No.10875745

It’s honestly comforting that Atari games are so available. Either to collect or to emulate as even the most third world shithole can do it no problem

>> No.10875930

I’m not accusing op to be an Atari shill, but I’m letting everyone know they’re paying shills to astroturf on here again. You’d think they’d learn after the multitude of failed efforts.

>> No.10877334

Got my light sixer 2600 all set up for bedroom play. I just wish I could fix my Vader model that I modded a/v inputs on (I bought it broken but never got around to replacing the TIA chip until recently where I then put it in upside down because of course I did).

>> No.10877357

Are you gonna shutdown the chink handheld containment threads? No? That's what I thought. Shill threads are containment threads. Let them shill on topic.

>> No.10877914

>they’re paying shills to astroturf on here again

What are you basing that on?

>> No.10878238

for me, it's megamania

>> No.10878650

Atari has always sucked, and was only noteworthy for being the first game console that wasn't Playskool-tier garbage. Nintendo raised the bar and Atari never recovered. They were still trying to make golden age-style arcade games for the sodding Jaguar.

>> No.10878851

>Atari has always sucked
They made some fantastic arcade games and that alone makes your "opinion" shit
>paying shills to astroturf on here
I could see other boards(like /tv) sure but why here and of all things to shill why on earth something dead like Atari?

>> No.10879012

Namco mogged.

>> No.10880038
File: 242 KB, 737x674, IMG_20240424_194645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow man of culture

>> No.10880067
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, _0e346864-db7d-4e2d-8157-8380c2343c44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's AI but this feeling right here is why Atari is my favorite retro system.

Weekend nights in the basement after everyone else went to bed is a kino as it gets for gaming to me.

>> No.10880165

What the fuck is that supposed to be on the screen?

>> No.10880445

I dunno. I think it borked the reflection. This was a few months ago AI so it would probably do better now.

>> No.10880557

truly a great home console

>> No.10881304

OK, that would sort of make sense.

>> No.10882931

Favorite publisher on the 2600 that isn't Activision or Atari themselves?

>> No.10884472

>Nintendo raised the bar

only part of your post that isn't false

>> No.10884662


>> No.10884913
File: 147 KB, 768x1024, 1000006385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Coleco or Parker Bros. Coleco has more of an edge for me because I like how the cartridges look (despite them being more fragile than other carts)

>> No.10886472

I love Paperboy
I call it "Work"

>> No.10887053

I was going to correct you, but I looked it up and whatdoyouknow. I always thought that was Midway.

>> No.10887504

>Namco better therefore Atari bad
Genius logic anon

>> No.10889207

You must not be very old.

The only thing on Jag I can think was golden age style was Tempest 2000, and it's actually pretty good and more like a revamp

>> No.10889350

ah yes my favourite part of centipede
the hyper realistic lamp

>> No.10891605

Atari color cycling was always absolute kino.

>> No.10891612

Absolute banger. I want to make love to it. Used to rest my left hand along the side, there's two circular MIDI ports there and I'd just caress them with my fingertips or run my thumb over the heat grille on top and hear the WHRRRRP noise. I have too many memories of having to insert my finger into the disk drive and just barely hold the floppy up slightly to get a better read and the metal slat would go SCHLICK SCHLICK.

>> No.10891630
File: 2.41 MB, 2193x1428, atarivcs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else remotely aware Atari technically has a current gen system out?

>> No.10891632
File: 860 KB, 280x210, rikkivikki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't miss out on modern homebrew like Rikki & Vikki or Crystal Quest.

>> No.10891635


That's already kinda what Qomp 2 is

>> No.10891668
File: 121 KB, 320x239, crystalquest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't stuff like this come out when it could've made a difference

>> No.10892454

Should Klax be on the top 100? I could maybe replace Dragonfire with it.

>> No.10892463

A poltergeist

>> No.10893992
File: 653 KB, 5720x3020, 1000006462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever was in charge of designing Atari consoles was a genius. They look modern even by today's standards imo.

>> No.10894098

Atari had great looking hardware and THE best names for their consoles.

>> No.10895148

Great game. One of the best console games of its generation.

>> No.10895262
File: 2.91 MB, 576x360, Night Hunter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The definition of soul.

>> No.10895280

Why didn’t this game become more popular?

>> No.10895305
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>> No.10897046
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My Robot Tank cart died so I gotta settle for Battlezone now (Not complaining though Battlezone kicks ass) It's amazing they did a 3D world on the 2600 in the early 80s.

>> No.10897157

Robot Tank is fucking mindblowing. Amazing that Activision was able to take Atari's game and make a blatant clone of it that was actually better than the game they were copying.

>> No.10897986

No one cared beyond the graphics.

>> No.10899068

Imagic is the obvious choice but for me personally it's 20th Century Fox. They weren't prolific and most of what they did was just license games from already established developers like Sirius but a good number of the games they put out on the 2600 are genuinely great and mostly forgotten.
>Worm War 1
Like River Raid but with a bit more of a strategy element as you can clear the screen by blowing up fuel tanks
>Spacemaster X7
Fast and frantic arcade action which has a perfect ramp up of challenge and some absolutely classic sound effects
>Crash Dive
Quality vertical shooter with some neat little parallax backgrounds
>Mega Force
A fun take on Defender which plays much better than either of the official ports of Defender 1/2 or Chopper Command, plus you're on a flying motorcycle which is baller
>Fast Eddie
Better than the 2600 versions of Donkey Kong or most other single screen platformers on the system, pure arcade adrenaline
>Fantastic Voyage
Not anything groundbreaking but a fun horizontal shooter, gives Vanguard a run for its money
>Crypts of Chaos
Kind of a proto dungeon crawler, one of the closest things to an RPG on the 2600
Easily one of the best games on the whole system, fast and satisfying arcade action with really a really great risk/reward balance

>> No.10900358

The machine used an incredibly expensive hall effect joystick which made it a very pricy cabinet. On top of that the stick was real tempermental and couldn't be swapped out for a regular stick. Add in that the game came out right before Atari was split and sold as two different companies and it ended up becoming a cabinet that didn't sell many units and the ones that did sell didn't stick around long in arcades.

>> No.10900581

The Earth Dies Screaming isn't bad either.

>> No.10902473
File: 86 KB, 800x622, 1590562194702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you no longer pop a clutch that exists you are no longer a racing driver" - Todd Togers

>> No.10902517
File: 117 KB, 795x516, 1395590118235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no friends to play the paddle games with

>> No.10902585


>> No.10902590

Why is this thread auto-saging?

>> No.10902602

over 2 weeks old

>> No.10902841


>> No.10902926

Enter the Matrix