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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 128 KB, 245x407, Penn_&_Teller's_Smoke_and_Mirrors_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10862428 No.10862428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Penn & Teller made a video game!?

>> No.10862443

throw it in the trash

>> No.10862506

>2024 an no one remembers Desert Bus for Hope fundraisers.

>> No.10862508


Absolute Entertainment made it, not Penn & Teller.

>> No.10862532

Who the fuck are pen and teller? An American thing?

>> No.10862545

Absolute did the programming but P&T designed the segments and games.

>> No.10862552

Stage magician team

>> No.10862580


>Of course it has been speedran
>But not just for "good cause", also just like that for "competitive" reason

Speedrunners are fucking insane

>> No.10862584

You can't speedrun Desert Bus, that's kinda the whole point. Intentionally the worst game ever. You drive down a straight road from Tucson to Las Vegas which takes 8 hours in a bus with a bad wheel that makes it periodically veer off course, if you crash the bus has to be towed back in real time and each successful 8 hour trip earns you one point. That's why it got played for fundraisers.

>> No.10862591

Magicians/Comedians, if you've ever been to one of their shows in Vegas during their prime you were in for a good time.

>> No.10862647
File: 67 KB, 1080x1055, 1712919615086218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in their prime

Damn, thanks for reminding me that they got old ;__;

>> No.10862669

Right, I stil remember Penn and tellers bullshit like it was yesterday. Great show by the way

>> No.10862673

You likely never heard of it because it got shelved and was never officially released at retail.

Though I'm surprised you're into retro games and have never heard of Desert Bus since this is where it came from.

>> No.10862674

I still think it's funny Americans consider that a bad road trip. Oh no, we went into the ditch and have to call a tow! Lol. If you veer off the road here you end up falling hundreds of feet down a sheer cliff and drowning in freezing whitewater rapids

>> No.10862679

Yes, because the Nevada dessert encompasses the whole of America.

>> No.10862680

>I still think it's funny Americans consider that a bad road trip. Oh no, we went into the ditch and have to call a tow!

We don't, if we veer off the road we just steer back on it. A tow is for if your car breaks down, not just slightly veering off the curb. The whole bus has to get towed for slightly going off the edge of the road thing is just one of the many troll aspects of this game.

>> No.10862691

Bullshit yes good show, the one on violent video games is great.
>Oddly enough nobody is blaming the FUCKING toothpaste

>> No.10862696

no one ever talks about the lou reed cameo

>> No.10862698

Some stage magician who is popular with /r/atheism or something.

>> No.10862739

Yeah, but they're good to watch no matter where you're from. You've definitely seen Penn Jillette in memes.

>> No.10863242

penn and tellah
two dicks in a blendah

>> No.10863264

>The game offers an "Impossible" difficulty setting
>If you choose it, you die immediately and Penn taunts you by saying it's exactly what it was labeled to be: impossible

>> No.10863296

The fuck is Desert Bus?

>> No.10863310

Was this post a parody of the "obsessed" meme? What the fuck are you talking about, dude?

>> No.10863312

>>Oddly enough nobody is blaming the FUCKING toothpaste
I need context for that one, chief

>> No.10863370

someone who is a murderer likes videogames.
>ban videogames
someone who has cavities brushes their teeth.
>ban toothpaste
someone who is a drunk killed someone.
>ban alcohol
someone shot someone
>ban guns

We can do this all day.

>> No.10863416

Some guy Adriana blew in the Trump Atlantic City toilets

>> No.10863459


>> No.10863460

The second two examples are not at all comparable to the first two.

>> No.10863469

I can't advocate for the last 2 points, they seem like really bad arguments but yes, we should ban toothpaste.

>> No.10863527

yeah, silly americans. they should just make their roads unreasonably dangerous to be cool and edgy like you guys

>> No.10863905

Like >>10862584 described, basically a troll game.

It's a game where you drive a bus from Tucson to Las Vegas, in real time. Which is an 8 hour trip. Basically nothing happens, you are literally driving a bus down a straight featureless desert road and that's it. You can stop at the bus stops and open/close the doors, but there will never be any passengers, so you can just ignore even doing that. The only other change in visuals that might occasionally happen is a bug splattering on your windshield.

Once you make it, you get a single point, and then you can choose to go all the way back for another point, and it keeps going until you quit.

The bus will veer slightly to the right so you can't just tape down the button and walk away, if your bus veers too far off the road it will break down and then need to be towed back to the starting point... which again happens in real time.

It was intentionally made to try to be the shittiest and most boring game possible, and it became somewhat of a meme, with people playing it for charity events and such.

>> No.10863925

The alcohol one is decent because it wasn’t stated alcohol had anything to do with the killing. Even then, I’d like to hear the argument pertinent to the killing that would have you agreeing that alcohol should be banned because it causes killings. Drunk driving can kill, so we ban drunk driving. Not drinking.
Penn (and assumingly Teller?) were staunch libertarians during the years Bullshit aired, which makes their stance less than surprising.

>> No.10865493

They have since gone back on many of their stances since then as well though. Penn is now a quite staunch vegan.

>> No.10865514

Penn is a dude that thinks recycling is bullshit, but is perfectly happy with chopping his son’s cock off and pumping his veins full of HRT.

>> No.10865541

The recycling industry is bullshit, personal liberty isn't

>> No.10865580

Well he has a point in that most of the recycling industry is a scam and only a tiny fraction of what people think gets recycled when they put something in the bin actually ever gets recycled.

On the other subject he has two children, one is male and has always identified as such and the other was born female and now sometimes identifies as gender neutral.

>> No.10865796

>personal liberty

>> No.10865819

What are you implying?

>> No.10865845

this show sucked, penn gilette is a stupid libertarian. or was anyway

>> No.10865875

>thinks recycling is bullshit
Boy, do I have news for you. It might be even bigger bullshit now than it was when that aired.

>> No.10865883

Yeah, that's why I said "were." I remember reading something a few years ago about how his views have changed. He was on Rogan around then and I recall noting differences but nothing I can think of right now. He still seemed reasonable intelligent from what I remember. I think I read he had some pretty shitlib views on covid, but he's also old so I'll accept he was probably afraid.

>> No.10865905

>someone shot someone
>>ban guns
by that line of reasoning , we have to ban "someone". would that "murderers"? herp derp.

>> No.10865917

Recycling actually works fine. it's just too damn expensive most of the time and most types plastics can't be recycled period. reused or re-purposed maybe? but recycling plants aren't equipped to do that on an industrial scale. most plastics can however be burned for fuel, which creates useless toxic waste, but who cares?
it's mostly virtue signalling shit or scams to sell "carbon credits" to stupid 1st-world cunts.

another example: all the "green" idiots shill EVs, but china has the most EVs, and most of their electricity is from burning coal.

play Toxic Crusaders instead. that sucked less.

>> No.10865969

Speaking of toxic waste, it'd be cheaper and cleaner to recycle with nuclear energy

>> No.10865995

I don't think anyone was saying it can't work, or at least I certainly wasn't, but yeah, you just outlined why it is, in fact, bullshit.

>> No.10866095

True, but would you allow a DEI run nuclear power plant in your town?

>> No.10866147

Yeah I often don't agree with him, but find him very interesting and have listened to his podcast over the years. One of the things I like about him is his willingness to look at something he previously thought with new information and change his perspective. The vegan thing is also interesting since he changed his diet to a restrictive vegan one after a heart attack and by a year or so later he'd gone from missing meat a lot to finding it looking repulsive. But I like that he's maintained the attitude of not trying to tell others what to do and referrs yo himself as an insufferable vegan cunt.

>> No.10866167

>starting a religion flamewar on /vr/
Fuck off, samefag.

>> No.10866182

Considering the prerequisites needed to work at them I fail to see your point. Are you concerned about a mop bucket sabotage?

>> No.10866193

It just wasn't the same after Penn lost all that weight.

>> No.10866198

Wasn't it something like
>My Crest toothpaste is telling me to kill my family.
>We all want to ban videogames, but oddly enough nobody is blaming the FUCKING toothpaste

>> No.10866203

Zoomy zoom zoom!

>> No.10866205

It's a good joke, I'm not gonna front

>> No.10866239

Duo who from the 90s to I'd say late 2000s were one of the most entertaining stage shows out there combining comedy and stage magic shit.
Penn is the one who has been more outspoken, both on stage and off it, though he's always made it clear that no matter how much he shouts from the rooftop that that's what he thinks, he never wants you to take from it that that's how you should think.
Teller's whole bit on the show is he doesn't talk, he's a mime for the bit and the whole gag is despite the fact that he never says anything, he's clearly smarter and more capable than his boisterous partner Penn. My family actually knows him, in fact anyone here's that American and has someone in their family with a lot of money, odds are that family member knows Teller too because the thing he likes to do most when not working on the stage show is wine and dine with rich and famous people.

>> No.10866262

Penn is no longer libertarian and renounced those views

>> No.10866348

Yep. The whole game is pretty much about Penn and Teller mocking the concept of video games.

>> No.10866393


>> No.10866510

>Oh no, we went into the ditch and have to call a tow!
Pretty sure any nationality would find that annoying when they're trying to have a nice vacation.

>> No.10866916

It's not a vacation, you're the driver of a shitty bus.

>> No.10868402

The trash man meme

>> No.10868429

Fun fact: Pen & Teller created all the game assets and even programmed this by themselves with no external help

>> No.10868479

I wonder why they never did a "Bullshit" episode about zionism. Seems like a perfect fit.

>> No.10869597

Early propagators of fall left woke nonsense.

>> No.10870245


>> No.10870249

Popular comedians/magicians from the 70s to now

>> No.10870252
