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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10858541 No.10858541 [Reply] [Original]

Worst era in gaming history by far, all the "good" stuff have a better alternative in an earlier or later generation, There's no reason to play Sunshine when Mario 64 exists, there's no reason to play DMC3 when Bayonetta exists and so on. There's nothing to this gen.

>> No.10858548

theres lots of good games but this is the generation i play the least, simply because i dont own any consoles anymore and ive never emulated anything newer than the ps1

>> No.10858558

I don't think you should treat most game genres like they're a sports game where games get obsoleted by newer entries
There's a hell of a lot more to DMC3 than just the pure moment-to-moment gameplay. If the gameplay was truly all that matters you might as well play untextured Unreal Engine tutorials for enjoyment.

>> No.10858568

>theres lots of good games
Sure, and not a single one of those is particularly memorable. I beat Panzer Dragoon Orta after decades of having to readhow much of a 10/10 it was a solid 7/10 at best. Can't believe how many people can even imply it's somehow better than Zwei but nostalgia is one hell of a drug I guess. It's always the same shit with this gen.

>> No.10858578

>Sure, and not a single one of those is particularly memorable.
off the top of my head some very memorable ones for me are
>ninja gaiden
>halo2 (online)

>> No.10858617

That's because you're an old geezer. Most games I emulate are ps2 because that's the gen I grew up with.

>> No.10858689


Nah, you're just being contrarian. It was great and a great leap from the previous gen. It was the last gen before pay to play online, dlcs, and other assorted cancers.

I only seethe about nintendo sperging out and shutting down third parties, as well as those stupid fucking little gcn discs.

>> No.10858694

>there's no reason to play DMC3 when Bayonetta exists and so on
Except that DMC3 is better, stupid zoomer. At least bring up DMC4.

>> No.10858697

>all the "good" stuff have a better alternative in an earlier or later generation
what a weird opinion. By your logic there are only like 20 games worth playing?

>> No.10858707

Hey idiots, stop replying to bait.

>> No.10858708

Unironically yes for most people who think like this

>> No.10858731

Deus Ex
Thief II
Diablo II
Counter Strike
Baldur's Gate II
Arx Fatalis
Age of Empires II
The Sims
C&C Red Alert 2
Civilization III
Civilization IV
Half Life 2
Chaos Theory
Postal 2
SW: Battlefront
Wizardry 8
Dark Messiah
Far Cry
>worst era in gaming history
>theres nothing to this gen

>> No.10858739

>there's no reason to play DMC3 when Bayonetta exists
Bayonetta is DMC but worse

>> No.10858758

Gamecube looks cool. Xbox looks cool. THe regular PS2 looks cool but the slim version looks cursed. Oh and the menu and start ups. They're cool. The consoles are cool and there are some good games for the systems, but I have to disagree with the idea that older games in a series are worthless when the later games come out.

>> No.10858786

>no reason to play Sunshine when Mario 64 exists, there's no reason to play DMC3 when Bayonetta exists
I hate /v/ tourists

>> No.10858801
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>but nostalgia is one hell of a drug I guess

>> No.10858807

>dmc4 better than 3
Man, you must really like those repeated levels

>> No.10858864

Kill yourself
So I should stop replying to 90% of the catalog? Nah man what's the point of even coming here then if you are not going to reply to dumbfuck /v/tard zoomer bait

>> No.10858883

No actually it was the best generation because it was the one I grew up with

>> No.10858994

Game Boy Advance

>> No.10859005

Not even one PS2 or Gamecube game. That generation really did suck.

>> No.10859035

Yes, and most are from 2010 or later

>> No.10859040

GBA will never be retro

>> No.10859086

>unironically shilling ass lady

>> No.10859135

GBA is retro
you will never be younger

>> No.10859140

i'm younger than you, boomer

Jan won't let me say how young

>> No.10859146

sure thing, gramps. And the SNES is still new!

>> No.10859158

pose your cute legs please

>> No.10859216


>> No.10859259

Weird take. It's a 32-bit cartridge system with only two face buttons and a bunch of SNES (and a few PS1) ports on it, primarily 2D. Was pretty much the most "retro" system from that time period, despite being newer than the consoles

>> No.10859264

it's from after the year number was BIG AND ROUND OwO so it can never be retro

>> No.10859309
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I disagree.
>The XBOX was moddable. It was literally the first and last of it’s kind.
>StarWars KOTOR
>Online multiplayer

Game Cube
>Metroid Prime
>Zelda Wind Waker

The list goes on and on for all three systems but the argument can be made that modern console video games as we know them where born and peaked on these systems

It’s also odd to say better games came after as they had to be built on the ideas and tech that came before. Basically what I am saying is these systems where revolutionary, and yes many games have better newer versions not all, and it doesn’t change the contribution and legacy of these systems

I still use my XBox once in a while as I have 50+ games still loaded on it to this day

I can’t tell if you are too young or too old but you are completely wrong in your conclusion

>> No.10859323

> Worst era in gaming history by far
1. The PS3 era was the beginning of modern slop and most JRPGs were handheld then
2. The current era has shitty live service games, awful business practices and no games exclusive to current gen consoles

>> No.10859325

*Modern triple A slop

>> No.10859334

> all the "good" stuff have a better alternative in an earlier or later generation
PS2 housed some of the best JRPGs of all time

>> No.10859340

yes actually, letting garbage fall off the board was what people used to do until cancerous -oomerposting newfags like you started shitting up this website

>> No.10859387

Worst era in gaming is the current one. 2008 was the merely the beginning.

>> No.10859391
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>> No.10859934

the 6th gen is responsible for all the shit people accuse the 7th gen of (brown and piss, paid online, dudebro console FPS)

I think the 6th gen is the jack of all trades between the 5th and 7th gens. the 5th gen had better JRPGs, platformers and racing games, and the 7th gen had better open world sandbox, hack n slash, and console FPS games.

>> No.10859940

*jack of all trades master of none

>> No.10860187

thanks doc

>> No.10860193

Correct, and that's why I rarely if ever go back to that generation. The 5th gen tier stuff feels similar without all the magic and creativity, and the more... let's call it modern approaches feel primitive compared to 7th gen. They're the exact same thing, same style, same everything, just worse. I'm yet to find a single 6th gen game that is worth more than a single playthrough for historical curiosity.

>> No.10860201

>there's no reason to play DMC3 when Bayonetta exists
Get a load of this NIGGER

>> No.10860212

All of those have equivalents in previous and later generations that feel better to play. You just have nostalgia for the xbox which is fine but that doesn't make 6th gen particularly memorable. 15 years from now we'll get kids writing about how Fortnite was the best thing to ever happen to gaming.

>> No.10860964

>not a single one of those is particularly memorable
all the most memorable games come from that generation you stupid fuck. nobody plays N64 or older games because they look crummy and play like shit.

>> No.10861096

>dreamcast left out AGAIN

>> No.10861143

>7th generation
>better than anything

>> No.10861151

early 7th gen was just the 6th gen with better graphics, and late 7th was still less shit than anything that came afterwards

>> No.10862846

It was a generation with millions of users buying the systems only to play the FIFA franchise, which are the exact same stupid game with updated lineups, so I get your point.

>> No.10862850

>early 7th gen was just the 6th gen with better graphics
wrong and retarded

>> No.10863031

Prove him wrong then because I agree. All the grimdark shit 7th gen was known for started in the second half of 6th gen. There's no particular difference between a PS2 game from 2005 and a 360 game from 2007. At the very fucking least wii got a platformer renaissance and PS360 got indies. Meanwhile in 6th gen you were stuck with God of War, Black, MOH/COD, San Andreas and so on

>> No.10863041

>inb4 a list of late 6th gen games that were not grimdark
I can do the same shit with early 7th gen, doesn't mean it wasn't a trend in both

>> No.10863057
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did you play every game on those 3 consoles? hm? whats that? you didnt? guess you cant say that then. opinion discarded. thread locked.

>> No.10863091

PS360 made it ok to actually release a 2D game again on console. PS2 gen really did not respect 2D games, I can't remember any popular ones but there were probably a couple but mostly fighting games.

At the start that gen seemed great, you had driving games with real feeling physics like in Stuntman and stuff like guitar hero was incredibly fun. It feels like they started off fixing all the things we wanted in the previous gen and then after that it just turned into generic sludge. Nintendo lost respect which was a bummer for colourful games but Monkey Ball was ball cool but it was different to the ps1 that started off slowly and just kept getting bigger. Xbox was just a couple of years old and was struggling to run pc games and it was no longer worth the bother to create special tailored games like NFS Porsche unleashed. When ps1 was 5 years old it could still run the pc games of the time but just at 320x240.

I always thought sunshine was better, mario 64 feels small.

Speaking of grimdark, I rented punisher on ps2 and it felt like the most incredible game.

>> No.10863113

PS2 had many great games and a lot of jank, too.

PS3 was the first train we all took to arrive at the current era of overpriced, muh graphics, clickable movie games. That Sony’s top guy wanted everyone to work overtime to afford one said it all. Lots of forgettable “cinematic” shitter games, too.

>> No.10863129

GBA is definitely retro at this point lol. More time has passed between the GBA’s release and now than passed from NES to GBA. 23 years, man.

>> No.10863132


whats some stuff that came after ppl are still talkung about?

>> No.10863169

anyone telling you that was a 10/10 was lying to you
obvious actual 10/10 6th gen games - or close to it anyway - are mgs2/3, silent hill 2, etc. most are not exclusives though

>> No.10863183

>PS3 was the first train we all took to arrive at the current era of overpriced, muh graphics, clickable movie games.
Not at all. First train were fmv games, then PS1 making rpgs and moviegames a la MGS popular. Then it got worse in late 5th gen and early 6th gen in general with every single game having to include and story and lots of cutscenes. Then late 6th gen took the quick time events from Shenmue and added them to literally anything. Early 7th gen staid the same, but got progressively worse with Uncharted and all the scripted shit and here we are now.

>> No.10863195

This weird obsession zoomers have with talking shit about 6th gen and hyping up 7th gen is extremely strange. The idea that DMC3 isn't worth playing because Bayonetta exists just epitomizes their tendency to treat games like disposable products with expiration dates. There is an endless sea of great 6th gen games to play, while I struggle to come up with even a dozen 7th gen games that are actually fun. I don't think it's something you can even convince zoomers about, because their entire frame of reference is different.

6th > 4th > 5th > 3rd > 8th > 7th > 9th

>> No.10863219

>There is an endless sea of great 6th gen games to play
And not a single one of those is particularly memorable more worth playing than anything that came up before or later. All the sequels are worse than their originals, and 99% of the new ips play like more primitive versions of later games. I can pick up a 4th gen game and think yeah, there's nothing quite like this anywhere else, only alternative would be some mediocre indieshit. Now 6th gen? It's just a weird mix of 5th and 7th gen without then soul of one and the tech of the other. There's no games that will pass the test of time and everyone will remember in 10, 20 or 30 years. You literally have to have been a kid to appreciate it, which is as sad as it gets for a so called great generation of gaming.

>> No.10863227

>there's no reason to play [game] when [completely different game] exists
but I already played that one faggot, what now

>> No.10863263

>99% of the new ips play like more primitive versions of later games
That's your zoomer mentality kicking in. If something plays differently and is older, it's because it's "more primitive". The concept of deliberate design choices leading to different controls or gameplay mechanics is completely beyond you. The only reason a game can play differently than a newer iteration of that franchise is simply because game design is on a linear trajectory and is always an improvement, in your mind. You are incapable of assessing a game on its own merits.

>> No.10863273

What design choices are particularly different about 6th and 7th gen? I'm talking about framerate, poly count and the usual. The 7th gen sequels of 6th gen franquises feel like the exact same thing just in HD, but you were 12 when Devil May cry 1 came out and already an adult when Bayonetta came out so the first one will always be worth remembering because... uh... because I say so 'k. And that's the whole fucking issue here.

>> No.10863479

exactly. the whole DARK AND MATURE GAEMZ FOR MATUR GAMURZ LIKE MYSELF era of gaming started in 2001 with GTA III, Halo CE, and DMC, and 9/11 aided in that. 7th gen did nothing but amp up all the stuff that the 6th gen started, including paid online, brown and piss, cinematic games, muh realism, console shooters, GTA clones, etc. the whole "6th gen good but 7th gen bad" logic makes no sense

>> No.10863615

>didn't include the Dreamcast
>also didn't play the many great titles on all 4 systems

MGS3, Silent Hill 2, Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Halo, Splinter Cell, and the list goes on and on with great games from that gen.

>> No.10863725

That's the entire point of the thread, most of the
>great games
of that gen are a solid 7/10 at best. They're either a continuation of a 5th gen trend but lacking all the original soul, or pretty much a 7th gen game with a worse poly count, framerate and resolution. I can have fun with a lot of 6th gen games, but it's always play, beat, forget. There's many 6th gen stuff I can't even remember beating because it's just so forgetable and uninteresting and I always feel like I would be better off playing literally anything else. Yeah you can shit on 7th gen for being about brown turds all you want, but shit like God of War doesn't magically becomes better than GOW3 just by being released for an older hardware.

>> No.10863775

>PC shit
Yeah, I can see why someone would think that.

>> No.10863917
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>The 7th gen sequels of 6th gen franquises feel like the exact same thing just in HD

>> No.10863930

I remember being disappointed with this gen as it was nearing the end in 2004, especially knowing that games were in trouble. But I will gladly play this gen over the gens that proceeded it. There are only a handful of games that I might replay in the future after the year 2006

>> No.10865452

more images like this one

>> No.10865573
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What console from the 2000's would this furry squirrel boy have?
>he hates nintendo
>he hates pokemon
>He hates Game Boy And he hates DS
>he hates the Wii and the gamecube
>he hates the legend of zelda
>He has the most anti-Nintendo console of all
>he doesn't like playing on PC

>> No.10865593

I think they’re suggesting that you compare DMC3 to DMC4 rather than to Bayonetta. Try rereading it a few times until you get it.

>> No.10865645

Orta has by far the best gameplay in Panzer Dragoon. Is this thread just by the same delusional Zweiposter I keep seeing around?
7th gen games usually struggled more with framerate (compare Genji 1 vs 2), had more cutscenes and more QTEs. Not to mention the normalization of regenerative health and cover shooting in shooter games. 3D Platformers were also much more absent in 7th gen and light gun games died out.

There was also much more experimentation in terms of 3D gameplay and concepts because it was still new. You're not going to find games like Spikeout, Shinobi/Nightshade, Gungrave, God Hand Firefighter FD 18, Flipnic, Gunvalkyrie and many others on PS360.

Heck we even got ports of Koei's PC games on PS2! That stopped with PS360.

It was a really great time where both experimentation, focus on gameplay and better technology allowing for smoother controls came together and allowed for a huge amount of cool games to be created.

>> No.10865735

You're just a sniveling little know-nothing faggot with no arguments. All you can do is insist on your vague impressions because that's all your mind actually receives from reality. You have no beliefs, no soul. Kill yourself.

>> No.10865926

>using “soul” as an argument
Opinion discarded

>> No.10865957
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>I'm talking about framerate, poly count and the usual
Oh, so “muh graphics”. If that’s what’s important and is the deciding factor between whether or not one generation is better than the other then you clearly don’t belong here. Go back to /v/
>first one will always be worth remembering because... uh... because I say so 'k
Never mind, you’re a buzzphrase parroting faggot with no actual argument. Pic related

>> No.10866071

>8th better than 7th
So, I guess the entire first two years of 8th gen, where literally every game was just a cross-gen/remaster compilation of 7th gen because neither PS4 nor Xbone had backwards compatibility at the time, has been officially memory-holed.

>> No.10866146

Good thing the years that proceeded it were better until the start of the 9th gen when shit hit the fan again

>> No.10866158

I never understood how the PS3 has the reputation of being a "no games machine", when I can count the number of PS4 exclusives that I have even a passing interest in on probably one hand.
>Gravity Rush 2
>umm... uhh... The Last Guardian, I guess?
Literally everything else worthwhile has either eventually gotten ported to PC, or was already multiplat to begin with

>> No.10866186
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>GTA III, Halo, and DMC were the first mature games

Zero Tolerance
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
GTA 1 & 2
Killer Instinct
Duke Nukem
Medal of Honor

Nothing more annoying than ignorant zoomer faggots such as yourself that think they know everything about shit that was going on before they were even born, and then thinks that their opinion is so important that everyone who prefers gen 6 to gen 7 (their first gen, coincidentally enough) is just flat out wrong.

>> No.10866209
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>PS4 has no exclusives
not an argument

>> No.10866232

Isn't "PS3 has no exclusives" the main basis of the criticism for it? Despite it having objectively more exclusives than the PS4?

>> No.10866401
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>> No.10867251

one of the few 60-fps gens., which can't be said of its preceding or subsequent gens.; 30 fps games suck ass