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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10853976 No.10853976 [Reply] [Original]

Since 2018, I have been periodically posting a list of secrets, mysteries and oddities found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Every time I post this thread, you guys have contributed more knowledge -- and I learn something new with every passing thread. As of this writing, the list contains over 100 secrets. In past threads, I've mentioned that I plan on publishing a simple, single-page website which documents all of these secrets. I still intend to do so, and I will share this site with you all when the time comes. We aren't done yet, though. I call upon your wisdom once more, and ask that you share any secrets you've found in the land of Hyrule. Anything noteworthy will be added to the list, and due credit will be given to /vr/ for what is shared on the site to come.

I'd like to post the list so far, but first, please allow me to explain the criteria: this is not a list of well-documented information related to 100% completion of the game. This list does not include extensive information about how to beat dungeons, find permanent items, or anything of the sort. This is a list of true oddities that the average player may never notice on a given playthrough. With this in mind, please note that even some of the game's most well-known "secrets" have been included for the sake of posterity. I should also mention that if you have followed these threads in the past, you'll no doubt recognize some of the secrets listed herein, but I have since expanded the list with even more entries, so there might be something new for you to learn as well.

Now, in the final hour, I humbly present to you the many secrets of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...

>> No.10853978
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>> No.10853980
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>> No.10853982
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>> No.10853983

Based OP.
Just today I started a new file.
Coincidence? Think not.

>> No.10853984
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>> No.10853986
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>> No.10853989
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>> No.10853991
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>> No.10853993
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>> No.10853996
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>> No.10853998

That's all. I hope you guys enjoy reading through this list and consider contributing more secrets of your own.

>> No.10854017

There are no coincidences, brother. I hope your adventure is a pleasant one. May you have 000 deaths on your profile, and may the wind be at your back.

>> No.10854089

Incredibly based.

>> No.10854096

i'm amazed that in the year 2024 there is anyone who still gives this much of a fuck about retro games on vr. good job man.

>> No.10854308

this read likes i typed "zelda cheats" in to ask jeeves in 1999. i thought a lot of this stuff was common knowledge but I guess i'm just old as fuck.

>> No.10854545

I wish more things read like 1999.

>> No.10854594

If only they spent less time putting in a billion sectrets and more time into making the game actually good

>> No.10854832

if only your dad had shot you into your mom's butt instead of her stinky puss

>> No.10854898

Cool story bro

>> No.10854908
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Extremely Fabionic thread.

>> No.10855017

nobody cares

>> No.10855049

90% of these are not "secrets".
Basic mechanics like throwing objects at enemies causing damage is not a "secret".
Saving in Link's house vs the Temple is not a "secret"
Enemies yielding a certain rupee amount when killed is not a "secret"
Rolling into trees and finding items is not a "secret", the game literally teaches you to do this
NPC behavior changing after certain actions or what items they hand over is not a "secret"

this format sucks too, next time try posting text instead of shitty screenshots of your own posts. You'd think after 6 years you'd have actually narrowed this down to things that aren't simply discovered by playing the game more than 1 time.

>> No.10855057

You post this in every thread. Why does this make you so mad?

>> No.10855061
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this game has so many fucking hidden secrets that I'm surprised Nintendo managed to fit all that in an n64 cartridge. You could go through multiple playthroughs of it and STILL find something new if you care to actually look hard enough. Still amazes me how I managed to find new shit when I'm just dicking around in hyrule. They don't make them like they used to. They really fucking don't.

>> No.10855065

Might as well scan the manual and post things like "press b to attack" as a secret, press start to pause the game, press forward to walk through Hyrule field.
Is it a shitpost or did you play OoT for the first time 6 years ago? None of these are interesting or noteworthy to people that have played the game before. I would argue most of these are discovered naturally by playing the game.

>> No.10855074

I've been playing OoT for 24 years. A big chunk of things on that list are things I only learned recently. The game has a lot to discover. Sorry that you're upset.

>> No.10855087

Like what though? Pressing B to swim faster? Basic mechanics of bosses like gannondorf ?

>> No.10855098

Dude, if you don't like what I've written, nobody is making you read it. Filter and hide the thread, or keep dilating. There's nothing else to say.

>> No.10855108

OP has been posting this for 6 years and you have been seething for 6 years. i suspect you are the same faggot who shits up every OoT thread and says dumb stuff like "OoT is linear" just to create arguments. your writing style changes but your unique brand of butthurt is very noticeable.

best rated game of all time.
beloved by millions.
changed the industry.
fun and beautiful game.
... and nothing you say changes any of that.
cope, retard.

>> No.10855126

Great thread OP, takes me back. You should include the Arwing enemy hidden in the code if you make another update to your list.

>> No.10855132

Rent free lol
Apparently I like OoT more than all of you since I already knew the big secrets

>> No.10855142

bro you haven't even played the game. i remember you arguing with some guy in one of these threads once and embarassing yourself because you made a bunch of assumptions and were wrong. that's why you think half of these secrets are just """gameplay mechanics""" because you don't realize that something like using the megaton hammer to knock skulltulas off the wall or getting the fire arrows before morpha requires doing things most people would never consider doing. you don't know any of this, because you haven't played the game. link's big hylian cock is smacking your brain stem at all hours of the day and you seethe uncontrollably any time you see anybody enjoying zelda discussion. unironically kill yourself you miserable manlet.

>> No.10855145

Let's post it again, maybe then people will get un-tired of jerking off the McDonald's of retro games.

>> No.10855150

>tfw you're such a huge faggot that you have to pretend to be multiple people hating on one of the most popular games of all time just because your mom didn't buy it for you at K Mart as a child

>> No.10855151

You clearly haven’t played the game if you didn’t even spend time experimenting with the mechanics.
I hope you can overcome your /vr/ boogeyman delusions someday anon.

>> No.10855154

>no u
you didn't play the game, and fomenting arguments on /vr/ is the only thing you have in your life, other than blowing wads into tissues while looking at tranny porn obviously. a very sad existence indeed.

>> No.10855157
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new secret kino just dropped guys

>> No.10855160

I bet this guy cuts himself every time a new secret is added to the list

>> No.10855161
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>> No.10855163
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bro this is going to blow your mind

>> No.10855165

>Brady Games
>containing anything useful
zoom zoom

>> No.10855175

Just stop engaging with him. He just wants you to argue.

>> No.10855176

>not knowing the basic gameplay mechanics of OoT after 25 years
zoom zoom

>> No.10855178

>never playing OoT after 25 years
zoom zoom

>> No.10855181

probably, but seeing him have a tranny meltdown over an n64 game is funny

>> No.10855182

sorry OP that I btfo'd you by playing the game

>> No.10855187

the only game you played is the one where you finger your anus with your pinky while touching your penis to pictures of men in dresses

>> No.10855190

bruh why do you keep going on about your very specific fetishes while we're discussing a classic video game?

>> No.10855194

sorry i only speak to white people, try again

>> No.10855197

Most likely this is actually a majora fag in disguise. They always act like this.

>> No.10855215

>the person who thinks pressing B is a secret also thinks the OoT haters and Majora's Mask fanboys are out to get them at all times
please seek psychological help OP

>> No.10855217

Very cool thread OP, thanks for sharing. I knew a lot of these but a few really surprised me. I never thought about shooting those torches outside the castle or the signs in Gerudo.

>> No.10855221

>thinks everyone on 4chan is one person
>sees anything related to zelda and immediately cuts himself
>telling anyone else to seek help

>> No.10855226

Guys, you've got to ignore him. He's just going to keep going unless you stop feeding him. Let's try to get back to the thread.

>> No.10855232

where is the hate against OoT or Zelda in this thread? I just see OP being made fun of

>> No.10855237

>I just see my own posts
that's generally how it works

>> No.10855258
File: 147 KB, 200x300, OoT_Link_Anime_2B88.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the crouch stab ever mentioned anywhere in the game or manual? it's weird that they went through the trouble of adding all the mechanics and animations for an attack they never even teach you about. IIRC every other move is mentioned in the forest training center

>> No.10855267

I don't think so. They probably assumed you'd just figure it out naturally by pressing the attack button while defending but not locked on.

>> No.10855282

The bigger question is why they let crouch stab with the hammer

>> No.10855295

>fight gerudo guard
>take out hammer and crouchstab her crotch until moans and falls over
>literally hammering her pussy
link is a pretty based guy when you think about it

>> No.10855323

I don't know, what exactly WAS shiggy trying to tell us? That Link and Fabio are the same person?
>both attacked by birds
Holy shit...

>> No.10855330

Was OOT the first 3D game that gives you i-frames when rolling?

>> No.10855339

>every woman he meets craves his cock but he's too busy worrying about how to kill a giant jew to even care
>beats the shit out of multiple women
>enters peoples homes, breaks anything he can and steals their money
>butchers absolutely any wildlife he finds
>constantly lights things on fire
>uses high explosives to blow things up
>carries bottles with him at all times used exclusively for capturing small women and storing magical liquor
>cuts grass and breaks rocks for no reason
unironically what every man should strive to be

>> No.10855350

First one I know of, at least. It seems like a meme now, but I remember telling people on /v/ that OoT was the forefather of Souls design and getting laughed at for it. Aside from iframes, there are a ton of other similarities, even in just how you map items to buttons, defend, attack, etc.

>> No.10855363
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Poor OP, 5 years ago it wasn’t uncommon polluting the thread with hundreds of Zelda fan threads to discuss about how it was the best game ever, the most obscure ever, the most underrated, complex, terrifying, challenging, aesthetic, etcetera.
Alas, time flies, those who grew up playing OoT stop posting and get replaced by the ones who grew with the ps2. And what it was back then acceptable now becomes cringe. This might be a good moment to realize OoT was always overrated, that only a tiny percent of gamers played the game, and that journalist reviews are fake and gay.

>> No.10855365

Thanks for reminding me. I need to add a few other things too, like the "I love you" debug screen

>> No.10855380
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>> No.10855392

>it wasn’t uncommon polluting the thread with hundreds of Zelda fan threads to discuss about how it was the best game ever
good morning sir

>> No.10855418

Cool stuff OP, a lot of this was new to me. I don't know why but I never even thought about getting the deku stick upgrade before going to deku tree. Probably not the worst idea since you'll more than enough sticks for the dungeon and can lill gohma in 3 hits.

Thinking about it now, there's also a small sequence break you could do in the same area by getting the slingshot, leaving and getting the bullet bag upgrade. Don't think it would be all too useful but kind of nifty.

>> No.10855625


>> No.10855635
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>Over 100 secrets
This is the funniest retardation. This is oot-aid, this is nintendrone, nintodler tinted glasses. Kek

>> No.10855639

This, kek. We wouldn't be complaining but we already played and know that most of these arent secrets. OP is a double nigger faggot.

>> No.10855643

Holy seethe

>> No.10855649

I'm laughing, not seething. You're a literal retard, not my fault you got dropped on your head as a baby.

>> No.10855652

Zelda is based. Simple as
You're favorite game is tryhard and gay

>> No.10855658

worst part is OP posts this every couple of months and throws a fit even when other fans of the game call him out on the delusion.
I want to read about cool secrets or unknown tricks, not controls 101 from the manual while OP jerks himself off

>> No.10855659

Lol quit posting this gay shit

>> No.10855664

zelda oc is shit

>> No.10855673

I like Zelda a lot. I don't like you retards fabricating "secrets" like they aren't just normal parts of the game. I own oot on N64 and 3ds, plus my N64 everdrive has a few oot rom hacks. Iike I said, it's not my fault you're a retard, but you keep on drinking that oot-aid and you're going to grow a deku stick out of your anus.

>> No.10855675

Unfortunately I am aware. It's sad at this point

>> No.10855691

reminder that this one (1) guy samefagging each and every angry reply.

>> No.10855693

I wish we could gangrape that dude

>> No.10855695

Rule change was the coffin, removal of IP counter was the nail. Board is fucked. The fact you can talk about handhelds being produced in China in 2024 and not the PSP or DS should tell you a lot about what's going on here.

>> No.10855696

(You) mean OP samefagging ?

>> No.10855698
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>Throw pots can damage enemies
#1, this is numeral uno on the super awesome list of secrets. fucking KEK this has to be an elaborate troll, kudos anon.

>> No.10855704


>> No.10855717

If you had actually played the game, you'd know this is somewhat surprising because rocks and similar stuff don't damage enemies, only pots, and there are very few places in the game with both pots and enemies in the same room.
>one minute apart
>fangirling your own replies
Sad man.

>> No.10855723

Try again, kid.

>> No.10855724

I meant gay in the more general sense. I'm not calling you a literal homosexual but you are spreading frivolous and vain images on the internet to feed your own ego. Do better

>> No.10855729

he would deserve it. he's a mod judging by the fact he never gets banned despite how much he spams off topic vitriol. he eagerly awaits any OoT thread so he can start an argument about shit like whether the game is "open world" or how "there are ackshually no secrets, just gameplay". he doesn't even care enough to switch up hia vernacular, just posts the same tired shit for years straight. i wish i understood what motivates such faggotry.

>> No.10855731

>Link and Fabio sharing a deep metaphysical connection is "frivolous" and "vain"
Sounds like something a butthurt Kevin Sorbo fan would say.

>> No.10855741

Ever play the Herculeas game on N64? I found it pretty amusing to beat. Although it was cheap rushed project with an OoT paintjob

>> No.10855746

>Kevin Sorbo gets mogged by Linkabio even in the digital world
I am aware

>> No.10855749

I always think dudes are gay when they care a little too intimately about male actors or cultural icons

>> No.10855750

>calling others a samefag
>pretends to be other people all day long bumping his own thread and saying "great job OP"
what deflection or projection will you use next?

>> No.10855764

I don't need to bump the thread, you keep doing that for me.

>> No.10855772

I always think dudes are gay when they aren't amazed by the stunning similarities between Link and Fabio.

>> No.10855773

Pots hurt enemies in all Zelda games, iirc. Your pure retardation is just convincing me more that you are an elaborate troll.

>> No.10855784

lmao what is this schizo theory
Yeah it's impossible that multiple people think your thread is gay

>> No.10855807

>xir is still at

>> No.10855831

Has anybody ever tried getting the fire arrows before morpha to see if they do anything?

>> No.10855859 [DELETED] 

These threads used to be mega comfy, what happened?

>> No.10855870 [DELETED] 

The homos broke in

>> No.10855871 [DELETED] 

the deranged australian realized they were a prime trolling ground and ruined them just like he ruined his parents life when he was born

>> No.10855989

awesome thread

>> No.10856140

Loved the Secrets. Surprised of How many I knew about, guess I have played oot way too manu times during my teen years.
Very cool list, thanks for making it

>> No.10856381

Doesn't having all 3 stone trigger the cutscene where she runs from Ganondorf? I'm pretty sure the guards are posted after your first meeting.

>> No.10856443

You're being such a pendantic faggot, I can't imagine how insufferable you would be to hang out with in real life

>> No.10857136

Dunno if it's been mentioned, but when Mido is blocking you at the start of the game, it's possible to progress past him. Just gently nudge your n64 cart inside the console and he will freeze. I have done this.

There's a way to get infinite gold skultulla tokens. As child link go into the hole outside the hyrule Castle. You need access to fire to burn a Web and the Boomerang weapon. Kill the gold tulla then chuck your boomerang at the token. Walk back into the light. If you time it right, you'll get the token, it will count and if you re enter the hole the gold skultulla will have rescanned complete with token. Save each time in case you mess up. You can get all 100 tokens this way.

There's some kind of glitch if you make the scarecrow remember a very specific song ; I can't remember the notes though.

>> No.10857146

Kevin Sorbo fag here. I apologize for getting out of line that one time. I kneel to FabiGODo

>> No.10857150

Been here the whole time anon. Always good to see people post OC. Anybody complaining who hasn't posted an OC thread is irrelevant

>> No.10857160

Also, this isn't exactly a secret, but the most powerful attack Link has is lock on then do the A jump attack. If you do this with the Biggorron Sword which does most damage you can defeat most bosses in a couple of hits.

I also have a personal theory that hitting enemies nearer the tip of the sword does more damage, but that's just me. I have no proof of that.

Its also possible to glitch your inventory and carry more arrows in place of Bombs and Quest Items.

To move very fast as Young Link across hyrule field, Z target then turn to the side, so your arm and shoulder are facing the way you want to go. Now while z targeting do side jumps. It is inaccurate and you'll have to course correct but it is the fastest way to do it.

Is it ocarina or Majula the mask salesman has a Mario mask on his backpack?

Nice thread.

>> No.10857196

Funny that comparing Dark Souls to Zelda or Metroidvania was a hot take 10 years ago, but now that video essay zoomers have said that it's become a common talking point of the series

>> No.10857275

>the B button swings the sword
I've been playing OoT for 27 years and never realized this. Insane how many secrets are jam-packed into one little cartridge.

>> No.10857279

There's so many good N64 games, including Majora, but OoTfags have been mindbroken by this ONE mid game for 30 years

>> No.10857335

>in the future, Saria no longer has her fairy
Weird. Are there any theories why that is?

>> No.10857396

Oh, it's this guy again...

>> No.10857537

Did you know that the B button swings the sword, when you're in the middle of a side hop, allowing you to do a jump attack mid dodge, even if you're not over ground?

>> No.10857543

OoT's iframes are nothing like souls though. They occur at the end of a roll, not the beginning, and don't let you roll through attack, only avoid damage, and even then there are attacks that will damage you through a roll, because they are deliberately programmed to.

>> No.10859196

Well but it's very close still.
Was OoT really the first game to do this?

>> No.10860242


>> No.10860286

>i thought a lot of this stuff was common knowledge
I can assure you that most people in 1999 would not have known that saving in Link's house *as an adult* would cause you to reload there during that time frame

Even point #1. is deceptively subtle, as >>10855717 points out, it's really not as obvious as you'd think, and there's a decent chance you're misremembering a lot of details .

>> No.10860301

>I can assure you that most people in 1999 would not have known that saving in Link's house *as an adult* would cause you to reload there during that time frame
at the same time I can assure you plenty of people myself included encountered it by chance, thought "huh that's cool" and never thought about it again. Wow deepest lore.

>> No.10860845

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't post threads like this and, instead, go back to the usual console wars/emu vs hard/collector vs reseller threads?

>> No.10861114 [DELETED] 
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same person

same person

same person

same person


same person

>> No.10861128 [DELETED] 

Whoops. First two groups are all OP. Then there's the token Nintendefender. Followed by the naive learner newbit. And finally the low intelligence NPC. Finally, there's me, the fifth and final person in this thread.

>> No.10861135 [DELETED] 

DOH! I suck. To clarify even further, I meant everyone not featured in the collection above is me. There are only five people in this thread conclusively.

>> No.10861208 [DELETED] 

>snoys STILL mad over zelda in current year
You love to see it.
You can get to the Gossip Stone if you make a very precise jump to the side from the root to the left (facing the Deku Tree) of the Deku Tree's mouth.

>> No.10861378 [DELETED] 

No anon, it's just the two of us, I see through your deception.

>> No.10861456

Thanks anon. I think I remember reading this years ago somewhere else. Thanks for posting this updated version.

>> No.10861490

you can just roll jump off the chain's top to get both red rupees

>> No.10861497

||There's three red rupees||

>> No.10861515

maybe you have to wait then if you want all three, pretty sure you can exit and recollect them though. it's a nice grindng stat if you're playing the rando.

>> No.10861973
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Neat thread OP
Its not used anywhere in game, but technically the actors in dungeons are different between night and day.
Thats how the sealed palace romhack made its spirit temple. Certain doors are sealed and certain chests don't appear unless its day or night
It also used other lesser known mechanics, for example nayrus love will prevent you from being hit by blade traps. You need it to get into that games fire temple
If you haven't yet, I recommend playing it

>> No.10861998

>we will never experience the timeline in which the temple of time was its own dungeon and uses this mechanic while also making you swap between young and adult link to finish it
its OOTver

>> No.10862028
File: 33 KB, 808x613, youknowyourerightwhenyoureright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as confirmed by the composer brothers in an obscure easter egg
link is zeldas brother.

>> No.10862031
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Luke and Leia sort of situation.

>> No.10862110

Any more /vr/ incest kino? Blood-related full-siblings only please

>> No.10862420

OP how could you leave out info about the giant stalchildren and giant quays?

>> No.10862489

Damn, the devs really did care about making the game if they added a lot of those little details in.

>> No.10862806

I saved your list OP. will consult it next time I do a playthrough. cheers

>> No.10862871

Make sure you play Epona's song to Malon as an adult, at night, before saving the ranch, trust me.

>> No.10863721


>> No.10865173

Okay, I actually like reading these pointless little trivia and secrets things, but that essay talking about the Lost Woods before the Deku Tree was completely unnecessary. All it needed to say was that you can actually reach the Sacred Forest Meadow from the start if you're good enough. Why try to make stocking up on sticks and nuts some kind of achievement when they're some of the first items you get in the game?

>> No.10865197

How is number 12 a secret?

>> No.10865341

A lot of these aren't "secrets" per se, but subtle details that might go over most people's heads.
Why does this thread upset so many people though? Maybe it's just 1 guy but, what's there to get mad about? It's effortposting as far as I can see, instead of the usual shitposting.

>> No.10865354

It's the first time I've even noticed one of these threads, I just thought it was a weird inclusion since typically you'd want to lead with strong stuff. I didn't even click the rest of the images because that was such a weak lead.

>> No.10865543

very nice

>> No.10865548

who ever said it was an "achievement"? he's just telling you about something fun you can do before going to deku tree. you people are insufferable.

>> No.10865557

He didn't, did you even read the list?

OP I have another one for you: in the house where the cucco lady lives there's a bed above the cow trapped in the cage. if you walk on the bed you'll get a red rupee.

Also this isn't a secret but I have literally never seen anybody mention how you can switch to an overheard view when you're inside a house etc. with a pre-rendered background. If you've never done that before then you have a whole new world of crusty pre-rendered jpegs awaiting you.

>> No.10865591
File: 27 KB, 720x150, Screenshot_20240419-114959~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all responding to literally one dude whos sole purpose in life is to seethe about Zelda. Here he is in another thread seething, pic related. Each and every time we have this thread, this dude pops up within a few posts and says the same shit about how none of this info is obscure and how everyone should feel stupid. He's been seething since OP started posting these threads, he's been seething since before /vr/. He probably plays nothing except obscure JRPGs and it causes him extreme anguish to think anybody could enjoy plebbit Zelda more than his games made exclusively for his le refined tastes. He's probably just auster honestly, though auster usually has a sarcastic tone to his posts that illicit some humor, meanwhile this guy is pure, undiluted butthurt as you can see here >>10855049
You can tell he's not even trying to argue in good faith. OP spends the first half of his original post explaining how he's posting a list of not just secrets but oddities etc., and outright says even some of the most well known stuff has been included.

OP, it seems like you aren't here anymore so I hope this gay retard hasn't scared you off but I've enjoyed these threads a lot over the years and I hope you know that 90% of the people getting assmad over a fucking text dump are literally just one guy with a hateboner for a popular series. I remember we had a thread last year where everyone was having a great time and I don't recall one bit of unpleasantry, this fag must've been on vacation.

>> No.10865608

Ive noticed the same thing. he had a particularly bad meltdown in this thread:
Lot of deleted posts. He even said the same things about how none of these are secrets, everybody discovered them 25 years ago, its all just gameplay etc etc. Absolutely insane that somebody can be angry over a game this hard for this long

>> No.10865615

>You guys are all responding to literally one dude whos sole purpose in life is to seethe about Zelda.
I'm >>10865197 and I'm not whoever you're talking about, I was trying to give him some genuine feedback. I thought the thing about Link sneezing in cold areas was interesting, but #12 is just a dull thing to include, especially so early in such a long list.

>> No.10865639

I dont understand the point of these threads either. Everything thats listed is catalogued elsewhere on many other places in the internet.

>> No.10865643

>le heckin dull!!!
>keeps posting
You've now spent more time talking about the thread you said you stopped reading in the second post because a single entry seemed dull to you than you would've spent reading the list. You aren't fooling anybody retard, you put on these little false personas to give credence to the idea that more than one person is upset about video game trivia, when in reality it's just you and the voices in your head.

>> No.10865648

Link us to one place that has all of this info documented, I'd like to see it

>> No.10865650

I'm not upset about the list of video game trivia, I'm telling him a thing I didn't like about it because I want it to improve? Are you retarded? If I hated it why would I give him feedback at all?

>> No.10865654

If you wanted to give him feedback, you would've read the entire list. Instead you claim that you stopped reading immediately but curiously continue to post in the thread. Boy you must really care about helping OP improve his list (that you apparently didn't read).

>> No.10865662

>lies dormant until someone mentions his original reply again
>immediately responds to himself
lmao you cant help yourself can you?

>> No.10865671

I have no horse in this race but IMO that was actually one of my favorites, I never thought it before but both Saria and Mido have the two most unique houses and the fact Saria's has hearts on it and is next to Link's is seemingly a metaphor for her love of him, while Mido's house has an egotistical sign outside, is the first house in the village and it just contains treasures he keeps for himself. I don't know why that's dull to you but I have to agree that your level of defensiveness is a pretty clear indication that you're mad over nothing. You didn't like one of the entries, okay, who cares?

>> No.10865673

>If you wanted to give him feedback, you would've read the entire list.
I gave him a note I had as I was reading it, it just so happened to be something that made me lose interest in reading the rest of the list. I also only called out one specific thing because I think the rest of the things on the list are perfectly fine pieces of trivia. It's not like I'm even saying that one thing completely killed some huge interest I had in it, I wasn't particularly interested in reading 9 pages of Ocarina of Time trivia in the first place, but that one little thing turned my tiny interest into no interest.

If he wants to hook people like me, with a tiny interest in the list, in the future, it would be better if he organized the list to have more interesting things (which I'm sure exist) earlier in the list. I don't see how any of this makes you think I'm the same as a guy who's apparently been harassing some dude for years about not having any actual trivia, when all I'm saying is he should put the interesting trivia I'm sure he has earlier in the list.

>> No.10865678

>is a pretty clear indication that you're mad over nothing.
I'm just kind of annoyed that I tried to give a guy a note and now someone's pretending I'm some retard who's been fuming about a list of Zelda trivia for years. It's like if someone asked you to proofread their book and then when you started giving notes, some third guy slapped it out of your hands and started screaming about how mad you are.

>> No.10865679
File: 227 KB, 1892x902, Captura de tela 2024-04-19 133136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my post
This is the post I agreed with
These are the posts that instantly reacted to my post

Whats more likely is that the autistic tranny OP is monitoring his shit own thread and defending his irrelevant "work". Anyways first search on Google about OoT secrets, actual secrets and not retarded shit like you can check your scores in Links house.
This list is actually useful because it has the location of all golden skulltulas and heart pieces.

>> No.10865681

>continues to post reply after reply about one secret he thought was dull on the list he didn't read
Fooling nobody retard.
>hook people like me
Who, faggots? We've been having these threads for years and every time they reach bump limit or close to it. Nobody gives a fuck about you. Go shit up somebody else's fun and leave ours alone.

>> No.10865691

>This list is actually useful because it has the location of all golden skulltulas and heart pieces.
The stuff OP explicitly said he wasn't including? This page is laughable btw, half the stuff on OP's list isn't here and the other half is already on his list. You are so buttmad bro.

>> No.10865692

I think you've been dealing with schizos so long you've become one yourself. Good luck with the list OP, hope my simple piece of ancient advice (put your best stuff up front) didn't infuriate you the way it did this nut.

>> No.10865697

>m-merely trying to help sire, I know I spent 2x as long arguing about one post than it would've taken to read the list, but I have good intentions!
Fooling nobody.

>> No.10865706

>Captura de tela
No wonder this faggot hates Zelda, his spic family couldn't afford an N64.

>> No.10865715

>post list of cool stuff about a game on a video game imageboard
>virgins with aspergers descend on the thread like vultures and spend a week shitting on it because they don't like one of the secrets
rule change was a huge fucking mistake. this board used to be so cool, rule change brought in a sea of 23 year olds with single mother upbringings that don't actually like video games and just want dopamine hits from arguing.

>> No.10865718

>rule change brought in a sea of 23 year olds with single mother upbringings that don't actually like video games and just want dopamine hits from arguing.

>> No.10865726

holy kek, gottem.

>> No.10865730

you know somebody really is samefagging when they try to defend themselves like this. we all know you can switch IPs by just turning airplane mode on and off, so this is meaningless. you have no reason to defend yourself like this on an anonymous website unless you have something to prove.
>captura de tela
yeah, that's rough, oof. unironically, you need to go back. pretend to be white next time.

>> No.10865742

>put your best stuff up front
Next time OP posts this thread he should only put the most ebin lore at the beginning so ADHD tidepod eating zoomers won't get filtered by words. I'm sure he'll make a lot more money that way too, we know he's selling a product afterall.

>> No.10865752

Fabio forgives you. Kevin Sorbonism is a false light, seek the truth in Linkabio.

>> No.10865754

I'm playing the 3DS version right now ('m near the end) and man, now I understand a LOT of things, especially why Navi suddenly turned green and stared at some random places on the ground.

>> No.10865760 [DELETED] 

Hello OP, Ive finally had the time to read through your list of secrets. Really cool effort, but I think some of the items in the list are not actual secrets, so I suggest either removing them or renaming the list to something else.
Ive picked some secrets that I think should be removed since they were things I noticed in my first playthrough of OoT back in 98' when I was 8. I mean, if a child notices it in his first time with the game, it really isnt a secret, is it?

Items that should be removed:

I believe that trimming down the list a bit to the more unusual stuff, will help it immensely.

>> No.10865764 [DELETED] 

>typing all this out after getting exposed and BTFO for 150+ replies
beyond embarassing

>> No.10865769 [DELETED] 

>I noticed in my first playthrough of OoT back in 98' when I was 8
You didn't own an N64 because as we've already concluded, you have brown skin. Post another captura de tela.

>> No.10865770 [DELETED] 

>things I noticed in my first playthrough of OoT back in 98' when I was 8.
You noticed that a chest contained a blue rupee instead of a shield in your first playthrough? How did that work?

>> No.10865774 [DELETED] 

he's just that much of an epic gamer

>> No.10865781 [DELETED] 

Lol BTFO. Man this guy just can't win

>> No.10865941

BASED thread, a lot of stuff I knew but some truly mindblowing shit as well. A lot of the epona and gerudo stuff surprised me the most. Thanks for sharing OP.

>> No.10865951 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 720x1432, Screenshot_20240419-143106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spic types yet another butthurt reply pretending to be yet another person
>fucks up and gets exposed
>his reply and every reply to him gets deleted
>thread goes silent and nobody is talking shit anymore
Remember, all the hate is literally one (1) guy. Had to take a captura de tela of that one.

>> No.10865962 [DELETED] 

what makes somebody spend years of their life shitting on ocarina of time? and how he does he pop up so fast in every thread? does he literally poop in a sock and monitor /vr/ 18 hours a day?

>> No.10865987 [DELETED] 

Mentall illness, loneliness, etc. I feel bad for the guy frankly.

>> No.10866009

Zelda is a game for children, just let go.

>> No.10866101

still at it?

>> No.10866472

based Mature Gamer who plays no games for no kiddies