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File: 40 KB, 512x448, Uncharted Waters SNES version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10834675 No.10834675 [Reply] [Original]

Uncharted Waters.

>> No.10834745

The SNES is the nicest looking and sounding version of this game and the NES port is kind of painful. It's vaguely like Colonization or Pirates! or something like that.

>> No.10834782
File: 24 KB, 640x400, 00472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The SNES is the nicest looking and sounding version of this game
I beg to differ

>> No.10834793
File: 169 KB, 1709x1140, uncharted waters world map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cool that you can literally sail around the entire world while Pirates! is just limited to the Caribbean

>> No.10834805

South/Southeastern Asia looks hella scuffed

>> No.10834826

that doesn't look very good because it's only 16 colors and has to heavily dither them

>> No.10834996

What's so great about this game? Should I play both 1 and 2?

>> No.10835140

>nagivating the amazons
fuck that shit
also can't you go inside the niger river? or am i misremembering it

>> No.10835425

>What's so great about this game?
Ehm, thats hard to explain. its just that you're living the story.
I had such great times playing the first one and trading and fighting and doing the main storyline quest.
then at the end I really felt like I had lived Leon Franco's life, to the point where I actually got giddy when the sequel show him return as an older man with a young son who was thrust into a life of adventure too.

>Should I play both 1 and 2?
Personally I would say, yeah! totally.
but you gotta be into these kinda older games or they might bore you with their lack of action.
its simple, they either entice you or they don't.

>> No.10835535

This game taught me geography, I had my parents buy me an atlas so I could figure out where the ports were

>> No.10835782


>> No.10835875

there is silly pay2win called Kings Choice and it had an event called "uncharted waters".. you would use energy points to sail here buy whatever and sail where ever else to try and make a profit. Kings Choice was a dumb money farm game but i did always enjoy that event. :)

>> No.10836053

They seem to have gotten the climate zones a little messed up.

>> No.10836092

Love this game

>> No.10836235

You can, and you can also scam the africans by selling them glass beads for some gold, I think in the third one you could actually own slaves but apparently this caused a controversy even in nippon

>> No.10836563

Yes, Costa Del Sol let you engage in slave trading, at least the first pressed copies did.

>> No.10836589

like anon said the NES music is ear rape, you're better off playing this one on a different platform

>> No.10836631
File: 3.01 MB, 3175x2010, 1694297754262332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dinguses should give the orchestral soundtrack a listen


>> No.10836747

Bot thread.

>> No.10836767

You sound like an absolute retard

>> No.10836901

Kanno may be known mostly for her anime work, but her KOEI days are outstanding and have a lot less overt plagarism.

The orchestral versions of this stuff is great too, including her Nobunaga's Ambition work.

>> No.10837051

nobody has the patience to play this shit today. in the early 90s there was nothing else to do.

>> No.10837185
File: 1.64 MB, 1287x952, unchartedwaters2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, I started a new game of uncharted waters 2 on my RGB30 early this year. I still play from time to time

>> No.10837197

let me guess, Ernst?

>> No.10837198

I play part 2 every few years what are you even talking about

>> No.10837245
File: 1.11 MB, 950x757, unchartedwaters2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pietro, I like to start by doing the Nile river, then use the cash from the discoveries to get a decent ship. After that (and after doing a few sugar/bead trade runs), I sail over to Japan asap to get a cat/katana and a Kansen(which has 175 cargo and only needs 10 people to man)

I sail north of Russia to avoid storms while I have a cheap ship.

Once I have a Kansen or two, I can get enough money doing short trade routes in Europe to buy a big ship to start on North America or find more discoveries in Africa(Also to trade dumb niggers glass beads for gold)

>> No.10838131
File: 362 KB, 1125x1125, IMG_4269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10838136


>> No.10838153

Wow, I didn't know Lisbon was 2D in 1592! When did the Portuguese make the jump to 3D?

>> No.10839654

I was playing this exact version of Uncharted Waters the day before this posted. Weird. Named my ship "Red O", won a ton of moola at poker (very easily), then got a Game Over trying to get to Greenland unprepared.

Fun game and great music, at the very least.

>> No.10839660

Play the SNES version of Uncharted Waters: New Horizons imo.
It's the one that sticks with me the most.

>> No.10839751

autistic attempt at comedy

>> No.10839761

Watched part of Batista Harpu's playthrough of the SNES version. The music is very relaxing in that version; the NES one as anon said is shrill and annoying and IDK about the Genesis but probably the usual crunchy fart can shit.

>> No.10839817



>> No.10839824

it's ok but unavoidably more electronic-sounding and not as chill as the SNES music

>> No.10840914

I find the Snes OST to be way too muffled though, which is weird since the sequel New Horizons sounded amazing on Snes and is the best version.

>> No.10840930

I think you can't in the first one.
The river's there on the second one though, Timbuktu is inside it.

>> No.10841015
File: 62 KB, 730x814, kata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sail over to Japan asap to get a katana

>> No.10841031

It's pretty much the best curved sword you can buy from a shop

Thrust: Lash. : Strike
_25% : _40% : _30% - (10) Short Saber
_27% : _50% : _35% - (15) Saber
_30% : _60% : _40% - (20) Scimitar
_32% : _70% : _45% - (25) Japanese Sword
_35% : _80% : _50% - (30) Siva's Magic Sword
_40% : 100% : _60% - (40) Magic Muramasa

>> No.10841057

I really like the Arctic music while sailing in UW. Really desolate stuff.

>> No.10841106

For me it's

The album version is better

I do hope somebody wil ever make Del Costa and Porto Estado work on modern Windows 7+ (and translated)

>> No.10841150

>Del Costa and Porto Estado
Works on Linux

>> No.10841154

Also for the record, Porto Estado is garbage.

>> No.10841170

Got Uncharted Water 2: New Horizon map like this?
That's a pretty bold move to sail north of Russia to Japan asap to get cats. I usually get cats in Mecca.

>> No.10841174

Damnit Spain has grown a tumor

>> No.10841509

New Horizons has more nooks and crannies. You can sail further into Africa and South America

>> No.10841524

Can I just play New Horizons, or is it really improved by having played I first?

>> No.10841527

dithering isn't a bad thing

>> No.10841593

Having played the first game enriches the experience for sure, but I guess you could just watch a longplay and skim through it and only watch the story parts.
personally I'm glad I played through the first game completely, i really felt connected to these characters and like I knew them.
then I played the 2nd game where you can play as the son from the guy from the first game and I was like "OMG, I KNOW THESE GUYS!"
was a fun experience, and there are moments where one of the guys will be like "aah yes when I sailed these seas with your father!" and you're like "yep, I sailed those seas."

>> No.10841607

bit of warning if you play New Horizons first, then the first game will feel very simplistic and annoying (that 65k gold limit).

>> No.10841684

I don't know how I'd play the game without my 3% interest in the bank, I always try to get 200k in the bank asap so I know my rations will be paid for no matter how long I sail

>> No.10842342

Best thread on vr

>> No.10842385
File: 4 KB, 64x81, rocco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Pipe down, lad! The blunder of one fool can sink a whole crew. What wisdom 'ave ye got for sailing rough waters?"

>> No.10842757
File: 51 KB, 384x380, saturnnewhorizons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play New Horizons

>> No.10842976
File: 100 KB, 320x240, ss10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, I wish the 32bit versions on PSX and Saturn were translated in English.
and Gaiden too, I want to experience those two new scenarios.


>> No.10842980

just learn moon already

>> No.10842983
File: 50 KB, 1080x607, listen_how_they_massacred_my_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10843030

I had fun playing the Salvador route in Gaiden, was extremely dramatic and it was fun to be Redbeard's son. Still need to play the other one.

>> No.10843492

Portugal has always been there, anon.

>> No.10843627

first time hearing the song playing on the arctic (and the fact that it also plays during the intro) made young me create a stupid theory that leon's father actually went the wrong way to india.

>> No.10843840
File: 37 KB, 600x400, ztr1iuaxhdg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10843886

Kind of sad the devs didn't even bother checking how Portugal and Spain look like, considering that's where the game starts.

>> No.10843905

you can also get a waifu in new horizons right?

>> No.10843920

Hmm, no.. not like Skyrim. but it wouldn't surprise me if one of the scenarios (like Joao) has a romantic story.
The story is set, there's no choice if you want to get married or not.

>> No.10843950 [DELETED] 

Pietro really feels like the main character of the game. Well maybe after Joao, but his story is well paced (unlike Ernst's for comparison, and consider the combat-focused characters where you can just blitz through). Also the fact that we got Miranda in the gaiden.

>> No.10843958

Pietro really feels like the main character of the game, aside from Joao whose story is kinda overshadowed by the other characters especially Rocco. It has good pacing, comparing it to Ernst's for example, and consider the combat-focused characters where you can just blitz through the storyline.

>> No.10844014

I like how the different characters' stories intertwined.
And how Pietro is a major plot point in Joao's.

>> No.10844091

also the fact we got Miranda in the Gaiden

>> No.10844869

You can romance barmaids for clues and advice.