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File: 272 KB, 392x553, Kiddy_Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10834659 No.10834659 [Reply] [Original]

What were they thinking? Why couldnt they have brought back Donkey instead?

>> No.10834681

Amazing generic opinion that you could've posted in the other thread.

>> No.10834743

Stop shilling your threads.

>> No.10834871

I don't want Donkey Kong threads! I want Webkinz threads!

>> No.10834872

he cute

>> No.10834909
File: 571 KB, 1280x1674, Oscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What were they thinking?
Bongs think ugly characters are endearing

>> No.10834924
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I (unironically) enjoy playing Kiddy the most out of all of the characters in the trilogy. Thoughts?

>> No.10834942

Nintendo's final time telling you to grow up and get a PS1 or else you will remain a toddler forever

>> No.10834945

You can't buy threads retard

>> No.10834952


>> No.10834995

What's wrong? Not sexy enough for you?

>> No.10835013

Reminder that DKC/DKL 2 have the worst balance.

DKC 1 has a heavy character and a slim character. This is good balancing. Self evident. I don't need to explain further. This is also true of DKC 3 even though they made the heavy character an uncool faggot baby.

DKC 2 has two slim characters, but one can fly. There is no reason to ever play as the one that can't fly. You would only ever play as Diddy when you lose Dixie. And of course they just had to make the flying character a girl, because they really wanted to rub the liberal agenda down your throat.

>> No.10835058
File: 137 KB, 591x275, chaddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an uncool faggot baby.
Oh wow you are so mad right now. Based Kiddy got you red hot seething.

>> No.10835161

I don't think anybody liked this guy, he pretty much disappeared after DKC3. The only other time he is even acknowledged as existing is blurbs in the manuals of other games, in text only. Even Chunky got more recognition than that.

And for good reason, this was the second time in a row we had a DKC game where we could not play as freaking DK himself, and in his place we got a literal oversized baby that triggers Yoshi's Island crying Mario PTSD whenever he dies. They didn't even bother trying to save him by aging him up like they did with Tiny in future games, Tiny didn't even need them to do that, people liked her. Wrinkly Kong canonically died yet was still brought back as a ghost, but this guy was never seen again.

He didn't even get his own spirit in Smash Bros Ultimate! A game with over 1500 spirits, ones of some of the most obscure characters like Rusty Slugger that 99% of the people who played the game he is from never even knew he existed, of characters that don't even have names and were just features on the box art of random Japanese-only games, even dozens of OBJECTS got in as spirits like that cardboard LABO crap. Yet, Kiddie only appears alongside Dixie as a spirit, he didn't even get his own.

He sucked so much he couldn't even get a .png file in a game that had literal pieces of fruit as .pngs in it's over 1500 image set.

>> No.10835278

They were thinking, the Japanese loved DKC1 and 2, let's make a sequel for them. They were also thinking, by late 96, only younger kids were the target audiance for SFC/SNES.

It worked.

>> No.10835349

I find it interesting that Kaos was supposed to be a much more major villain, with alternate forms.

>> No.10835475
File: 138 KB, 1080x431, SMF15feb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kongs are so fucked up. Apparently they're not actually apes despite being colloquially called them. That's why Candy and Tiny have have more humanlike proportions, or how Dixie decided to be Diddy's mate despite him having a tail which would in most contexts make them different species. And they're apparently all related to each other in some extended way. Maybe the Great Ape War is real, and that's why they're reduced to being cousin-fuckers. Fuck.

>> No.10835513

>Why couldnt they have brought back Donkey instead?
Because it was supposed to be a Dixie Kong's game, and if Donkey Kong was playable, then he would be the main character.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying this justifies Baby Kong.

>> No.10835520

Donkey throws the barrel over his head like Dixie. They needed another kong that throws it forward like Diddy did.

>> No.10835529

What if the game had Dixie and Tiny instead?
On one hand we wouldn't have Baby Kong, on the other hand the game would probably be labeled as a girly game back then.
Do you think in retrospective the game would be seen in a good light?

>> No.10835564
File: 234 KB, 822x692, DKJR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a throwback. To this game. The 2nd Mario game.

>> No.10835632
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 58569209378ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there might be credence to the theory that Kiddy was originally Dixie and Diddy's offspring

>> No.10835657

>DKC3 is a kusoge because it has a baby in it
Nice opinion, which youtuber gave it to you?

>> No.10835714

It's not just "girly", it's liberal girlboss propaganda

>> No.10835749

Having a girl and a baby made it even more girly than having two girls.

>> No.10836054

DK3 is such a weird game. The enemy sprites have a totally different art direction compared to the other two, it has uncanny bosses, there are barely any catchy songs in it (just mid ones), Rool as a scientist sucks, and nobody wants to play as a big monkey baby with retard strength. Its almost like a different team created this.
That being said, I dont like DK3, and while I appreciate the environmental storytelling of DK1, I'd say that DK2 is my favourite DK game.

>> No.10836173

Probably just some diaper-wearing, liquid shit-eating fetish of some of the developers
There are no other way to explain this

>> No.10836179

Don't shit on western games if you barely exist on the periphery of it

>> No.10836261

I can explain it
>People think they do want Donkey Kong back but they dont, since they will call the new game DKC1.2. So, how about we bring a new guy who is pretty much Donkey Kong, but he is also a baby which gives us room for more sequels? Sounds cool.

>> No.10836296

Says you, I just bought the dip on an ETF full of threads to be created!

>> No.10836306

>it's liberal girlboss propaganda
Unlike today, such a thing was executed perfectly back in the 90s.

>> No.10836328

Diddy holds barrels/crates in front of him, so he has more defense, also he's faster at climbing. Play games before you spew retardation.

>> No.10836647

>Just to be clear, I'm not saying this justifies Baby Kong.
I am.

>> No.10836650
File: 286 KB, 1200x832, GIf0MSJWcAAhFBq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiddy Kong
>not cool as fuck
Pick one.

>> No.10836739

originally it was
>Donkey, Cranky, and Kiddy = gorillas
>Diddy = spider monkey
>Dixie = chimpanzee
>tfw no Kong based on a gibbon or macaque

>> No.10836798

Tiny is a macaque lol tiny is ma cock. Chunky is a mandrill there's probably a joke here too

>> No.10836808

Imagine disregarding an entire great game just because of a single character you play as. You're a bigger baby than the fucking monkey is.

>> No.10836820

This. DKC3 is peak DK, is everything they wanted to achieve with the other two games.

>> No.10836881

Just face it, the cool factor was heavily involved in DKC's success. The baby is not cool. Cope all you want but you know it's true.

>> No.10836953

do you feel disappointed they only use that mechanic where he's heavy enough to break through the floor twice in the first level?

>> No.10837196

DK is the only cool character. Tell me what's cool about Dixie or Diddy.

>> No.10837513

Nothing. I hate those faggots like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.10837527
File: 161 KB, 1131x685, sakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys know that Chunky is Kiddy's older brother?
I sure fuckin' didn't, until recently.

>> No.10837640

Yea the baby monkey sux. I'm assuming DKC3 sold the worst of the 3.

>> No.10837673
File: 158 KB, 1200x647, F72fmjZWYAAI5E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucked up that Manky Kong is outcast from the rest of Kong society even though he's clearly genetically more similar to Donkey Kong than that little faggot bastard Diddy.

>> No.10837732

He should be less of a cunt if he wants to be accepted. Genetics mean nothing if you act like an asshole.

>> No.10837742

I'm not shitting on western games.
I am just disgusted by a character that implies wearing a diaper and shitting all around the place.
I want the OG Donkey Kong
Eat bananas, play music on boombox, fuck bitches, ok?

>> No.10837762

What you also get disgusted by the implication of a character bleeding fir a week once a month? Why not focus on the things that are actually shown in the game rather than what you dream up by association?

>> No.10837773

OK fellow autistic-fag
I see here people complaining all the time about playing as Raiden in MGS2, and not as Snake.
Here the substitute character is not only gay, but only leaks liquid shit all over the place.
The game is ok. I just don't like the character.
There are people complaining like "In FF8 I wouldn't have had sex with Rinoa, her haircut is too much Y2K, I don't touch that shit", so since we are so picky (and autistic, and closeted homosexuals) I just want to say that I don't like this particular diaper wearing, faeces smearing, retarded monkey

>> No.10837786

I get complaining about a character, I don't get making up complaints about a character.

>> No.10837817
File: 1.93 MB, 1170x1785, DixieDiddy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fuck.

>> No.10837829

Both infants and apes are infamous for both leaking and smearing shit everywhere and Kiddy Kong falls into both camps. One does not need to witness a baby shitting to understand that they do, you cannot fault a baby nor an ape for this, however, in a video game it is the implication of this disgusting act alone that is objectionable from a player's perspective, when the proferred solution would be to use Donkey Kong instead. But let us be frank, you are arguing in bad faith to begin with.

>> No.10837880

Based anon
At least there's another human being on this site that is disgusted by shit (liquid or solid, it doesn't matter).
I am satisfied for today.
You other autistic retards can go back to defending retarded autistic monkeys wearing diapers and oozing shit in an otherwise good game (but, be careful, that's how you become gay, or, very worse, a reddit sjw)

>> No.10837885

>But let us be frank, you are arguing in bad faith to begin with.
I'm genuinely not. I think people who see Kiddy and immediately think "this guy shits everywhere" just have their minds stuck in 90s cartoon grossout humour. Kiddy wears a light blue onesy, if anything he looks like the cleanest of the kongs.
Again, I get complaints about having to play as a dumb baby, I don't get complaints about poop in a sanitized cartoon game.

>> No.10837887


>> No.10837895

Diddy has a cool hat.

>> No.10837936
File: 159 KB, 550x430, ChainedKong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are their crimes?

>> No.10837985

Great Ape War POWs who weren't released

>> No.10838010

Ok, I guess that blue onesy must have a good airtight seal to avoid any possibile leak of faeces, liquid or solid they may be, and dangerous gases.
Now, can we talk about something else?
Does anybody want to share his experience with haemorroids? Yes, you, anon?

>> No.10838030

carpet bombing innocent kongs with white bananus

>> No.10838816

kek what the fuck is this thread

>> No.10838932

>3 in 1996
>31 in 2024

>> No.10839053

He's literally me!

>> No.10839075

Based Diddy. He won at life.

>> No.10839078

By this logic, James Bond must be in his 100s by now

>> No.10839216
File: 7 KB, 202x114, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dead tho

>> No.10839351

I hope Candy is a bonobo

>> No.10839608

>And of course they just had to make the flying character a girl, because they really wanted to rub the liberal agenda down your throat.
llteral mindrot

>> No.10840119

Dixie's spin attack has a brief stutter at the end, Diddy keeps going forward. Diddy is also faster.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, I had the same discourse with Tropical Freeze and nobody seemed to notice. In TF they're the same, Dixie's helicopter kills your momentum, but Diddy's keeps it. Diddy's is harder to use, since you don't Gain altitude, but you'll go faster using his.

Even Cranky Kong follows this design philosophy.
"Hardest to use" = "fastest Kong/power up"

>Liberal agenda
Not really. I fail to see how giving a monkey a girlfriend is a sign of liberal infection. Do you think every game with a girl in it is inherently woke? Even shit like Nicer Automata where 2B's massive ass is jiggling all over the place?

>> No.10840190

>I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
Remember that many people think these games are really hard. Then remember they think that Diddy Kong is the exact same character as Dixie except he can't fly. They think the characer that is faster, more nimble, and has a better hitbox is useless.

>> No.10840553

I love DKC3, but yeah Kiddy is lame and should've been replaced with DK.
I don't know if this is true, but I've always assumed that Rare wanted to use their own characters rather than Nintendo's.

>> No.10840596

That's a good point actually. Usually when third parties use Nintendo characters it goes like this
>third party makes a game to be published by Nintendo
>Nintendo then decides it's good and suitable to use Nintendo property characters
>it's all a great honor for you can't refuse

Even in a case like this, of a game being literally called Donkey Kong, they probably couldn't use him as a playable character without their approval, or rather, their telling them to. Plus using their characters may mean sharing more of the revenue with them.

>> No.10840638

I was about to post that I felt like Diddy's cartwheel was more nimble or more dynamic than Dixie's ponytail spin, but wasn't sure exactly how. Perhaps some combination of faster start up, faster motion through the attack, easier to continue movement out of (especially rolling into a midair jump), larger hitbox, but it's been a little while since I played the game, and I never really did a direct comparison - I just know that Diddy's cartwheel always just felt safer, faster, and overall better than the ponytail attack. Granted, I still mostly used Dixie, because I love characters who can use some sort of hover.

>> No.10840727

Same applies to Kiddy in DKC3, actually. He climbs faster and his roll is better than Dixie's. Kiddy is basically a combination of Kiddie and Donkey.

>> No.10840854
File: 105 KB, 750x1000, fposter,small,wall_texture,product,750x1000.u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like he just got wallet-raped at a blatantly biased divorce case.

>> No.10840868 [SPOILER] 
File: 255 KB, 623x640, 3469848-ky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2024: I am forgotten

>> No.10840874

>tender age of 3
Uuuooohhh! ! !

>> No.10840878

Almost. Cranky was the original DK, and DK was DK Jr.

>> No.10840931

But at least the mummy's guy doesn't shit himself every other minute, right? I mean, at least not with very liquid shit, right?

>> No.10840941
File: 46 KB, 481x421, Screenshot 2024-04-10 131405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (You) for effort posting

>> No.10841062

Isn't modern DK the original DK Jr's son, not DK Jr.

>> No.10841178

It would make the most sense, because Cranky is the original and the DK we know is his grandson.
I think Jr just fucked off to go farm bananas or something

>> No.10842036
File: 145 KB, 350x228, diddy_and_dixie_kong_playing_music_transparent_by_8bitdarkart_deeoi1x-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10842076

Even the magazines were like "what the fuck were these stupid bongs thinking?" And bongs were bigger faggots about 'muh mature gaming' than anyone else. What happened?

>> No.10842468
File: 3.46 MB, 3276x2474, 20240410_185344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he looks less like a faggot baby in Donkey Kong Land III. He kinda looks retarded, but retards are often associated with strength so it is slightly more endearing.

>> No.10842660

It is a game for little kids, and since older kids had moved on to the next gen they doubled down on the kiddie angle. As one of those kids with an SNES who never had a PSX or Saturn, though, I still thought it was lame and never gave it a chance until I was an adult because it looked gay.

>> No.10842780

Normally I'd ignore retarded posts like this, but:
>And of course they just had to make the flying character a girl, because they really wanted to rub the liberal agenda down your throat.
They give these mechanics to girl characters because they are supposed to be more casual easy modes. Same why Peach floats. If anything it's belittling

You're right about the original DKC2, Diddy and Dixie have obvious differences. Diddy is faster, he climbs faster, his attack is more reliable, he holds the barrel in front of him so he can guard, while Dixie is slower, climbs slower, her attack seems to have way more start up, floats and holds the barrel up high

But in regards to Tropical Freeze casually Dixie is just better in almost every way. These differences don't really exist much in that game and being able to gain altitude and course correct is ALWAYS better than just keeping momentum at a downward slope. Diddy is only better underwater since his special ability is to move fast. You use Diddy for speedrunning, but casually there is little reason to touch Diddy.

>> No.10843430

Casually, sure. But the sentiment I saw in reviews was a consistent emphasis Diddy was worse in every way, and there was never any reason to use him, to the point where people wondered why he was even there. It's not like I didn't prefer using Dixie either, but I did have times where I used Diddy instead for preference (usually any time slowing down was a bad idea) and I also used him underwater a lot too.

It's less of an issue in tropical freeze, though, because DK has always been my favorite Kong, and I loved how he handled in Retro's games, but the point still stands he had his uses, and my criticism isn't towards those who preferred Dixie, but rather to those who insisted there wasn't even a difference.

For a non DK example it's like people insisting Knuckles plays the same as Sonic in the classic styled games, when he's pretty clearly got slower acceleration and lower jump height

>> No.10843571

This makes me think of Metroid Prime 2. By the time Prime 1 was done Retro Studio was sick of all the hoops they had to jump through to get Nintendo to approve every little pixel on returning characters and enemies, but they were given much more free reign on their own original designs. Therefore when it came time to make a sequel they just decided to make as much original stuff as possible. Fortunately for that game the Ing, Luminoth, Dark Samus, and the like were badass.
Kiddy Kong? Yeah, not so much.

>> No.10843584

Didn't Junior die in that e-reader commercial?
I know Tropical Freeze isn't /vr/ but I remember using Diddy for any underwater level for sure so he had that at least, but yeah he was underwhelming.
I loved using Cranky though.

>> No.10843591

>holds the barrel up high

I always prefered Donkey and Dixie for this since it's easier to deal with an enemy that's level with you than an enemy above you.

>> No.10843945

>He kinda looks retarded, but retards are often associated with strength so it is slightly more endearing.
Yeah, it's it totally cool to be a retard
Eat junk food, fart like an animal, laugh with your buddies, jump in the jungle and so on
I was simply disgusted by the diaper and the liquid shit it must have contained
We only got one Donkey Kong game on the SNES
The others were cool platformers with lesser apes.
No other monkey had a boombox and loved the pretty monkey lady with blonde hair