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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10833719 No.10833719 [Reply] [Original]

Oled for retro faming. Yes or no?

>> No.10833723

You should be using a CRT for any 480i content. That looks fucking horrible.

>> No.10833726

>That looks fucking horrible.
Does it though

>> No.10833727

oh sure ill just go down to circuit city and buy a new one for, wtf no more crt's for sale, wtwtf no circuit city? HELP!!!! IM TRAPPED IN 2024!!! SAVE ME STEVE JOBS!!!!

>> No.10833730

The image is right there.
Be a real man and go lift one out of a boomer's basement from their facebook marketplace listing. Nothing is easy in life.

>> No.10833739

4:3 games on an OLED is very nice, its hard to go back after that. On the Deck OLED especially I like the way it just fades so naturally into the bezel.

>> No.10833748

I have multiple crts but I still play retro on my oled tv. I play games to have fun and modern conveniences win over whatever e-peen extensions I might get from being a radical retro dude with a totally tubular retro setup.

>> No.10833752

I use one and I'm pretty happy with it. I use light scanlines through OSSC and it looks decent from about 6-7 ft away on a 55' screen. Low input lag, haven't any trouble with time-sensitive inputs. Would a CRT be better? Absolutely, especially for 480i, but I only have room for a single TV setup, so as far as modern TV's go, OLED is a good choice for retro.

>> No.10833753

I just bought a ViewSonic VP16 OLED to use with scalers and it's pretty badass so far, and I'm only running a line doubler into it. It's having some "deep color" issues with my mememeister and I've been too lazy to menu-dive.

>> No.10833841

I much prefer the look of OLED over CRT. Don't care about artist intention. If they want me to look at their game with a pair of vaseline glasses then they can go fuck themselves to be perfectly honest.

Native res, bilinear filtering for console games 5th gen and below, sharp bilinear for retro PC games and 6th gen console games. Anything after that is unfiltered.

Just looks better.

>> No.10833849

Is the reason OLEDs are shilled so much for retro gaming because people are incapable of tuning out the black bars on the sides of the screen? Surely theres another reason why theyre good right?

>> No.10833857

>Rule of Rose

>> No.10833861

Blacks are blacker, whites are whiter.

>> No.10833871

for me the biggest advantage of OLEDs over CRT was that CRTs caused me a lot more eye strain and gave me a mild headache after playing on them for an extended time. Never had these issues with OLEDs (or any other non-CRT display for that matter).

>> No.10833875

drastically less motion blur, true blacks; those are the main appeal.
based reasonable opinion

>> No.10833880
File: 66 KB, 1157x723, FFncMfVVUAAU8F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use a emulator sure. Its not worth the money for good scalers just to play old consoles on new TV's.

>> No.10833892

that's why I got a $250 16" OLED

>> No.10833895

If you have OLED and HDR, it's the ideal chance to use crt shaders prepared for HDR displays

>> No.10833903

>the ending with the puppy in the barn
I'm still not over that scene. It was too much.

>> No.10834026

It's a very powerful game, yeah

>> No.10834510

CRTs are for retards.

>> No.10836414

You will never be a CRT master race, OLED.

>> No.10836425

Shaders are only blurry the image. The only good thing about OLED and HDR is that you will have high quality 4K scan lines on top to try to fake that. You will never find a real CRT owner who would trade his real experience for fake scan lines in 4K.

>> No.10836454

On a small enough 4K display, configured for minimal spaces between scanlines it looks about the same as my trinitron. Might need more nits to be exact.

>> No.10836475

Having a smaller display is the same as moving way from the screen to stop noticing the difference. It might work, but you would better enjoy a big CRT without doing any of that.

>> No.10836484

Yes, now that modern GPUs don't break a sweat running a perfect CRT shader.

>> No.10836489

I mean, it looks fine on my 65 inch as well. Just not as bright because of the filter.

>> No.10836507

Misses the only reason to use a CRT: line-by-line low persistence.

>> No.10836646

Brightness is not the main issue, because you can easily adjust that. The things that you can't adjust through shaders is the real problem, like the contrast between colors and pixels and other details that the filters can't hide by just trying to blur pixels and increase contrast. Only a CRT screen can handle to hide details in a way that would create the visual illusion intended by developers. Unless OLED uses the exact same technology is impossible to do that. An OLED would only add more contrast to the same filters that were already bad on other LCD. A CRT even with bad contrast would maybe not look "better" but at least closer to the devs intention.

>> No.10836684

>CRTs caused me a lot more eye strain and gave me a mild headache
If you had the same brightness and color temp settings from OLED you would have no eye strain in CRT.

>> No.10836705

100% best way to go.

>> No.10836714

Fuck the devs and their intentions im playing how I want

>> No.10836715


>> No.10836717

i play on whatever i have and never use the filters/shaders because they darken the screen too much. i also don't suffer from any debilitating brain mutations that destroyed my neurons as a child.
don't listen to autistic people, they're literal retards posing as healthy people. it's fine to play on an oled.

>> No.10836721

they "flash" and squeal. when i was younger i could only use the computer for about an hour before my headache got too bad. once i got an lcd it never happened again. some people are sensitive to primitive garbage tech.

>> No.10836809
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x664, carmelita.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but 480i through a Retrotink5X on my OLED looks great

>> No.10836854

That looks great anon

>> No.10836857
File: 27 KB, 446x357, 1562395981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intended by developers

>> No.10836948


>> No.10837609

No, and everything in that pic is souless

>> No.10837747

Cringe. Fake autistic integralist
Bluetooth controller, a sofa, some soda, some chips, I fart and burp like an animal, and I play my games
>"Nooo! Yuo are not supposed to enjoy your games on a Sunday morning!!! Yuo must be sad like us!!! We talk about CRTs but in fact we are lonely indians locked in a basement!!!"
"Braaaaaap" take this indian anon! If you save for 50 years maybe you will buy an OLED tv like mine. And if you save for another 345 years you will buy one of those CRTs you talk about so much

>> No.10837775

can CCFLs pass off as CRTs? do they provide a CRT image?

>> No.10838092

>no valid argument
>muh sooooovl!

>> No.10838893
File: 167 KB, 825x367, 1683831647671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope.

>> No.10838910

>24/7 spybox
>RGB remote
The only thing about this that's good is that center-channel speaker indicating you are at least trying to have a proper surround system.

>> No.10839129

Left looks far and away better.

>> No.10839631

>complains about muh vaseline from CRT
>bilinear filtering for retro
kys retard

>> No.10839643

But you also have shittier motion
Granted you can use BFI to get a happy middle-ground whereas with CRT you are stuck to whatever the phosphor persistence is

>> No.10839650

>Shaders are only blurry the image.
Kill yourself you fucking cancer
You don’t know the first thing about shaders

>> No.10839687

Either your eyes are ultra-sensitive or you had your PC CRT Monitor at 60hz like a moron and not at 85hz where flicker is mitigated.
PC CRTs had shorter persistence phosphor to combat burn-in(which also resulted in better motion clarity), this made 60hz more flickery. That + you were sitting very close to it so the flicker was more noticeable than from TV viewing distance.

The technology was not garbage, you’re just an idiot and don’t understand why you had those headaches.

>> No.10839694

color and contrast will definitely be a downgrade. infinite contrast on crts is just theoretical with phosphor bleed.

>> No.10839909

stop huffing copium.

>> No.10840058

>you will never be apart of the crt permavirgins club!
somehow im ok with that

>> No.10840113

>my blurry image is superior to the crisp and clean output afforded by better technology available through RGB output that was available at the time and natively built into the system.
You can take your nostalgia based autism else where bud.

>> No.10840428

I wish they would make OLED panels in 4:3.
That way you could just emulate in ultra HD, internal resolution at 240, and use a CRT shader for a really good approximation of the real thing.